Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

Ocen: 120
Real HD Edition Mod v1 (dark)
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Old Workshop: Game_Data
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32.637 MB
27 stycznia 2014 o 1:58
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Real HD Edition Mod v1 (dark)

You don't even need to unsuscribe from the the old one, so check it out. Especially if you like bright-looking texture packs.

Want a grid version of my v2 mod? Click here.

A gorgeous texture pack to make your AoE2HD really worthy of the "HD" word.

Based and reworked from the Texture Packs from the 4 most talentuous HD modders - Ozhara, Pesqueira, Mike and Manu la Capuche, credits to them - so that all the terrains fit well together. I used Photoshop CC, latest version.

Only countains terrains - including farms and water - and the indispensable new mines and cliffs from Ozhara. It's up to you to add the trees that you like the most (enhanced looking trees like here, here or here, ♥♥♥♥♥wood style or original ones), add or not the unit reskin mod, etc.

Your input and suggestions, even minor ones, to improve the mod will be very appreciated :)
Komentarzy: 95
Camdycorn 24 kwietnia 2014 o 20:29 
So. I've found the directory that you mentoned the mod was in. But what dp you do from there? I know for a fact you can't just delete the entire folder. And I'm not sure which files you need to delete.
DarK | Adélie  [autor] 15 lutego 2014 o 13:20 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\Data\Slp

To verify your game cache, right-click on AoE2HD on your Steam game list, go properties, local files, verify cache
Marv 15 lutego 2014 o 12:32 
I have trouble deinstalling the mod ( Not because I dont like it it laggs for me tho :/ ) Where do I find the game/data/slp and how do I Verify my game chache ( Sorry If it is obvouvious but I dont get it )
DarK | Adélie  [autor] 12 lutego 2014 o 19:14 
@urban21: 11 that's a good point lol
Cat Emperor 9 lutego 2014 o 12:15 
Awesome work!
Urban 9 lutego 2014 o 4:16 
Now i can get my ass kicked in beautiful detail
h0ch5tr4355 9 lutego 2014 o 1:00 
30 GB... Really? :D
Jeanluc 8 lutego 2014 o 22:20 
Just great!!!:sheriffsbadge:
DarK | Adélie  [autor] 8 lutego 2014 o 4:06 
Hi, thanks glad you like it, well you need to upload the picture using the in-game Steam Workshop interface.
TheAlphaTurkey 8 lutego 2014 o 3:08 
Loving this mod! Can I ask though, how do you get a picture to appear in the box on the right hand side of the steam workshop page? Been trying to get it to work for ages and still no luck..

Really enjoying the mod though! Great work!