Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Classic Crash Bandicoot Playermodel Pack
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Type d'addon: Modèle
Mots-clés d'addon: Dessin animé
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28 aout 2020 à 11h21
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Classic Crash Bandicoot Playermodel Pack

The classic Crash Bandicoot 2/3 model, plus Fake Crash and Alternate Outfits!

This pack contains the following Playermodels:
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot (Classic Idle Face)
Fake Crash
Biker Crash
Jetpack Crash
Aviator Crash
Scuba Crash

Features are:
First person arms
Custom proportions and size
Edited animations so there is no clipping through the ground (Crouching, Driving, Sitting, ect.)
Rigged Hands
Jiggle Physics (Jetpack Crash's Exhaust, Aviator Crash's Scarf, Scuba Crash's Flippers)
Compatibility with Dopey's ASTW2 - Crash Bandicoot DLC Pack (Animation called for Tornado Spin makes Crash spin)

All the models for the alternate outfits and Fake Crash are enhanced or custom versions of how they appear in Crash 2/3, in order to make them as high quality as Crash's base model. Crash's size is based on if Tawna was the height of an average playermodel.

Despite this being my first ever Gmod mod, I did all I can to ensure it is as high quality as possible. I really hope you all can enjoy it!

Mods used in preview images:
Nerd Koopa's Neonpolis Circuit V1
WAC Aircraft
Tenshi Sakarji's Rp richland
GRiBA's Bike for SCars 2.0
V92's [SCars/Simfphys] Halo
Brewster T. Koopa's Pikmin 2 Model Pack
King David's [wOS] Fortnite Dances
Leafdroid's Handies
Dopey's ASTW2 - Crash Bandicoot DLC Pack
16 commentaires
sasa72 2 nov. 2024 à 10h18 
crash bike mod?
StupidChicken99 27 déc. 2022 à 11h10 
dleeeeeeeeeeeeb 21 juil. 2021 à 9h20 
How did you make that face in the first image?
urbanloveload/CrisisEmmy 2 juil. 2021 à 18h58 
biker crash is a terminator reference, right? im not missing something, am i?
kuigi3 20 avr. 2021 à 6h55 
When holding a weapon from [ArcCW] Arctic's Customizable Weapons (Base Only) the arms starts flickering
ShiftSike  [créateur] 19 avr. 2021 à 23h20 
@kuigi3 I have quite literally no clue what you are talking about
kuigi3 16 avr. 2021 à 16h04 
Are you ever going to fix the flickering effects on the Arc weapons?
ThatDopeBandicoot18 2 sept. 2020 à 11h22 
I've always wanted a Biker Crash playermodel for gmod (hence my profile pic). Hopefully we'll get the N.Sane version of these skins soon, but right now, this is GREAT!
dthig2002 31 aout 2020 à 13h50 
I wonder if there'll be Coco Playermodel pack
Larry Bobs 30 aout 2020 à 10h31 
That's a very cool pack