Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

77 人が評価
Highways over Wall - 2 lane OneWay with I/O Lane
Assets: Road
43.824 MB
2020年8月16日 15時53分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Highways over Wall - 2 lane OneWay with I/O Lane

This Highway will allow you to trace a 2 lanes oneway with an additional acceleration/deceleration lane,which will allow you to build realistic exits and entrances quickly. It's also used as a end of a ramp with a turn lane. A single guardrail is traced in both side and the elevated section trace a supporting wall that will follow the curvature of the road. In addition, most of the horizontal signs will be automatically drawn in the nodes.

it's multipurpose road and can be used both as 2 lane OneWay with In-Out lanes and as 3 lane OneWay without emergency lanes.


New version 4:

- Automatic horizontal signs on intersection nodes and on height level passage (see description below)
- New Model for Bridges with separated cariageways
- Slightly reduced the width of the lanes for best alignment with new element of this collection
- Cars now are visible in tunnels
- Redo all meshes from scratch for align graphic to new lanes dimension
- New pieces to create realistic acceleration / deceleration lanes on one side or both
- New pieces to create realistic acceleration / deceleration lanes on OneWay Highways

is highly recommended the use of the Loading Screen Mod. All my highways over Wall are optimized for this mod, with same textures shared by all the elements of every roads. This allows a good reduction of amount of Ram used from my Highways.


In this v4, All elements have been designed to perfectly align with my other Highways. This allows you to create passages between highways with a different number of lanes in a simple and very smooth way.

The Traffic Divider will be present in the intersections with the ramps, but will be removed in those with city streets or where the traffic light is present:


Road Markings

In nodes, road markings are draw automatically both in intersections with other my highways and in the passages between height levels:

But for some CSL limits, it is not always possible. In these cases you can take advantage of the excellent Intersection Marking Tool Mod for complete them.


Suggested Mod

- Fine Road Tool 2 to be able to force the construction of the bridge segment for, as exaple, the creation of doors in the wall and passing through with other roads.

- Move It to better align all elements, for optimal aesthetic.

- Fine Road Anarchy 2 Very useful in some cases

- TM:PE - Traffic Manager President Edition: To prevent cars from turning in the intersection with traffic barrier visible, thanks to his lanes connector.

- Network Skin 2 to be able to change the color of the asphalt and some other details to your liking
16 件のコメント
SimoG  [作成者] 2023年4月6日 11時44分 
@Martini_RoyaleHD ok, probably the editor didn't take the decimal point and I didn't notice. Thanks.

I've been working on an update for these highways for a very long time now. I hope to finish it before CS2 is released :-D Free time is always tight.
Gameiruu_05 2023年4月6日 4時44分 It can be fixed by changing the offsets, but it's weird since all the other networks work fine.
Gameiruu_05 2023年4月6日 4時34分 
Doesn't happen all the time, but when creating an in/off ramp, some of the points in IMT are offset by a lot.
SimoG  [作成者] 2023年4月5日 13時16分 
@Martini_RoyaleHD can you give more details? I have used it regularly but never had a problem using it.
Gameiruu_05 2023年4月5日 8時42分 
IMT doesn't work propperly with this road
SimoG  [作成者] 2022年10月11日 5時40分 
@deadtram very strange. I am not having this problem. I see it in the menus correctly. Maybe a conflict with some mod?
deadtram 2022年10月11日 3時24分 
this road doesnt apper in game anymore (even in Findit)
SimoG  [作成者] 2022年9月20日 9時00分 
@Sikari_Mizunomi good that you solved :-) Yes, with the offset at 0, in practice, nodes is crushed, as if it were not there.
Sikari_Mizunomi 2022年9月20日 4時04分 
@SimoG Sorry, I found the solution just soon: Using Node Controller, if one offset is 0m, then this problem occurs. The lines which didn't appear appear normally by giving only 0.01m to offset value.
SimoG  [作成者] 2022年9月20日 3時32分 
@Sikari_Mizunomi I did not understand, do you mean that you draw a line with IMT and this is not seen over the road or do you mean that with some combinations of my roads lines do not appear and you have to complete them with IMT?
The second is normal behavior due to CSL limitations.
However, I am working on a substantial update of the roads (I'm transforming them into Adaptative Network Roads, with the addition of new features), which reduces these cases, does not eliminate them, anyway.