Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to STEAL Anyone's spray
Vytvořil: viske_
Das rite! Yoink it secretly!
Also works with any source game, like left 4 team portal 2 episode 3
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October 5, 2021 update
You need to understand the mechanic first.

When the other players paint sprays on the walls, those sprays are being secretly downloaded into your temporary TF2 folder, so you can see them in-game. Everyone on the server automatically download those sprays without knowing it. The download starts when the client (player) paint it anywhere. The temporary folder size doesn't weight much, even if you play TF2 for long time (years?) it reaches like 50 mb or a bit more. I have like 254 sprays overall in my temporary folder and the folder size is around 58 mb.

Since 5 october 2021, Valve rolled new update regarding this thing. Everytime you exit the game, this temporary spray folder gets cleaned automatically. It's nothing bad but if you want to prevent it and collect/steal other people's sprays there is one cvar command you must put into ingame developer console.

How to enable developer console - look in youtube.

The command is
tf_delete_temp_files 0
Step 1. App to see sprays
First you need an app that allow you to see sprays instead of windows errors if you try to open them with gallery apps.

Google for "VTF edit".

It's a free to use soft with no license and no key activation stuff. Completely free.

I can't post any links here because automated volvo system deletes anything related with links to avoid mess and sues with phishing and malware stuff.

In case if you have any other app to browse sprays, ignore this step and go to Step 2.

".VTF" format stands for "Valve texture File", if you're curious.

The application icon looks this

and the app itself looks like this

Use it to open [.vtf] format files/sprays and set it by default application to open such files.

Step 2. ???
  • Navigate to Team Fortress 2 core folder and look for Materials folder

    Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf

  • "Temp" folder is your target. It contains all the sprays from people you've met so far in your overall history that flashed their sprays.

    Open them one by one, and make sure you're alone cuz there might be a chance you encounter lewd sprays and by the law of irony someone will come to ur room right when u open it and ask u if you're winning yet or not.

    Choose any spray you like, then move it into vgui folder, rename it and set in game as yours by default.

Step 3. Profit
Now you've been given an ancient knowledge in cyberstealing other people's stuff. Use it well, chosen %username%, and it might be the exact tool in your hands that will help you save our universe.

Don't snitch.

Once again, it works with any other Source engine games, like Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike, Garrys Mod and so on. Folders are usually similiar and you need to look for Temp, which is always located in Materials.

Počet komentářů: 2
F3AR_E4TER.exe 13. lis. 2020 v 16.30 
Why does the VTF Edit icon look like that?
peshokonqt 14. říj. 2020 v 9.48 
just borrowing 🐵 7