Оцінок: 188
Aim Lab Achievement Guide and Walkthrough
This guide follows the development of Aim Labs from it's very Early Access on Steam. This guide will be published as a Work in Progress, and will evolve with the game.
До улюбленого
В улюблених
I luckily found Aim Lab while browsing through the Steam Store under Free to Play titles during it's (Very) Early Access development. I saw an opportunity to contribute to the game by following it's development and participating with bug reporting.

^Very Early Access Screenshot

Feel free to check back for updates, as this guide will be evolving with the game. You can do so by adding the guide to favorites. Give the guide an honest rating, and an award would be nice if you really like it! Thanks in advance!

Ratings are appreciated!

Unlock 100% Achievements
If your looking to fully complete the achievements for this game title, you'll want to install the Aim Lab game now while it is still in Early Access due to two of the achievements unlocking just for getting to the main menu of the game during it's development phase.

*** These achievements will not likely unlock after the Early Access phase of the game. This time sensitive information is why I published this guide as a "Work In Progress." ***

Note: There is no need to actually register an account for the game to unlock the achievements, just logging into the game's main menu from Steam applies the achievements to your Steam account.
As mentioned in the Unlock 100% Achievements section above, the Founder achievement needs to be unlocked while the game is in Early Access Beta to be obtained.

Aim Lab Founder [locked]

Aim Lab Founder [unlocked]
Early Access User
As mentioned in the Unlock 100% Achievements section above, the Early Access User achievement needs to be unlocked while the game is in Early Access Beta to be obtained.

Early Access User
Aim Lab Early Access User[locked]

Early Access User
Aim Lab Early Access User[unlocked]
Achievement Breakdown
Aside from the Founder and Early Access User achievements, we can really break down the achievements into two sections, Game Mode and Progression. There are 100 achievements in total. There are 14 Game Modes to hone your skills.* Every Game Mode has 7 progressive achievements based on playing the respective Game Mode up to 100 times.

So, if you do the math ... 14 x 7 = 98 + 2 = 100 (%)

The first revision of achievement icons (and I say the first because they may be updating the achievements visually to match the new theme for the game) were grayed out for locked achievements and in color for unlocked achievements, although the only other color used was red.

The next set of achievement icons will likely be similar, just with a different color selection. I may or may not replace the icons used in this guide when the redesign goes live.

For the Game Mode sections below, I used cropped screenshots of the grayed out achievement progression screen to show the achievements, and I listed each section alphabetically.

For the Progression sections below, I'll use the color icons to show the achievements and I have listed the sections by order of rank.

* Clarification: Of the many game modes currently available, only 14 of them are currently intended to give achievements. However, they have an achievement redesign in process, so the number of achievements available is subject to change in development.

*** Please keep in mind that the achievements below may be buggy and not registering to your account. Don't get frustrated by this, I'm certain it will get fixed eventually. I played a few rounds and didn't even get a "noob" achievement! Play the game for fun or for practice now, and for achievements later when everything is all fixed. ***

Work in Progress!
The Game Mode sections will list which Playlist each Game Mode can be found in by default. You can also create custom playlists to work on specific Game Modes, in example, creating a Playlist specifically for working on Achievement unlocking Game Modes.

^ The different Game Modes and their variations can be found in the Playlists section, as shown highlighted above.

^ Click the selections in the menu on the left to see the varied Game Modes for each set, as shown above.
Game Mode: Audiospatial
The Audiospatial achievements are unlocked in one of two Audiospatial game modes.

Precision Mode. Find 8 Targets by Sound.
Playlist: Perception

Speed Mode. Find 4 Targets by Sound.
Playlist: Perception
Game Mode: Blinkshot
The Blinkshot achievements are unlocked in one of two Blinkshot game modes.

Ultimate mode. Teleporting Enemies.
Playlist: Tracking

Ultimate mode. Teleporting Enemies.
Playlist: Sandbox AI
Game Mode: Capacity
The Capacity achievements are unlocked in the Capacity game mode.

Ultimate Mode. Visual Attention and Memory.
Playlist: Cognition
Game Mode: Circletrack
The Circletrack achievements unlock in one of three Circletrack game modes.

Ultimate Mode. 360 Enemy Tracking.
Playlist: Tracking

Speed Mode. 360 Enemy Tracking.
Playlist: Speed

Precision Mode. 360 Enemy Tracking.
Playlist: Precision

Game Mode: Decisionshot
The Decisionshot achievements unlock in one of three Decisionshot game modes.

Ultimate Mode. Quick Decision-Making.
Playlist: Cognition

Precision Mode. Quick Decision-Making.
Playlist: Cognition

Speed Mode. Quick Decision-Making.
Playlist: Cognition
Game Mode: Detection
The Detection achievements are unlocked in the Detection game mode.

Ultimate Mode. Visual Detection Speed.
Playlist: Perception
Game Mode: Freetrack
The Freetrack achievements are unlocked in the Freetrack game mode.

Ultimate Mode. Defensive Moving Enemies.
Playlist: Tracking
Game Mode: Microshot
The Microshot achievements are unlocked in one of three Microshot game modes.

Ultimate Mode Mode. Train Microflicks.
Playlist: Flicking

Speed Mode. Train Microflicks.
Playlist: Speed

AI Mode. Longterm AI.
Playlist: Sandbox AI
Game Mode: Ninjashot
The Ninjashot achievements are unlocked in one of two Ninjashot game modes.

Ultimate Mode. Double-Jumping Enemies.
Playlist: Tracking

AI Mode. Longterm AI.
Playlist: Sandbox AI
Game Mode: Pentakill
The Pentakill achievements are unlocked in the Pentakill game mode.

Standard Mode. 5 Bullets 5 Targets.
Playlist: Sandbox Misc
Game Mode: Reflexshot
The Reflexshot achievements unlock in one of three Reflexshot game modes.

Ultimate Mode. Unpredictable Flickshots.
Playlist: Flicking

Precision Mode. Unpredictable Flickshots.
Playlist: Precision

AI Mode. Longterm AI.
Playlist: Sandbox AI
Game Mode: Spidershot
The Spidershot achievements unlock in one of four Spidershot game modes.

Ultimate Mode. Improve Spatial Performance.
Playlist: Flicking

Speed Mode. Improve Spatial Performance.
Playlist: Speed

Precision Mode. Improve Spatial Performance.
Playlist: Precision

AI Mode. Longterm AI.
Playlist: Sandbox AI

There is a variant of Spidershot called Spidershot 180, which may or may not work towards this achievement progression.

Spidershot 180
Ultimate Mode. Like Spidershot, but with a twist.
Playlist: Flicking
Game Mode: Strafeshot
The Strafeshot achievements unlock in one of four Strafeshot game modes.

Ultimate Mode. Shoot Strafing Targets.
Playlist: ...

Speed Mode. Shoot Strafing Targets.
Playlist: ...

Precision Mode. Shoot Strafing Targets.
Playlist: ...

AI Mode. Longterm AI.
Playlist: ...
Game Mode: Strafetrack
The Strafetrack achievements unlock in one of three Strafetrack game modes.

Ultimate Mode. Track Strafing Targets.
Playlist: Tracking

Speed Mode. Track Strafing Targets.
Playlist: Speed

Precision Mode. Track Strafing Targets.
Playlist: Precision
Each Game Mode has achievements based on progression in the game mode. As you go through progressions, you need to know the achievements are granted based on how many times you have played each game mode, not how well you actually rank on each game mode.

Each Game Mode Progression has seven achievements starting from Noob and advancing up to Legend.
Progression: Noob
For the Noob achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 1 time.
Progression: Rookie
For the Rookie achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 5 times.
Progression: Competent
For the Competent achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 7 times.
Progression: Pro
For the Pro achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 30 times.
Progression: Expert
For the Expert achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 50 times.
Progression: Master
For the Master achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 75 times.
Progression: Legend
For the Legend achievement progression, you need to simply play a game mode 100 times.
In a recent update, they added a tab featuring your own Profile in Aim Lab. This profile gives you an overview of how well you rank in several game modes.

In this screenshot, you'll see my personal profile in Aim Labs. Obviously, I spent more time in certain game modes and I am in the top 100% in them. Others I just did a passive attempt at.
Consistency is key.
Bug Tracker
So yeah, I am not the developer of this game. Please keep that in mind and report any bugs you find to the appropriate thread in the game forums instead of posting them here. This way your reports are addressed by the right individuals.

Alternatively, while you are in game you may click on the SUBMIT BUG feature, shown here in the lower right of the screen.

On that note, any bugs I report below are just observations that I have made digging into the game files or playing the game itself. This section is more for the development team then the players, so that the bugs can be addressed now instead of becoming "known issues" that stick with the game out of beta development.

- Bug 1
The first thing I noticed when I went digging into the files for this steam app is that the achievement icons were actually in a folder on my system. I started the process of uploading them to this guide and noticed that a few of them are not named correctly.

As a web developer and graphic designer, I know that when creating a bulk amount of similar images like this, it's easy to get the files confused and name them incorrectly while saving. I suppose as long as the coding corresponds with the correct images in spite of the incorrect names, then this is not an issue. However, if any achievements being earned are displaying the wrong icon, you simply need to take a look at the image names for each image in that folder and rename them to match the code.
- Bug 2
The progression achievements seem to be granted on the players next login instead of fluidly during game play. Even then the achievements seem to be selectively granted, meaning some are granted and others are not.
100% Achievements Group, the Steam Group
The title says it all. This group is dedicated to helping players get 100% achievement completions for their Steam games, legitimately. Visit the 100% Achievements Group and click Join Group to participate.
Sources and Shoutouts!
All screenshots used in this guide (cropped or otherwise) were created and uploaded by myself, the Author. I used the Steam Android App to take screenshots of the Achievement Progress on my phone for easily cropped images for the Game Mode sections.

I used the Achievement Progress for my account to get basic information on each achievement, and you can do the same on your own accounts.

All of the Achievement Images used were actually in the game files located on my system after installation, and are property of the Aim Lab development team. Information from the game itself was used to organize this guide and fill in some blanks.

I attempted to collaborate with craftablescience on his guide, but all I got was a shoutout! HAHA! To give credit where credit is due, thank you sir for the inspiration to run with setting up my own guide on this game. (This is how rivalries are made!) To be fair you get a shoutout here...
Year of the Ox Skin
The Aim Labs update in Feb 2021 gave the players a weapon skin for the 9mm that you can select to use in game for free.

I'm not sure how long it will be available to players. It may be a limited time grab or it may be a permanent thing for all future players of Aim Lab. I added this section to the guide in the spirit of sharing possibly time sensitive information.

If you have access to the skin, you should be able to select it in any practice mode, as illustrated below. The name of the skin in game is "Chinese New Year," which you'll find in the appropriate drop down menu.

A screenshot of the Ox skin in game.
Steam Awards
Thanks for the Steam Awards!

I have been creating guides for the Steam Community for a few years now, long before Steam Awards were a thing. I love creating content for the games I play. In 2020, Valve decided to reward players that create content with the points shop system.

The Steam points are very appreciated, and certainly encourages me to create more content for the gaming community. I even spent a few of the points to give more space for Steam guides on my profile. This lets me present up to seven of them on my profile at once. If you want to see what else I've created, you should check out the Other Published Steam Guides section of this guide!
Developer Guides
The following guides have been created by the developers of Aim Lab. This list will only show the guides in English, other guides have been created by Chester B. that are in a different char set.
Other Published Steam Guides
You can check out all of my Published Steam Guides here, the following guides I feel are related in one way or another.
Коментарів: 24
Flair 24 трав. 2024 о 2:01 
Early Access User and Founder Achievement I received it after I right clicked on game in Steam then clicked on properties then betas and then from none to beta - beta test branch. I played the first assessment, and I got it  [автор] 21 лют. 2024 о 21:07 
My take on the achievements is they just are not focusing on them. They haven't even removed the ability to gain the founder badge yet, which was something they have had on the agenda to do since beta. I think a question on their forums may help get an official answer from the development team on this. :demoticon:
KOKOC 20 лют. 2024 о 11:30 
I can't get decisionshot achievements and I noticed that this problem started back 4 years ago. Has there been no solution since then?
Mado4SXT 8 лют. 2024 о 18:31 
Detection achievement bugged, won't unlock for me anymore.
SlayerYJC 8 січ. 2024 о 15:20 
yeah, ur right, that's the easiest way to find out  [автор] 8 січ. 2024 о 11:43 
Simply install and load up the game to find out... If they don't unlock on first run, they may have finally disabled them. :BlackSquadRevolver:
SlayerYJC 8 січ. 2024 о 0:52 
Can anyone tell me if you're still able to get the "Early Access User" & the "Founder" achievement now? If they are still obtainable then i'll play this game, THX!
griff 7 листоп. 2023 о 23:54 
still obtainable :er_wave:
Taz 9 берез. 2023 о 13:58 
Same Doggo
Doggo⁧⁧Manolo 12 груд. 2022 о 21:15 
are they unobtainable now? i can't seem to earn them.