Dota 2
31 ratings
7.37e (Support) "I am harsh so you may learn"
By easy.ZD
Hi fellow Kaolin Enjoyers. I'm Easy.ZD you can call me Easy. Im an approaching 30 year old dad; dota player since early warcraft and been playing Earth Spirit close to 1500 games as of 2024. My highest MMR was 4.5K in 2016, which was a big deal (copium) cause people back then people like Miracle were only hitting 8K. But nowadays I hover around Low Legend (3K) and just playing mostly for fun (winning is fun) and trying my best to make Earth Spirit work from patch to patch. Enjoy the guide!

Gameplay Updates:

- Bonus damage against creeps decreased from 1.4x to 1.25x
- A lot of talent nerfs to Earth Spirit
:: Rolling Boulder distance is all the way at level 20 now? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Maybe Aether Lens for jumping Snipers is needed now

7.35d, 7.36a, 7.36b - Wow thanks Uncle Icefrog!
- Rolling Boulder Damage increased from 30 to 60
:: Nice for farming. Helps to nuke the entire wave with kick and roll
- [Stepping Stone] No longer creates a Stone Remnant in front of Earth Spirit. Instead, it refreshes Stone Remnant, if it is on cooldown
- [Stepping Stone] Mana Cost decreased from 15 to 0
:: Finally Stepping Stone is worth using

7.35 - Cricket Sounds
- No updates for Earth Spirit
:: Earth Spirit is still a good support hero with the constant brawling. The big map also is fun to roll around
7.34 - Offlane Earth Spirit Nerf
- Rolling Boulder cooldown from upon ability cast to upon current roll completion.
:: Man this sucks, being invulnerable 2s of the time was amazing for survivability and the catch provided insane. It doesn't matter too much point blank range rolls. Will take time to to get used to this change for sure

7.33 - The update that made Earth Spirit viable in the Offlane role
- Stone Remenant now gains 1 extra Stone Remnant charge every 5th hero level (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30), from 7 up to 13 max
- Boulder Smash now deals 1.25x the damage against creeps
:: With these two changes, Earth Spirit does not need to buy the old Shard to get more stones and has a way to clear creeps faster than ever before

Specific Matchups:

- Laning is incredibly difficult to get close to creeps without being in range of Bladefury + disable from enemy support
:: Hug the walls and trees of the lanes so you can escape with Roll consistently
- Rolling into a Juggernaut and excecuting the combo is a death sentence.
- Even if you have silence, he will have Manta and can dispel your ultimate multiple ways. You will also die to solo Omnislash
:: Get Lotus Orb to dissuade him Omni-ing you. Active Lotus just after your silence on him ends or after he Manta's. Ghost Scepter works as well
:: You can bait him to Omnislash you in lane or in fights, then Roll away witha boulder to disjoint the Omnislash

- So effing annoying in lane. Please disown your child if they play this hero
:: They are often very aggressive in positioning so you can commit to a kill with your lane partner with Blood Grenade if he is out of position
- Global Silence is a sucks ass, it can even Silence you through your invulnerable state of Roll. Initiating into Global SIlence is close to impossible unless you kill the SIlencer first
:: Get a item (Bracers, Urn, Vessel, Veil) then go straight into Lotus. DO NOT ACTIVATE LOTUS ORB EARLY. YOU MUST WAIT FOR GLOBAL SILENCE


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