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GChem - Chemical Warfare
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Entity
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
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24. Juli 2020 um 12:39
13. Aug. 2024 um 5:13
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GChem - Chemical Warfare

In 1 Kollektion von Freaking Fission
GChem Required Content
2 Inhalte
GChem adds semi-realistic Chemical Warfare Agents to Garry's Mod with 8 unique gases!

This is the first mod I have ever released! Feel free to offer any suggestions or criticisms you have.

If you wish to run this on a server, please refer to the pinned Config Breakdown discussion. It should help with tweaking considerably! Note: While server usage was considerable before, several optimization updates have dramatically reduced network and server usage.

Gchem will only be receiving bugfixes from here on out, I have moved on and do not expect to return to GChem. Feel free to decompile GChem and modify it to your liking, just credit me if you post a modification.

  • 8 Unique gases
  • 6 New Weapons
  • Chemical Exposure system modeled off of real-life toxicity data
  • Works on NPCs
  • Some chemicals stick to objects and evaporate over time
  • Volumetric Gas that fills rooms and is blown in the wind
  • Non-Volumetric (Default) Optimized particles that allow people to drench maps in gas
  • Gas Bombs, Canisters, and Grenades
  • A Gas Mask and Chemical Suit
  • Compatible with Jmod Gas Mask, Respirator, and HAZMAT Suit
  • Compatible with the gmod4phun Gas Mask/Contagion Gas Mask[], the Metro Gas Mask and the Pressurized External Suit
  • Compatible with Stormfox Weather
  • Compatible with Wiremod
  • Hint system to make learning easier
  • Tweak and balance gases to your liking with the config located at garrysmod/data/gchem_config

Meet The Gases
  • Chlorine - The first successful gas deployed in World War 1, Chlorine is a sickly Green gas that immediately burns the eyes and lungs
  • Phosgene - Responsible for 90% of Gas Deaths in World War 1, Phosgene is a colorless (or near colorless ingame) gas with light initial effects, but is extremely toxic 2 minutes after exposure
  • Green-Cross - A 50-50 mix of Chlorine and Phosgene, Green-Cross acts like a less potent form of chlorine, attacking the eyes and lungs, however, the phosgene mixed in proves to be anything from a nuisance to deadly depending on the dose
  • Mustard - Responsible for 80% of British Gas Casualties in World War 1, Mustard Gas is an yellow gas that attacks the eyes, lungs and skin, causing coughing and blindness 8 seconds after exposure, and debilitating skin burns 2 minutes after exposure in severe cases. Mustard gas also sticks to objects, requiring decontamination before it can be safely used again
  • Sarin - Discovered by the germans just before WW2, Sarin Gas is an extremely toxic colorless, odorless gas that causes vision dimming, twitching, heavy breathing, and death, followed by a fit of convulsions. Primarily an inhalation hazard, some Sarin is absorbed through skin, harming people wearing gas masks.
  • VX - One of the most toxic substances known to mankind, VX Gas is an extremely toxic colorless, odorless, persistent gas that causes vision dimming, twitching, heavy breathing, and death, followed by convulsions. Notably more toxic then Sarin, VX also sticks to objects just like mustard gas, requiring decontamination before safe use. Further, VX is much more capable of being absorbed through skin then other chemical agents, meaning full hazmat suits are necessary to survive VX gas.
  • Hydrogen Cyanide - Infamously used in the systematic murder of 6 million jews during World War 2, Hydrogen Cyanide is a colorless, odorless, lighter-than-air gas that causes confusion and death 8 seconds after exposure. Extremely deadly indoors, but outdoor use requires massive concentrations of gas, also, degrades JMOD Gas Mask filters 3 times faster then other gases.
  • CS Gas - Commonly used as a riot control agent, CS Gas is a White smoke that causes coughing and blindness in those exposed to it and proves generally non-lethal, except in cases of massive exposure, such as being trapped in a small room.

Methods of Exposure
  • Face Exposure - Every gas causes effects when inhaled, however, full face protection will completely stop this method of exposure, while Jmod Respirators will halve the dosage
  • Skin Exposure - Some gases can be absorbed through the skin, albiet at a fraction of inhaled gas, so gas masks still offer considerable protection. Mustard Gas, Sarin, and VX all have this ability
  • Contamination - Some gases stick to objects, slowly evaporating off objects, gassing anyone nearby, and if the gas is skin-soluble, liquid will be absorbed through the skin. Further, contamination is transferred on contact, making contaminated objects extra hazardous. Mustard gas and VX both have this ability

  • Gas Mask - Provides full face protection with some vision limitation, but no slowness or visible model. Recommended to be used only on models with existing gas masks, type /dropmask in chat to take off
  • Chemical Suit - Provides skin protection to players, will also change their playermodel to a chemical suit, unless the convar gc_suitmodel is set to false, type /dropsuit in chat to take off
  • Jmod Gas Mask - Provides full face protection, albiet with limited vision, slight slowness, and a model visible on the player model. Recommended to be used on models without an existing mask, use the command jmod_ez_inv to toggle
  • Jmod Respirator - Provides half face protection, cutting down dosage by half, but removing the players ability to smell gas. No vision limitation, but it does slow players slightly and has a visible model, use the command jmod_ez_inv to toggle
  • Jmod HAZMAT Suit - Provides both full face and skin protection, but changes playermodels, slows players, and limits their vision, type *drop suit* in chat to take off
  • Decontamination - To avoid gassing yourself and those around you, you must spray yourself with a Decontamination Kit, type /decontaminate in chat, or stand in Stormfox rain to decontaminate
  • Chemical Detector - Detector capable of detecting all chemical agents faster than smelling them can, including agents without odor and while wearing a gas mask, type /dropdetector in chat to drop

The addons Fire Extinguisher, Basic Vignette, Splinter Cell: Blacklist Chemsuit Goons, US Army M2 Flamethrower SWEP, and Masks and Helmets H.U.D. Overlay Mod addons have had all the required assets from them merged into GChem due to receiving multiple complaints. If you are the developer the any of the addons listed, I have given credit to your mod in the description continued discussion along with a link to your mod. If you have issues with the merging, please contact me to resolve.

Ran out of space for the description, so please refer to the Pinned Description Continued Discussion for rest of the description
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (18)
19. Dez. 2024 um 17:34
ANGEHEFTET: Suggestions and Bug Reports
Freaking Fission
27. Aug. 2024 um 14:05
ANGEHEFTET: Config Breakdown
Freaking Fission
24. Jan. 2023 um 11:32
Chimera (Lost Profile)
1.027 Kommentare
ae1905 8. Feb. um 5:02 
i actually love when turrets are coughing after breathing up some tear gas :steamthumbsup:
LandonD_17 28. Jan. um 16:07 
The amount of war crimes committed with this mod have been unbelievable. I use it every time I play, thanks for making!!!
OnePunchLine 13. Jan. um 10:14 
Actually, there's a problem where players gain a speed bonus while the mod is installed
greegor130274 3. Jan. um 9:04 
can you add the artillery and the normal and chemical shells
indeepj 13. Dez. 2024 um 19:10 
press R or right click before throwing
deadspace1788 13. Dez. 2024 um 14:07 
I tried throwing the grenade but it didn't work I threw it and it did not work please tell me how to fix
greegor130274 6. Dez. 2024 um 7:15 
phosgene gas 1812 1915
roboty 5. Dez. 2024 um 19:34 
God dammit, you didn't do ALL the gases.
Turkey 3. Nov. 2024 um 2:06 
how do I save it so it doesnt change the player models
NO_NXME 2. Nov. 2024 um 17:27 
also would be cool if it had an effect on NPCs, so gasses that burn eyes would make NPCs barely able to coordinate and find players and other effect would take a huge toll on their health and morale