Mass Effect 3 (2012)

Mass Effect 3 (2012)

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Change Mass Effect 3 Field of View (FOV)
Da ⚔️ ²⁶Ž ⏂ Ṛ³⁵ 🐉
Mass Effect 3's Field of View (FOV) is 70. If you want to change the Field of View (FOV) to something more appealing, than follow these instructions.

1.First download this program:
ME3Coalesced-latest, Unzip it.
2.Open ME3Coalesced.exe
3.Left Click "File", then Open...coalesced.bin
4.My coalesced.bin location was here: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole
5.After it has loaded, Click +bioinput.ini then +sfxgame then +sfxgamemodebase. Click on bindings = (multiple).
6.Scroll down all the way to the bottom to the empty line.
7.Copy and Paste this into the empty space. ( Name="Shared_Aim", Command="SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TightAim | FOV 0 | OnRelease FOV 90 | OnRelease StopTightAim" )
8.Change the "90" in that line to the desired FOV, make sure to hit enter. I changed mine to 100 and it looks pretty good.
9.Click File, then click Save.
10.Now when you are in the game, Right click to zoom and the new FOV will become active.
11.Please Rate this Guide if you found it useful. Like it with a thumbs up :)
12.Enjoy the game with your new FOV!
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Change Mass Effect 3 Field of View (FOV)
Mass Effect 3's Field of View (FOV) is 70. If you want to change the Field of View (FOV) to something more appealing, than follow these instructions.

1.First download this program:
ME3Coalesced-latest, Unzip it.
2.Open ME3Coalesced.exe
3.Left Click "File", then Open...coalesced.bin
4.My coalesced.bin location was here: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole
5.After it has loaded, Click +bioinput.ini then +sfxgame then +sfxgamemodebase. Click on bindings = (multiple).
6.Scroll down all the way to the bottom to the empty line.
7.Copy and Paste this into the empty space. ( Name="Shared_Aim", Command="SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TightAim | FOV 0 | OnRelease FOV 90 | OnRelease StopTightAim" )
8.Change the "90" in that line to the desired FOV, make sure to hit enter. I changed mine to 100 and it looks pretty good.
9.Click File, then click Save.
10.Now when you are in the game, Right click to zoom and the new FOV will become active.
11.Please Rate this Guide if you found it useful. Like it with a thumbs up :)
12.Enjoy the game with your new FOV!