Warsim: The Realm of Aslona

Warsim: The Realm of Aslona

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Guild of Historians' Lessons
By Hubologist
Complete transcripts of the Historian's guild history lessons. My original intention was to add a section with the correct answers as well, but since I was only able to get a 16 out of 20 on the first year's final exam, even with all the year's lessons opened right next to it, I have reached the conclusion that I am too dumb (and don't really care enough) to try and get a perfect score for this guide.

Having access to the lessons while taking the exams should still be useful though, hopefully it helps someone else pass these dreadful exams.

Year 1, Class 1 (Intro to Northern History)
Welcome to your first class, I am Hermaeus, your lecturer, we will be looking
into the basics of northern history this lesson, and understanding the core
this subject.
The North is the coldest province, divided now into three regions but it
wasn't always this way, can anyone tell me the nearest of the three

1) The Near North
Correct, the Near North is the closest of the three areas, ironically
it is known as the most 'civil' while it holds all manner of pits and
forts, though I suppose we too are here, adding to it's civility.
Following that we have the so called Wild North, named due to it's
Population of Wildermen, there are three Wildermen settlements in
the wild north, Wilderman Village, The Camp at Saaroth and Wildhome
Wildermen are savages but they rarely make it down these parts.
And lastly we've got the far north, known to hold a great deal of
ruins and caverns, it is rumored to be under the hold of the Lord
of Ice, a malevolent ancient wizard... though I am not sure about
That's the current state of the North but we are looking into the
History of it, and in summary the North was once a great power
it was home to five great clans, Clan Redblood, Clan Thickblood
Clan Deepsnow, Clan Swiftwind and Clan Blackblood.
Most of these clans have faded to the dust, but you have all likely
Heard of the Thickbloods, their 'descendents' hold the Thickblood
tavern, a tavern that stands on the ruins of the old seat of clan
But who were these ancient clans, what caused them to fall
all these and more will be answered in our next lesson! come
back in a bit.
Year 1, Class 2 (The Ancient Clans)
The ancient clans, we touched on them in our last lesson but here we will go
into them a lot more, the north as we know it today was divided into six

Here we see the territories divided. You have Deepsnow, and Thickblood
further to the north although Thickblood stretches somewhat southbound too.
There is also a strange unmarked territory center north. It is unknown who
it belonged to but it is assumed to have either been a large clan of
wildermen or this lord of ice figure mentioned in old texts.
Can anyone tell me how the northern clans collapsed?
1) Internal conflict
Correct, Internal conflict was one of the reasons, the clans were hostile
to each other, between fighting each other, the wildermen and the united
westernlands they had no hope but defeat.
Clan Deepsnow were the first to fall, a skirmish had taken place between
them and the far more numerous Thickblood clan, the Thickbloods had won
and Deepsnow was essentially forced into becoming a protectorate of the
Thickbloods, only hours after their defeat and the hands of the Thickbloods
a huge army of wildermen sacked their main settlement and sent them fleeing
it was the biggest army of wildermen ever fielded.
They were believed to have been possessed by demons, and made up of both
wildermen and men of the five clans who had lost their minds and run far
north, this is where the connection to the Ice Lord is usually made.
With Deepsnow defeated, Thickbloods increased their defences and prepared
for the worst, they sent messengers to the clans Redblood and Swiftwind
to inform them of the fate of Deepsnow and to advise them to prepare for
the possible wildermen attacks, Swiftwind being allies of the Thickbloods
took the messages advice and prepared for defence, however Clan Redblood was
suspicious, they had fought brutal battles with the thickbloods only two
years prior.
To lay suspicions aside they visited the ruins of Deepsnow and came to the
conclusion that it was thickblood who defeated them and that the thickbloods
and the wildermen had allied, as they found bodies of thickbloods in the ruins
They convinced the clan Blackblood to join them in a dual assault on the
the thickbloods and soon the three clans met.
That's all for now folks, in our next lesson we'll look at the
Thickblood collapse in great detail.
Year 1, Class 3 (The Thickblood Collapse)
The Thickbloods alone fought viciously against the invading armies of
Blackblood and Redblood, but it was futile, and as the Chief of the
clan blackblood slew the leader of the Thickbloods a great roaring
sound was heard, and an even larger horde of wildermen than ever
before had arrived and scattered the forces of the two clans, Thickblood
was finished.
In the meanwhile, hearing of the struggles in the North and the alleged
collapse of the clan Deepsnow, the Western Empire called forth all of
it's banners and led a huge assault on the clans of the near north
The western lands had been warring with the north for decades and the
west had made little progress.
But with advice from many advisors the emperor thought to capitalise
on the weakness of the clans following the destruction of Deepsnow
vowed to finish the job and scatter the last of the clans, leaving
The north to suffer.
The Western armies arrived to find and easy enemy to the Northwest
but a powerful one to the Northeast, Swiftwind had built up their
defences tenfold and padded their ranks with many fleeing Thickbloods
The Westerners took heavy casualties.
The remnants of Clan Blackblood and Redblood however, were
slaughtered by the westerners and soon it was the west versus
Swiftwind, the last clan.
A Slow and costly seige took place with numerous daily western
skirmishes and attempts to break the Swiftwind clan gates, but
it was a fruitless attempt, Swiftwind had enough frozen meats
stocked up to last years, though the west had regular caravans
coming in from their own lands.
And then it happened, the rumbling sound from the distance, that
sent fear into the hearts of the westerners and the men of Swiftwind
The Wilderman horde, bigger than ever it charged towards the seige
camp and a mighty battle was underway.
The Western armies held their ground and wave after wave of wildermen
smashed into their shields, the battle was tragic and the losses were
huge as in one battle half of all men from the west were killed.
The men of Swiftwind held tight in their fortress watching the
carnage while the Chief of Swiftwind debated with his advisors
what to do, 'watch our enemies destroy themselves' was the
general consensus, but the Chief disagreed, the wildermen had
destroyed the northern lands, defeated their allies the
thickbloods and would likely turn on them after the battle.
The battle raged on outside the fort and the western armies were
starting to become worn down, but the wildermen were did not stop
the savages were berserk, fighting like madmen ever after having
limbs chopped off, the westerners were near defeat and they began
to flee.
but as soon as they did a great storm of cold winds sent an icy mist
across the sky and the way home was unclear, some westerners fled
only to head farther north and into wildermen groups, but the main
army of the west fought on, this time for dear life.
A horn sounded and following a strong charge of the wildermen into
the last of the western armies, a flurry of arrows whistled through
the mist and killed scores of wildermen, the last northerners charged
from their gates with the roar of the north in their hearts.
They slew the remaining wildermen in a matter of minutes with a
massive and deadly charge, and the storm passed... the battle was
over, but so was the North.
That was this lesson, come back for the next one when you're ready
we're looking into the years that followed the collapse of the clans.
Year 1, Class 4 (The Wilderyears)
So in our last lesson we talked about the battle of the North
when the heroes of Swiftwind saved the Western armies from defeat
and slew the remaining wildermen hordes, now we will discuss what
took place afterwards.
The western lands ended their claim on the North and took some
fringe territories, leaving the rest of the North to the remnants
of Clan Swiftwind and providing them with some support, the west
was at the time struggling with the southern kingdoms and would
suffer greatly in the years to come for their losses in the north.
The North itself was a graveyard, half a clan remaining, and corpses
littering the snow, many survivors became wild and joined fringe
clans of wildermen, the remnants of Swiftwind divided into two clans
True Swiftwind and the Northern Kings, both clans eventually fell and
the north ended up being many bands of disconnected villages and minor
clans, this period was known as the Wilderyears.
The North lost its civilisation, and went backwards to a point it still
never truly recovered, in fact, the small level of civilisation held here
came from western settlers heading to fringe parts of the north that belonged
to the west, mostly being the Near North, so those of you born here are likely
not northerners, there are very few of true northern blood anymore as the
real north largely died out.
That is today's lesson, come back later for the final talk
we will look into the Lord of Ice and see what it's all about
It's not a subject I agree with but it's in the curriculum
so... what can I do.
Year 1, Class 5 (The Lord of Ice)
Welcome class, the last lesson of the year, we have all come far
so today we will be talking about the Lord of Ice, a figure I
believe is fictional but there are unfortunately many who think
him true.
The Lord of Ice is said to be the most powerful thing in the
North, once a member of a group of mercenaries known as the lords
of Ice, they were tasked with heading to the North and crushing
a small cult of wildermen lead by an evil wizard as it was gaining
It is said that the mercenaries fought their way to the wizard
and put a sword through his heart, but his heart froze solid
and froze the man who killed him into Ice, the wizard was dead
the cult scattered and the other mercenaries were left mourning
their frozen friend but they could not free him.
they buried him, and that was that. But the mercenary was
not dead, the wizards magic worked its way through him,
freezing every drop of blood, every inch of skin, every
organ, but his heart, and one day...
He broke free from the ground, and spent a decade in the far
north trying to find a way to unfreeze himself, but the wizards
lair was no help, and the local tribes were afraid of him, he
was trapped.
His helplessness became fury, though his years of research
to find a cure among the wizards books, had instead given
him a great knowledge of dark magic and demonic power
and with this knowledge he began destroying the clans.
The clans that remaining brought him offerings, and plead for
his mercy, and he felt power, his heart was alive once again
he brought all the tribes under his wing, and they worshipped
him as a god, it is believed that under his wing the united
wildermen clans formed the horde that collapsed the north.
Anyway, that's the end of that, while I believe there was a
horde of wildermen I don't buy the Ice Lord story, but take
from it what you will, and that ends this years study.
Congratulation to you all, thank you for sticking with me
and good luck with your exams!
Year 2, Class 1 (Intro to Western History)
Welcome back to the guild and well done for passing your last year of study
I am Noreg, I was a shaman here in the market before I decided to teach so
make of that what you will, for this season we will look at western history.
The West has historically been the most advantageous realm, it's got
the easiest weather, the best crops, it's a bountiful land and it has
spawned a great many factions and kingdoms from it's earth.
There are a few parts of the modern west, those are Denland
Songwood, Wildwood and Darkmarsh. Denland you may or may not have
heard is considered the safest place in the realm, a flourishing
pot of little settlements.
Denlanders as the people are known has always been solitary, once
a small kingdom but now little more than a few small settlements
there is generally believed to be magic at play to explain the peace
and good harvest, but alas, no one cares...
Moving on from Denland we find Songwood, the region of Songwood
was once home to the Kingdom of Songwood, which was at once, the
Seat of the great western empire, the remnants of the kingdom
and it's outlying lands still exist today with the town of
Darkdale and the Citadel of the Holy Order of Roses, which
was once the home of the Emperor of the west.
Further from Songwood you find Wildwood, a savage and overgrown
place it was said that the wildwood clans never really formed
kingdoms in the boom of the western lands, but they were forced
into the Great Western Empire and we're frequently used during
the battles with the North and East.
And last but not least we have Darkmarsh, a place most alien to
the western lands and at time considered a foreign land, Darkmarsh
was home to a great many swamp clans who eventually united under the
Swamp king and rebelled against the Empire after being assimilated
into it. That has been our introduction, come back soon and well shall
discuss our next exciting topic, The Villages of Old and the early age
of the western lands!
Year 2, Class 2 (The Villages of Old)
Welcome back historians! as you may recall I told you we would next speak of
the Villages of old and the early age of the western lands, now the western
lands have always had a head start on the other realms, the crops were always
better, the animals bigger and the grass just a little bit greener, this was
not without problems, with such fertile land every warlord and chief from
across the lands wanted the lands to the west, and they all came. Fighting
was inevitable and soon the lands were no longer green, they were red.
Various clans, tribes, and nomads, formed villages across the lands
little markings and bases of operation, claiming their spot on the
western lands, warlords marched between these villages, merging as
many as they could into great and mighty territories, levying the
local villagers into large armies, they were the first real wars
of the west, and only one warlord stood strong by the end of them.
Kalkar the Steel-Heart, named as such after an arrow stuck him in
the heart, protected only by a steel breastplate, the arrow-head
had supposedly only come a hairs breadth from his heart.
Kalkar was a powerful warrior and instead of using villagers as
pawns he and his elite companions marched into the camps and centers
of many of the warlords and challenged them to single combat, defeating
all who opposed him, soon he was favoured to hold the most lands in the
entire west, many other territories merged to form resistance, but it
was no good, Kalkar was too strong and by the end of the decade the last
two warlords were gone, one-dead and one ascended to God-Emperor of the
west, Kalkar was the most powerful man across the lands.
while the dust had settled from the wars of the warlords
and the western empire grew from a realm of scattered towns
and villages into a mighty realm of high castles and bustling
cities, word arrived of threats in every direction,

To the north, mighty clans of violent warriors and beastmen
To the south, dark monstrous men who worship death
To the east, a mighty empire of sandmen.
Kalkar raised his armies and began to bolster the realms defence
pushing further and further towards the territories of his assumed
enemies and cautiously but daringly expanding the western empire
until the inevitable happened, War.

Some of the Northern clans had raided a village on the border leaving
nothing but ash, of an army sent to follow them only one survived, who
claimed they were a race of giants, covered in snow with axes the size
of a tree, the Northmen were not giants, but they were fierce warriors
seasoned in fighting in brutal and harsh environments.
The Mightiest army in the lands, the west was soon to try it's hand
at full scale war like never before, some were afraid of the unknown
but Kalkar was first to cross fearlessly into the North as he led his
Troops... but that's all for today class, come back next time and we
will discuss the event's that followed.
Year 2, Class 3 (The Rise and fall of the Great Western Empire)
Welcome back, so when we last left off, Kalkar the fearless was leading
his armies to the north, the empire set forts all along the border and
slaughtered as many northmen as they could, the fighting waned from a war
into border skirmishes, with occasional western warbands attempting to push
into northern territory with limited success.
With the north at bay the real threat to the empire was becoming clear
A new empire had spawned out of the sands of the east, united clans
much like the west, they were a huge threat and it wasn't long before
an all out war would take place, Kalkar made the first strike and sacked
a settlement that lay on the fringe of the desert.
The westerners waited and witnessed the east explode out of the
desert like a snake out of a pit, the eastern army was overwhealming
and the western empire began to buckle but ferociously pushed the
easterners back into their lands, this became a stalemate for decades
as no matter what Kalkar did he could not break the united forces of the
eastern clans.
Kalkar eventually died of old age and was replaced by one of his
generals, the general was a more strategic ruler than Kalkar and his
new orders began pressuring the eastern border and for the first time
in decades the east began losing ground.
But with a false sense of achievement the new emperor sought to
do too much, and with the word of the northern clans in a vicious
civil war unlike ever before the new emperor pledged his armies to
ride north and finish off the surviving clans, conquering the north
for the Empire, now for you to be in this class you will have already
studied this, so I won't go on about it too much, but as you know.
The western armies were devastated by the wildermen forces
and though the end result of the invasion was a peace-treaty
with the north, Great Western Empire was finished, the eastern
Armies stormed through the west directly to the capital, burned
it to the ground with the emperor inside and left, never to return.
All that remained were groups of loosely connected city-states and
minor kingdoms that existed where the empire once had, these were
known as the western kingdoms which we will talk about next time.
Year 2, Class 4 (The Tattered Kingdoms)
Ok, so we last left off at the collapse of the western empire, the empire
had split into minor kingdoms and city-states and the grand capital was in
ruin, during this time twenty-five generals laid claim to the empire and
declared themselves the new empires, the westerners would joke of an emperor
every few miles but this wasn't far from the truth.
most of these generals died but the wars they fought continued to
devastate the leftover carcass of the west, the empire had resorted
to it's roots in the days before the empire, the only difference
was the number of old Imperial ruins scattered around the lands
the west was dying and it was an ugly death.
Many westerners fled north, the northern remnants were more
accepting of western settlements and many westerners were assimilated
into the northern kingdoms that remained, though many westerners
died trying to settle in the north.
Eastern warbands occasionally passed into western lands
to pillage and loot what they could, some would do it for
sport, and others for slaves. During this time many westerners
were taken into slavery in the east.
but then seemingly out of nowhere these warbands ceased
crossing the border and the near-daily rape of the western
lands by the eastern empire had ended, but over the border
from the east came no longer reaving warbands, but horrified
refugees, fleeing as far north as they could, they spoke of
horrors like nothing ever before seen.
In the space of a week, the eastern empire was dead
an army of monsters had appeared from the south and
had torn appart everything the east could muster
in a short time, causing mass panic and confusion.
The remaining eastern armies rode west and captured
one of the western cities to use as their base of
operations to fight the monsters, but the vast majority
of surviving easterners fled for their lives after
what they saw, and bravery became a commodity.
Year 2, Class 5 (The End of the West)
Things were looking dire and the east was finished, the western kingdoms were
almost as afraid as the easterners, if something could topple an empire in a
week what could it do to a bunch of little kingdoms and towns, the panic set in
some began to speak of sacrifice to appease the beasts, others claimed to have
heard the voices of the monsters in their heads, some of these men ran south
and began to worship the monsters.
The western generals who remained agreed to a truce and under the
command of General Asrin the Bear they marched to meet the eastern
armies who had settled in one of the old kingdoms, soon followed
by men of the north who had heard of the monsters from the refugees
the northerners mistakenly thought the monsters from the south were
wildermen as they had faced and they dismissed some of the survivors
tales of great red beasts as false.
Soon all fighting men in the west, east and north stood
together, and within a few weeks of the collapse of the
east the monstrous army approached the western lands
those few thousand monsters were met by an army of over
one hundred thousand men, and the fight was close with some
accounts saying that the demonic monsters would kill 10 men
with one swing of their blades.
The war was over and the last of the monsters were slain
less than ten thousand men walked away from the battle
and the grand civilisations that had once existed were now
long gone, together the armies of the west, the clans of the
north and the clans from the east united, and formed a mighty
empire to preside over all lands and protect the realms of men.
That new empire of united burned lands become what we
today know as Malagar.

And its King graces us by being in this
class, who would have guessed!
In the decades to follow the new empire rebuilt itself
places that were once barren were hospitable again, ruined
castles stood strong once more, and the might of the three
great lands stood untested.
And that concludes western history, and in a way
the origin of our great kingdom of Malagar, so there
you go, bet you didn't see that coming
we have an exam next so make sure you've taken notes
or you'll have to sit these classes again.
Year 3, Class 1 (Intro to Eastern History and the Early East)
Hello Class, we're here for year three, I am Ahrnus and I will be your
lecturer for our studies of the East and its culture.
The East has long been a place of wealth, even today despite it being
more desolate environmentally than it's ever been the place still boasts
the Artifact market, a large eastern trade hub.
The East in times long past was home to arguably the strongest empire
of ancient times, more so even than the Western Empire, now there isn't
a great deal to talk about with regards to recent developments in the
eastern lands so we will move swiftly on to the meat of the course
and the reason we are all here... history.
In the earliest recorded history the East was full of small but
Prosperous villages, these villages traded with each other and
developed a culture of elders that met and discussed matters
once per year, this system worked for everyone and ensured the
balance of power wasn't tainted. Over time the council held
36 elders representing 45 settlements.
Of course as with most instances of well spread power soon the
system grew corrupted with the elder of the largest village
undermining the elder council and threatening and fighting his
way to unifying the villages under his direct rule. There were
those who challenged him but they were silenced one way or another
and from this troublesome period, came the first great Eastern Empire.
That's all I've got for now, next lesson we will discuss
the united east and its war with the west.
Year 3, Class 2 (The United East and the War of the West)
Welcome back, we shall start immediately delving in to the new Eastern
Empire, now we must remember, while we call it an 'Empire' it was still
no more than a swarm of simple villages united by a powerful elder and
the development of the Empire came with time, the new 'Emperor' succeeded
in concentrating wealth from all of the villages and using it to build
a large trading town and a lavish palace for himself but these developments
took a lifetime and the mighty emperor died with no sons and a mediocre palace.
Following his death there was no clear indication of who would take
the new empires reigns, many elders stepped forward and laid claim
but in the end the new emperor was not an elder but one of the old
emperor's guards who challenged all of his opponents to duels they
did not wish to fight, this man was Neem the Saviour and was
considered the first true emperor of the East.
Under his rule he focused more on growing the empires overall power
than concentrating its power and wealth in one area. He did so by
building vast trade networks, developing an imperial guard and
sending out explorers to discover new wealth and resource.
As time progressed the Eastern Empire became a powerful force, with
vast networks of trade, several powerful armies and an expanding
territory, this time was considered the Golden Age of the East.
This period however was soon to be challenged by a newly
discovered neighbour, another empire to the West. The
Emperor Neem gathered his council of Elders and discussed
a plan, to fight, to trade, to ignore, but in the end the
Overwhelming opinion was trade. The east would develop
a trade network with their new neighbours that would
enrich them both, with no need of conquest or blood, the
easterners were happy and prepared an envoy.
But as you know having passed the study of the West, there was no
trade, mere weeks before the planned eastern trade envoy, it happened.

Kalkar Steel-Heart, the leader of the Western Empire had burned a village
on the fringe of the eastern territories, a village formed to be the new
trade hub between the two empires, no easterners survived and the village
was left a total ruin.
Neem spent no time waiting, the many armies of the empire were summoned
and while they had never experienced real combat, they were well trained
and filled not with fear, but with fury. Come back next time and we will
discuss what happened next.
Year 3, Class 3 (The Weakened West)
Continuing on from our last lesson, the Eastern Empire mobilized it's
military in retaliation for the western attack, it didn't take long for
a mighty army to form, the full military might of the East marched right
out of the desert and into the western lands where the unprepared western
border defence quickly fell.
The eastern army sacked a number of western settlements before finally
being met by the entire western army, a huge battle took place but before
long the fighting subdued and the eastern army pulled back. The west had
saved themselves and shown their might, but the easterners had seen the
true combat and come out largely victorious, this changed the empire
from a trade focused one to a military one.
From there on, both empires grew in strength and fought a stalemate war
on their borders, constant small fighting but never any battles large
enough to shake things up. In time both the western and eastern emperors
perished to the passage of time, but the new western emperor was far more
aggressive and within weeks of his crowning he launched several large scale
assaults on the eastern borders.
During this troublesome period the eastern empire suffered many losses
of both battle and territory and within a few years the eastern border
was pushed further and further inland, the eastern empire was worried
but they would fight on.
During the same time, the western emperor, feeling untouchable in
the east, marched north. Upon hearing of a collapsing north, the
Western Emperor sought to conquer the north and unite it with his
own lands forming a huge and untouchable empire with which to finally
and ultimately crush the east, but as you all know, the west did not
find the victory they wanted in the North.
In a period considered by many easterners to be the dawning of the
second Eastern Golden Age, the west had virtually lost their entire
army in the north, while the easterners did not know this, the attacks
on their borders had entirely ceased, small eastern warbands investigated
and found many of the old eastern lands held by the west had been
We will talk about what happened after that in our next lesson.
Year 3, Class 4 (The Eastern Clanwars)
So, with sight of the abandoned western border the Eastern warbands
boldly and perhaps stupidly charged into the west unsure of what had
happened to their previously might foe, what they found were scores
of weak and undefended lands full of scared westerners.
It was from these scared westerners that the Eastern Warlords heard
of the rumours, the western armies were dead. Fate had smiled on the
the east, the west was dead.
When news of this reached the Eastern Empire he took their fall as an
ill omen, that those who seek to conquer foreign lands should themselves
fall, but he could not allow for the west to rise again and resume their
warring, nor leave those eastern brethren dead to a western blade unavenged.
So the Eastern Emperor led the armies of the east directly
for the capital of the west and burned it to the ground
with the western empire and his council inside it
before marching straight back out and warning his generals
and warlords not to conquer western lands.
During this time many eastern warlords continued fighting
they would raid western villages, kill any semblance of
military they found and would take slaves. They would however
not take a single patch of western land for their own, so as
not to upset their emperor's orders.
In this time the East grew in power, developing large
networks of slaves and exploring further to the north
and south where they had not mapped.
But a new problem arose, the east was no longer at
war, but many of its highest ranking officials were
warlords, warlords with no war to fight, many problems
came from this, as we shall discuss in our next lesson.
Year 3, Class 5 (The Eastern Doom)
Within a matter of years after the western collapse, eastern warlords were
fighting, at first a few small and fringe struggles but in no time at all
warlords were in-fighting over territory wealth and slaves, the emperor tried
to calm the situation down but his authority had waned, the warlords ignored
his requests and continued fighting, the emperor could not agree to attack his
own and the madness continued.
Less than a year later the emperor was found dead, it is unknown if
if it was suicide or assassination but his death only further
divided the warlords who each claimed they would not follow a new
emperor, and so with the death of Emperor followed the death of the
Empire, replaced by warring eastern clans.
The Easterner clans began raiding and capturing western
lands with greater ferocity, some raided south and laid
claim to the barren waste they found, and others warred
with each other fighting for any scrap of land they could
claim... warlords came and fell, territory shifted hands
like sand dunes in the wind and the east divided itself
further each day.
But the war-ready eastern clans were unprepared for what
sought them, a fate worse than any had yet suffered, for to
the lands south which they had claimed, they were not alone.
Beasts, Monsters, towering hulking figures with red skin
and fiery eyes, they flooded from the south with monstrous
speed and destroyed all that stood before them, eastern clans
were left in ruin and within a week, the Eastern lands were
Several fleeing eastern warbands united and marched west
capturing a western city to use as a military post. the
westerners were terrified as they watched the eastern veterans
filled with fear, building vast walls and defences facing east
many of them wanted to flee further west, to run forever from the
Marching could be heard from a distance, the eastern survivors
watched as a large army of westerners approached the city they
had taken, the desperate easterners prepared their defences and
readied themselves for a fight with the west, but the western
armies sought council. They had heard the rumours of the east
and wished to see it for themselves.
And... well without repeating what you would have learned
with your studies of the west, the armies all united and fought
off the demonic threat, forming from their ruins, the kingdom
of Malagar. Thank you for taking my classes, I wish you luck in your
Year 4, Class 1 (Intro to the South)
Hello... I will be your tutor for your final studies, now as with all
my classes I will explain what you are all likely wondering, what happened to
my face... As you are aware this is studies of the South, well I was a fanatic
of southern history, but so little is really known I decided to see for myself
and visited, I was captured by cultists and narrowly escaped with my life, so
I warn you all not to do as I did, they burned my face on a flaming stone...
This section of your studies will be short, we will have two lessons
as we only have a small curriculum to cover before your exam, which
is also short, this is due to so little being known about the south.
The South is divided into at least three areas we know of
these are 'The Parched lands' 'Oasis' and 'The Drylands'
each having their own unique features. The first region of
the south is the parched lands which is filled with cultists
as well as a fortress whose origins we cannot figure out.
Oasis despite its name is a similarly barren region full of ruins
and very little more, I have heard rumour that there is a small
settlement among the ruins though.
And finally the Drylands, reported home of the southern
monsters, the place is largely unexplored due to the harshness
of the environment.
That just about does it for the introduction to the south, as
for our next and final lesson we will discuss what we know of
Year 4, Class 2 (What we know about the Ancient South)
Welcome back, this is our second and last lesson so pay attention
We know little about the Southern lands other than at some point
despite this so said demonic influence there were actually many
villages and settlements there, very little is known of their culture
as they were all wiped out during an invasion.
It is hard to tell if the historical documentation is exaggerated
or not as the Easterners described what came from the south as
Towering red monsters, but similarly during the same period the west
referred to northerner's as icy giants with tree trunks for weapons
and we now know they refer to northern men.
What is known is that the force that came from the south
left most of the known world in ruin before it was crushed
by the unified forces of the realm.
The southern invasion was recorded as having happened soon
after eastern warlords began settling and claiming barren
land for themselves, but the real first moment was said
said to have occurred when some eastern soldiers who had
recently claimed a southern plane got in a fist fight, one
good punch drew blood and they say the moment the blood hit
the dry dirt the ground began to shake.
Many considered it an omen, and shortly after they were beset
by fiery eyed beasts and they described them.
Had the west, north and east not unified they would likely
have falled to these so called monsters and the realm as we
know it today would not exist, now unfortunately that's all
I can say as we have reached the end of our curriculum.
Thank you for taking the class and good luck with your exams
if you pass these then you pass the history guild itself.
Akaneos 31 Dec, 2022 @ 6:10am 
Great work.
This is sufficient to get full score on year 2, 3 and 4.
For year 1 you'll need to read the provided literature in the guild as well - reminds me of real studying ;)
Troy - Warsim!  [developer] 4 Apr, 2022 @ 8:58am 
Just found this now but cheers for putting it here, definitely helpful for some!