Starship Traveller
"Starship Traveller" (Standalone) Walkthru & Complete Achievements/Artwork Guide
โดย Analand Sorceress
A walkthru of Tin Man Games "Starship Traveller". (Standalone version.)
It's Fighting Fantasy meets Star Trek this time round.
You are the captain of the starship "Traveller". After a manoeuvre goes disastrously wrong, your starship is sucked into the notorious black hole "Seltsian Void".
You regain consciousness to discover that your starship has passed thru the black hole into an unknown parallel universe.
You must travel this alien world and search for info that can help you lead your crew safely back home to earth, via another black hole.
As well as rolling your own skill, stamina and luck stats, you have a crew who each have individual skill and stamina scores and specialist skills. Your starship also has weapons & shields scores.
In addition to the traditional hand-to-hand combat system, there are rules for phaser battles (quick & deadly) and ship-to-ship battles.
It takes a while to setup all of these stats which makes it all the more bizarre because, if you follow the perfect route to complete the game, you will face no battles and no skill tests or luck tests in your entire journey.
(Remember that bit at the start of all FF books which states that, if you find the optimum route, you can still triumph even if you have low stats? Yes, i know, we all laugh at that bit, but this time it's really true.)
However, if you wanna complete all of the Steam achievements and collect all of the artwork, you will need some of these stats.

There are 20 Steam achievements for this game. Some of them are completed during the winning walkthru and are marked in bold type where they occur. The remainder require different routes and are described in a separate chapter later in this guide.

There are 26 artworks to collect. Again, some of these are found during the winning walkthru and are marked in bold type where they occur. The remainder require different routes and are described in a separate chapter at the end of this guide.

The game seems very short if you follow the optimum route, but then the original book was only 340 references, not the usual 400.
In a parallel universe.
(Before you begin, choose the option to hand-pick your own crew.)
Steam Achievement: The Galaxy's Finest

Artwork #24

Set course for the life-bearing system ahead.

(This planet has not been named by it's inhabitants.) Leave orbit and continue onwards.

(This planet is Trax.) Plot a course to avoid it.

(This planet is Culematter.) Leave orbit and continue onwards.
Planet Cliba.
(This medium-sized blue-green planet is Cliba.)
Beam down.
(Take any selection of crew, but it will speed-up the encounter if you do not take your Science Officer or Medical Officer.)
Artwork #18
Wait for the aliens to arrive.
Ask him about the planet and it's inhabitants.
Offer to try to contact the rain lord.
Continue up to the gate and talk to the guard.
Steam Achievement: No Rain, No Pain
Artwork #6
+ transdimensional compass
You do not have your Science Officer.
Back into space.
Enter orbit around the planet. (Do not miss this choice! This planet is not important, but the next one is and because of the game layout you cannot reach it unless you visit this grey planet first.)
Artwork #9
Return to your ship.
Seal off the docking bay.
Evacuate the air from all the affected sections.
Set course for the blue planet.
Planet Jolsen-3
(This blue planet is Jolsen-3.)
Beam down and visit this planet.
Artwork #13
Accept I-Abail's offer of refreshments.
Artwork #26
(Your transdimensional compass will automatically take you thru the maze.)
+ info: black hole in sector 159
Onward into deep space.
Set course for deep space.
Continue onwards.

(This planet is Malini.) Leave orbit and continue onwards.

Hyperspace jump to the small black planet.
Ignore this planet and proceed towards another.
Planet Terryal-6.
(This greeny-grey planet is Terryal-6.)
Beam down. (Choose any selection of crew. It doesn't matter.)
Beam down.
Artwork #22
Follow the child
Accept Luff's help in searching for passage to your universe.
+ info: stardate 21
Honour your agreement with Luff.
Into the black hole.
I believe i have found the coordinates.
Travel to the black hole at sector 159.
Travel to stardate 21.
You have survived your journey thru the black hole and made it safely back home. Yay!
Artwork #3
Steam Achievement: Classic Win / Casual Win.
Steam Achievement: Save The Cat!

An aside: In the original book, if you didn't know the correct location and stardate of the black hole, you entered a random black hole and never emerged from it....
However, in this electronic version, if you know one of the two facts you roll 1d6 and have a 1 in 3 chance of guessing the correctly.
If you don't know either of them, you roll 1d6 and have a 1 in 6 chance of guessing correctly.
Seems like rather generous odds!
Steam Achievevments.
There are 20 Steam achievements for this game.
Five can be completed during the winning walkthru, described above, and are marked in bold type where they occur:
Classic Win or Casual Win: Simply complete the game in each mode.
The Galaxy's Finest: Choose to hand pick your own crew.
Save The Cat: Complete the game without losing the ship's cat.
No Rain, No Pain: Surrender to the rain lord's guards.

The remaining 15 require different routes and are unlocked as follows:
Hostile Diplomacy
At the start of the game, head for the life-bearing system to port. Open fire.

Stand Aside, Crew!
At the start of the game, head for the life-bearing system to port. Identify yourself. Comply.
Leap on him and try to overpower him. Do it yourself. (-1 skill, -2 sta)

At the start of the game, head for the life-bearing system to port. Identify yourself. Comply.
Attempt to sidetrack him. Release the eagle! (You may then also have to pass the luck test to unlock the achievement.)

Dammit, Jim!
At the start of the game, head for the barren system to starboard.
Continue. Auxiliary power. Choose -3 shields.
Survive a single shot each, from four missiles. (Strength 7)
Battle stations. Defeat enemy ship We: 8, Sh: 7
Beam down to the barren planet.
Take some samples of yellow powder. Set course for the double star.
Ask for a report on the samples. Administer the yellow powder.

Strict Discipline
Follow the same path as the previous achievement but, instead of asking for a report on the samples, have him released. Fight ensign (Skill 10) for two attack rounds.
You must win both attack rounds to unlock the achievement.

Table For One
Follow on from the previous achievement and continue towards the double star.
Beam down. Ask to see the city. Explore the city further. Continue despite her protests. Beam up.

Surrender Is An Option
Follow the main walkthru until you reach the planet Culematter, but beam down instead of leaving orbit. Follow the creature in. Obey and enter the vehicle. Try to fight your way out.
If one of your party is reduced to 4 stamina or less, surrender to unlock the achievement.

Do You Like My Hat?
Follow the same path as the previous achievement but, instead of fighting your way out, try to contact the ship. Use your previous discovery to escape.
(When you return to the ship, your science officer modifies the helmet for your use, unlocking the achievement.)

Follow the main walkthru until you reach the planet Trax but, instead of plotting a course to avoid it, continue to investigate it. Then leave orbit and continue, without beaming down.
Set course for the star cluster. Activate shields!
Survive a single impact each, from up to 18 meteors. (Strength 7, Total 18)
Set course for the green planet.
Beam down. (Choose your best two fighters.)
Draw your phasers. Set to kill. Search for other animals. Attack with your bare hands.
Defeat three squinns: Sk 8 St 16, Sk 7 St 18, Sk 8 St 18 to unlock the achievement.

Not sure if you have to defeat all three squinns by hand. If not, there is an easier alternative:
Beam down. Draw your phasers, but wait to see what happens.
Search for more animals. Attack with phasers. You have another crew member with you.

In Two Minds
Follow the main walkthru until you leave Cliba, but ignore the small grey planet and continue to your original destination.
Beam down. (Take two crew, the one with the lowest skill and the one with the highest fighting skill, but do not take your science officer!)
Fail a skill test, then choose the crew member with the lowest skill to take a skill test, which they also need to fail.
Your crew must defeat the aliens, with or without any help from you, to unlock the achievement.

The Science of Fists
Follow the main walkthru until you arrive at the planet Malini, but beam down to 223.473.83 instead of leaving orbit. (Pick your two crew members with highest skill. On this occasion, there are no skill penalties in combat for non-security crew.)
Follow it. Yes, you are there for the contests. Ask how to escape. Try your luck at the contests.
Attack, without asking for any advice.
Defeat the manslayer robot, to unlock the achievement.

They 'Fell'
Follow the main walkthru until you leave Jolsen-3 but, instead of heading into deep space, head for the small yellow planet. Beam down.
Examine the volcano more closely. Fail the luck test to unlock the achievement.

No Crew Left Behind
Follow the main walkthru until you go past the planet Mailini but, instead of heading for the black planet, set course for the wheel-shaped structure. Bargain with them.
Agree to lose random crew member(s) in exchange for docking, to unlock the achievement.

Going Solo
All six of your main crew are killed, or left behind, before the end of the game:
Science officer, medical officer, engineering officer, security officer and two security guards.
(The ensign and the cat do not count for this achievement.)
Visit as many planets as possible. There are plenty of encounters where you can lose crew members.

Find all the artwork within Starship Traveller. A full guide to the location of the artworks is listed in the chapter below.
There are 26 artworks in the gallery for this game, plus the title-screen image.
Some are found during the winning walkthru, described above, and are marked in bold type where they occur: Artwork #3 #6 #9 #13 #18 #22 #24 #26
The remainder require different routes and are unlocked as follows.
(I have grouped artworks together in this list, as they appear in the game, for convenience.)

#19 At the start of the game, head for the life-bearing system to port.

#4 At the start of the game, head for the barren system to starboard.
Investigate an asteroid cluster. Risk sending out a crew member.
#7 At the start of the game, head for the barren system to starboard.
Continue. Auxiliary power. Choose -3 shields.
Survive a single shot from each of four missiles. Battle stations.
#16 Continue from #7. Defeat enemy ship We: 8, Sh: 7
Beam down to explore the barren planet. Explore the ravine.
#11 Continue from #16. Beam up. Set course for the double star. Head to the canteen.
#12 Continue from #11. Resolve the situation with the ensign however you wish. Head towards the double star.
#15 Continue from #12. Beam down. Ask to see the city. Explore the city further. Continue despite her protests.
#25 Continue from #12. Beam down. Speak to the department of astronomy. Hand over your weapon.

#1 At the start of the game, head for the life-bearing system ahead. Beam down.

#20 Follow the main walkthru until you reach the planet Trax but, instead of avoiding it, investigate it and then beam down.

#21 Follow the main walkthru until you reach the planet Trax but, instead of plotting a course to avoid it, continue to investigate it and then leave orbit and continue without beaming down. Set course for the star cluster.

#14 Continue from #21. Activate shields!
Survive a single impact each, from up to 18 meteors. (Strength 7, Total 18)
Set course for the blue planet. Beam down. (You die!)
#17 Continue as in #14 but, set course for the green planet rather than the blue planet. Beam down.
#10 Continue from #17. Draw your phasers. Wait to see what happens. Start gathering vegetation.

#8 Follow the main walkthru until you leave Cliba but, ignore the small grey planet and continue to your original destination. Beam down.

#2 Follow the main walkthru until you leave Jolsen-3 but, instead of heading into deep space, head for the small yellow planet. Beam down.

#5 Follow the main walkthru until you go past the planet Mailini but, instead of heading for the black planet, set course for the wheel-shaped structure. Bargain with them. Accept their offer. Agree to the deal and dock.
#23 Continue from #5. Are there any recreational facilities here? Invite the crew. Beam down.

There is one more artwork which, for some reason, doesn't appear in the gallery.
I don't know whether it is also required for the Steam Achievement "Artist" so, for the sake of completion, it is included here:

(#27) Follow the main walkthru until you reach the planet Culematter but, instead of leaving orbit, beam down.
9 ความเห็น
Michael 12 มิ.ย. @ 5: 31am 
my pleasure
Analand Sorceress  [ผู้สร้าง] 11 มิ.ย. @ 11: 55am 
The "Appointment With FEAR" walkthru for the standalone version was actually written by somebody else.
I created the "FF Classics" walkthru for "Appointment With FEAR", but thank-you for the positive feedback anyway. :steamthumbsup:
Michael 7 มิ.ย. @ 12: 25am 
i gave an award also for the F.e.a.r book, for each path... :claudeheart:

Thanks for the guides
Michael 7 มิ.ย. @ 12: 23am 
my pleasure
Analand Sorceress  [ผู้สร้าง] 6 มิ.ย. @ 11: 52pm 
Thank-you. :steamthumbsup: :TalismanSorceress:
Michael 6 มิ.ย. @ 6: 15am 
have an award
Michael 5 มิ.ย. @ 7: 58pm 
thanks for the guide
Analand Sorceress  [ผู้สร้าง] 19 ก.ย. 2021 @ 4: 15am 
Thank-you for your feedback. It's good to know that these guides are helpful. :steamthumbsup:
I intend to create guides for three more FF games, when time allows. :TalismanSorceress:
CYBERDATA7 11 ก.ย. 2021 @ 2: 30pm 
This guide has been informative. I enjoy the game but this is pretty helpful to play.