Pavlov VR

Pavlov VR

Final Destination FAST
14.365 MB
2020 年 7 月 13 日 下午 2:01
2022 年 7 月 11 日 下午 1:51
25 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Final Destination FAST

Super Smash Brothers N64 Final Destination No Items - Bunny Hat Only(Double speed)
7 条留言
Goddamn Superhero  [作者] 2021 年 8 月 17 日 上午 6:19 
it was a request for a gun game map. Fast, close quarters, no cover gun game
Kev 2021 年 8 月 16 日 下午 10:39 
Haha all good man, don't be sorry, I just came to see what the map was actually made for, cuz i was positive it wasn't TDM lol, I'm sure it's cool when its used the way its supposed to be, first person super smash brothers in VR does sound kind of awesome.
Goddamn Superhero  [作者] 2021 年 8 月 16 日 下午 4:48 
LMFAO that is gold. but yeah, sorry man. was not intended for that.
Kev 2021 年 8 月 16 日 下午 1:27 
Seems like a cool map, unless 30 people in a TDM server get spawned into it with no restrictions...yeah that happened....pretty sure I'll never see anything like that again, and i never EVER want too, but i mean, it was an experience lol.
catsphalt 2021 年 8 月 9 日 下午 9:48 
Imagine this but Super Smash Bros Brawl's Final Destination
sillynoodle720 (Silver II) 2020 年 7 月 25 日 下午 11:33 
I played this for the first time today, officially the BEST gun game map. :lunar2020ratinablanket:
LordFluffeh  [作者] 2020 年 7 月 13 日 下午 2:51 
Best map