Doorways: Prelude

Doorways: Prelude

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Doorways: CH 1 & 2 Complete Guide
Por Jill of Trades
Game Mechanics, Walkthroughs, Notes, Relics, and Achievements.
Welcome. This guide covers the walkthrough, the relics, and the notes throughout the game while keeping it as spoiler-free as possible. If you find something that isn't right or want to give tips or tricks, feel free to post!

Game Mechanics
Menu/Pause ('ESC' Key, Right Arrow Button.)
Move Forward ('W' Key, Joystick Up.)
Move Backward ('S' Key, Joystick Down.)
Move Left ('A' Key, Joystick Left.)
Move Right ('D' Key, Joystick Right.)
Jump ('SPACE' Key, 'A' Button.)
Crouch ('CTRL' Key,JRT)
Slow Down ('SHIFT' Key,JLT)
Interact/Push Objects (Left Click,JRB)
Pull Objects (Right Click,JLB)
Relics ('R' Key, Y Button.)
Notes ('N' Key, X Button.)
Items ('I' Key, B Button.)
Inventory ('TAB' Key, JRS)

This game is played in separate chapters, therefore anything completed before the upcoming chapter is not carried over to the next. If you wish to play a previous chapter, you can simply go to the Main Menu, then Play, Stage Selection, then select your chapter. However, if you want to stay on that chapter, you have to play it in one playthrough.

No need to strain your eyes in the darkness of this game. Items that can be picked up or interact with glow in your vincinity.

There are a number of ways to die in this game, such as being in the dark for too long or falling to your death. So what happens when you die? Each transition(unexplainable fade to black in lit areas) or special event is your check point. Any notes, items, interaction with objects, etc obtained after that point when dying is lost and you will have to backtrack to get those things again!
Tutorial: The Cave
Walk down through the corridor until you come close to a gigantic decorated door.
The left door room is now opened. Walk through until you're in the center of the room.
Continue walking straight to the door that just opened ahead.
At the fork, take a left. Crouch through the passageway.
At the center of the rocks, move the left 'second-next to tablet' rock to reveal and pick up your [RELIC BOX].
Exit the room and head back to the center.
The room to the right of you is now opened. Head into that room.
Jump into the water and head straight until you see two boulders next to eachother. Jump on top of them and jump back up to that side.
From the landing, walk to your right until you notice something glowing in the wall.
Pull the rock to unveil and pick up your first Relic. Achievement unlocked.
Jump down back to the water and head back to the other side. Jump on the left-most two boulders to get back on land.
Head up the stairs, and jump on the other platform.
Pick up your [NOTEBOOK] that is on the altar.
Exit the room and head back to the center.
The last room ahead of you is now opened. Head into that room.
After walking a bit, make a sharp turn to find a path. Follow that path.
There is an area lightened by the torch. There is a note on the floor. Pick up ["The Walls in this..."] Note.
Exit that area and continue to the other path. It will curve uphill.
You will notice a makeshift stair. To the back of the tablet, there is a rock. move that rock towards the lowest step of that stair.
Jump on that rock up onto the stair. Jump over to the platform. Pick up your [ITEM PACK] that is on the altar.
Exit the room and head back to the center. You can now head back to the room with the gigantic decorated door.
Go near the decorated door. Open your items to reveal an [ARTIFACT]. Use it on the core in the door.
Walk inside the room, all the way to the altar, which has a note on it. Pick up ["There are things..."] Note.
After reading the note, a door opens. Go through that door. Tutorial ends. Achievement unlocked.

Noteable Achievements:
Boy scout (Find your first relic.)
No more introduction (Finish the Tutorial...nothing more.)
Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes
Follow the path by following the torches. Keep going until you notice a note neatly placed on a neat rock. Pick up [Jake Gibbs] Note.
Pass the torch area where the note was. A new path of torches should come up.
Follow through the lit path and jump down the ledge.
You should notice another path straight ahead that is lit up. Ignore that for now and turn to your left. There is another path that is dim.
Go through the dim path until you notice a lit area with a [TORCH] on the altar. Pick up the [TORCH].
TORCH: This item can be used on lit torches that are close by to you. Doing that will light up the torch in your hand for a very short time. Jumping will make the lit [TORCH] go out. Using this item is required to proceed through the story. I will explain later.
Head back to the area where you came from.
Go to the path that is lit with torches. There is a note in between the two lit torches. Pick up ["I'd arrived at..."] Note.
Beyond the area after the note is pitch black. Walking through there without having a lit [TORCH] will cause you to start over from the last savepoint.
With a lit [TORCH], continue through the path until you notice another area lit by another torch.
Light the [TORCH] again using that nearby lit torch. Turn around and head to the path on the right.
Continue the way until you see another lit area. Light the [TORCH] again and make a sharp curve turn to the next lit torch. You will notice another note on a neat rock.
Pick up ["At that moment I..."] Note.
From that area there is a dim path to the North, slightly west. Go through that path. Dim areas like that you don't have to worry about starting from the last savepoint.
Continue straight onto the next path and walk down the ledge.
Head to the next lit torch. To your left you will notice the beginning of a bridge.

Noteable Achievements:
Chapter 1.1:The Abandoned Bridge
Upon stepping on the bridge, you will have a SAVEPOINT.
Continue straight onto the wooden planks until you end up walking higher on a plank.
Jump to the side of the bridge and walk along the side. From there you can continue on the side or go back to the center where it's safe.
Until you can't continue straight, turn and walk left and walk straight.
Continue on until you notice a plank to your right going downward. Go down on that plank, and continue walking straight.
Until you can't continue walking straight, take a right and walk along that wooden plank.
Take notice of the left area, where there is a log you can jump to. Walk up to the point where you can make the closest jump.
Walk up the log and take a right. Jump up on the next log on your left and continue straight.
Jump over to the other area, and continue walking up until you can't.
Turn to your left and you will notice a lit area. Walk towards that area, and jump down.
ACT QUICKLY! Walk straight and jump onto the nearest plank sticking out.
Continue walking straight until you can't.
Turn right on the latest plank that is out and go to the side of the bridge. Walk straight on the side.
Until you are at the end, turn left then take the first right.
Continue straight until there is a dead end. Ignore the left and behind, and take a right. Look down on the plank you are on and until you can't walk anymore, jump on the next ledge.
Continue on until you are at the ledge. Jump over (not down) to get to the other side.

Noteable Achievements:
Chapter 1.2: The Castle Ruins
With a lit [TORCH], continue the way until you come across a small dim area.
Look around until you notice an area lit by a torch. Head to that area.
Continue the way to a hugely lit area.
Continue until you come across steps that are illuminated. Instead of heading straight, take a right to go down the stairs.
Continue the way through the dim area until you come across a note on the altar.
Pick up ["I can almost hear..."] Note.
Behind you, there is a lever. Click on it.
Exit the area and upon going up back the stairs, continue heading straight to the other side.
Go up the stairs and follow the dim path. There is a lit area with a relic on the altar.
Pick up Relic #1 (Neck Impale) out of 4.
Head back to the area where you first began. You can now go up the steps, and the door will open.
Follow the hallway until you come across a dead end, blocked by a gigantic old door.
After walking around a bit, you notice the left door on the side has opened. Go through that door.
Follow the trail until you are shocked by a trap.
Jump over the trap. From here on out, any traps related with spikes you get through will block you from getting out once you pass them. In order to get back to the beginning of where the first trap appeared, you will have to either commit suicide or reach the lever at the end.
Follow the trail until you come across another trap. Jump over once, and jump again to get to the other side.
Continue on until you notice another trap.
Walk into the area up to the point where you're blocked by the tiles with holes.
Turn to your right then jump over the tile.
Turn left and take one big step. Jump over the tile.
Turn left again and walk until you are blocked.
Turn right and jump over the tile.
You can now walk safely straight.
Right before descending the stairs, look for the giant hole in the wall (You'll notice it is in pitch black.)
Jump through that hole and descend left to a dim area where there is an altar with a relic.
Pick up Relic #2 (Chest Impale) out of 4.
Head back up to the original area and descend the stairs.
Continue the path and look for a small set of stairs. Go up the stairs.
Slightly northwest after going up, there is a note on the altar.
Pick up ["Hundreds of people..."] Note.
Behind you there is a lever. Go to it and click on it.
Upon descending the stairs, go straight and go back up the stairs. Retrace your steps back to the gigantic old door. Note that the traps are still active. If you pass each trap, you cannot go back unless you commit suicide (there isn't another lever that lowers the spikes at this point.)
Once entering back to the room, you will have a SAVEPOINT.
The other door straight ahead of you will now open. Go through that door.
Continue the trail until you notice four neat tiles on the wall that are flashing.
The pattern that is flashing is the pattern you have to follow to traverse the trap. Getting the pattern wrong will leave you to start over.
First pattern: Claw, Circle, Cross, Cage. (I know the circle is a clock. I just find circle easier to remember.)
When you step on the Circle that has two Crosses on the left and right of you, take the left one.
Continue on down the stairs. There is another hallway which leads to the third relic. You cannot obtain it yet.
There is another pattern flashing on the wall.
Second pattern:Claw, Cross, Circle, Cage
Descend down the stairs. The trap is right there after the last step.
When you step on the Cross that has two Circles on the left and right of you, take the left one.
When you reach the dead end with the Cross, jump onto the Circle on the left, then jump to the nearest Cage.
Once stepping on the Claw, jump to the nearest Cross, then jump over the other Cross to get on the Circle.
Step on the Cage on the right of you. Jump over the regular tile with holes to land on the Claw.
Follow the path. Go on the left side to descend down some stairs. You will come across a note on the altar.
Pick up ["At that moment..."2] Note.
Go up back and continue on to the other side of the area. There is a lever to the left of you. Click on it.
Upon exiting the room, you wiill notice another pattern on the wall.
Third Pattern: Claw, Claw, Circle, Cross, Cross, Cage
Begin the puzzle on the first Claw you can step on without jumping. Jump over the Cage straight of you.
Jump over the next Cage to get on the Circle.
Turn left to step on the Cross. Jump over the Cage to step on the next Cross. Jump on the left nearest Cage.
On the Cage, turn right to jump over the Cross to land on the Claw. Jump over the next Cross to get on the Claw.
Continue the way until you come across the next pattern.
Fourth Pattern: Claw, Circle, Cross, Cage, Cross, Circle
Take notice of the hallway of the trap to your right.
Jump over the Cross to land on the Claw and take a right into the hallway.
There is a note on the altar.
Pick up ["Now it's crystal clear..."] Note.
Look behind you and you'll notice a lever on the right.
Click on the lever.
Exit the hallway, step on the Claw and jump over the Cross, and enter the other hallway.
Continue on until you come across the relic from before.
Pick up Relic #3 of 4 (Burned at Stake).
Head back to the original area to continue on the puzzle.
Jump over the Cross to land on the Claw. Follow the puzzle as normal.
Continue the way back into the gigantic door room.
The gigantic door can now be opened. Proceed through to go out.
Instead of descending down, turn to your right and head there. Jump over the gap (the jump can be tricky).
Continue on until you see a boulder to your left. Jump on it and jump down the ledge.
There will be a lever nearby. Click on it, turn around, and walk straight.
Jump down the ledge. Head up the steps and take a right.
Continue until you notice a hallway you can walk into. Go in and you will notice a relic on the Altar.
Pick up Relic #4 of 4 (Torture Chair).
Head back out to the original area where you came from and walk down the steps and continue straight.
You will notice a dim area with an altar and a note.
Pick up ["I remember having..."] Note.
Take out your [TORCH] and light it up with the lit torch nearby.
Go through the dark path. Once you reach the end, take a right, and head towards the lit area.
Light the [TORCH] again and go through a thin path nearby it. Continue until you come across the next lit area.
Light the [TORCH] again and continue on until you see another lit area.
Light the [TORCH] once again and veer to your right and look for a dim area.
There is a small path leading to a ledge between two boulders. Jump down on the ledge.

Noteable Achievements:
Metal Collector (Collect all the Relics on Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes in one playthrough.)
Chapter 1.3: The Abandoned House
Walk straight until you come to an abandoned house.
Take a right to go to the side of the house and go straight from there.
When you see a dim path to your right, go through the path into the shed.
On your right in between the logs, there is a key. Crouch down and pick up [KEY].
Exit the shed area and walk straight to your right.
At the dead end of the right, you should notice a basement door in between the corner of the house.
Use the [KEY] in your inventory on the basement door.
Descend down the area until you are inside a room.
Walk to the end where the light is and walk over the wooden board.
Slide the door open (hold button or key) and go through the hallway.
At the end of the halway, walk straight to the light.
There is a note on the table. Pick up ["I feel I've..."] note.
There are five drawings on the boards. Pick each of them up.
Turning to your right or left, there is another area on the other side of you. Begin walking in the area.
There is a lever broken off. On the glowing part, use [TORCH] on it. (Don't worry you won't need it anymore.)
Exit the area and head back to the table, facing towards the board (for direction purposes).
Turn left and head into the hallway, walking straight into another room.
Upon entering, slightly northeast there is a [DRILL] on the floor. Pick it up.
Walk along the tubs until you see a [PIECE OF WOOD]. Pick it up.
In another tub there is a [METAL LEVER] (the tub north of you once entering the room.) Pick it up.
Upon exiting, take a left and go in the room with the wheel.
On entering, on the right of you there is a shelf which holds another [PIECE OF WOOD]. Pick it up.
Walking closer to the wheel, there is another room to your left. Go in the room.
On your right on the shelf there is a [METAL ROD]. Pick it up.
Walk to the back of the room and look on the bottom left shelf. There is another torture sketch. Pick it up. If you have picked up all the notes, two achievements will unlock.
Exit the area and head back to the room with the boards and table. Continue to the other side.
On your left there is another room. Once entering the room, there is another [PIECE OF WOOD] right next to you on the left. Pick it up.
Exit the room and continue the way until you come across a room on your right.
Go in the room and walk to the end to pick up [HEADGEAR].
Exit the room and continue the way into the room with a chair.
Once entering, look on your right on the bottom of the shelf for a [METAL HANDLE]. Pick it up.
Go up to the chair and you notice there is a piece missing on the bottom. Use the [METAL LEVER] on the glowing part of the chair on the bottom.
Go back to the room with the boards and table.
Look for the torture device with wood sticking up. There is a hole on it. Use [METAL DRILL] on the hole that is glowing.
Go to the torture device on the other side. Use the three [PIECE OF WOODS] on the spikes.
Go back through the hallway next to you and take a right into the wheel room.
Use [METAL LEVER] on the glowing knob of the wheel.
Use [METAL ROD] on the glowing lever.
Head to the other room with the last torture device.
Use [HEADGEAR] on the glowing part of the device.
Exit back to the area with the boards and table.
Go to the area behind it and walk to the back of the room. A door will open. (And will close behind you when you enter.)
Walk to the end of the room into the elevator and click on the button.
Achievement Unlocked.

Noteable Achievements:
Making History (Find all the Torture sketches in the Torture Chamber Basement.)
The Case of "The Professor" (Find and pickup all the notes in Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes. Can be done in different playthroughs.)
Chapter 1 cleared (Finish Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes.)
Chapter 2: The Auditorium
NOTE:To prepare you for this chapter, you can die from jumping down a long distance and die from a couple things if you don't act quickly.

Walk to the center of the room and pick up [Felix Lundberg] Note.
Go to the right area (directly of where the note was) of the room and turn to your right.
Pick up [COGWHEEL].
Ahead of where you found the first note, there is a lever. Go to the side of it to open the side.
Use the [COGWHEEL] on the screw.
Click on the lever. Walk over the bridge.
Take a long walk straight until you reach a dead end, seeing a chained man and see a note on an altar.
Pick up ["The personality of..."] Note.
Go to the hallway to your right and take a right into the corner of the staircase.
Head back to the original area and go into the other hallway around you.
Walk along the right until you come across boulders.
Jump over the boulders to unveil a small path (either side is fine to get in and out of.)
Follow the path until you come across Relic #1 of 4. Pick it up.
Exiting that area, go to the right against the wall (not inside the elevator).
Pull the wall until you can't pull it anymore.
To your left, go to the other wall and pull the wall until there is a suitable jump between the first wall you pulled and to the other platform (look up).
Behind you, go up the stairs and jump over the platforms to the other room.
Go down the stairs and go to the center of the room. There is an item on the altar.
To your left, go into the hallway. Pick up ["The sculptures in..."] Note.
Make your way back up the stairs and jump down the platform.
Continue back to the area with the chained man and go into the second left hallway.
Turn to your left and head against the wall.
Use [BRONZE PILLAR KEY] on the bottom keyhole.
Use [BRONZE CIRCLE KEY] on the center keyhole.
Head back to the room with the flickering elevator (left hallway of the chained man).
Go inside the elevator (door will close behind you) and pull the lever to your right.

Noteable Achievements:
Chapter 2.1: Life-like Creations
Go to the end of the hallway. On the right side of the gigantic statue, there is a note on the altar.
Pick up ["I had descended..."] Note.
Go to the hallway left of you and drop down the floor.
Go up the all stairs until you reach the end.
Go to the right-most corner and jump over to get to the otherside of the ledge. (Fail this jump and you die.)
Walk to the end of the hallway and turn left.
Pick up Relic #2 of 4.
Go back and drop down the ledge and only go up the first set of stairs.
Turn left and go into the room near the large statue.
On the northwest corner of the room, there is a small pillar.
Pull the pillar infront of the statue and jump on it. Try picking up the key.
Note: This can take a couple of tries.
ACT QUICKLY! Run behind the pillars to get behind the statue to where you got the pillar and pick up the [BRONZE KEY].
ACT QUICKLY! Run to the end of the room into the corner and wait 5 seconds. During those seconds, take out [BRONZE KEY] from your inventory.
ACT QUICKLY!Go to the other side of the room to look for a small cased door. Use [BRONZE KEY] on it. Pick up [BRONZE SHIELD KEY]
ACT QUICKLY! Get out of the room.
Go up the stairs and jump on the left to get back where you started from there.
Go into the other hallway and head left. Turn left and use [BRONZE KEY] on the small cased door.
Pick up [FUSE].
Go to the right side of the huge statue in the same room and you'll notice a photo on the altar.
Pick up Photo #1 of 2.
After you have gotten everything, head back into the elevator.
Use [BRONZE KEY] on the small cased door. Pick up the [DEAD FUSE] and replace it with the other [FUSE].
Click on the lever. Once you do, you can't come back to this area.
Pick up the [FUSE] from the small cased door to open the elevator door.
Once exiting the door, you will have a SAVEPOINT

Noteable Achievements:
Chapter 2.2: Amazing Machinery
This is the first area you were in. Head back into the second left hallway.
Go back to the wall where you put in the previous two keys. Use [BRONZE SHIELD KEY] on the top keyhole.
Jump on the other side of the room to get up the stairs to walk across the platform.
Walk down all the sets of stairs and go to the pillar.
Pull or push the rock from the pillar to make it fall.
Walk on the other side of the ledge and go back once again to the second left hallway.
Go back to the wall where you put the keys on and use the cylinder to rotate the Bronze Pillar Key to the right side.
Go back to the first left hallway and go back up the stairs.
Follow the platform to the next room on the left and follow the hallway. Turn right.
Pick up Relic #3 of 4.
Exit the area, go down the stairs, and head right into a different elevator (the door will close behind you, and you can't head back to that area anymore.)
Use [BRONZE KEY] on the small cased door.
Pick up [FUSE] and replace it with the [CHARGED FUSE].
Click on the lever on the other side of the elevator.
Once the elevator stops, pick up the [CHARGED FUSE] again.
Walk to the end of the hallway.
There is a note on the altar on the right of the statue.
Pick up ["The deeper I got..."] Note.
Go into the left halway and turn left. There is a small cased door on the wall by the small platform.
Jump to it, use [BRONZE KEY] on the small cased door, and pick up [CHARGED FUSE].
Jump back, head out the area, and go into the other hallway.
Walk your way to the end until you come across some huge machinery. There is a note on the altar on the right of it.
Pick up ["When I entered..."] Note.
To the right of that, there is a closed case and a lever.
Use [BRONZE KEY] on closed case.
Put a regular [FUSE] on it and pull the lever. Pick up the [CHARGED FUSE].
Put the last regular [FUSE] on it and pull the lever. Pick up the [CHARGED FUSE].
Place all the [CHARGED FUSE]s into the machinery where a fuse shadow lights up.
Use [BRONZE KEY] on the center of the machinery in the keyhole.
Head out of the area and walk into the hallway until you reach a dead end.

Noteable Achievements:
Chapter 2.3: Life-like killers
A door will open to your left. Head through that hallway.
Walk until you notice another room with statues.
Note: The goal is to avoid being hit by the statues with the spears. If you are too close to one, you'll notice a ghostly shadow forming below them. This is a tough set of puzzles that are coming your way and may take many tries.
Head to the leftmost or rightmost of the first spear statue.
Walk upclose to the statue that is shielding his head.
Head inbetween the statues in the center.
ACT QUICKLY!Head up close to the statue covering his face, go around it to jump over the statue kneeling down on the right.
Head left and walk along the wall until you notice a statue that just kneeled down. Jump on it.
ACT QUICKLY! Jump down and jump over the kneeling statue. Make a quick left curve on the rest of the statues nearby and head straight into the door that opens.
Proceed through the hallway until you see a room with more statues.
Once entering that room, look to your right to see a statue holding something out.
Pick up Photo #2 of 2. Achievement unlocked.
ACT QUICKLY! This whole thing has to be done in one try. Back at the starting point, walk inbetween the two statues on the left and jump over the statue that is kneeling. Head to the right in the middle of the two statues with spears. Continue the way until the upcoming two spear statues with the statue kneeling down. Walk up to it to make a left curve, veering left to the sobbing statue, and quickly heading right. If you're up to the statue that suddenly kneeled down, you're safe for now.
Jump over the kneeling statue.
ACT QUICKLY! If you die then you will have to start over from the beginning. Walk to the point where the praising kneeling statue is and make a right turn behind it. Walk between the two statues and head straight for the right corner. You're safe for now.
Head to the other corner and walk up to the statue near the wall. Once he kneels down, jump over him.
ACT QUICKLY! Make your way on the right side of the wall. When you're blocked, veer left and walk in between the statues with the spears. The door will open. Go through it.
There is a note on the altar. Pick up ["I was finally..."] Note.
Another door opens ahead of you. Go through the door.
You're back in the area with the small cased door on a small platform. Head out of the area, and head back into the elevator.
Click on the lever.
Once you exit the elevator, you will have a SAVEPOINT.
Head straight to head back into the room where the chained man is.
Click on the lever that is on the right side of the room. The huge door opens.
Once you enter the area on the other side, you will have a SAVEPOINT.
Jump over the ledge on the right side of the room. Head up and jump over the boulder.
Head to the end and jump over the other ledge
Head left and jump over the next ledge. Head right and jump over the other ledge.
Head straight then turn left to jump over the next ledge.
Head straight over the crooked platform to jump over the next ledge.
Turn right then jump down onto a set of stairs.
Follow the path until you come across a dead end. Jump on the siding in front of you and walk right until you see a dim platform on the bottom on the other side.
Jump onto that platform. Walk to the end and jump on the platform to your left.
Turn right on the first boulder and jump onto the other platform.
Jump your way up top and walk up the set of stairs.
Jump over to the next platform and go to the set of stairs.
Go up the set of stairs. Go to the end and you'll see a lever.
Click on the lever to elevate the platform you are on.
Turn around and you'll see a note on an altar.
Pick up ["I had reached..."] Note. If you followed this guide and picked up every note and photo, then achievement unlocked.
Note: Apparently there is a bug that you can't pause during this fight. Even when you pause, the statue can still kill you.
ACT QUICKLY! This has to be done in one try. Head behind the first pillar to your right and wait for the statue to knock it down. Head to the next one and make him knock it down twice. Head to the next one and make him knock it down once. The next two are knocked down once. The next one after that is knocked down twice, and the last one is knocked down once.
I recommend turning the brightness up at this point to find the next relic.
Head up to the end where the statue was and take a right. Go to the pillar and go to the left of it.
Jump down the huge step, go left to go around the debris, and drop down rather than jump onto the boulder ahead of you.
Walk straight until you see a relic ahead.
Pick up Relic #4 out of 4.
To make your way back up, just commit suicide by repeatably climbing up the boulder and jump down the ledge nearby. (Really not even Brightness 10 helps...)
Go back the same way, except jump onto the boulder and jump your way into the next hallway.
Go up the set of stairs.

Noteable Achievements:
Creating Art (Find all two museum photos)
Bronze Collector (Collect all the Relics on Chapter 2: The Auditorium in one playthrough.)
The Case of "The Sculptor" (Find and pickup all the notes in Chapter 2: The Auditorium. Can be done in different playthroughs.)
Chapter 2 cleared (Finish Chapter 2: The Auditorium.)
Chapter EX: The Cave
You're back in The Cave. Head straight to pick up Relic #3 (continuing from Tutorial: The Cave)
Along Relic #3, there's a note. Pick up ["Something happened..."]
A door opens. It heads to the same place where you started.
Don't go through the big door yet! Head back up the stairs where you began.
There is a gate with an opening. Crouch and go through the gate and follow the path.
Pick up Relic #4. If you picked up every Relic, two achievements will unlock.
Head back and go through the big door.
Pick up the final note of the game ["Each one of..."]. If you picked up every note throughout the game, an achievement will unlock.
A door will open. Go through the door.


Noteable Achievements:
Marble Collector (Collect all Marble Relics from Tutorial: The Cave and after the game.)
Professional (Collect all Relics from Tutorial: The Cave, Ch1, Ch2, and after the game.)
A true Agent (Pickup all notes and Photos from Tutorial: The Cave, Ch1, Ch2, and after the game.)
Complete List of Notes
Total Notes: 30

Tutorial: The Cave
1. ["The Walls in this..."]
2. ["There are things..."]

Chapter 1:
1. [Jake Gibbs]
2. ["I'd arrived at..."]
3. ["At that moment I..."]

Chapter 1.1:

Chapter 1.2:
4. ["I can almost hear..."]
5. ["Hundreds of people..."]
6. ["At that moment I..."2]
7. ["Now it's crystal clear..."]
8. ["I remember having..."]

Chapter 1.3:
9. ["I feel I've..."]
10-15. The five drawings on the boards.
16.The last drawing in the room near the wheel room on the bottom left shelf.

Chapter 2:
1. [Felix Lundberg]
2. ["The personality of..."]
3. ["The sculptures in..."]

Chapter 2.1:
4. ["I had descended..."]
5. Museum Photo #1

Chapter 2.2:
6. ["The deeper I got..."]
7. ["When I entered..."]

Chapter 2.3:
8. Museum Photo #2
9. ["I was finally..."]
10. ["I had reached..."]

Chapter EX:
Continuing from Tutorial: The Cave
3. ["Something happened..."]
4. ["Each one of..."]
Complete List of Relics
Total Relics: 12

Tutorial: The Cave
1.The Praise (You start with this one once you get your Relic Box)
2.Sobbing (In the room with the canal. Jump into the water and onto the boulders to get on the other side.)

Chapter 1:
These are all obtained in Chapter 1.2: The Castle Ruins.
1.Neck Impale (On the left side of the illuminated steps, go up the stairs.)
2.Chest Impale (Upon a set of descending stairs, there is a hole in the wall. Jump in to get it.)
3.Burned at Stake (Before completing the last tile puzzle, go into the room on the right to reach a level. Head back to the beginning to go in the left hallway.)
4.Torture Chair (Right when you are at the exit of the castle, head right and jump over the ledge and jump on the boulder to jump down. Click on the lever nearby and head up the steps to the left side of the castle to go into the opened hallway.)

Chapter 2:
1.Panic (Before heading to the elevator, jump over the boulders on the right side of you to unveil a secret path and the relic.)

Chapter 2.1:
2.Within Reach (Before heading into the room with the huge statue holding the key, continue up the stairs and make your way to the platform on the right of you. Continue the path to find the relic.)

Chapter 2.2:
3.Caught (When you put in all the patterned bronze keys and knocked down the pillar, rotate the cylinder to point to the hallway against the wall on the east. Head back to the other room to walk over the pillar, up the set of stairs, and into the next hallway.)

Chapter 2.3:
4.Shock (Before jumping your way to the final hallway, drop down to land on a platform and you'll notice a dim trail. Follow it to find the relic. It's best to commit suicide after this to make it easy for you (jump over the large boulder and keep jumping off until you fall and die.)

Chapter EX:
This continues from Tutorial: The Cave
3.Stare (Right in front of you once you follow the trail when the chapter starts.)
4.Confused (Before heading through the big door, go back up the stairs and there is a gate with a small opening. Crouch and follow the trail. The Relic will be in a room.)
Complete List of Achievements
The Achievements are listed in the order they can be completed (Earliest to Latest). Any achievements not listed are either not confirmed by me or not released yet.

1. Boy scout (Find your first relic. The earliest one can be obtained in Tutorial: The Cave.)
2. No more introduction (Finish the Tutorial...nothing more.)
3. Metal Collector (Collect all the Relics on Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes in one playthrough.)
4. Making History (Find all the Torture sketches in the Torture Chamber Basement.)
5. The Case of "The Professor" (Find and pickup all the notes in Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes. Can be done in different playthroughs.)
6. Chapter 1 cleared (Finish Chapter 1: The Forest of Stakes.)
7. Creating Art (Find all two museum photos)
8. Bronze Collector (Collect all the Relics on Chapter 2: The Auditorium in one playthrough.)
9. The Case of "The Sculptor" (Find and pickup all the notes in Chapter 2: The Auditorium. Can be done in different playthroughs.)
10. Chapter 2 cleared (Finish Chapter 2: The Auditorium.)
11. Marble Collector (Collect all Marble Relics from Tutorial: The Cave and after the game.)
12. Professional (Collect all Relics from Tutorial: The Cave, Ch1, Ch2, and after the game.)
13. A true Agent (Pickup all notes and Photos from Tutorial: The Cave, Ch1, Ch2, and after the game.)
Many, Many thanks to Siha - For finding the Relics in Chapters 1 and 2 and the final 2 relics on revisiting the cave.

Be sure to check Siha's video guide on the Relics!

Plan to use this guide on an external site? Give us credit by providing a link to this!
36 comentarios
SixthBlackWing 18 AGO 2022 a las 2:31 p. m. 
Auditorium: Relic 4 - Shock
After you reach the pillar, look left, fall down to the ledge below, look towards the exit, hold backwards and left, you fall through the hallway, and need to turn 180 to claim the relic.

Or head towards the rock you have to jump off, turn right, locate the ledge,drop down,facing the way you came, look to the right, move forward and right.

it's a double ledge on the same platform the boss was on with a small hallway under/near the rock you jump off to reach the other side.
D O G 15 FEB 2022 a las 3:28 p. m. 
garbage guide for a garbage game!
YouGotHitByGunner 6 FEB 2022 a las 4:27 p. m. 
Thank you, the guide was great!
Jill of Trades  [autor] 19 ABR 2020 a las 10:05 a. m. 
@Nihlus: IIRC, you have to do it in one run. In the other game (chapter 3), it doesn't have to be in one run.
Braguinha 19 ABR 2020 a las 8:00 a. m. 
Can the "True Agent" achievement be collected separately or you have to finish all chapters in sequence?

Also highlighting the collectables with bold would be good
Jill of Trades  [autor] 20 ENE 2019 a las 7:03 a. m. 
@Corvus Changed it. Thank you.
CorvusCorax 20 ENE 2019 a las 4:46 a. m. 
"Exiting that area, go to the right of you against the wall (not inside the elevator).
Pull the wall until you can't pull it anymore."

Is this the wall (block) with the handle? If yes, I'd recommend changing this sentence.
Jill of Trades  [autor] 24 ENE 2018 a las 4:37 p. m. 
@Hays Some Relics and notes are missable, so yeah.
Hays 24 ENE 2018 a las 4:36 p. m. 
Hello, tnx for the guide :D

I have 1 question tho. I missed 1 relic in the first chapter and i couldnt go back for it. Do i need to play the whole chapter again or do i need to start a new game to get the achievement?
Jill of Trades  [autor] 30 SEP 2017 a las 10:22 a. m. 
@Kyrlo Don't want to, unless I get paid for it:P