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AWP :: CHIMERA (Cyberpunk Collection)
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Стил на окраската: Персонализирано боядисано
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7 юли 2020 в 3:51
18 юли 2020 в 8:18
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В 1 колекция от apel8
Cyberpunk Collection by Apel
21 артикула

It took a year for me to design this cyberpunk collection. I've been working on it very carefully and only when I felt inspiration to make it.

I've collected in my mind a lot of expression from many inspiration sources... Seen movies like: Blade Runner, Ghost In The Shell, Alita, Chappie, Elysium, Matrix and watching youtube videos about Watchdogs 2, Doom: Eternal and Cyberpunk games and reading a huge amount of artbooks - used to build in my mind composition for entire cyberpunk collection.
My cyberpunk collection - basically is something traditional as a base mixed with sci-fi modern/digital details.
After mixing this two styles, I decide to add some more personality to my designs, mixing it with a third style... I decide to pick underground/punk/hacker vibe to make player feel that this design having some kind of personality. An idea of making real owner of this gun a hacker-punk who build his gun from some traditional and important to his personality elements, mixed it with some digital things to improve his experience - made me very passionate, as I felt very fresh while been doing it.

- I created: graffities, tags, codes, digital fonts and glowing signs/symbols - to put that "underground vibe" to my designs.
- I made many elements out of: porcelain, copper, gold, leather materials mixing it with motives from mythology and transfer it via art - to put it into traditional atmosphere.
- I designed mecha parts, wires, modern shapes an transparent materials - to make it looking futuristic at the same time.

I can describe my collection, as a mix of "Ghost In The Shell" + "Matrix" + "Watch Dogs 2" + "Alita" inspiration sources covered with other additional spices~