Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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5 Jul, 2020 @ 2:57am
26 Dec, 2023 @ 10:18pm
79 Change Notes ( view )

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Hybrids is a 3-6 player strategy board game coming to Kickstarter soon. Join us in our open beta stage as we push the game to its limits!

Game time varies from 1 hour for experienced players to around 2 hours if it's your first time learning the game.

In its purest form, Hybrids is a king of the hill style strategy game where you can customize your abilities, forming your own unique builds. However, there's more to it than that. Each player's route to victory may also include points gained from ring outs or supportive genes that reward you with points when you assist others. This adds another layer of strategy, requiring you to think more carefully about where you go, what you do, and how you interact with your fellow players!

Games will feel different depending on what builds players are going for. Tons of aggressive players in a match will capture the age-old hectic style of king of the hill games. Supportive players and tank players will make the game more calculated. Players can also summon allies, create walls, enchant tiles and more to impact the board in various ways.

Hybrids started off as a video game project, drawing upon ideas I've had for a long time. Essentially, small creatures (known as Blibs) would be able to be genetically adjusted and bred to create Blibs with specific powers, looks, and stats that you could, in turn, use to explore. Over time, I realized that a tabletop board game would fit perfectly with what we were working on, so I drafted a board game with the art I had done so far and threw it together in tabletop simulator. The cards all looked similar to this:

Originally posted by Jack:
The cards weren't exactly polished yet and the pixel art was mediocre at best, but I was anxious to get the game in and test it out.

After playtesting the game with my friends, it felt like there was a functionable underlying core to the game that could be developed further. There were, of course, some design and balance mistakes from the get-go (shoutout to the first iteration of the Cannon Gene). After some tweaks to the game's flow to smooth things out, the core of the game seemed to work very well. I had named the game "Hybrids" in my personal TTS save of it, and when it came time to officially name the game, Hybrids just stuck.

Inside the wonderful world that these Blibs inhabit, most things regarding the game are named or themed after my friends and family. My life wouldn't be the same without any of these people I hold close, so using them for inspiration seemed like a no-brainer. Sometimes I wonder how many of these references people will be able to figure out!

We were also lucky enough to have an amazingly talented artist among our friends, so any of the finished artwork you see is from her. Gamber does amazing work, as you'll see below, and I'm incredibly thankful she is on our team.

It's been around half a year or so since I first threw this game into tabletop, and after tons of personal playtesting with friends and a variety of newcomers giving their first impressions, it seemed like it was finally time to open the game up to a potentially wider audience. I welcome any and everyone to give the game a shot and let me know how they feel about it. I want Hybrids the be the absolute best it can be, that way everyone will get the best possible game we can give them when we do our Kickstarter.

Hybrids is in Open Beta! The Following Assets May Change:
  • Card Artwork
  • Board Artwork
  • Player Pawns Artwork
  • Various Token artwork
Basically, if you see something that is in pixel art, odds are it's stand-in artwork until the new art is completed. Some small aspects, like the Gene/Relic type icons, Ability icons, and the blib heads next to the page numbers in the rule book will remain pixel art as a call back to Hybrids' roots!

Any other changes that may be made are balance changes or small aesthetic changes. All changes will be listed in the patch notes channel in our Discord server.

Discord Server
Our Discord community is full of kind, helpful people that love to play games of all sorts. If you have any feedback or just want to come by and make some new friends, feel free to stop by! All Hybrids related news will be posted in the Discord server and our Kickstarter will also be announced through the server itself.

Click Here to Join Our Discord[]

Hybrids gameplay and graphic design created by John Bechard (Crossbreed).
Artwork created by Gamber (

Hybrids and its contents are protected under the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved. © John Bechard 2020

Business Contact:

What Table is This?
Hybrids' TTS Steam workshop mod uses the Flex Table, check it out here:
Popular Discussions View All (1)
31 May, 2023 @ 2:06am
Upcoming Art Update
javcov 31 May, 2023 @ 4:08am 
Crossbreed  [author] 31 May, 2023 @ 2:05am 
The full how to play video was uploaded to the steam workshop page. Also,some more new card arts added as well - getting closer and closer to finishing the game's art!
Crossbreed  [author] 10 Feb, 2023 @ 3:16pm 
Added more completed artwork - All tokens finished, more genes, and all-new music added to the mod and the workshop page!
javcov 20 May, 2022 @ 4:08am 
This Guy is epic no really he is trust me :)
Crossbreed  [author] 19 May, 2022 @ 6:47pm 
Relic deck finished and two new artworks for Basic Torso and Basic Feet added!
Crossbreed  [author] 19 Jan, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
Many relic artworks have been added to the relic deck - It's almost done! Just 2 more mutations to go!

Our Kickstarter relaunch will be at the following link:

Also, our website is here too:
Crossbreed  [author] 28 Jul, 2020 @ 11:14am 
We now have a Facebook page!

We also have a Board Game Geek page!

If you want updates on our progress, want to discuss the game or your own cool modes you've come up with, or just wanna take a peek at what we're up to, make sure you join the Discord or follow the Facebook page for any updates.

Our kickstarter is starting soon! Stay posted and keep your Blibs hydrated.
Crossbreed  [author] 10 Jul, 2020 @ 10:46pm 
Thank you! Means a lot! And thank you again as well for your feedback in the discord server!! :praisesun:
Señor_Awesome 10 Jul, 2020 @ 9:45pm 
Love the game, looking forward to the kickstarter. Enjoyed at both 3 and 4 players.
Crossbreed  [author] 10 Jul, 2020 @ 10:36am 
New alternative rule sets were added to the bottom left corner of the play area! If you play these rulesets and have a question or run into a situation you're not sure about, please do contact me and ask!

New sets:

- Teams (2v2v2 or 3v3)

- Advanced Training Mode (Timed turn taking, adds pressure and increases game pace)

- Randomizer (Genes are forced to change, removes relic discard rule to compensate)

If you have ideas, feedback, or just wanna start a conversation please leave it here or come and let me know in the Discord server!

As always, stay safe and thank you for being here.

- Jack