Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

94 ratings
Heavy Rain - All Endings
By Audrix
A guide of all 17 endings of Heavy Rain.
There are several possible endings to the story of Heavy Rain. One ending may be having all the characters die and not finding the Origami Killer. Another may be having all the characters survive and eventually find him. The main points that decide the ending the player receives are who is alive, who is dead, and whether Shaun Mars was saved or not.

Tip: To get the "All Endings" achievement more easier, you have to let Ethan be arrested for the first time (Fugitive chapter), and complete at least 3 trials. Then once you see one of the endings, you can reload "On The Loose" chapter and repeat the process with different scenarios for characters.

(!) You have to see all endings in the same save slot, replaying the chapters with saving, otherwhise you won't get achievement

(!!!) Guide contains plot and endings spoilers, so if you want to see all endings by yourself, stop reading this guide
Ethan + Madison | A New Life
  • Ethan survives and is not imprisoned.
  • Madison survives and is kissed and forgiven in "On the Loose."
  • Shaun survives.

Ethan | A New Start
  • Ethan survives and is not imprisoned.
  • Madison is never kissed, rejected in "On the Loose," or dies.
  • Shaun survives.

Ethan | Innocent
  • Ethan is either:
    Arrested in both "Fugitive" and "On the Loose."
    Arrested in "On the Loose" with Norman dead.
  • Shaun survives.

Ethan | Ethan's Grave
  • Ethan dies. This means that he must either reach the warehouse alone, or reach the warehouse along with Norman and Madison, but not get Madison's warning about the police.

Ethan + Madison | Tears In The Rain
  • Ethan survives and is not imprisoned.
  • Madison survives and is kissed and forgiven in "On the Loose."
  • Shaun dies. This means that:
    Ethan must not complete enough trials to locate the warehouse or go to the wrong place.
    Madison must fail to locate the warehouse.
    Norman must die, give up on the final puzzle, or accuse the wrong suspect.

Ethan | Origami Blues
  • Ethan survives and is not imprisoned.
  • Madison is never kissed, rejected in "On the Loose," or dies.
  • Shaun dies. This means that:
    Ethan must not complete enough trials to locate the warehouse or go to the wrong place.
    Madison must die or fail to locate the warehouse.
    Norman must die, give up on the final puzzle, or accuse the wrong suspect.

Ethan | Helpless
  • Ethan is either:
    Arrested in both "Fugitive" and "On the Loose."
    Arrested in "On the Loose" with Norman dead.
  • Shaun dies. This means that:
    Madison must die or fail to locate the warehouse.
    Norman must die, give up on the final puzzle, or accuse the wrong suspect.

Madison | Heroine
  • Ethan never kisses Madison, rejects her in "On the Loose," is imprisoned, or dies.
  • Madison reaches the warehouse and survives.

Madison | Square One
  • Ethan never kisses Madison, rejects her in "On the Loose," is imprisoned, or dies.
  • Madison survives, but does not reach the warehouse.

Madison | Dead Heroine
  • Madison dies in "The Doc," "Killer's Place," or "The Old Warehouse."

Norman | Case Closed
  • Norman reaches the warehouse and survives.

Norman | Resignation
  • Norman survives, but does not reach the warehouse. This means that he must either give up on the final puzzle or accuse the wrong suspect.
  • Shaun survives.

Norman | Uploaded
  • Norman dies in "Mad Jack," "Fish Tank," "Solving the Puzzle," or "The Old Warehouse."

Norman | Smoking Mirror
  • Norman survives.
  • Shaun dies. This means that:
    Ethan must not complete enough trials to locate the warehouse or go to the wrong place.
    Madison must die or fail to locate the warehouse.
    Norman gives up on the final puzzle, or accuse the wrong suspect.

Scott | Origami's Grave
  • Scott dies in "The Old Warehouse." This means that:
    Scott must be shot by Ethan (if he reaches the warehouse alone).
    Scott must lose the fight against Norman or Madison (if they reach the warehouse).

Scott | A Mother's Revenge
  • Scott survives in "The Old Warehouse." This means that the other three playable characters must not reach the warehouse, or:
    Scott must not be shot by Ethan (if he reaches the warehouse alone).
    Scott must win the fight against Norman or Madison (if they reach the warehouse).
  • Lauren survives in "Trapped."

Scott | Unpunished
  • Scott survives in "The Old Warehouse." This means that the other three playable characters must not reach the warehouse, or:
    Scott must not be shot by Ethan (if he reaches the warehouse alone).
    Scott must win the fight against Norman or Madison (if they reach the warehouse).
  • Lauren dies in "Trapped."

Audrix  [author] 11 Feb @ 11:58am 
Fixed it, MASTAN.
Thanks for informing.
MASTAN 10 Feb @ 2:31pm 
In the "Tears in the Rain" this requirement is wrong:
"Madison must die or fail to locate the warehouse."

Madison must be alive, only fail to locate the warehouse.
Davii2x6 28 Sep, 2024 @ 10:20am 
thank you so you much
whiterabbit 27 Feb, 2024 @ 8:16am 
well thats depressing, ethan kills him self in all outcomes of shaun dying jeez
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 28 Dec, 2021 @ 4:46am 
Thanks for the Help/ Time/ Work <3