Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

87 voti
Nutrition Indicator
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7.678 KB
23 giu 2020, ore 7:51
1 gen 2022, ore 11:34
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Nutrition Indicator

It's a cheaty interface mod. Shows nutrition info.


Workshop ID: 2139433482
Mod ID: nutritionindicator41
42 commenti
Trombonaught 22 feb 2023, ore 10:56 
While this mod is down you might want to check out my own mod. It's a bit different but might help you out:
NukerMunky 10 nov 2022, ore 15:25 
I guess i'll just add my voice the plethora of others' down here, love this mod, would love to see in functioning in 41.77 or 41.78
Thundercraft 7 set 2022, ore 18:36 
Will this get updated?
Redlilycat 24 giu 2022, ore 18:25 
I really hope this is fixed soon, I miss it!
Droll 17 apr 2022, ore 12:29 
I've still got this subscribed and enabled, as it doesn't break anything - just doesn't work anymore.
bihgboyy 30 mar 2022, ore 17:00 
very good mod. need a fix please. need to see why my person's so fat still
YingSuHuaKai 19 mar 2022, ore 21:46 
just waiting
CopaceticDuress 28 feb 2022, ore 8:13 
The simplicity of this mod is wonderful, yet I find myself missing it quite a lot. Here's hoping it is fixed because it makes life much easier.
bdubs777 26 feb 2022, ore 17:18 
I hope it gets fixed soon. this mod is very helpful
MyNameis_Mati 24 feb 2022, ore 16:31 
Questo commento non è stato ancora analizzato dal nostro sistema di controllo automatico dei contenuti. Verrà nascosto temporaneamente finché non verificheremo che non abbia contenuti dannosi (ad esempio, link a siti web che tentano di rubare informazioni).