I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

87 évaluations
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - Quick Walkthrough
De Steven
A quick walkthrough designed to offer fast solutions in an easy to read fashion. The guide is not completely in depth, but is useful as a quick reference if you are stuck at a specific part and provides one of multiple endings (BAD ending). No pictures means that some challenge is still offered when trying to find items, characters and locations.
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The game is set in a world where an intelligent computer named AM has destroyed humanity except for five people. AM has been keeping these people alive and torturing them for the past 109 years. Each character has one major flaw that AM uses against them. He has constructed a metaphorical adventure unique to each character, designed to prey upon their weakenesses.

The game is loosely based on postapocalyptic science fiction short story by Harlan Ellison. For more information about this story, visit this link[en.wikipedia.org] for details.

The aim of the game is to make choices that prove humans are better than machines due to being able to redeem themselves. Ethical dilemmas are contained within each story and issues such as sexual assault, paranoia, genocide and insanity are discussed in the form of a "classic" point and click adventure title.

For this walkthrough each character is given a specific section. These sections can be completed in any order you wish. The end game character of choice is highly recommended if you desire to complete the end game in the shortest possible time. This is why I would recommend playing the game in this order:

  • Gorrister
  • Benny
  • Ted
  • Nimdok
  • Ellen
  • End - Nimdok

This walkthrough is designed to offer fast solutions in an easy to read fashion. The guide is not completely in depth, but is useful as a quick reference if you are stuck at a specific part. No pictures means that some challenge is still offered when trying to find items, characters and locations. I would highly recommend attempting the game yourself and maybe only checking this guide out if you are really really stuck!


  • Read the note and leave the room.
  • Pick up two sheets in nearby rooms and tie them together.
  • Look under the pillow and pick up the gun.
  • Pick up the fork and knife from the kitchen.
  • Use the knife on the rats and then take the bread. Eat the bread.
  • Use the fork on the engine.
  • Push the lever near the cages and get the bloody key.
  • Pick up the milk.
  • Go upstairs, use the knife to get outside the balloon and tie the rope to the ring.
  • Use the rope to get your heart.
  • Cut the rope with the knife.
  • Cut three airbags to land near the bar.
  • Get down through the hatchet.
  • Enter the bar, look around before going outside and picking up the shovel (near trash can).
  • Get the whiskey and talk to Harry. When he mentions the toilet, go there.
  • Take the magnifying glass from the urinal and get back to the Zeppelin.
  • Check the debris in the room with poison.
  • Clean up your hands using the table cloth.
  • Talk to Harry again and exhaust all conversation options.
  • Kill the guy with the knife.
  • Talk to the jackal outside and give him your heart.
  • Use the toilet three times to teleport to the freezer.
  • Talk to Edna, promise her to help her, then talk until she drops a key.
  • Stop talking to the her and get the key.
  • Tie Edna. Get back to jackal and offer him Harry's heart.
  • Get back to the ship and put Edna in what looks like the electric torture machine.
  • Enter the locked room using Edna's key and read the log book.
  • Get back to your wife and give her the milk.
  • Bury her near the trashcans (use the shovel).
  • Go back to Zeppelin and push the switch upstairs.
  • Go to the navigation room and start up the machine.
  • Get out and shoot Edna with the gun.

  • Take the fruit. Give it to the child.
  • Take the fruit. Give it to the mother.
  • Sleep.
  • Watch the mother being sacrificed, get back and pull the twine to get another fruit.
  • Visit the elder then visit him again.
  • Steal the bag and show it to the boy. Tell him to hide and promise him you'll prepare the friend for him.
  • Go talk to the graves, say you're sorry and show the bag. Hide it.
  • Pull the vines to reveal the last grave, talk to it, then plant a fruit.
  • Take the wire from the vines in the cave with the cradle.
  • Take the junk from around the altar.
  • Take fruit and try to give it to the food guard.
  • Get the wood and put the fruit in one of the baskets.
  • Give all three objects to the boy.
  • Go to bed. When you wake up go to the altar.
  • Offer yourself in the boy's place.

  • Enter the Dark Room.
  • Push the monitor with the castle.
  • Go to the room with the bed and the book.
  • Read the diary.
  • Talk to Ellen.
  • Find a piece of glass and the icon.
  • Use the icon on the broken door then push the armour to block the entrance.
  • Talk to the maid, sleep with her, then talk to her as long as she promises you something.
  • Fix the oven and talk to the girl again.
  • Exit the kitchen and listen to the shadows talking.
  • Push one of the candles to reveal the secret passage, enter it and talk to the witch.
  • Go to the room with occult books and read all them.
  • Learn it, get back to the witch and put a spell on her.
  • Pick up the chalk and finish the circle.
  • Ask the demon to open the door to the locked maid's room (Give blood from glass).
  • Talk to Ellen again, you should meet the devil there.
  • Go to the opened room and look at the tapestry.
  • Go back to the devil and talk to him again, he'll admit he took the mirror and give you a hint.
  • Go to the library and read Dante's 'Divine Comedy' to find the mirror. Give it to Ellen.
  • Show the mirror to the devil and he'll jump into it.
  • Break the mirror in the demon circle and ask the demon to open the passage to the surface world.

  • Talk to everyone you can find outside.
  • Get inside the building and talk to everyone again.
  • Look at the 1945 poster.
  • Get the scalpel.
  • Go to the recovery room and reveal the secret passage.
  • Get the watch and that dentist's tool.
  • Read the records and open the oven.
  • Exit and give all you can to the prisoner (Must talk to him).
  • Enter the building again and take the ether. Use it on the patient.
  • Get the jar.
  • Exit the building the secret way.
  • Talk to the prisoners and leave the place.
  • Read the message on the teletype.
  • Enter the room with Golem and push the switch.
  • You are able to find the mirror now. Examine it.
  • Use the wall with screaming faces to finish.

  • Enter the pyramid and try to swallow the water.
  • Go right and check all the monitors.
  • Fix the wires.
  • Push the switch on the monitor which displays the fountain, you can see the secret passage.
  • Get back and push the electronic bricks to reveal the passage.
  • Use it to go down. Go right. Get the yellow scarf and the forceps.
  • Go right. Use the forceps to pull out the gem (you have to use the scarf first). Put the gem into the left server (go right).
  • Get back to the room with the monitors and use the scarf - you'll be able to pass the Holy Grail animal guard.
  • Fill the cup with water and drink it up. Do this again and then again.
  • Use the filled cup on the console god-guard and use the forceps to pull out the ROM chip. You can reprogram the chip in the left server.
  • Put the chip back into the guard and ask him for the access code.
  • Use the filled Grail again and enter the code.
  • The sarcophagus opens. Use the sarcophagus then use the keyboard.
  • Get through all the dates. When you face your past, fight!
  • Examine the AM room (find the wires).
  • Exit the place and launch the right server.
  • Enter the date of the assault. Learn about the new top-secret translator.
  • Go the the fountain and take the speaker. Use it on AM's wires.
  • Talk to the computer image and get back.
  • From the place where the gem was you may take the CD-ROM now.
  • Put the disk in the middle server and see the pyramid closing.
  • Ask Anubis for help and enter the sarcophagus.
End Game

  • Choose Nimdok, start the computer and enter 1945.
  • Turn the bridge on. Cross the bridge and use the Summoning.
  • Talk to the demon, don't let him use the Enthropy, just the next metaphor.
  • Talk to the Chinese and Russian computers.
  • Go to your Ego and wake it up. Talk to it and as soon as you get the option to walk away, do it.
  • Use the Compassion on the Ego.
  • Go back to the demons, talk and use the Enthropy.
11 commentaires
Slarty Bartfast 16 aout 2024 à 9h24 
I'm doing ted's run but I'm stuck and I can't find the maid. I've barricaded the front door with the icon and can't seem to do anything else
chimichanga 5 juin 2024 à 6h15 
it's not mentioned in the guide but can be detrimental to the run: to lock the door of the castle in Ted's run, use the icon on the maid's door to discover it is the same size as the door-latches. then, use it on the broken front door, and push the armour in front of it to barricade it.
skib 26 mai 2024 à 8h15 
great game
Dina Spiders 20 aout 2022 à 5h11 
As Ellen, asking Anubis for the access code isn't showing up as an option for me. Are there prerequisites for this besides reprogramming the ROM chip?
wayne 10 mars 2022 à 20h55 
how get good ending: do bad ending as normal, until the chinese and russian computers tell you to wake the ego. disobey them and wake up all 3 of am's parts. use clarity on the superego and compassion on the id. then go back and invoke the totem of entropy on the evil robot people when am tells you to give it to him. then be ecstatic that you got the best ending in the game
Carhd 26 déc. 2019 à 2h20 
What are "Evil Grey" When talking about jelly creature.
Richard Alpert 26 aout 2016 à 7h35 
can anyone help me please? I finished each character yet I can not see the final episode. Now it's empty where we choose a character
Steven  [créateur] 21 déc. 2014 à 7h02 
Ah no problem. I will add a note to the top of the walkthrough in case people don't want this ending :happycthulhu:
KwirkriwK 21 déc. 2014 à 6h43 
i know i was not critizing in a bad way , just to prevent users
Steven  [créateur] 21 déc. 2014 à 6h41 
I didn't state the walkthrough was for a particular ending. There are multiple ways to complete the game, this is one of them and the walkthrough was designed for a quick playthrough.