Might & Magic Heroes Online

Might & Magic Heroes Online

Not enough ratings
Registration + Plugin Problem (Outdated)
By Jacob
This guide is for everyone who are unable to get inside the Heroes Online game and got stucked at the start window.
End of MMO
The servers have been shut down, but this guide contain useful information.
Quick fix
► Install the Flash Player (If you not have it yet) --> Download here <-- [rb.gy]

► Game Updater: Missing Plugin + Login fix --> Download here <-- [rb.gy]

It's an mixed version of the old Heroes Version and the Steam Version. This way its compatible with Steam and portable at the same time. It change the sign-in option from Steam sign-in to Google, Facebook and Uplay sign-in.

Click "Browse" and install it to the "Desktop". Then copy all files into steamapps\common\Heroes
You can also set any other location and play it outside Steam. Thats up to you.

► Game Stopper to quickly stop the game by double-click the file --> Download here <-- [rb.gy]
The guide is categorized into different kinds of problem types that can be encountered.
(such as "server problems", "flash problems" or "generally problems")

First of all, do we need to determine under which problem type / category your statement falls

To determine if it's an flash- or server problem, do you need to follow my Clean Install Guide.
If it not solve the problem, then it's an server related problem (Server connectivity issues)
which will be fixed after the weekly Server Maintenance at 10 o'clock every friday

Generally problems are bugged "plugin loading" or "Dropdown Menue" (unable to select age)
Plugin & Config (Manually)
Bug: The plugin can't be loaded, because of an missing configuration that not comes with the installation.

Here's how to fix it:

1) Install the newest version of the flash player. The installer will create an file named pepflashplayer.dll that will be generated unto C:\Program Files (x86)\GetFLV\chrome2

2) Navigate to the game folder where Heroes Online is installed. In my case it's this path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Might & Magic Heroes Online

3) Create an new sub-folder and name it "plugins"

4) Now you have to insert the plugin manually by follow one of this two methods:

method one: Navigate to the path from step 1 and copy pepflashplayer.dll into the plugins folder

method two: Alternatively can you also copy the pepflashplayer32_32_0_0_101.dll from "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash" and rename it to pepflashplayer.dll

You can either use the dll from Google Chrome or from SysWOW64 if you run an 64 bit version and from System32 if you run an 32 bit version. (Your bit ver. can be found via "set pro" in CMD)

Downloading the file from external websites like dll-files dot com does somehow not works

5) Right-click the file named package.json and open it in Notepad or any other Text Editor

6) Move the scrollbar to the right until chromium-args and create an new argument option after the quotation mark named
--ppapi-flash-path='plugins\\pepflashplayer.dll' --ppapi-flash-version=

7) Assure that you leave an blank space between the arguments options. Just after the first quotation mark and before the last mark do you not need to leave spaces

8) Now click "Options" in the right panel of the Slim Browser and select "Google Chrome Flash-plugin" instead of the "Adobe Flash Player-plugin" for the best performance.
Clean Install of Flash
1) Unistall Flash:
Download the flash unistaller from this Link and run it: 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 [fpdownload.macromedia.com]
It only unistall basic program elements, and leave log files, Flash Cache untouched

2) Delete log files:
Manually delete log files: Delete the files found at this path: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Macromed (if you run an 64 bit version) C:\WINDOWS\System32\Macromed (if you run an 32 bit version)
3) Delete Flash Cache:
Manually delete Cache: Press Win+R to open "Run" and confirm each command one by one: %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
Programmatically delete Cache and log files: Open CMD as Admin and run this command in the console to delete it faster: DEL /F "C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash" DEL /F "C:\WINDOWS\System32\Macromed\Flash" DEL /F "C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Flash Player" DEL /F "C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player"
Tip: Run the flash unistaller before the CMD command. Otherways you will get an error like "File is being used by another person or program"
Other Flash Cache can be delted by this tool: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe
4) Install Flash
Download the flash player (Chromium version) from this Link and run it: 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 [get.adobe.com]
5) Delete Autostarts (optional):
Programmatically delete Autostart Objects: IF EXIST "C:\windows\syswow64\macromed\flash\flashutil32_32_0_0_433_pepper" DEL /F "C:\windows\syswow64\macromed\flash\flashutil32_32_0_0_433_pepper" IF EXIST "C:\windows\syswow64\macromed\flash\flashplayerupdateservice" DEL /F "C:\windows\syswow64\macromed\flash\flashplayerupdateservice"
Auto Update Disabler --> Download here <-- [rb.gy]
6) Delete Registry entries (optional):
(Comming soon)
7) Set Flash Updater Windows Service to only update manually
run this command in CMD: sc config AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc start= demand

The correct version is important because the developers of Heroes Online mentioned themself that the game is based on flash and that the application is based on Chromium.
(Both mentions can be found at my Reference Source)

Mention Quotes
Originally posted by OFFICIAL SUPPORT:
Why do I need a Flash Player plugin?
"Might & Magic Heroes Online" is a browser game, based on Flash.
Therefore a Flash plugin is needed to run the game.
Originally posted by OFFICIAL SUPPORT:
Do I need Google Chrome?
Google Chrome is not needed if Adobe Flash Player (plugin) is installed on your PC. But Google Chrome comes with its own Flash plugin. The game performance of this plugin is better than the performance of the "original" Adobe Plugin (our application is based on Chromium – which is very similar to Google Chrome). For optimal experience, we recommend to install Google Chrome.
Installation Section
►(Comming soon)
Improved nw.exe (Silent Flash Cache Clean before each game start)

►(Comming soon)
Externally Flash (Silent Flash Install which install all necessary files)

► Plugin installer:
--> download here <-- [drive.google.com]
❓What it does? It installs the missing plugin that cause "Couldn't load plugin".
But in order to make it work you also need install the config installer.

► package.json installer:
--> download here <-- [drive.google.com]
❓What it does? It replace the broken configuration file with an fixed config that has the missing configuration which tells the game where the plugin is located at.

Note: Because of Write Protection does the Direct Install fail. But you can copy manually
Dropdown Menu Issue (Can't select age at Steam sign-in option)
This is for educational purpose.
Error Message: Hidden Dropdown Menue:
problem statement: The hidden age window has an size of 170x60.
Unhidden should it has something like 170 x 300 (speculated size)
Add Toolbar to the Slim Browser
1) Navigate to the game folder where Heroes Online is installed. In my case it's this path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Might & Magic Heroes Online
2) Right-click the file named package.json and open it in Notepad 3) Move the scrollbar to the right until toolbar and change it from false to true 4) Run the game and open the Dev Console with the button in the upper right corner
Edit HTML method
By mouse-over at the string <div>Age</div> it gives this two values: Inspect elements until you find the Html code that disallows set age at the Dropdown Menue. It does require advanced knowledge of the Html Programming Language.
Remote Cache
I also found out that Heroes Online stores an so-called remotecache by the App ID 336520 here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\236721429\336520 I'm not sure yet what this Cache is about, but i think it's an relevant info
Jacob  [author] 30 Jun, 2022 @ 2:46pm 
Yes - sadly Heroes Online, HoMaM and the Flash Player are dead.

I just found this great website, in case someone want remove flash remains:
Boris 26 May, 2022 @ 4:17am 
is this game dead or no
AWARIA 10 Feb, 2022 @ 10:37am 
The game die?
slashgnr6971 21 Aug, 2020 @ 12:08am 
Thanks for the explanation, this is how the chromium-args looks for me now:
"chromium-args": "--in-process-gpu --ignore-certificate-errors --ignore-gpu-blacklist --enable-webgl --disable-transparency --disable-device-orientation --always-authorize-plugins --ppapi-flash-version= --ppapi-flash-path='plugins\\pepflashplayer.dll",
"buildDate": "2015-10-26 14:25:18"

Unfortunately I also can't select the Age. Same as Gosplict.
Gosplict 12 Aug, 2020 @ 7:04am 
Thanks to your guide I bypassed the Initial error with plugin! But there is a registration step now, and I can't click the 'Age' button, and get an error as a result: 'We're sorry but you can't access this content at this time'.
Can this be solved?
Herbalife 8 Jul, 2020 @ 11:21pm 
not working. says couldnt load plugin.

btw pasting --ppapi-flash-path='plugins\\pepflashplayer.dll' --ppapi-flash-version= before quotation mark results in syntax error
browser option is only that works for me so far but very inconvinient.