Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

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Elemek (13)
Odinblade's Aerotheurge Class Overhaul
Készítette: Odinblade
This mod requires OdinCore - Mod Services to use. Looking to harness the wind? Got a desire to manipulate the atmosphere? Dead-set on forking lightning across the battlefield? This mod overhauls all existing Aerotheurge skills, as well as adding plenty of ...
Odinblade's Spectre Class: Definitive Edition
Készítette: Odinblade
This mod requires OdinCore - Mod Services to use. Practitioners of forbidden soul magic, Spectres blur the line between life and death by utilising devastating effects. With 30 new spells, pierce through enemy armour to destroy your targets soul with this ...
Odinblade's Necromancer Class Overhaul
Készítette: Odinblade
This mod requires OdinCore - Mod Services to use. Whilst the forces of nature maintain the balance of life and death, Necromancers relish in tipping the scales in either direction. This mod overhauls all existing Necromancer skills, as well as adding plent...
Odinblade's Geomancer Class Overhaul
Készítette: Odinblade
This mod requires OdinCore - Mod Services to use. Wanting to manipulate the fabric of the earth? Looking to command the forces of nature? Got an urge to afflict debilitating poisons onto your enemies? This mod overhauls all existing Geomancer skills, as we...
Toggle Sprint - Definitive Edition
Készítette: LaughingLeader
Toggle Sprint features fully-customizable running speeds for both the party and NPCs in combat. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LaughingLeader-DOS2-Mods/ModAssets/main/images/WorkshopRateFavorite.gif PSA: Toggle Sprint has many features missing in Larian...
Rendal's NPC Armors and Weapons - Definitive Edition
Készítette: Rendal
Allows player characters to get NPC exclusive (or otherwise unique) visuals, by applying the visuals to equipped items or spawning them as loot. Includes armor visuals as appliable and spawnable, and weapon/shield visuals as appliable. Also includes armor ...
Free Pet Pal [Definitive Edition]
Készítette: Bunny Girl Senpai
Free Pet Pal Grants free Pet Pal or a free Talent Point to your character(s). FAQ Why does the free talent or point not show up in Character Creation? It will show up once you are in game. Does this work with existing saves? Yes Does this work with GM Mode...
Astronomer Class Definitive Edition
Készítette: Heaphaistos
The Astronomer is an intelligence-based class. https://i.imgur.com/8ZdUpLz.jpg This class give you access to the new schools of magic : Sun Magic and Moon Magic. Each of these schools offer damage skills and support skills. The great part behind these two ...
OdinCore - Mod Services
Készítette: Odinblade
REQUIRED FOR ODINBLADE MODS OdinCore is a centralised mod resource for my D:OS2 DE mods, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other. It is required for most of my mods, so be sure to activate it! How do I use OdinCore? Subscribe to it and en...
Odinblade's Pyrokinetic Class Overhaul
Készítette: Odinblade
This mod requires OdinCore - Mod Services to use. Desperate to burn the battlefield to a crisp? Enjoy watching enemies melt? Dying to abolish Fire Resistances? This mod overhauls all existing Pyrokinetic skills, as well as adding plenty of new ones, to del...
Odinblade's Hydrosophist Class Overhaul
Készítette: Odinblade
This mod requires OdinCore - Mod Services to use. Wanting to start a new ice age? Looking to turn the tide of combat? Hear the oceans calling? This mod overhauls all existing Hydrosophist skills, as well as adding plenty of new ones, to deliver a truly enc...
8 Max AP
Készítette: ( * )
Raises Player's Max AP from 6 to 8. Does not affect the enemies' AP. Do you sometimes want to skip a turn, but feel forced to use at least 2 AP, so you don't lose them? Not anymore : you can now save your 4 AP and use them in the next turn. This lets you b...
Free Pet Pal
Készítette: Xaelyn
Defnitive Edition version by LadyCassandra located Here Grants party members the Pet Pal talent for free AFTER character creation. (screenshots are from old version) Grants an extra point to spend if you have already have Pet Pal. Now works on existing gam...