Aliens: Colonial Marines

Aliens: Colonial Marines

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"Bug Hunt & Classic MP | ACM-BH Group Chat - Text & vocal + neat options"
2 kommentarer
KingLazysid 19. jan. kl. 12:03 
I am looking for people to play this game with, recently picked it up on sale and love the alien series. I've already 100% the game on xbox 360 so I'm familiar with how to play. Add me if your still active please.
FuryI6I  [ophavsmand] 8. sep. 2021 kl. 22:11 
That's it, the 2021 elite game Fireteam is available. The ACM-BH Steam group
remains however open, just'n case, for people wishing to have some sweet old
Bug Hunt Co-op', or even some Classic Multiplayer as well.
7/7 Multiplayer enroll list, Group Chat, cool Folks, and more.
Info' and links you need on the overview page above.
Have fun & play nice.