Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

53 avaliações
藏经前殿Hall of Kalan
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Assets: Park
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30 mai. 2020 às 7:10
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藏经前殿Hall of Kalan

Numa coleção por MC100
华风夏韵Ancient China
473 itens
藏经前殿Hall of Kalan by MC100
这次的藏经前殿为寺庙资产系列的一部分,整体造型参考了一下南禅寺大殿(但这不是南禅寺大殿,真正的南禅寺大殿资产已经发布: ) 。最初配色参考了明代大报恩寺(因为我也正准备做明代大报恩寺资产,最重要的是那个琉璃塔),最后觉得不好看所以就把原本的方案删除了,留下来现在两个方案:第一个是仍然保留一点明清特色,比如门,鸱吻还有瓦,但是其他贴图换成唐代的,;另外一版就是封面中的唐代风格,将原本明清鸱吻换成了唐代鸱尾,瓦的颜色也换了一下,门的贴图也改变了,不过夯土墙暂时还是有点偏明清风格只是没有那么重的违和感。两款喜欢哪个就用哪个。记得点个赞啊同志们!!!好了接下来开始用我十分不标准的英文来介(忽)绍(悠)给这帮歪果玩家了。

This asset is one of parts of my ancient Chinese temple's buildings. Hall of Kalan is an important building in buddhist temples. This asset contains two almost same building with two styles: the first one is a mixture of Tang Dynasty style and Ming Dynasty style, which preserve all green colored roof and other details that belong to Ming Dynasty style; The second one is just Tang Dynasty style as you guys have seen it on the cover picture. Place them at your Asian parks and beautify your cities.
6 comentários
hillfanthomlike10 21 fev. 2021 às 6:19 
thank you
迎风布阵 15 ago. 2020 às 5:24 
MC100  [autor] 9 jun. 2020 às 6:16 
@秦山慢度 :谢谢支持
欹枕嘉则 8 jun. 2020 às 21:42 
MC100  [autor] 31 mai. 2020 às 0:06 
@zhz1984 :哈哈谢谢支持!!
ChrisViland 30 mai. 2020 às 21:36 