Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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4.461 MB
24 mag 2020, ore 23:18
9 ott 2020, ore 23:36
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This is a bad map made of meat.
Shoutout to s4videos
4 commenti
photog 3 giu 2020, ore 1:34 
this is in my custom map rotation right now, easily in the top 10 for community/workshop content. great work, would love to see more like this!
allen the dumpster 2 giu 2020, ore 19:20 
This is fucking grotesque
Colbehr  [autore] 27 mag 2020, ore 13:38 
Thanks! I made this like 5 years ago at this point but I am thinking about updating it and fixing some things. I'll fix those while i'm at it.
Pizza Pasta 26 mag 2020, ore 22:52 
An alright map, actually. Only 2 real complaints; 1. Too much time on the control point. 9999 minutes is a bit much. 2. Custom Sounds/Music have a habit of cutting out.