Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

104 valoraciones
Nydal (Official Savegame)
Publicado el
25.618 MB
16 MAY 2020 a las 10:34
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Nydal (Official Savegame)

Read me. No, seriously!

Which assets/mods do I need to play this thing?
1- Go to your Steam list of subscribed items and un-subscribe to everything you currently have going. This is to avoid conflicts with the assets/mods I used.

2- Go to this collection and subscribe to all the assets there. Oh, and... also subscribe to all the linked collections at the bottom.

3- One of the linked collections is just for the mods. After subscribing, you will have to manually enable those mods in the content manager.

4- You'll probably need at least 24GB of RAM to load the assets (maybe even 32). If you only have 8GB of RAM it might work too, but again... just try it, worst-case scenario is that the game will crash.


Loading time & framerate
This savegame takes about 20mins to load on my PC (9700k, 64GB of RAM, NVME drive and 1080ti), if your specs are lower than this it might take even longer. Just let it load, go do your laundry and come back later. Also, the average framerate is ~5fps, tho you can get some sweet 20fps if you zoom in or point the camera towards the edges of the map.

Are the DLCs required?
Don't know 100% but I'm pretty sure Snowfall, Mass Transit and Parklife are required, the other ones probably not. The only way to find out is to try it, even if you don't have the DLCs, it will most likely still load the savegame aside from missing a few things.

This savegame doesn't work!
Check the date this was first uploaded. Has it been a long long time? Then it's likely that a game update or expired mods broke this. If you still can't get it to work, I have some tutorials on how to troubleshoot stuff that may help:

Can I make videos or publish screenshots from this savegame?
Absolutely! All I ask you is to link back to the series playlist.


Here's the official playlist for this series:
4 comentarios
juliangodwin 23 JUN 2020 a las 20:13 
Downloaded everything. Marina collection missing content. And map theme missing. Any suggestions?
Idok 17 MAY 2020 a las 9:18 
welp I will not even try downloading this (yet) only got 8gb ram ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.8ghz RX 570 4gb but the game is on my SSD tho. I had 16gb but my other stick stopped working.
djhsilver 16 MAY 2020 a las 18:14 
It can, but it will take longer to load and be a little bit more laggy while playing.
Auntie Mabel 16 MAY 2020 a las 17:34 
Does it work with PC's that have 16GB of RAM?