Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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F9F Interceptor
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Type: Blueprint
4.913 MB
13. Mai 2020 um 6:21
5. Juni 2020 um 11:03
6 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)
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F9F Interceptor

Survival friendly and needs no MOD.

This ship is design for delivering kinds of missiles and rockets from space to gravity field.

19x Gatling Gun
22x Small Grid Warhead Missile Rack
2x Advance Guided Missile Rack

6x Large Hydrogen Thruster
13x Small Hydrogen Thruster
32x Small Atmospheric Thruster
4x Jump Drive

6x Large Hydrogen Tank
17x Small Hydrogen Tank

25343 PCU, 1444 blocks in totals
Tag:all terrain; missile; jet;
For the central control script, please run the script with the following argument:
FireLeft -- Fire the left side missile
FireRight -- Fire the right side missile
FireRocket -- Fire the small grid rockets
WeldLeft -- Weld the left side missile
WeldRight -- Weld the right side missile
WeldRocket -- Weld the Rockets
Lidar -- Toggle the lidar scan function

-there is a existing key map in toolbar 2.
-if there is a exception in the "central control" block, please recompile it to work. If it still happen, make sure you configure the script, blocks and block groups correctly.
-there are 2 sub-grid in this ship. Projector may not casting them in many server. You can cast them separately.
-the default camera is on the sub-grid in front of the nose near by gatling guns. A camera name "camera" is necessary for scripts;
-the rocket rack is a also a sub-grid.
Used script:
Rdav's Guided Missile Script
Easy Lidar Homing Script