The Surge 2

The Surge 2

89 ratings
The Surge 2 | Detailed Achievement Guide + Walkthrough
By Stef
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
Estimated difficulty: 5/10. (Highly skill dependent)

Estimated 100% time: ~25-35+ hours.

Offline/online achievements: 47 offline / 0 online.

Number of playthroughs: 1 if you save scum, 2 if not.

Glitched achievements: None.

This guide is not spoiler friendly. Below is a complete and detailed guide for everything you will need to 100% the game. If you want a more spoiler-free version, simply skip to the achievements specific section below the guide. Note, however, that some will still spoil things simply due to having to explain the process.

The Surge 2: The Kraken DLC Guide

The Surge Guide
The Surge: A Walk in the Park DLC Guide
The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the Augmented DLC Guide
Walkthrough - Part 1
Detention Center
After starting the game officially, locate the keycard and exit into the Detention Center. Progress through the collapsed building to Cell Block B. Take note of Benjamin Burke's cell at the top of the central staircase. Continue until you reach the room containing Nitro. Nitro attacks rather slowly, so avoiding his combos and then punishing the opening is pretty easy. Once you've killed him, interact with the Med-Bay to get your Exo.


Head back to the prison block (where you found the first First Aid Station of the area). Locate Benjamin Burke's cell and interact with the door to free him.

Don't I Know You?

R-1 'Diode' Laspistol (1/12) & S&R Drone (2/12)
Head back to the med-bay and proceed through the fairly linear level until you arrive at Warden Garcia's boss fight. Killing him will reward the 2 Drone Modules. His fight is fairly simple, acting as a buffed up regular enemy. If you keep your distance he will usually do a jumping attack that’s easy to dodge or parry. He can also shoot out incendiary explosives and a drone that will shoot a few times before returning. Strafing or dodging easily handles them.


Downtown Jericho City
Follow the path upstairs, making sure to grab the quest item from the Echo. Once outside, talk to Brother Truman and take the lift down.

As soon as you arrive at the first Med Bay of the area, you will notice an NPC named Stranger standing in front of it. Exhaust his dialogue and be sure to begin his questline. This is important for meeting Warren later in the story.

W-102 Banner(3/12)
Continue down to find the first Med Bay of the area. Ahead of you will be a few enemies to clear, and then you're given a choice: continue straight across a small bridge, or follow the street to the right. Cross the bridge and continue on until you reach a small area containing a dual blade enemy and yellow neon signs on the right wall. Drop down to the lower section and you will see an enemy ahead of you, as well as a giant metal pipe stretching across a canal. Cross the pipe and take the mag-lift up. Go on top of the scaffolding to your immediate left. The module is on top right where my character is standing. Don't forget to keep going this way to activate the shortcut, as well as the one street level by the man warming up over a barrel.

Klokonov R-47 Autorifle(4/12)
Further ahead of the man by the barrel, you will see 2 enemies: one with the flamethrower weapon, and one with an auto rifle. The one with the rifle is our target. Sever his right arm to acquire the module. Make sure to grab this now as these enemies do despawn.

Strange Vision (1/10)
Our first required Nanite Echo is right in front of you. You probably spotted it before even attempting to acquire the previous drone module!

W-101 Spray Can(5/12)
Directly to the right of the previous Vision is a small break in the metal railing you can use to drop down next to an enemy. The module is down there. Alternatively, you can go left of the Vision and use the mag-lift.

You will notice an A.I.D. security checkpoint to the left of the Seaside Court entrance. Do NOT walk through the blue gate and trigger the alarm. We will need to sneak around and disable it later, using a specific Drone Module for an achievement.

CREO Industrial Magnet(6/12)
Continue forward into the Seaside Court safe area. On the second floor is a shopkeeper named Rex who sells this part for 10,000 scrap. If you've collected 10+ audio logs, you can go up to the 3rd floor and talk to Mr. Scrappy, the vending machine, for a free 4,000 scrap. I advise picking this part up as soon as possible, as it is possible to lose Rex as a vendor.

Once you're set, head to the 2nd floor and speak with Eli. Then head to the bottom and out of the back door.

Port Nixon
Strange Vision (2/10)
Our next collectible isn't for quite some time. Continue to make your way through Port Nixon at your own pace, as it’s a fairly linear section currently. Once you reach an area called the Flooded Grounds, the Nanite Echo will be in clear view at the end of the first open path of the area.

EMP-44 'Starfish'(7/12)
Once again, our next collectible isn't for quite a bit. Continue to progress through the game at your own pace until you reach the Little Johnny boss fight. This boss might seem tough at first, but take it slow and you will kill him. My go-to method is to wait until he does the overhead stomp attack before dashing in and getting 2 or 3 hits off. Target the 2 cores on his body first, then his back most leg, followed by the left leg, and finally the right leg. I found this to be the easiest way of going about this fight. After you kill him, the module is yours.


Strange Vision (3/10)
After killing Little Johnny, use the Starfish to open a series of doors leading back to the med-bay. Continue past it to where the comic store is and you'll run into Brother Eli just ahead, triggering his boss fight. After defeating him, the Nanite Echo will spawn in the middle of the arena.

Downtown Jericho City - 2nd Visit
Sniper (1/5)
Return to the Seaside Court and speak with the Hunters, then head up to the 3rd floor and exit to Downtown Jericho via the door next to Mr. Scrappy. Directly across the way is our first sniper turret enemy. Make your way across and use your drone to take them out! Standing where I do in the screenshot is the easiest area to lock on. Make sure you kill the human enemy. If you're struggling to hit him, read on for a way to hit him directly.

Remember that A.I.D. security point I told you not to worry about earlier in the guide? Head back into Seaside Court and exit into Downtown Jericho via the bottom floor. Once there, make your way back to the street where the checkpoint is. Directly to the left of the security gate is a small back alley with some fodder enemies in it. Head on up to the top and at the very end you'll be able to drop into the checkpoint without triggering the alarm. Once inside, head into the small dark section and use your Starfish to disable the gate.

It's A Trap!

A.I.D. 'Empire' Sniper Rifle(8/12)
Cut the right arm off of any of the rifle A.I.D. soldiers guarding the checkpoint
Walkthrough - Part 2
Strange Vision (4/10)
On the direct opposite side of the checkpoint is a staircase with a mag-lift next to it. Ride that up and drop into Central Plaza to find this Nanite Echo directly below you.

If you were struggling to hit the sniper enemy earlier you can enter the alley behind the plaza itself. There’s a gate nearby that leads to him..

Sniper (2/5)
Head back to Central Plaza and exit into the street. Hook an immediate right and enter the AID Checkpoint. As soon as you pass the front gate, hook another right to find a staircase behind some breakable boxes that leads to the Eastside Underpass. The Sniper is on the other side.

Sniper (3/5)
Head back out to the main street and continue forward to Gideon Plaza. Pass through the breakable boxes and hook a sharp left up the stairs to find a mag-lift. Ride it up and use your Starfish on the door in front of you to find the next Sniper.

Afterwards, progress into the Cloud 9 Bar and continue into Gideon Rock once you're set.

Gideon Rock
Once you enter Gideon's Rock you will be introduced to Hunters. Kill any of them while they are cloaked for the achievement.

Sorry, Didn't See You There

Once you've met Hawke in Gideon's Rock, continue up through the outlook until you cross over a small creak and meet your first Gideon's Rock Statue. Our first goal is to cut off it's right arm to force it to drop its spear. Pick up the spear and equip it, then kill the statue with the weapon. Note that if you do this on any subsequent statue you MUST cut the spear arm off before killing the statue with the weapon or it won't count.

Reverse Engineering

GAIA Laser(9/12)
Cut the head off any Gideon's Rock Statue enemy. Easiest way I found was to use the Drone.

Strange Vision (5/10)
Directly to the left of the first statue fight is a path leading to the CREO Institute of Technology, and the next Nanite Echo. You can find it by locating the cougar statue.

Jag-1000 'Carnivore' Shotgun(10/12)
Return to Central Crossing and locate the trail with the boar statue. Follow it through until you arrive at the Metea Forest. Fight your way through the dozen guys here, following the somewhat linear, if not confusing path until you arrive at the Captain Cervantes boss fight. Target and sever his left leg to acquire the module. If you mess up, you'll need to do another playthrough.

Studied The Blade

After killing Cervantes, head up the stairs and interact with the large rocket to trigger an EMP pulse. There’s a shortcut just across the way that will take you back to Central Crossing. This time, head to the trail denoted by the horse statue and follow it through into a small clearing with a mag-lift and a jammed door. Open the door and continue forward to an area surrounded by EMP mines. At the top of the cliff is a button you can push to activate the lift up to the second EMP.

Head back to Central Crossing and head towards the institute where we found the Strange Vision. Before reaching the institute grounds, hook a sharp right to continue deeper into the Cougar trail. Climb the white staircase until you reach the 3rd EMP. You will need to enter the building to the left and grab the keycard by the fox statue, then continue up to find the switch.

Finally, head back to Central Crossing and dive into the hole to start the Delver boss fight.

Delver is divided into 3 phases. It’s first phase he will use basic swipe attacks or dive underground where you can play a game of Whack-A-Mole. On the 3rd pop up, he’ll leap out of the ground for a massive slam. Watch out for that. He attacks slow enough that you can easily dodge his attacks and poke him, or parry his swipes for massive counter damage.

Phase 2 he will turn into a dog-like form. He has some basic attacks like a dash that can be finicky to dodge and deals pretty good damage, a very fast bite attack, basic swipe attacks, and a spin attack if you’re too close. He also has a move where he will turn into a flying crystal. During this attack he will shoot volleys of small crystals at you then dive into the ground leaving him stunned. If you use this attack as an opening, be careful because the crystals will fly back to him and deal a lot of damage to you. If you’re confident in your parries, you can use that again for massive counter damage. Just be careful as he likes to mix in his other moves after his swipes.

His 3rd phase he will stand up again and gain massive armor. His attacks consist of a ground slam that leaves a lingering trail of corruption, very slow swipes that have a chance of leaving corruption, and one where he slides across the floor leaving a trail of corruption. I recommend staying close and parrying this phase as the corruption trails can add up leaving little room to navigate the arena, plus the counter damage is beneficial given his powerful armor. Just be careful as he loves to follow up a parry stun with the large ground pound attack!

Home Invasion

Strange Vision (6/10)
After killing Delver, this Nanite Echo will be directly in your path to leave the arena. Cannot miss it.

After killing Delver, head back up to Central Crossing and enter the institute. Head through the central lobby to the back and take the elevator down to meet Guttenberg.


A.I.D. Central Command
Once you receive his keycard, take the elevator back up and backtrack to Cloud 9 Bar. At the bar, speak with Kyle Baxter and exhaust his dialogue. Once you’re done, exit out into Downtown Jericho. Head back to the Eastern Underpass where we killed the 2nd Sniper. This time, follow the path through to end up on the other side of the AID Checkpoint. Enter the tent and take the mag-lift up to another checkpoint. To the top left is another lift leading to Gateway Bravo. Cut through the area to find the level transition to AID Command.

After dropping down, head left into the Oaktree Apartments to find a med-bay, then continue up the destroyed building. After exiting, don’t take the lift ahead of you. Instead, hook left and pass through the next destroyed building to reach AID Family Care. Head up the left side of the building into yet another building and continue to push through the checkpoints. Once you reach the Family Waiting Area, push up the left side and drop into the Liang Wei basement. Just ahead you can break Warren out of a cell. Talk to him for an achievement.

True Survivor
Walkthrough - Part 3
Strange Vision (7/10)
Shortly after arriving at the Liang Wei Hospital Lobby you will come to a small interrogation room with cameras set up. This Nanite Echo is impossible to miss.

Continue forward through the level until you enter the Observation Room. Kill the enemies in here to receive a keycard, then head right and take the lift up. Kill the enemies up here and locate the Force Hook item. Once you have it, use the zipline directly in front of you and follow the trail to a mag-lift. Ride it up, then take the next zipline.

Strange Vision (8/10)
When you arrive at this area, you will eventually come to a door guarded by 2 A.I.D. soldiers. The door will also have a note stating this is a major turning point in the game. Open the door to find the next Nanite Echo directly behind it.

Strange Vision 9/10
Interact with the green panel to the left of the previous vision and head up the ramp. The next Echo is in the next room.

WARNING The next area will change the game drastically. Before continuing, make sure you have the following:
  • 9/10 Nanite Echoes
  • 10/12 Drone Modules
  • 3/5 Snipers
  • Any and all side quests / gear you may want.
If you missed any of this and proceeded further, you will need to get what you missed in NG+.

Unforeseeable Consequences

VULC-88 'Panthera' Rotary Gun(11/12)
Enter the General Ezra boss fight and complete the first phase as normal. Once Ezra jumps out, target the flamethrower arm of the mech and attack it until it is destroyed. Once done, finish the boss fight to earn the drone module.

Ezra is easily the hardest boss in the game. During his first phase he has a laser that he constantly uses to deal damage and inflict burn, a rocket he launches into the air, and a mini gun that he will shoot at you or around his mech if you’re too close. If he’s shooting the gun you will need to hide behind cover until it ends. There’s really no easy way to handle this fight outside of practicing and learning his moves. If you break the armor on his mech you can target those spots for increased damage.

The second phase is a lot easier as Ezra himself is pretty much a basic enemy. You can dodge his attacks, then hop in for a few swipes. Make sure to keep an eye on the mech, though, as it will still be launching rockets and flamethrower streams at you during this phase. Make sure to destroy the flamethrower arm before killing Ezra for the drone module.

Court Martial

The Underground
After the cutscene, push forward to the drainage hall and take the mag-lift down. Cut across and to the right past a group of normal enemies to wind up in the Gideon Plaza Basements. Follow the linear path through until you reach a zipline

You can use the Helix of the Delver on the following boss to earn an achievement. There are 3 of these bosses we need to kill for another achievement, so you have 3 attempts. Note that you only need to land the final blow with the Helix, not do the entire fight with it.

Delver Echo Alpha (1/3)
After the zipline down, you will be in a large room with a chest in the center covered with nanocrystals. There will also be a large circular door to the left with a CIT symbol on it. Approach the chest to trigger the boss fight. This boss is based on the second phase of the Delver fight.

Delver Echo Beta (2/3)
After defeating the Alpha variant, head towards the CIT tunnel and progress to the next area. Rest at the Med Bay directly ahead of you, then head back to where we fought Alpha. Again, the chest will appear in the center of the room. Approach it to trigger this fight as well. This boss is based off the first phase of the Delver fight.

Own Medicine

After killing both Delver Echoes, head back to the CIT building and you will run into Eli again. This fight is almost the same as his first.

Dead Again

Return to the Cloud 9 bar. Talk to Kyle Baxter, telling him you want to team up with him. This will start his side quest which we need to complete for the Ironmaus gear.

Downtown Jericho Revisited
Delver Echo Gamma (3/3)
The final Delver Echo can be found in the center of Calamity Plaza. This boss is based on the third phase of the Delver fight. The easiest way to kill it is to parry it's attacks to stun it for massive counter damage. You can also use your drone to break its armor.


We’re going to take a bit of a detour now. After killing Gamma, exit out of his arena, and hook a left towards the AID security checkpoint. Pass all the way through and make a right into the Corrupted back Alleys where the garbage truck is. You will immediately see a giant hole in the ground. Jump into it, I promise you won’t die.


After dropping down, head down the staircase and open the door. Hook a sharp left toward the AID checkpoint, but hook a right into a tunnel where the basic enemies are. Follow the linear path through the tunnels until we reach the area where we fought the first 2 Delver Echoes. Head left to the CIT building and take it up into the CREO Institute. Exit the institute out into Gideon’s Rock and head straight for Cloud 9 Bar. Finally, exit the bar and go back to where we killed Gamma to get back on track.

Enter the wall Gamma broke through and continue back through the Welder's Block. Push forward until you reach the bridge leading to the Seaside Court. Instead of going across, hook right and follow the path to the front of the Detention Center where we started the game. Head inside for a quick achievement. The large group of enemies out front is also a really good spot for killing 3 enemies with 1 rocket.

Where It All Began

Exit the Detention Center and head to the Seaside Court. Don't forget to turn in any audio logs to Mr. Scrappy for some extra salvage! Exit out the back door into Port Nixon. If you have The Kraken DLC, you can access it now if you want to get that done within NG. Refer to my Kraken DLC guide for how to get there!

Continue all the way through to the Cathedral of Spark by passing through the area until you reach the comic store. Either take the zipline or walk across to where the med-bay is, then take the left door for a mag-lift down to the water. Run through the path to the left and finally up the highway to find the level transition.

Cathedral of Spark
Sniper (4/5)
After entering the Cathedral, run up the highway and use the zipline to the right. The Sniper is directly behind you at the top.

Head up the path where you will drop into a room with a med-bay. Almost every path in the Cathedral leads back here eventually, so that’s nice. Continue through the reactor rooms, draining the levels as you go.
Walkthrough - Part 4
After draining the water from level 2 in the Cathedral, exit out the right door and take the zipline up to open a shortcut back to the Med-Bay. Afterwards, 180 and head up to the right to find Kyle Baxter behind the door. Talk to him but DO NOT send him home. If you do, you will not get the full set. Instead, ask him about your team up, then choose to send him out.

Sniper (5/5)
Take the zipline back down towards the blue door that lead to the second drain pump. Just off to the left side will be a small ledge you can jump to. Open the door, then take the zipline to the right, and Mag-Lift directly after. The Sniper is just up ahead.


Spark 'Enlightener' Electro-Beam (12/12)
Head back to the Med-Bay and out the right door once more. Take the zipline and continue through the blue door ahead to Ritual Cleansing. Jump across the electrified pool and target the Spark Galvanizers right arm. Severing it is what drops the drone part.

Swiss Army Drone

Progress forward into the Hall of Prayers and you'll get a call from Baxter saying he's returned to base. Immediately head back to where we just found him and speak to him again. This time, tell him to go home. If you send him out again he will die and you won't get the full set.

If you'd like to get this achievement out of the way, head back to the Hall of Prayers. As soon as you enter, exit out of the hole in the wall immediately to your left. Don't drop down. On the right side is a door we can open. Kill the 2 enemies inside, then EMP the switch to open the main gate leading back out to the highway. Head back to Port Nixon and locate Baxter at the comic store. Tell him this completes his training and he'll reward you with the gloves + full Ironmaus armor set. Equip both of those, then exit the menu briefly.

It Lives! It Sniffs! It Conquers!

Once you’re set and ready to continue, head back to the Hall of Prayers. Clear out the enemies in the area, and you can head through the blue door on the left to find a mag-lift back to the med-bay once more. Don’t forget to activate pump C! To continue, head back down the mag-lift and follow the staircase to the lowest level. Run up and to the left of the large group of enemies to enter the Reaction Chamber once more. The Starfish panel in the center will activate a shortcut back to the med-bay once more.

Take the zipline to the right and follow the zipline trail down. Once you reach a section with a hole in the wall just above where we came from, exit out the hole and into the grated elevator down to Matriarch Celeste.

Her first phase is fairly simple, she has a couple of lunge attacks that we can abuse as they leave her wide open. Take your time to bait her attacks and don’t get overzealous with your combos. An easy way to deal with this phase is to keep your distance and let her do her broomstick dash attack, then jump in for a few swipes.

Her second phase always starts with a 2 burst electro pulse that will stun you. I found the best way to avoid this was blocking as I couldn’t quite figure out how to dodge or avoid it. She has long sweeping combos in this phase as well as the arena being divided into electrified fourths at times. It’s best to stay in one of the fourths, or closer to the center. Parrying made this phase a joke for me as you get huge counter damage and she stands still for quite a few seconds after each parry stun.

Mommy Dearest

Enter the Underground and follow the extremely linear path back into the CIT basement. Take the stairs down to enter the CREO Institute once more. Drop down into the hanger and enter the cargo ship that opens up, then use the med-bay inside.

What A Catchy Song

Interact with the door ahead and head inside where you’ll be ambushed by 4 robots. I found the Starfish to be super helpful for shutting them down momentarily. Grab the barrier break key item, then take the elevator up to the next boss.

HAROLD has taken over the body of the worst enemy from the first Surge! But this actually works in our favor this time. Stick close to HAROLD and he will constantly use either his overhead tail attack or his swing. Both of these attacks are extremely easy to parry, making this fight pretty trivial.

Bad Dog

Strange Vision (10/10)
Don’t leave the institute just yet. Instead, break the barrier leading out, then head up the right staircase and follow the path back to the Underground. Once down there, exit out into where we fought the Delver Echoes and look to the right for a barrier blocking a zipline. Take the zipline and follow the path through to the drainage hall and the staircase where we fell down for the Geronimo achievement. This time, go up the stairs and follow the path through to The Dark Birthplace. To the left is a barrier you can break leading to the final vision.

Following In Their Footsteps

Backtrack to the institute and exit out into Gideon’s Rock this time. Continue through to Cloud 9 and back out into Downtown Jericho. Push forward until you come across another Echo left behind by Eli. Head left through to Gateway Bravo and break the barrier at the end to exit back to AID Command. Follow the corrupted path through the area until you reach a staircase leading into a building. Helena will burst through the door triggering her boss fight.

Another easy boss to deal with, Helena acts almost exactly like a GAIA statue from Gideon’s Rock. Her attacks are very slow and deliberate, giving you plenty of time to parry or dodge them. She has a shield that you can break with a charged heavy attack giving you time to land 2-3 blows during the stun. She will also sometimes shoot a laser beam. Simply strafe around her, then smack her a few times when she finishes. Helena has quite a bit of health so I recommend using parry stuns for the large counter damage.

Corrupted Beauty

The Great Wall
After killing Helena, enter the building and progress to The Great Wall. Progress forward and take the zipline over to the large structure. Follow the path through, riding the mag-lifts as you go. You’ll come to an area where you can use the Starfish to activate a zipline over to the building being held up by the giant nano snake. This is a shortcut back to the med-bay. Just past this is 4 guys fighting a mutated creature. Let them dish it out and clean up whatever is left from their fight. Continue on this path until you come to a mag-lift you have to Starfish to activate. At the top you’ll get a cutscene of an enemy that can split in 2. These are the only enemy in NG that is mk. X, so if you plan to get the achievements for fully upgrading your gear you will need to farm this guy now. If you continue forward past the 2nd set of them, you can find a med-bay that will make farming them a lot quicker as there’s one hanging out directly above.
Walkthrough - Part 5
Marked For Success

Defense In Depth

If you plan on getting the 100% in one playthrough you’ll need to backup your save now to get both endings. You can find it at:

Once ready, progress up to the top of The Great Wall and take the zipline over to Eli for the final boss.

Archangel Eli is one of the more difficult bosses of the game, but not by much. He has a couple of flurry attacks he’ll use if you’re too close, an overhead flying attack and a large dash if you’re far. He can throw his sword, shoot corruption crystals that either home in on you or try to trap you in place, and he can do a ground slam that spawns a wall of rocks.

Most of his attacks can be avoided by keeping your distance. This trivializes the fight quite a bit as some of his attacks are rather fast and hard to parry. However, his flying overhead and large sprint attack are pretty easy, and these are the 2 attacks he uses most if you keep your distance. You also want to make sure you’re targeting his head the entire fight to break his helmet and deal increased damage to him.

Denying Prophecy

Once you’ve defeated him, choose to either kill or spare him. Then, copy your backup save into the main folder and choose the opposite choice for both endings. Otherwise you will have to defeat him again on NG+.

Hello Darkness My Old Friend


After beating the game, load up NG+ and complete the plane crash sequence for your final achievement.

A Little Banged Up
A Little Banged Up

After finishing the game, start NG+ and complete the intro plane sequence.

Unlocks after killing Warden Garcia in the Detention Center.
Dead Again

Unlocks after defeating Eli in CIT.

Unlocks after killing Little Johnny.
Studied The Blade

Unlocks after killing Captain Cervantes.
Home Invasion

Unlocks after killing the Delver.
Court Martial

Unlocks after killing General Ezra.
Mommy Dearest

Unlocks after killing Matriarch Celeste.
Bad Dog

Unlocks after killing HAROLD.
Corrupted Beauty

Unlocks for killing Goddess Helena.
Denying Prophecy

Unlocks after killing Archangel Eli.
Reverse Engineering

Gideon's Rock Statues are the giant stone enemies that have robotic insides. You honestly cannot miss them. To earn this achievement, you must target its right arm and sever it to gain the Gaia spear. You must then equip it and kill the same statue with the spear. If you kill the statue without the weapon, you must find a new statue and sever the right arm before killing it.
Own Medicine

Delver Echos are secret bosses that you must kill for another achievement. Please refer to my walkthrough for their locations. To earn this achievement, you must have first acquired the Helix of the Delver 2.0 by severing every armored part of Delver at least once before killing it. Next, you must kill one of these 3 bosses with that weapon. Note that it only needs to be the final blow. You do not need to have it equipped for the whole fight so feel free to use whatever weapon you're comfortable with.

Spare Eli at the end of the game.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Kill Eli at the end of the game.
It Lives! It Sniffs! It Conquers!

  • After defeating Eli for the second time and returning to Cloud 9, you can talk to Kyle Baxter to start his quest.
  • Progress through to the Cathedral of Spark and drain the second area of water. After doing so, exit the right door of the med-bay room and follow the path up to the right to find Baxter. Tell him you want to send him out. If you send him home you won't get the full set.
  • Progress to the Hall of Prayers and you will get a call from Baxter. Return to the room where we found him and send him home. If you send him out he will die and you won't get the full set.
  • Navigate back to the comic store in Port Nixon and talk to him to receive the weapon and armor. Equip every piece then exit the menu.
Following In Their Footsteps

  • 1) On the broken bridge between the Seaside Court and the JCPD.
  • 2) After descending to the Flooded Grounds you will spot this out near the shoreline. (Right in front of where The Kraken DLC starts, if you're familiar.)
  • 3) Spawns directly where you defeat Eli for the first time.
  • 4) In the middle of Central Plaza, Downtown Jericho.
  • 5) In front of the CREO Institute of Technology.
  • 6) After killing Delver, this will spawn at the exit of his arena.
  • 7) In the interrogation room just past the Liang Wei Hospital lobby.
  • 8) Directly after the "major turning point" door leading to Ezra.
  • 9) In the room following the previous Strange Vision.
  • 10) After acquiring thru ability to destroy nano-walls, head to the Underground and locate The Dark Birthplace. The Vision is past a wall to the left.
True Survivor

  • After escaping the JCPD, you will first meet the Stranger in front of the med-bay in the alley. Talk to him and exhaust his dialogue to start his quest.
  • Follow the game through until you reach the Liang Wei Hospital Basement where you'll find Warren behind a breakable glass wall. Free him and talk to him.
  • If you did the step where he asked for armor, he will instead be found directly before General Ezra.
Defense In Depth

Throughout the game you will be severing enemy body types to acquire their armor and weapons. As you cut these you will gain pieces you can use to upgrade your gear. You will need to reach mk. X for the achievement.

There's only one enemy in the game that goes that high during NG, and it's the enemy that splits in half just before the final boss. You can easily farm the one above the AID Last Stand med-bay. Alternatively, go into NG+.
Marked For Success

Throughout the game you will be severing enemy body types to acquire their armor and weapons. As you cut these you will gain pieces you can use to upgrade your gear. You will need to reach mk. X for the achievement.

There's only one enemy in the game that goes that high during NG, and it's the enemy that splits in half just before the final boss. You can easily farm the one above the AID Last Stand med-bay. Alternatively, go into NG+.
Stimulating The Local Economy

I earned this after going into NG+ and rushing through to the Seaside Court to spend all my Scrap, however you can earn it on NG if you take some time to spend instead of levelling up.

A really good spot to get a lot of money is the Drive-In survival during the Kraken DLC> I came out with ~150,000 Scrap on NG.
Offensive Defense

This achievement is earned by performing 30 perfect directional blocks, or as I will refer to them throughout the guide; parries. You must guard in the proper direction, as soon as an attack would hit you. There is an implant that shows which way to block for the parry and I highly recommend running it both for the achievement, and the duration of the game.

To headshot an enemy you must target their head and use your drone to kill them.
Gotta Craft 'em All

There are over 30 complete sets in the game, including DLC sets which count towards this achievement. As you progress through the game, make it a habit to always cut the pieces of new enemy types and you should unlock this around the time you reach the Cathedral of Spark. I suggest always targeting the right arm so you can farm 50 weapons alongside this.
Full Arsenal

There are over 130 weapons in the game, including DLC weapons which count towards this achievement.50 is an incredibly low number and you will more than likely unlock this naturally through your NG playthrough.
Rigged And Ready

One of the first achievements you'll earn in the game. Unlocks after visiting your first Med-Bay.
High Performance

Every boss in the game has an alternative kill method that rewards a special 2.0 weapon. The easiest one to earn is from Warden Garcia, as all you need to do is target his right arm for the entirety of the fight, then cut it off.
Clean Cut

I got this early into the game and highly recommend attempting this against weaker enemies. You must slowly walk behind an enemy until your reticle turns a thick red circle. Hitting the light attack button will cause you to backstab them. You must then sever their body part with the following attack. Easily performed against an unarmed body part of a weak enemy.

  • The first Delver Echo can be found after navigating the Underground back to the CIT. You will spot a chest in the middle of a large cavern just before the level transition. Getting close to it will trigger the boss fight.
  • The second one takes place after killing the previous. Travel to the CIT and rest at the med-bay, then go back to where we killed the first Echo. The chest will be there again, triggering the boss fight.
  • The 3rd and final Echo is located in Central Plaza, Downtown Jericho after triggering the world change.
Powered Up

As you kill enemies, find certain consumables, etc. you will accumulate Scrap that you can spend at a med-bay to level up. I ended my NG playthrough close to level 90, so you will more than likely earn this naturally during your NG playthrough.
Where It All Began

Return to the Detention Center after triggering the world change.
Remote Surgery

You must use your drone to sever each body part on enemies. Head, torso, both legs, and both arms. Easily done on the first enemy in Downtown Jericho, but I found myself using the drone quite often during the story, so it should come naturally, too.
Swiss Army Drone

  • R-1 Diode Laspistol
    Kill Warden Garcia.

  • S&R Drone
    Kill Warden Garcia.

  • W-102 Banner
    You will see a man warming up by a flaming barrel with a scaffolding to your left that leads back to the first Med Bay of Downtown Jericho. The module is on top of the scaffolding.

  • W-101 Spray Can
    Under the broken bridge near All Saints Blvd.

  • Klokonov R-47 Autorifle
    Cut off the arm of any VULTR enemy with a rifle in Downtown Jericho.

  • CREO Industrial Magnet
    Purchase from Rex at the Seaside Court for 10,000 Scrap.

  • A.I.D. 'Empire' Sniper Rifle
    Cut off the right arm of any AID soldier with a rifle in Downtown Jericho.

  • EMP-44 'Starfish'
    Kill Little Johnny

  • GAIA Laser
    Cut off the head of a GAIA statue in Gideon's Rock.

  • Jag-1000 'Carnivore' Shotgun
    Cut off Captain Cervantes right arm, then kill him.

  • VULC-88 'Panthera' Rotary Gun
    After completing phase 1 of Ezra's fight, he will pop out of the mech. Destroy the mech's flamethrower arm, then kill Ezra.

  • SPARK Enlightener Electro-Beam
    Cut off the right arm of a Spark Galvanizer in the Cathedral of the Spark.

You will earn the EMP-44 Starfish after killing Little Johnny. Equip it on your drone and shoot it at an enemy to earn the achievement.
Sleeping With The Fishes

You must knock an enemy into deep water to kill them. There are many areas in the game where this is possible, but your first visit to Port Nixon will probably be the easiest. Simply target an enemies unarmored body part near water and stunlock them until they fall in.
Can't Trust Banks

This achievement is best left until the end of the game when you're at The Great Wall, as the enemies here will give you the most scrap per kill. Equipping VULTR armor and mods that increase Scrap gain can help decrease grind time for this. Alternatively, you can go into NG+ where Scrap yield is much higher.

If you own the Kraken DLC, you can easily farm this during Proto's Drive-In survival. I came out of that with over 150,000 Scrap!

You will meet Guttenberg shortly after killing Delver.
Risk Tolerant

I earned this in NG while fighting the 2nd Delver echo in the Underground. If you save up at least 13,000 Tech, the first Delver Echo will reward you with 17,000 putting you in the 30k mark. There are a few enemies between you and the Med-Bay in the C.I.T. Use this, then head back and trigger the 2nd fight. Even if you die, it takes 30 seconds or less to run back and grab your tech to try again. You can also attempt this late into your NG playthrough as a lot of end-game bosses are fairly easy to kill.
Don't I Know You...?

Benjamin Burke can be found in a cell at the Detention Centre where we start the game. Progress through until you get your Exo, then backtrack to his location to free him.
Three Birds With One Stone

I earned this on the large group of Fanatics outside the Detention Center after the world change. I rounded them up into one large group and shot the guy in the middle. I killed way more than 3, so this should be an easy spot.
Suited And Booted

You must equip the full set (head, body, both legs, both arms) of any armor. Considering you need to craft 20 full sets, this should be impossible to miss.
Sorry, Didn't See You There

When you reach Gideon's Rock, you will encounter hooded enemies that can turn invisible. These are Hunters. I recommend getting one to near death (1 hit away) and baiting the cloak. As soon as they turn invisible, swing wildly where they are to hit and kill them during their cloak.
What A Catchy Song

After killing Celeste, you will follow Eli's trail of destruction through the Underground back into the CIT. You will eventually enter a large white hangar with a cargo ship in the center. Enter the ship and use the med-bay.

  • 1) On the Welder's Block rooftop after killing Little Johnny.
  • 2) After arriving in Central Plaza, follow the right path to the Eastern Underpass. The Sniper is at the top.
  • 3) Locate the shops to the left of the Cloud 9 entrance where a mag-lift is. At the top is a door you can EMP to find the sniper.
  • 4) After the first zipline in the Cathedral of Spark.
  • 5) After draining level 2 in the Cathedral, head below the med-bay and locate a platform you can jump to on the left. Follow the path to the final Sniper.
It's A Trap

You must disable an A.I.D. checkpoint with the EMP-44 Starfish and not trigger the alarm. The first one you can do this on is the checkpoint directly to the left of the Seaside Court. Head back into Seaside Court and exit into Downtown Jericho via the bottom floor. Once there, make your way back to the street where the checkpoint is. Directly to the left of the security gate is a small back alley with some fodder enemies in it. Head on up to the top and at the very end you'll be able to drop into the checkpoint without triggering the alarm. Once inside, head into the small dark section and use your Starfish to disable the gate.
Unforeseeable Consequences

This will unlock just before entering General Ezra's boss fight.

After the world change, navigate to Central Plaza and hook a left towards the AID security checkpoint. Pass all the way through and make a right into the Corrupted back Alleys where the garbage truck is. You will immediately see a giant hole in the ground. Jump into it, I promise you won’t die.
SyZyGy 7 Jul @ 9:44am 
Thank you for an awsome guide. Btw your photos in steam overlay atleast when you look through guide wont show anymore you can't enlarge them.
blunus 3 Jun, 2022 @ 8:23am 
You can get both endings in one playthrough without backup save file. Despite said "New Game+" you can actually revert save to your last medbay (press Y if playing Xbox controller) to the place before the final boss.

Also there's a typo in the Swiss Army Drone section, it should be Captain Cervantes left leg and not right arm .

Thank you for the guide!
Stef  [author] 5 Sep, 2021 @ 7:12pm 
I'm sure there are a few mistakes throughout, I basically had to refit the entire first half of the guide from memory + a quick NG+ run through. If there's anything I can fix or improve please feel free to tell me.