Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Ocen: 285
PRICEless Medic Guide
Autorstwa: PRICEless (D9 is trash)
Looking to be the team angel? Then look no further, for this guide is made to teach you on how to be a great medic at best and a decent medic at worst.
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First things first. This guide is meant to explain most aspects of the medic class. I say most since there might be some things I might miss out, and if so. I'd appreciate it if you would let me know in the comments section what I'd miss out on. Now onto Introductions.

The field medic is the ONLY class in Killing Floor 2 that can heal the entire team effectively. Yes, that's right, no Survivalists or Commandos with the 401 can act as the team medic. If the team needs a medic, it has to be a FIELD MEDIC. If you've come here seeking on ways to heal ocassionally with different classes, don't worry there will be a short section below on how to do just that but this guide is mainly for the Field Medic class.

The Field Medic is different from other classes in that it has the lowest damage potential of all the KF2 classes (yes, Survivalists have a bigger damage output than you). But it has one thing going for them that no other class can do. GIving out huge BUFFS to the team. That being said, let's move on to the next section of the guide.
Perks Part 1

As a Field Medic:

• Your syringe and darts are capable of recharging 3 times faster (0.33% multiplier)

• Your syringe and darts heal for 50% more

• You get a whopping 50 percent damage resistance to bloats, second only to berserkers who have the parry bonus up or have resistance active.

• You also get a 10% movement bonus, which makes you the third fastest class in the game, next to gunslingers and the sprinting champions, the berserkers with skirmisher active.

• You receive a whopping max armor of 175, the highest currently ingame, making you an absolute tank as long as you still have armor on. However, this does not mean you should tank like a berserker as you still lack the damage mitigations that they have access to. TANKING should be a LAST resort for a medic. You are one of the most valuable members of the team as without you, the team is likely to end in a wipe due to attrition damage that they can't outheal.

Perk Selection

Medics have quite a few perk selections that can make for a diverse playstyle. HOWEVER on higher difficulties, they get stricter and stricter. It is highly recommended to go full left on Suicidal and Hell on Earth. On harder modes, such as Controlled Difficulty or maps with mutators, there is usually a dedicated medic in that team that everyone is familiar with, and they will be very hesitant to swap out these medics for a pub, as these medics not only go full left but also almost always have a few extra tricks and knowledge up their sleeves.


Symbiotic Health

• This perk grants you 25 more max hp bringing it up to a max total 125 hp. The real benefit of this perk is the fact that you can "self buff" this way by healing teammates, giving you the edge to keep up with them. This is due to you "receiving" the same dart that you inject into a teammate, leading to a win-win scenario.


• This perk will make you a little bit more tanky but that's about it. You get damage resistance comparable to a berserker with parry active when you are at half hp, but that really isn't that much in the long run as you still need to self medicate yourself with the syringe and not just by doing your job. Furthermore, 50 percent of your hp is in two shot territory with that 50 percent DR on higher difficulties so be very extremely careful with it. This perk is best used on solo matches as there just aren't any teammates to heal off with, and the zeds deal less damage, leading to less one shots.

Final verdict: Use Symbiotic Health for multiplayer matches and Resilience for solo matches as the benefits of Symbiotic Health far outweights Resilience in multiplayer matches, especially when you use certain loadouts, which we will get to later.


Adrenaline Shot

• This gives teammates you dart a significant amount of movement speed boost (30% percent). This can be the difference between life or death in a kite scenario, when your holdout spot is compromised. It allows the slower classes to outrun the slow but damaging zeds that are the biggest threat to them such as raging scrakes. For instance a commando can outrun a raging scrake with the buffs at max whilst the scrake can catch up to him and maul him to death if he doesn't receive the buffs. A gunslinger can even outrun a raging fleshpound with the buffs active if he manages to land consecutive af2011 headshots on it.

Combatant Doctor

• This gives you a sizable magazine increase to your medic weapons ( but not the HRG Incision ) allowing you to deal more damage before having to reload. It also gives you an additional 10% movement speed making you as fast as a gunslinger passively. Allowing you to evade more enemies without buffing yourself. An extremely good perk in solo matches.

Final verdict: Use Adrenaline Shot for multiplayer and Combatant Doctor for solo play. This is due to the movement speed buff of Adrenaline Shot which is way bigger and more beneficial than Combatant Doctor. You also won't be emptying your ENTIRE magazine into a zed's head in multiplayer anyway as you DO NOT want to draw the aggro of the big bois, ever. Now in solo, this is different of course, as you have few ways to self buff, and you have to handle all the large zeds yourself, so pick Combatant Doctor for solo.


Focus Injection (FI)

• Like Adrenaline Shot, this gives your teammates a whopping 20% damage increase at max buff. This is a very sizable damage increase and for certain classes that lack self damage bonus like the SWAT and Survivalist, this skill is a godsend for them. You will be the best friend of these 2 classes if you use this skill. They will worship the ground you walk on and provide gifts for the almighty savior.. These buffs might also allow lower levels to reach certain breakpoints they couldn't reach until they are of a higher level.

Acidic Rounds (AcR)

• This is the worst perk ingame currently. NEVER ever pick this perk unless you are looking for a significantly tougher game. Yes, even for solo. This is due to the skill applying a DoT on targets hit, which really only affects large zeds, Now you might be thinking, DoT actually helps in the damage department, no matter how little it is right? Well, here's the kicker, the large zeds have such an asinine amount of poison resistance, 75% for scrakes and fleshpounds, and a whopping 90% for bosses. As a result this perk hits like a wet noodle to them. And the damage bonus given to teammates who are actually shooting at them are more beneficial. Not only that but this skill induces a panic state into zeds, aka aim AIDS. It causes them to flail around and move in random directions, making their weak spots (their heads) stupidly hard to hit, and as a result when they recover, they have already breached your line and can easily wreak havoc on everyone due to not being killed fast enough.

Final verdict: Always use FI whenever possible. The damage done to yourself by AcR is just not worth it. Since every class in the game relies on headshots to effectively kill large zeds (yes, that includes you). With the exception of demo utilizing RPG and berserkers utilizing Pulverizer against fleshpounds.
Perks Part 2

Coagulant Booster (CB)

• The third and final buff provided by the medic. This perk right here is the most helpful on higher difficulties as it ensures your teammates and you (if you have Symbiotic HP) to survive the strongest attacks ingame. It gives your teammates a whopping 30% damage resistance (DR). This allows them to survive attacks that would otherwise be a one shot for them. For example, an fp hit on HOE is 60 damage. If a teammate is at half hp, he would be turned into moist paste, another grisly decoration to add to the map. However with the buffs given to him, he will survive as 60 x 0.7 is 42 dmg. He will survive, but barely, so patch him up when he survives the encounter!

Battle Surgeon (BS)

• This skill allows you to deal more damage yourself so pick this in solo play. It is comparable to a full boost from FI and stacks. so you can have a total damage boost of 40 percent which is quite the boost if you manage to self buff yourself that much. It helps in reaching one particular breakpoint which is with the HRG incision. With this perk active or with FI at max, the incision takes 3 shots to decap a 6player HP scrake, instead of the usual 4.

Final verdict: This tier is rather balanced, however in multiplayer, where other classes are better at dealing damage but worse at receiving them, it's better to take CB, however, on lower difficulties, like in SUI and below, BS is a good alternative if your team is not performing that well and needs an extra hand in dealing damage or if they are still learning the ropes and can't perform 2 sec takedowns on large zeds. For solo, go BS since you have to do the killing yourself.


Airborne Agent

• The ultimate skill for the medic, This perk spawns an aura that is comparable to a gas grenade around you whenever zedtime (slowmotion) initiates. The aura also lasts for a shortwhile after it ends, around 5 seconds. This aura KILLS anything that is a gorefast and below so everytime zed time initiates you are completely safe from any and all small zeds. You can even use this to your advantage and run around near teammates who are getting swarmed and giving the crawlers surrounding them a dose of some proper bug spray. The aura also heals them, however it heals quite slowly, akin to the healthrower, so don't expect grenade like heals from this aura. You still need to continue darting for efficient healing. Another thing to note is that this aura DOES NOT heal you so you still need to watch your own healthbar while this is in effect.


• Zedative got a rework a while back, it's actually usable now without actively griefing or being useless. Now any zeds you kill during zed time will explode into a healing explosion, damaging other zeds and healing players just like the hemoclobber. Explosion does 150 damage to surrounding zeds and has a 400 unit radius. (Means it kills gorefasts and below in 1 hit). Those it doesn't kill gets snared debuff applied to them, lowering their speed by 30% for 5s. The explosion heals players in the radius for 15 hp per explosion. Lastly, you get an extra 30% damage increase to get the explosion chain started. All in all, I still think airborne agent is better, since normal zed time is 3-5 seconds without a good commando. If a good commando who can get full extensions is in the party though, that might end up with a different outcome.

Final verdict: Airborne Agent is better overall. Zedative is nice, but requires some luck or a good commando in the team.
Weapons Part 1

The scalpel is the medic's version of a knife. It has only ever two uses, and that is to ECO on wave 1 only! and to parry a fleshpound's rage attacks for 20% damage reduction and to gain some distance from it.

HMTech-101 Pistol (101)

Ah the trusty HMTech-101 Pistol (101 for short). This little guy will get you through the first wave or two if you can't afford a better main gun.

• 2 darts that heal for 15 hp each (22.5 hp at lvl25)

• Abysmal recharge rate of 15 sec (5 sec at lvl 25)

• Pitiful damage at 20 damage per bullet (9mm is 25 damage)

• 1 kg only, the lightest weapon in the medic arsenal barring scalpel and single 9mm

• Free upgrade slot, meaning you can upgrade it once without increasing its weight, reducing the recharge rate to 13.5s and boosting its damage to a whopping 34 dmg.

This weapon is best used as a side-arm ASAP once you can afford a better dart gun. It is not meant as a main source of healing. In fact, I daresay this is the one of the worst mediguns for the medic, if not the worst. While it is amazing for other classes due to its ultra low weight, it is near useless if you are a medic and can afford better dart guns.

HMTech-201 SMG (201)

The main gun to be used in the early waves. As a medic, don't bother to eco until you have enough dosh for a 301 or 401. You will be heavily gimped as you need at least 2 dart guns to heal efficiently, unless you prefer running around like a maniac with your HMTech healer out healing others. Get this ASAP as a main gun with the 101 acting as a sidearm.

• 2 + 1 darts that heal for 15 hp each (22.5 hp at lvl25). The 3rd dart recharges 3s after the 2nd dart

• Recharge rate of 13s (4s at lvl25)

• Same damage as 101 but higher RoF

• 3kg, the 2nd lightest medigun

The 201 does the same damage as the 101 but it has one edge over the 101. Small zeds have a ridiculous weakness to SMG type damage at a whopping 1.5x multiplier meaning this gun mows them down like paper. You can also alternate fire between the 201 and 101 while each gun recharges. This is why 2 dart guns are very important. With the super fast recharge rate of a medic, it allows a near infinite spam of darts.
Weapons Part 2
HMTech-301 Shotgun (301)

Ah the 301, the medic's way of telling zeds to BTFO. This medigun is unique in that it has a unique effect to its pellets, gun hit power. That means it staggers everything short of an FP like crazy. This is your go to large zed killer if you don't have a HRG Incision on yourself.

• 2+1 darts, healing for 20hp each (30 at lvl25). The 3rd dart recharges 3s after the 2nd dart.

• Recharge rate of 12s (4 sec at lvl25).

• 25 dmg per pellet with 6 pellets per shot for a total of MAX 150dmg per shot.

• High stumble power allowing to flinch scrakes easily for easier takedowns

• High penetration power to clear small groups of lined up zeds easily

• 6 kg. If carried with the 401, it can be upgraded to tier 5.

The 301 was the original way of handling big bois before the introduction of the Incision. It also excels at lane holding while assisting another teammate due to its penetration as well as magazine fed reload (meaning it doesn't have a slow ass reload like the support's m4)

Below is a video on how to handle scrakes with the 301 by just staggering them to death. This is a t5 301 so it needs to be upgraded twice. Scrakes hp is set to 6 players and on HoE difficulty. This was also done with all left perks except CB, where I replaced it with BS instead.

HMTech-401 Assault Rifle (401)

Ah, the 401 aka the dart machine, this weapon is so good in utility that it is actually part of 2 class meta loadouts, the Field Medic as well as the Commando. It is an upgrade to the 201 and it is the medics best all purpose weapon.

• 3+1 darts at 15hp per dart (22.5 at lvl25). The 4th dart recharges 1s! after the 3rd dart.

• Recharge rate of 10s (3s at lvl25)

• 35 damage per bullet and has enough stumble power to repeatedly FLINCH scrakes but only the commando can stagger them with this gun with the help of his Impact Rounds perk!

• Poor recoil. Unlike the commando, the medic has to fire this weapon in short bursts or learn to control it as they lack recoil reduction perks.

• 7kg. Can be easily paired with the two medic powerhouse weapons, the 301 and Incision.

The 401 is a general purpose weapon that can be used against trash and assisting in big zed takedowns. However it has poor recoil for the medic so you have to learn the recoil spread. Crouching and aiming down sights (ADS) provides the most recoil reduction. Part of the medic META loadout.

HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle (501)

The only base tier 5 medic weapon. At 2000 dosh It is the most expensive of all the mediguns available. Its expensive so it means it's the best right? No, not at all. It is best used when you have an already CAPABLE TEAM. that can hold their spot and is not prone to kiting. Don't sell all your guns so you can afford this. It is a SIDEARM. You still need a dart gun to efficiently heal everyone. If you do rush for this gun first, I can't be blamed if your team votekicks you as there are little to no heals on demand.

• Fires 10 healing grenades instead of darts. 60 total hp healed INSIDE the area (90 at lvl25). Grenades can run out

• Needs to reload after every grenade fired as it is an underbarrel attachment.

• 47 damage per bullet but lack the stumble power of the 401 making it poor against large zeds.

• Teammates receive all dart buffs, if they stand in the cloud for at least 1 sec, making it the second best buff machine.

• 8kg. This is what makes it a sidearm, it can't be paired with any other powerhouse weapons, so only dart guns can be paired with it. ALWAYS get the dart gun first.

The 501 is the best weapon to area of effect (AOE) heal when everyone knows how to stay PUT and not run around like headless chickens, as such it is best used in holdout maps and with extremely coordinated teams. Not recommended for pubs. The grenade also kills any small zed like the Airborne Agent perk. As it only has 10 grenades, it also can't be used as a main source of healing unlike the infinite darts.

Weapons Part 3
HRG Healthrower

Ah the most controversial of all the mediguns, at least it was when it first came out. This weapon right here, is a beautiful one that needs to be KNOWN how to USE. In my opinion this is this is the other META medic weapon, and should be paired with the 401 for maximum heals and buff uptime. Why is it META you say? Here's why:

• 2+1 darts at 20hp per dart (30hp at lvl25). 3rd dart recharges 2s after the 2nd dart. Yes people seem to forget that the healthrower has darts! Then they go cry that it has no healing output and that carrying the 301 is better. This is clearly rubbish, as it has the same dart capacity as the 301!

• Recharge rate of 12s (4s at lvl25). Again same as 301.

• Heals the same as the Airborne Agent perk with its primary fire. Should be TAP FIRED every 0.5s not held down like a brainless w+m1 combo. This is due to it releasing a half sec burst for every tap and this saves ammo. People love the blue farts so much yet the give the healtrower so much flak, the hypocrisy!

• A spray is capable of killing all small zeds weaker than a gorefast, with them being a 1.5 sec spray, which is about 3 taps. This is the best trash killer for the medic like the CnB and flamethrower is for the firebug. After all it's the medics job to heal as well as trash clear so you are killing two birds with one stone with this weapon.

• Now for it's best use. Remember the 501 buff machine? Well this medigun makes it look like a water gun. This gun hands out buffs per tick! Which means every spray from the gun gives full buffs immediately, and since it has A LOT of ammo, you can expect near 100% buff uptime for the entire team if they all stick together.

• 7kg. Weighs the same as the 401 which means you still have extra space for the 101 as a fallback weapon if needed if paired together with the 401 (it hardly comes to that). So you have 2 weapons. a buff machine, and a dart machine, what more could you need.

• Any DoT from enemies (bloats/husks) are completely nullified when you receive any kind of healing. This means that should the team get blown to bits by husks, a simple spray would heal them all up immediately and prevent the otherwise nasty DoT inlicted upon them

As stated above, the healthrower paired with the 401 is the META loadout for the medic with some exceptions on certain maps (COUGH COUGH Containment Station). 100% buff uptime as well as all the heals from dart spamming makes a happy team.

Here is the demonstration of buffs the healthrower is capable of. This is a speed test that shows that it does INDEED buff a teammate to maximum potential immediately. Thanks to Kasder for editing and participating in this clip

HRG Incision

The HRG Incision is the medic go to for big boi hunting. It is strongly recommended to use this weapon in solo and pair it with the 301. It fires a hitscan projectile even during zedtime, making it extremely accurate in popping heads as well as applying an emp effect to anything it hits.

• 2 darts with 40hp per dart (yes you read that right 40! per dart) (60hp at lvl25).

• Recharge rate of 10s (3s at lvl25). Hear people complaining about its slow recharge rate. Lying much?

• Darts go through all zeds except for fleshpounds! So no more is that teammate not receiving darts due to being surrounded. It also stops when it hits the teammate. So no knocking down scrakes, at least the ones that pose an easy kill to the team. So that gunslinger or sharpshooter won't be mad. Any other accusations and they are lying through their teeth. Remember that.

• 400 damage per bullet, the most out of any medic weapon, however it needs to be reloaded after every shot.

• 8kg! 1 less than the op Gaygun Railgun. This means it can be paired with the 401 or 301, or Healthrower for trash clearing.

As seen above, this is the biggest powerhouse weapon in the medics arsenal allowing the medic to take on even fleshpounds with ease. The emp it applies prevents FPs from raging until it wears off and keeps Scrakes in a permanently docile state, a sittiing duck for eager teammates to headshot to death. However it does come with a downside. You need to actually scope in to get the darts to home in on a teammate causing severe tunnel vision. Recommended for maps with long sight lanes and far apart teams like Containment Station.

Below are takedowns performed on scrakes and fleshpounds on HoE 6 player hp with the Incision. This is a t5 Incision which can be paired with a 301 for trash killing. Again I used BS to reduce the shots needed to kill by 1.

HRG Vampire

The HRG Vampire is used primarily as a DEBUFF TOOL for the field medic. It applies the bleed debuff in a huge aoe cone in front of it. However it's range is limited. Projectiles are server sided and thus prone to perform poorly on high ping situations

• 8 weight, so can only be carried with another dart gun or healthrower.

• Bleed debuff slows zeds down by 30%, take 4x incap power, attack 25% slower and deal 30% less damage for 5s. It stacks with snare for hilarious results. One of the best debuffs in the game.

• Primary fire applies the bleed debuff to zeds in front of you, making them weaker, as you hold down the primary fire, a blood ball will start to accumulate in the gun as well as crystal spikes.

• Releasing primary fire shoots a blood ball to heal your teammates. Size varies on the amount of blood sucked from the zeds. Takes 1s of sucking to get to max size. Sirens destroy the blood ball mid flight.

• At max size, the blood ball deals 200 explosion damage in a 280 radius with a falloff exponent of 0.5. It also does 150 damage on impact with a zed, meaning a zed directly hit with the bloodball will take 350 damage in total. Blood ball also has a small DoT attached to it dealing 10% damage every 0.5s for a total duration of 2s (5 ticks total).

• At max size, the blood ball heals for 60hp (90! for level 25 medics) to teammates, good for a huge burst of healing for packed groups. DOES NOT heal the user themselves!!

• Suction damage is 15 and "fires" at 600 RPM

• Suction max range is 7.2m

• Alt fire shoots a high damage spike at zeds. The spikes deal 320 piercing damage at 273 RPM. Spikes DO NOT heal teammates. Handy for pesky medium zeds like bloats, sirens, gorefiends and husks.

• You get a total of 4 spikes before having to recharge the meter with suction. (Each spike takes up 25 charge from the 100 charge spike pool.

All in all, pretty meh weapon. It goes full debuff potential at the cost of poor healing potential. Add this with a slow swap speed, and this gun is best used for zerkwall tactics where the main focus is on the zerk and the zeds barreling into him. Below are demonstrations of the HRG Vampire in action:

Weapons Part 4

The hemogoblin. Never has there been a weapon that helps so much yet also harms so much. Simply put, the hemogoblin deals a unique bleed damage and applies a debuff to zeds hit. However, like the healthrower it needs to be known how to use.

• 3+1 darts at 20hp per dart (30 at lvl25). 4th dart recharges 1s after 3rd dart.

• Recharge rate at 10s (3s at lvl 25). Same as 401

• 100 damage per needle shot

• 7kg. Can be paired with 401 with some space left for a 101.

• Debuffed zeds take 50% more incap power (easier to stumble/stun/flinch/knockdown), deal 30% less damage, move 30% slower, and attack 25% slower.

• Debuffed zeds will not allow the DECAPPED VISUAL to play out on LOW GORE! This can be extremely confusing to precision perks who play with these settings so keep this in mind while using it. They will still "decap" and walk aimlessly until the true bleedout death happens. Just their heads will still remain intact throughout the whole animation.

The hemogoblin deals DoT damage aside from the initial 100 from impact. However, it is unique in the sense the DoT dealt is BLEED damage, meaning it won't panic zeds. It shines on the boss wave. This weapon is capable of gimping a boss to move slower and hit for much less damage. A very good alternative to the healthrower/401 on boss rounds. Its darts also heals for more hp than the 401 making it the best at dart throwing among all the other mediguns.

To use the hemogoblin. Shoot 2-3 darts at a zed so it reaches its weakest potential immediately, it works similarly to the dart buff system except in reverse. However be careful, as it deals a lot of damage on impact so it is very prone to enraging big zeds. ONLY USE this weapon on large zeds already ENGAGED with other TEAMMATES.

On a side note, a medic with the speed buff is capable of outrunning even a raging FP given enough space, if it is weakened enough.


The only crossperk weapon for the medic, originating from the berserker. This weapon is pretty meh in my opinion for two reasons. You DO NOT want to go near melee range with zeds on higher difficulty unless you are a zerk with all the damage resistance in the world. You will DIE if you try to solo a large zed with this weapon in hand.

• 3+1 heal hits, at 30hp per hit (40 at lvl25). 4th hit recharges 1s after 3rd hit

• Recharge rate of 10s (3s at lvl 25).

• Heavy attack releases gas EXPLOSION (not cloud) that kills gorefasts and below. You are NOT a berserker. Don't expect the OPness of this weapon to exist in your hands. No one shotting medium zeds as a medic with the heavy explosion.

• Can parry and block zed attacks at 50% damage reduction with parry and 40% damage reduction with normal block.

• 4kg. Light weight and a good fallback weapon to have.

That said and done, don't ever go rushing into zeds and trying to melee them to death on higher difficulties. It will only result in your imminent demise. This weapon can be used as a fallback weapon when you are surrounded by trash or to parry a raging FPs attacks like the scalpel. Refer to the scalpel parry video on how to escape a raging fleshpound with ease.

Mine Reconstructor

Ugh, this dlc gun. This is by far and large the worst dlc gun to be released so far, I'd consider it the first pay 2 lose gun in the game. In terms of performance the worst gun in the game, with even road redeemer beating it.

• 8 weight!!! This POS is 8 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weight for the piss poor performance it craps out. Can only carry a dart gun along with it to pick up its slack.

• Primary fire shoots out mines that heals teammates as well as damages zeds. The caveat? It has a CHARGE mechanic baked into it. And to add insult to injury you can only CHARGE TWICE per magazine.

• Magazine capacity of 12, so 2 charge shots total or 12 uncharged before reload. Uncharged shots fire at 181 RPM. Spare ammo of 108 so you can have 20 charged mines total. (WTF!!)

• Mine explodes for 300 damage at max charge. (yes not enough to kill even a gorefiend *sigh*). Deals 250 impact damage on max charge. So the zed that you actively shoot the mine at receives 550 damage in total. Mines take 1.2s to charge to max, have a explosion radius of 340 with 0.5 falloff exponent at max, and deal a poison DoT of 10% damage every 0.5s for 4s. (9 ticks total)

• Mines explode when a teammate walks over them or if a zed does it. Mines also auto explode after 5 minutes have passed or if more than 12 mines are placed on the map at once, starting with the oldest mine. Alt fire also detonates all mines at once for whatever reason.

• Mines heal for 40 damage at max charge and 4!! at min charge (60 and 6 for max level medics). Mines DO NOT heal the medic/person who placed them

TL:DR This gun is a steaming pile of ♥♥♥♥. Use this gun if you want to throw the game or are a masochist. Next to 0 practical use.

Medic Grenade

You have 5 medic grenades per round. They can be used exactly like the 501 grenades. As AOE heals and buffs as well clear trash further up the lane when a team is pushed too far back a lane.

• Heals for 50hp (75hp at lvl25) if STANDING in the healing cloud for the whole duration.

HMTech Healer

The trusty HMTech Healer. Use this during the early waves in between pistol recharge rates to heal your teammates. They recharge 100% faster if used on a teammate. Once you have a 2nd dart gun, this thing should mostly be used only on yourself for self medication.

• Heals for 20hp per shot (30hp at lvl25)

• Recharge rate of 15s (5s at lvl25) and 7.5s if used on a teammate (4s at lvl25)

Looking on what to bring onto the battlefield? Here are some suggested loadouts by me.

• HMTech 401 + HRG Healthrower + HMTech 101 = Full Support META Loadout

• HMTech 401 + T5 HMTech 301 = Heal loadout with SC deterrent

• HMTech 401 + HMTech 501 = Camping Loadout

• HMTech 401 + Hemogoblin + HMTech 101 = Boss wave Loadout

• HMTech 301 + T5 HRG Incision = Solo EZ mode loadout

• HMTech 401 + HRG Incision = Long distance heal loadout

• HRG Healthrower + HMTech 501 = Holdout maps loadout (Descent, Power Core, Biolapse, Nightmare)

Notice how I never included the hemoclobber, this is due to the false sense of security it provides to the medic. NEVER, and I mean NEVER try to melee zeds on higher difficulties.

So, tired of using mediguns? Well there are two guns that you reliably offperk as the medic. And those two weapons bring the same thing to the table., disablers.


The freezethrower reliably freezes zeds in the blink of an eye. Found in the Survivalist tab, it can freeze large zeds in around 2s of concentrated fire. As they medic is a non-combatant class, they can't deal enough damage to rage the big zeds while using this weapon. Win-Win-Win.

• Freezes any zed with some amount of concentrated fire. Around 20 ammo for SCs and FPs.

• 7kg. Can be paired with the 401 + 101 so you can still have 2 dart guns!

• Have to get close to the large zeds, which is pretty undesirable for the medic as it puts them in needless danger. (Remember the hemoclobber?).

Compound Bow

Unforunately this a paid DLC, so theres no equipping this weapon unless you bought it or are in a lobby with someone sharing it. The bow is the ultimate CC tool in the game right now. Available to the Sharpshooters who can fully utilize its strengths, you as a Field Medic can take advantage of some of it such as its freeze arrows.

• Freezes any large zed in 2 hits with the freeze arrows

• Just like the freezethrower, they won't rage since you don't deal enough damage for them to rage about!

• 8kg, Unfortunately it is pretty hefty so can only be paired with the 401 at the moment. Another alternative is to pair it with the 301 + 101.

Frost Fang

Another paid DLC. The frost fang is a berserker/support gun that freezes any large zeds in 2 shots for the medic. Very powerful mid ranged freeze tool. You can also utilize the in built parry mechanic to save yourself from danger.

• Freezes any large zed in 2 shots with the freeze pellets

• Just like the previous 2 guns, they won't rage since you don't deal enough damage to rage them begin with.

• Parry reduction of 50%. 40% for blocking.

• 7 weight. Similar to the freezethrower, can carry a 401/healthrower + a 101 along with it.

Tips and Tricks
General Tips

• Buy a 201 on wave 2 or 3, then save up and resell it once you can afford a better weapon. All the while keeping the 101 as your second dart gun.

• DO NOT TANK! I know you are one tanky ♥♥♥♥, but try to refrain from tanking unnecessarily. Remember, you are only as tanky as your armor will allow you. Once it pops, you are as fragile as all the other classes, except for zerks. Only tank when a teammate is about to die from a hit.

Eg: A 25hp teammate desperately trying to run away from a pissed off FP. In this case, take the hit as there is no saving your teammate since no amount of DR will save him. Then once the FP calms down, heal him and yourself up.

• Donate dosh once you have your loadout. You as the medic are the third contributor to dosh banking next to Firebug and the infamous Berserker. You rarely spend your ammo, and healing nets a fair amount of dosh in itself.

• Press tab to show the scoreboard and to keep track of teammates hp. Sometimes it can get so messy, you can lose sight of them and won't know how much damage they've taken.

General Tricks

• All your darts bar the unscoped Incision have a homing feature, they will home in on whatever target was highlighted in their sights. You can see a visual cue when it's locked on to someone with a green reticle appearing in the sight itself. An audio cue can also be heard when it's locked on. It is a distinct beep sound. Can't miss it. The only gun that needs to be scoped in to get homing dats is the HRG Incision! All others can be locked on through hipfire.

• Throw a medic grenade further up the lane if it's pushed back too far. This way once the line breakers are dealth with. the lane will be clear of trash as they were all killed by the prev said medic grenade. This allows an easier retaking of the lane.

• RELOAD CANCEL. It is your best friend. You can't heal while reloading, which means you can cut down this downtime by reload cancelling. To do this, hold primary fire (m1 by default) while the reloading animation plays, then hit bash once the ammo counter goes back up on your HUD. If you do it right you will shave off few precious milliseconds from the animation. Do it wrong however, and you have to restart the animation. Be very CAREFUL and PRACTICE this. As demonstrated in my videos I use this to my advantage when taking down big zeds, most notably on the Incision.
No Medic? Are we gonna team wipe?
The Problem

Now what to do when there is no medic on the team? Maybe this is because no one knows how to medic, hence they should be reading this guide, or the most common problem is that medic gameplay is boring af. It is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz worthy on the lower difficulties since there is nothing much to heal and medic damage is lackluster.

The Solution

Buy a medigun! Yes, in the case of an absent medic, every single one of the team needs to buy a medigun and start darting each other. This is due to them all lacking the healing potency and output of the medic. Maybe one or two can slip and not buy a medigun such as a FAL sharp, but the majority has to incorporate mediguns into their loadouts.

Here is a list of examples of "medic" loadouts my team generally uses in HOE and Controlled Difficulty mode:

• Berserker = T5 Hemoclobber + T5 Nailgun : Nailgun for large zeds, and Hemoclobber for trash.

• Commando = 401 + FN FAL : This also just so happens to be the META loadout for Commando atm

• Support = T5 301 + T5 Nailgun + Hemoclobber : Nailgun for FPs, 301 for trash and SCs and Hemoclobber in the event the support gets surrounded by stalkers/crawlers

• Firebug = Helios + CnB + T3 101: Helios for larges, CnB for trash and 101 for heals.

• Gunslinger = Af2011s + T5 Deagles + T2 101: Afs for trash, Deagles for larges, 101 as a fallback for Af2011s.

• Sharpshooter = T5 m14 + SPX + T2 101: m14 for trash and large, spx for larges, 101 for heals

• Sharpshooter = noob99 m99 + 201 : 201 for trash and m99 for large.

• SWAT = 201 + Kriss + T4 nailgun = Kriss for trash and SCs, and t4 nailgun for FPs, 201 as fallback weapon as well as healing

• Survivalist = Too many combinations and no one likes him so just pick any loadout with at least 1 medigun in it and you're good.

• Demolitionists = RPG + 301 : sadly he's gonna have to finish off a SC with a 301 headshot as it will have 100 hp left after a takedown on 6p HOE
Welp, hope this guide proves useful to you. Hopefully, you'll be better at being a medic once reading this guide and can make the right calls when it comes to it.

Don't forget to rate this guide and let me know if I had missed anything that you were not sure about before looking up this guide and I'll add it here.


If you wish to play with me, I frequent the SG servers, most notably the CD variant, where I play as, you guessed it, the medic. I also play on the HOE and SUI variants though it is pretty rare. I also hop onto HARD difficulty servers quite frequently to have a chill time and do dailies. "Hurr Durr, PRICEless plays on HARD. How can we ever trust his word on how to play a medic?" Welp, guess I can't really change your mind on that, but I can assure you that the advice I give out here is sincere and is based heavily on my experiences on HoE and CD servers.


A big thank you to all who made this guide possible

• Patrick Fitzgerald for hosting servers where I can play with decent ping

• Kasder for making meme maps which I enjoy and keeps me playing KF2

• The Great Nero for dragging my ass into CD when I only had 20 hrs in. No one should go through that.

• And you, Dear Reader for reading all the way down here and paying this guide a visit.

Let me know if you guys want me to create another guide on another class. (Except survivalist, I hardly play that perk, even for solo lol)
Komentarzy: 53
marcos.d.heleno 12 stycznia 2023 o 1:54 
i feel like this is missing a couple of loadouts,
healthrower + incision/hemogoblin. the healthrower is an amazing trash killer, and party healer, with the incision being great against the big zeds. for solo, this is one of the best loadouts, and even in a party, it will be incredibly useful no matter the situation.
aborted fetus 12 kwietnia 2022 o 7:26 
as a guy who only plays FM for 450 hours++

if i could suggest, if it's HoE try to use Hemo and Healthrower to make your job easier

or 501 + Hemo
Ultima_Weapons [SWE] 24 września 2021 o 10:07 
I was considering moving on to a Medic... but I have a suspicion that like many games, a Medic should do nothing but healing other players, instead of constantly checking if they need any healing, and prioritize them acordingly.

In other words, I'd suspect that I'd get a "Medics are not allowed to have their fun, only keeping our (non-Medics) enjoyment alive" kind of response from others.
Logical Maneuver 30 sierpnia 2021 o 7:36 
Just want to make this suggestion, maybe more medics will catch on if it's in a top rated guide like this. The 501 is amazing in Endless, since ammo crates respawn constantly after the first boss. You get 3 grenades with every crate (two for the 501 one to throw).

So you can pretty much keep and endless chain of blue clouds for people to kite around the map like race horses with 3x5 all buffs. Try it on Nuked, it's my favorite since it's an actual street.
FreedSnipers 5 czerwca 2021 o 9:31 
was going to make a medic guide myself. BUUUUUUUUTTTTT looks like you nailed everything i was going to say lol. Good Guide
Normie 1 maja 2021 o 14:46 
Excellent guide.:steamthumbsup:
LazyholloW 19 kwietnia 2021 o 13:17 
Here's my guide:

2. Use HMTech 401 + HMTech 501.
3. Focus on healing.

That's about it.

And even this is impossible for the majority of player base for some fиck1ng reason.
PRICEless (D9 is trash)  [autor] 25 marca 2021 o 19:00 
Kf-testingmapredux by Fauxy
Chaos Spawn 25 marca 2021 o 11:19 
Sorry, I'm being dumb but, can you tell me the name of the map you test the weapons on. I can't seem to find its name in the guide as appear to have become completely blind overnight XD
Chaos Spawn 25 marca 2021 o 11:08 
looks like I'm gonna have to re-read :D