Race The Sun

Race The Sun

124 ratings
Level Unlocks
By Xantic_
This guide will describe all 25 levels and what they unlock.
Levels 1-5
Level One
At this point in the game you'll have nothing unlocked - no decals, no attachments, no extra pickups besides those blue Tris. Complete challenges to level up.

Level Two

This pickup is, by far, the most useful in the game. It is the only way you'll survive very long because on hitting it, you'll receive a speed boost and the sun will move up in the sky, giving you more time. Run into these whenever you can.

Level Three

The multiplier is the only way you'll score more than a few points. Collect five Tris to increase your multiplier by one - just don't hit anything. If you hit something, your multiplier will drop dramatically. Future level-ups will increase your starting multiplier.

Level Four

The jump pickup is extremely useful in avoiding death on tough obstacles. Having trouble? Hit that space bar and buy yourself a few seconds of time. Just make sure you land in the right spot, or else you'll be back where you started - about to die.

Level Five

The magnet should be self-explanatory: Collect pickups without needing direct collision with them. If you ever have a scoring challenge of some sort, or one where you're required to pick up x amount of Tris, this attachment is a great choice.
Levels 6-10
Level Six

Your starting multiplier is now two. It's worth noting that your multiplier will never drop below two, even upon multiple collisions.

Level Seven

The portal will take you to an alternate world that is much easier, has many more Tris, and where there is no danger of running out of power. It is only accessible starting at the second stage. Upon completion of this alternate world, it will drop you at the end of whatever stage you entered the portal on with sunlight reset to what it was at the start of the game. Enter these whenever possible; just don't kill yourself trying.

Level Eight

Simple enough: Equip this to store two jumps. Extremely useful for getting out of tight squeezes but still having one reserved for an emergency.

Level Nine

This pickup seems like it'd make you invincible, and that would be the case if not for the fact that they are very rare. You'll only ever find them on or past the second (or third, not sure) stage and even then you'll probably miss most of them. Remember that this pickup will not activate upon a non-lethal collision and your multiplier will still be reduced. Additionally, crashing and being saved does count as collision meaning challenges will treat them as such. Be wary.

Level Ten

It does what it says. This attachment is useful when flying under clouds or you're at the point where the sun is setting and you're trying to hold on for those last few seconds.
Levels 11-15
Level Eleven

Yeah, good luck with this one. Not recommended for the inexperienced as trying to do anything here will make you tear your eyes out.

Level Twelve

Pretty simple. Again, remember that you won't ever drop below a multiplier of x3.

Level Thirteen

Wonderful, a second attachment! Now you don't have to decide between two. Recommended is the Jump storage and Magnet at this point, but that's just me. Experiment and find whatever works for you.

Level Fourteen

Decals! You start with only one, but you'll unlock more later. Only available on the left wing for now - not for the OCD. These will not provide any benefit whatsoever in terms of actual gameplay.

Level Fifteen

When preparing to create this guide, I only encountered one time when storage for two emergency portals would have been useful. Then again, I probably just suck, but unless you're planning on going huge distances without mistake I wouldn't recommend it.
Levels 16-20
Getting into the big leagues now, aren't we?

Level Sixteen

These are fun. Very useful in completing certain challenges. Note that you must hit these dead on and magnets won't assist in the matter. Only hit these unless you're sure you want to; I'll leave it up to you to decide when is appropriate. Additionally, remember that it won't reset the sun like the World Portal.

Level Seventeen

This attachment is great for maneuverability. Just remember that small changes in trajectory won't be quite as easy as it once was, but getting out of tight situations will be easier.

Level Eighteen

Yep, just like the last one. Nothing to say here; move on.

Level Nineteen

Instead of two, store three. If you're able to make it to the second and third stages, you'll find this attachment comes in handy more than once. Highly recommended.

Level Twenty

If you didn't use the non-upgraded version of this, you won't use this one either. You may end up using this in the future, but it'll take a lot of practice to reach the point where you'll need it
Levels 21-25
The final stretch; stay with us.

Level Twenty-One

Also highly recommended, especially for high points/Tri collection objectives. You don't even need to skim pickups to get them; just be in the vicinity.

Level Twenty-Two

Finally, some decals on the right wing as well. Now you can be doubly obnoxious!

Level Twenty-Three

Recommended setup at this point is the Magnet, Jump Storage, and Power Turning attachments. It's a good balance of survival and point collection, but don't take my word for it - try out all the combinations until you find one that works.

Level Twenty-Four

The last multiplier upgrade. The points are ours!

Level Twenty-Five

Damn, I thought this was going to be some big finale. How anticlimactic. No matter, this should improve survivability at later stages especially.
tekulve 21 Oct, 2021 @ 8:50am 
anxiousxdd 4 Aug, 2021 @ 2:27am 
crazy one
pnott 10 Mar, 2018 @ 12:52pm 
@Kromatia that was over 2 years ago,
Kernel Panic 21 Jan, 2018 @ 2:37am 
@SunderedShadow Just keep at it. I just started playing and am finding some of the "...in 1 run" objectives difficult, but they get easier the longer I play.
kmsthanks 3 May, 2017 @ 5:39pm 
The Emergency Portal is not that rare, it's usually dropped from the Bird (the one after every region)
CrayZcarts 26 Dec, 2016 @ 12:53pm 
@the_hunted_one The labrinth or something like that
Nefrarya 18 Nov, 2015 @ 11:03pm 
Thank you very much! :)
SunderedShadow 20 Oct, 2015 @ 11:57pm 
Great guide, makes me wish I could trade objectives out to level a bit easier so I could actually have a chance of seeing some of these awards.
The_Hunted_One 12 Aug, 2015 @ 8:13am 
Which mode gets unlocked at lvl 25?
TheDoginator 4 Aug, 2015 @ 12:55am 
Level 25 comes with a new mode too.