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ロックマンX アニバーサリー コレクション

32 人が評価
Mega Man X Legacy Collection Modding Guide
作者: Naldrag
This guide will show users how to mod music, translations, etc. into the Mega Man X Legacy Collection in an attempt to provide a mostly remastered experience for Mega Man X1~4.
Hello and welcome to this guide showing you how to mod the Mega Man X Legacy Collection. This guide will show you how to create music mods and add mods into the game, alright let's get started!
Previous Versions
Here you can downgrade Mega Man X Legacy Collection to a previous version. For maximum compatibility with this guide use the September 5th, 2018 build of Mega Man X Legacy Collection. To install these just simply copy and paste the files into your Mega Man X Legacy Collection Steam folder and change your update settings in the game's properties to "Only update this game when I launch it".

Note: These downloads ONLY include files changed via updates on Steam. Those being "RXC1.exe" and "GraphicOption.arc".

July 25th, 2018 Build
Initial release of Mega Man Man X Legacy Collection.


August 15th, 2018 Build
Patch #1, made changes to the EXE for stability and modified the graphics menu selections.


September 5th, 2018 Build - Recommended Release
Patch #2, made changes to the EXE for further stability and preferred build for mods.


July 10th, 2023 Build - Current Release
Patch #3, introduced Enigma DRM and the EXE cannot be modified making any modifications to Mega Man X1-3 impossible.

Fluffy Manager 5000 Setup Guide
This section will show you how to set up Mega Man X Legacy Collection in Fluffy Manager 5000. Fluffy Manager 5000 allows an easier means of installing and uninstalling mods, swapping mods, etc. Fluffy Manager 5000 also backups the original files just in case a mod you've installed or making is having issues. For starters you'll want to download Fluffy Manager 5000 here: https://www.fluffyquack.com/modding/

Note: If you just want to install the mod packs the classic way you still can just copy the "nativeDX10" in your Mega Man X Legacy Collection root directory without the "modinfo.txt" or "screenshot.jpg" files.

Step 1
Once you've got Fluffy Manager 5000 installed somewhere fairly convenient you'll want to open it up.

Step 2
Click "Options" and once in options click "Define game info"

Step 3
Click "Current game" which should be the top option, once clicking that you'll see a list of games and you'll want to select one of the "Custom Game" options.

Step 4
Click "Game name" and type in "Mega Man X Legacy Collection".

Step 5
Click "Mod directory" and type in whatever you want to call the directory and Fluffy Manager 5000 will create it for you I personally just put in "MMXLC"

Step 6
Click "Executable name" and type "RXC1.exe"

Step 7
Click "Steam ID" and the Steam ID for this game is "743890"

Step 8
If it hasn't been filled out yet you'll want to click "Steam Directory" and type "Mega Man X Legacy Collection".

After that you can go and put in mods in the mod directory Fluffy Manager 5000 made for you and then refresh the mod list and you should be good. Also make sure that the mods folders you put in have a "modinfo.txt" file in their root directory.

For further help you can check out a video tutorial here:

Note: The video guide provided is for the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, but I do plan on doing a more in general video for this and the other collections. That said, most of these instructions should work as long as you just apply it to the Mega Man X Legacy Collection.
Music Modding Guide
In this section I'll be going over how to mod music into Mega Man X4... since Mega Man X1-3 are emulated. For starters make sure to browse the game files and the BGM files to mod are located in "./nativeDX10/X4/sound/bgm/wav/".

In this folder you'll see three folders the contents of the folders will be listed below:

"bg" = General BGM
"boss" = Boss Introductions
"clear" = Title Themes / Stage Clear

If you want to make your own music to put into the game you can do so by converting a file to an OGG file at 48kHz. I used Audacity to convert tracks and just to be sure made duplicates of each track and saved each track under which track I was trying to replace to ensure the sound file worked with the collection. When setting up loops in Audacity you need to make sure to have the timecode set to samples as the "LoopStart" and "LoopEnd" tags use it

When saving files in Audacity make sure to have three different tags:

Looping Files
LoopStart: ###
LoopEnd: ###
Ver: 0002

Non-Looping Files
LoopStart: -1
LoopEnd: -1
Ver: 0002

### represents the sample number which can be any number of digits. The "Ver" tag always has to be set to 0002 or it won't play in the game.

For further help you can check out a video tutorial here:

Note: This guide is for the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, but it ultimately works the same for Mega Man X4. A more general guide will be made at a later date.

The following files are separated into sections by folder, complete with their full file names for ease of use.

BGM1_0000 ~ One More Chance
BGM1_0000_ENG ~ Mega Man X4 Staff Credits
BGM1_0001 ~ Sigma 2
BGM1_0002 ~ Sigma 1
BGM1_0003 ~ Web Spider Stage
BGM1_0004 ~ Final Weapon Stage
BGM1_0005 ~ Slash Beast Stage
BGM1_0006 ~ Split Mushroom Stage
BGM1_0007 ~ Boss Theme
BGM2_0008 ~ Stage Select
BGM2_0009 ~ Frost Walrus Stage 2
BGM2_0010 ~ Cyber Peacock Stage
BGM2_0011 ~ Colonel & General
BGM2_0012 ~ Storm Owl Stage
BGM2_0013 ~ Iris
BGM2_0014 ~ Frost Walrus Stage 1
BGM2_0015 ~ Double
BGM3_0016 ~ Opening Stage (X)
BGM3_0017 ~ Magma Dragoon Stage
BGM3_0018 ~ Jet Stingray Stage
BGM3_0019 ~ Opening Stage (Zero)
BGM3_0020 ~ Space Port Stage
BGM3_0021 ~ Eregion
BGM3_0022 ~ Stage Select 2
BGM3_0023 ~ You Got a New Weapon
BGM4_0024 ~ Sigma Cutscene
BGM4_0025 ~ Cutscene 1
BGM4_0026 ~ Cutscene 2
BGM4_0027 ~ Dr. Light Capsule
BGM4_0028 ~ Player Select

BOSSINT_0001 ~ Stage Start (Web Spidus)
BOSSINT_0002 ~ Stage Start (Frost Kibatodos)
BOSSINT_0003 ~ Stage Start (Sprit Mushroom)
BOSSINT_0004 ~ Stage Start (Magmard Dragoon)
BOSSINT_0005 ~ Stage Start (Jet Stingren)
BOSSINT_0006 ~ Stage Start (Cyber Kujacker)
BOSSINT_0007 ~ Stage Start (Storm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
BOSSINT_0008 ~ Stage Start (Slash Beastleo)

BOSINT_U_00000 ~ Stage Start (Web Spider)
BOSINT_U_00001 ~ Stage Start (Frost Walrus)
BOSINT_U_00002 ~ Stage Start (Split Mushroom)
BOSINT_U_00003 ~ Stage Start (Magma Dragoon)
BOSINT_U_00004 ~ Stage Start (Jet Stingray)
BOSINT_U_00005 ~ Stage Start (Cyber Peacock)
BOSINT_U_00006 ~ Stage Start (Storm Owl)
BOSINT_U_00007 ~ Stage Start (Slash Beast)

BGM5_0001 ~ Title (JP)
BGM5_0002 ~ Stage Clear (Zero)
BGM5_0003 ~ Stage Clear (X)

BGM5_U_00000 ~ Title (EN)
BGM5_U_00001 ~ Stage Clear (Zero)
BGM5_U_00002 ~ Stage Clear (X)

Mega Man X1~3
This section contains mods for Mega Man X1~3.

Mega Man X1~3 Relocalization Patcher
Copy "RXC1.exe" to where the folder you extracted this patcher and then run "XLC_Relocalization.bat", when loaded you'll be prompted for an option on how you want to patch Mega Man X Legacy Collection. After the patch is installed copy the new "RXC1.exe" and "RXC1.old" into your Mega Man X Legacy Collection directory. You may need to add an exception for your Mega Man X Legacy Collection folder in your anti-virus software and/or disable User Account Control and if you're on Windows 8 / Windows 10, allow apps to be installed from anywhere.

Patch Options
  • Installs the Maverick versions Mega Man X Relocalization, Mega Man X2 Relocalization Addendum and Mega Man X3 Relocalization Addendum Patches.
  • Installs the Rockman X1~3 Relocalizations

Relocalization + Logo:
  • Installs the Maverick versions Mega Man X Relocalization, Mega Man X2 Relocalization Addendum and Mega Man X3 Relocalization Addendum Patches.
  • Installs the Rockman X1~3 Relocalizations
  • Installs Metalwario64/DarkSamus993's Mega Man X logo patch for Mega Man X1~3.

Relocalization (Alternate):
  • Installs the Maverick versions Mega Man X Relocalization along with the Mega Man X3 Relocalization Addendum patches. This also install's Thirteen 1355's Mega Man X2 Relocalization patch.
  • Installs the Rockman X1~3 Relocalizations

Relocalization (Alternate) + Logo:
  • Installs the Maverick versions Mega Man X Relocalization along with the Mega Man X3 Relocalization Addendum patches. This also install's Thirteen 1355's Mega Man X2 Relocalization patch.
  • Installs the Rockman X1~3 Relocalizations
  • Installs Metalwario64/DarkSamus993's Mega Man X logo patch for Mega Man X1~3.

Note: 1. This mod isn't compatible with Fluffy Manager 5000 and has to be done manually. This also may trigger anti-virus software for so you may need to add an exception for it if it does.
Also, if it doesn't work aside from that make sure to disable User Account Control and if you're on Windows 8 or 10, allow apps to be installed from anywhere.

2. This patcher is based on the September 5th, 2018 version of Mega Man X Legacy Collection any other version will not work with this patcher.

Mega Man X4
General Mods
Mega Man X4 Undub
Created by: Kaed✩Wolf and NØNE/Dragon
Updated by: Naldrag

This replaces Mega Man X4's voice tracks with the original Japanese audio, along with HD subbed cutscenes.

Hopefully, you enjoy the mods contained in this guide and if you want to make your own mods I hope this guide helps you to do that as well. I hope these mods provide a proper and (mostly) remastered experience for Mega Man X1~4 for everyone to enjoy. Also, make sure to subscribe to this guide for updates as this is all still very much a work in progress.


  • Mega Man X Relocalization Patch Author
  • Mega Man X2 Relocalization Addendum Patch Author
  • Mega Man X3 Relocalization Addendum Patch Author
  • Mega Man X1~3 Relocalization Patcher Author

Thirteen 1355
  • Mega Man X2 Relocalization Patch Author

Solid One
  • Mega Man X3 Relocalization Patch Author

  • Modernized Mega Man X Logo Sprites

  • Mega Man X Logo Sprite Title Conversions

  • Translations for Mega Man X1~3

Hondoori Game Center
  • Translations for Mega Man X1~3

  • Translation for Mega Man X
55 件のコメント
Vulcan Surge 2月13日 13時24分 
@Nalrag My bad didn't see the link.
Naldrag  [作成者] 2月8日 18時26分 
You download one of the provided builds and copy and paste the files into the install folder like the guide says.
Vulcan Surge 2月8日 16時03分 
How do you revert back to the 2018 version?
野獣先輩(ノンケ) 2024年11月29日 3時48分 
I have a question. When I change the music in the in-game music player to something different, the song sequence bar goes beyond its limit. Is there anything I can do about it?
Geo Izumiya 2024年5月26日 1時18分 
Have been waiting for this for a while
as I was interested in installing the X 1-3 Relocalization mods myself
do I need to do anything else if I have the games already modded and installed before the guide's update?
Naldrag  [作成者] 2024年5月18日 7時06分 
Guide has been updated to include downgrades to the Mega Man X Legacy Collection and I personally confirmed that the most recent release of the game likely does include Enigma DRM because while the EXE is still readable in a Hex Editor modifying the Mega Man X 1-3 ROM files will cause the game to not boot making modding the EXE impossible. The Mega Man X1-3 Relocalization Patcher download has also been included once again.
Naldrag  [作成者] 2024年3月16日 22時01分 
1. Converting mods into something that works with Fluffy Manager is fairly simple as long as you structure the mod to be in the correct file placement.

2. Yes, you'd just have to downgrade to do the most recent build before the patcher was released which was April 16th, 2020.
Geo Izumiya 2024年3月16日 0時27分 
I have another question
would it be possible to use the Relocalization Patcher by downgrading the version of X Legacy Collection?
Geo Izumiya 2024年3月14日 1時06分 
So another question
how hard it is to convert existing mods into ones that could be read and used with Fluffy Mod Manager?

also, would be great to get a Theme for X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 if possible as it was done for Zero/ZX Modding Guide
(already added X Legacy Collection 2 on Fluffy myself as I assume the process its the same)
Naldrag  [作成者] 2024年3月11日 7時13分