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How to stop being obsessed with quiet.
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This guide is to help MGSV players to stop being so h*rny for quiet. Telling by the community hub one can notice how much this community wants to **** quiet. Like you guys need help so I am here to deliver.
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Quiet is most likely dead.
During the Quiet Exit mission, Quiet has to speak in English to communicate to Pequod to guide the chopper to their location. Since quiet has the English strain of the vocal cord parasite she has to run away from snake once more. Since the parasite kills the host if they speak the correct language she is presumably dead in the desert since there is no way to stop the infection. So its canon that shes dead unless it is said otherwise by Konami which it has not been.
Some might say that since you can get her back than shes not dead. I would say that since you get her back from a mission that precedes the Quiet Exit, this quiet is not the same one but canonically shes still dead.
She has the English Vocal Cord Parasite.
As mentioned in the last section, Quiet is known to have the English Vocal Cord Parasite. So being around here is very dangerous. If you were to say have s*x with her, she might moan an English word and then you both are *******. Another problem with the fact that she has the Parasite is her ability to express her feelings. Yes, she can make gestures and signs but the human language is the most powerful tool of communication that we have and not being able to talk to your partner makes relationships very hard.
She's in love with Venom Snake, not you.
Quiet shows her feeling only to Venom Snake, not the player directly. You might play as Snake but like the other snakes of MGS, Venom is their own individual in the story. She doesn't love you, she loves him. If she saw the stuff you were posting of her, she would do what she did to that one diamond dog solider but she would finish the job.
Big Boss would be disgusted by your behavior
If you like MGS so much would you want disappoint Big Boss like this? Your a Diamond Dog, not a h*rny gamer. Have some dignity. Respect quiet like how Venom does. BIG BOSS IS WATCHING YOU.
To conclude, quiet does not love you, she has a dangerous parasite, and that she is most likely dead. So, can we stop being so obsessed with quiet? Shes only there to be an eye catcher. Don't fall for Kojima's Ruse. Be the soldier Big Boss would respect.
217 kommentarer
Pale_Warlock 2. jan. kl. 4.53 
There was a shirt I had a long time ago that said "dead girls dont say no".

Seriously tho; her face is kinda fugly. I dont get it.
nigel 29. okt. 2024 kl. 3.07 
i beat it to quiet 24/7 ur notstoppin me, lolz!
Stormy 15. apr. 2024 kl. 22.22 
The people simping for Quiet are so pathetic. Ocelot AND Kaz are right there.
ShepherdofChaos™ 9. apr. 2024 kl. 19.57 
Still warm. Also I can dream for big boss, it's not about me
Kauaiiiiiii 6. apr. 2024 kl. 17.53 
This shit was amazing
Nonexistent  [skaper] 4. juni 2023 kl. 10.53 
I jack off to furry characters I'll have you know
Napalm_Death 4. juni 2023 kl. 7.48 
i can see by your lack of a life in this "post" that you have nothing better to do than to complain about a video game character while i bet you jack off to anime characters
JavaBaklava 7. mai 2023 kl. 16.07 
>She's in love with Venom Snake, not you.
But Big Boss said we're both Big Boss now.
Watereaters 13. jan. 2023 kl. 1.00 
Quiet fans: "Uhh you see, she has to be nearly naked because she drinks and breathes through her skin, NO YOU CAN'T PUT ON THE SNIPER WOLF OUTFIT...BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY?"
LQ 14. des. 2022 kl. 23.18 
meh i never seem to care about her lately still she decided to walk away anyway all that trust was all for nothing