X4: Foundations

X4: Foundations

332 人が評価
zz1 min modules build time
35.342 KB
2020年4月8日 9時11分
2024年8月16日 3時20分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

zz1 min modules build time

As the mod name suggest this mod aims make all station modules build in 1 minute.

This Mod include Modules from the base game and DLC's
Base Game
Split Vendetta DLC
Cradle of Humanity DLC
Tides of Avarice DLC
Kingdom End DLC
Timelines DLC

1 minute is the minimum the game can go per Module

Works on the other AI Factions as well

Here Is the 5 minute version

Note if U have subscribed to both 1 minute and 5 minute, the 5 minute one will override the 1 minute version

Also the game does not delete unsubscribed mods. U can manually delete them after unsubscribing from them there locations is:
*\STEAM\steamapps\common\X4 Foundations\extensions\zz1m_build_time for the 1 min one or
*\STEAM\steamapps\common\X4 Foundations\extensions\zz5m_build_time for the 5 min one

Aslo delete everything in the referenced:

Player Made Mods Included
"X4 Star Wars Interworlds" 0.60 [www.nexusmods.com]

Included in to a combined mod: ISEEU0 MODS COMBINATIONS
149 件のコメント
猫猫 2月2日 7時04分 
123 2024年12月11日 11時42分 
just tested now

"scrap processor" takes 10 min to be exact.
"scrap recycler" takes 1 min as it should.
123 2024年12月11日 6時42分 
hello great mod, but some structures from ToA dlc needs 8+ min to build, specifically the recycler and process plants. yes i have enough build drones. thanks
Cyonu 2024年11月9日 23時33分 
Doesn't seem to work with current SWI version :c
azulius 2024年11月9日 20時13分 
does not work when playing as Xenon
Cythal 2024年11月8日 12時20分 
Thank you. Edited your mod and decided to only do all TER modules and all the general production modules for my empire without affecting the ai much to spam stations when they are well supplied. And I normally claim Getsu Fune as my capital so TER and POI do not expand that further and their economy do not mix well with others apart from energy cells.
Hibiki 2024年10月14日 6時04分 
No change, still 1 minute, 100 construction drones.
Rafs Kratz 2024年8月22日 18時20分 
I've been trying to use it in the new 0.81 version of Star Wars interworlds and it stopped working. Tried unsubscribing, redownloading, purgin the mod from the game files and nothing works. Please help :c
Gandalf1208 2024年8月20日 18時08分 
Any way you can update to include the unique Star Wars Interworlds 0.8 modules?
NavySeal 2024年8月19日 4時29分 
Its working for me, but only after unsubscribing from all workshop items and purging my x4/extensions folder, then resubscribing to all, before all that, it was not working