Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Cities In A Snap Plaza
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1.350 MB
1. Apr. 2020 um 14:02
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Cities In A Snap Plaza

This plaza is my homage to the event "Cities in a Snap".

Every week four contestants match up in a streamed competition to build the best possible city within 2 hours, and then the viewers get to decide who wins. Every month you can see 3 qualifier rounds, plus a final one where the previous winners compete with each other to see who is the winner for that month.

Is a very fun event and with a very nice community around it, so if you like watching videos or streams of people playing Cities Skylines I totally recommend it.

You can enjoy it every saturday at

Building details.

Main model: 768 tris, 512x512 textures, D,N,I
LOD model: 68 tris, 128x128 textures, D,I
Unique Building - Level 3
Footprint: 10x10 tiles

Thank you very much for visiting and I hope you like my work.