Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

36 人が評価
ゲームモード: 特別
5.930 MB
2020年3月21日 13時00分
2021年1月15日 6時37分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


foszlány 作成の 1 件のコレクション
nwbu's beautiful collection of his best maps
12 アイテム
Welcome to the most luck based pyro jump map!


-5 courses of pyro rocket/grenade jumping,
-1 detonator, 1 scorch shot course,
-1 endurance detonator course, which is just a really long detonator course without checkpoints.

Type "map jump_infernal_b4" into console to play the map.

Have fun!
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2021年6月19日 9時06分
Trouble Joining Map
24 件のコメント
TORNADO 2022年3月3日 19時16分 
big baller 2021年1月20日 3時49分 
Just reinstalled the new version of this map, gotta say I love the background you picked, nice map.
Luleña 2021年1月15日 11時42分 
wish i could help but, i really have no idea how to make maps, and im not the best jumper for playtesting i feel like, not like VAVLIE haha
foszlány  [作成者] 2021年1月15日 11時40分 
i wanted to make a standalone longer version of such stage, but i don't have time for it
Luleña 2021年1月15日 11時33分 
heck yeah! tysm for the fixes! map is p fun, I ADORE the detonator + powerjack course, it feels like improv climbing, i wish there were more maps involving climbing with the detonator, like a puzzle platformer, maybe less punishing perhaps.
foszlány  [作成者] 2021年1月15日 5時45分 

-Map renamed to jump_infernal_b4.
-Fixed skybox
-Added ammo and health regeneration. Use "hurtme -999999" for hard+ stages.
-Buffed the extreme jump
-Nerfed / Buffed some jumps on the Detonator stage
-Detonator course's first jump is no longer possible with the Powerjack
-Scorch course was nerfed a bit
-Buffed Endurance course into oblivion. Now it becomes more and more difficult the more you progress.
-Last jump of the Endurance course was made to be almost pixel-perfect.
-Nerfed medium stage a bit
-Nerfed easy stage severely
-Buffed one jump of the hard stage
-Easy stage no longer requires usage of the Detonator
-Placed some teleports at more reasonable places
-Spawn is a bit prettier
-Fixed overlapping textures
-Added a lovely sign for the gods of RNG
-Added an arrow for a Detonator jump to avoid confusion
-Added teleports to places you can't go back from
-Fixed some uneven portals
-Added spectator cameras

Hammer crashes: 3
foszlány  [作成者] 2021年1月14日 22時14分 
couple trigger issues and missing textures, but that's all. i'll have time today to fix the potential skxbox issue
Luleña 2021年1月14日 20時17分 
just what kind of bugs does the other version have anyways?
Luleña 2021年1月14日 20時16分 
I did, but itd be good to get a fix for this one. It's fine tho ill look for jump_pyro_b2
Great map btw! Ill give more feedback once i finish it
foszlány  [作成者] 2021年1月14日 17時35分 
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