Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

69 次評價
5.868 MB
2020 年 3 月 20 日 下午 8:43
2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 2:21
9 項更新註記 (檢視)


Earthworm Jim crashes into Rivals, finally! Many thanks to cowlord 357 for his rivals workshop TWARST tutorials on YouTube. They motivated me to try making my first character mod. I appreciate all the support so far from you all! In addition to the character art, I also remixed the music for the stage and trailer, and made the stage as well. It wouldn't feel right otherwise. Thanks again, fellow rivals, and have fun playing as your favorite earthworm!
26 則留言
Burian 7 月 29 日 下午 11:49 
No custom sprites?
Whatever, i'll just say its very nice to see that people remember Jim after all these years, EARTHWORM JIM SWEEP-
Lood 4 月 16 日 下午 4:01 
earthworm jim is the best character EVER :)))
Paulie 2020 年 8 月 10 日 下午 8:01 
You know exactly what I was looking for.
Bibbs 2020 年 7 月 14 日 下午 10:07 
Rykyuby 2020 年 5 月 15 日 上午 7:24 
yup thats it fixed now
Lucas_Aurelius  [作者] 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 2:11 
I checked and I think I fixed that. Let me know if it works for you now? if not I'll look at it in more depth. Thanks for letting me know, Rykyuby Dust!
Rykyuby 2020 年 5 月 13 日 上午 8:38 
why is his name appearing as "new item"?
HatredHawk 2020 年 4 月 28 日 下午 1:23 
his strong attacks are freaky long, which is overpowered for strong attacks. I really love his sound effects, it definitely suits well for Earthworm Jim. I kinda laughed when i hit my opponents with my Up-Air. my minor critiq is the sprite itself. It feels kinda odd, maybe you could polish it more. And his pupils are missing, so his eyes looks pretty hollow, Creepy Earthworm Jim. But anyways, Your character is pretty cool so far. I had a lot of fun playing with him, Your fighter sure is GROOVY :D
Brambles 2020 年 4 月 12 日 下午 3:09 
This deserves 5 stars. This is genuinely the best custom character I've seen in this game, period.
Lucas_Aurelius  [作者] 2020 年 4 月 8 日 下午 10:33 
Aidan's.phillips I can relate very much lol. For making a character step by step, cow lord357 I mentioned makes TWARST tutorials on how to make workshop characters on his YouTube account, and that what I used to get started. I just did trial and error when using the coding programs which are downloadable off the rivals website. Just search rivals of aether workshop tutorial on YouTube, and click on the video that has a picture of Kragg staring at you.