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100% Achievement guide and some tips
โดย Gvi
No idea why there is no guide on achievements, so guess I'll make one
First of all - guides are essentially full of spoilers, so ye be warned. Story section would be 100% spoilers, Tips heavy on them too and Miscellaneous not so much.
General Tips (spoilers)
First of all - prepare to cry. You might cry, companions of heroine would cry and heroine cries a ton, cause even getting gear means crying.

Then - prepare to cry, as you would need to go through the game 4 times.

Well, not exactly whole game.
  • There are 8 chapters, each having several story ordeals and optional. You would need to go through all 8 story ordeals of 8 chapters on first playthrough

  • Second playthrough would be only chapters from 6 to 8

  • Third one still from 6 to 8

  • And forth one would be additional chapter, that you have not seen in previous sessions.
Story would be different for each one, with some new facts uncovered and another ending each time.

Now be ready to cry, because gameplay is pretty boring, and enemy variety is nonexistent, you would see every enemy except for few bosses and all locations, save for one, on first playthrough. You would need to be strong and push through for plot, as it is the one thing that truly makes it worth playing.

Now gameplay tips :

You could only collect 10 memories from revenants, so make sure you leave place for boss memo, otherwise you would need to kill it extra time if you are going for Memoirs of the Dead, Complete achieve.

When you are in tear charged state, pressing charge state button one more time would execute extra powerful combo. However, it would take the rest of the tear charge and you would exit the charged state after it is executed. Its damage depends on amount of charge and probably on length of combo, I am not absolutely sure on this one.

There is a very rare modification for your gear called soul drain - it grants you 1% of your damage as a lifesteal, that means a lot, especially in Boss Rush ordeal
Character Tips (spoilers)
Now to characters - you get 4 of them, each is probably good for something and might suite your playstyle better.

Rei Hatada - main heroine, is more like middle range fighter than full melee. Her sword reach is greatest among characters and while swinging it around, you would even hit enemies behind or on sides. She got both good physical attacks and spells and her gear is very balanced.
Kokoro Fudoji - first companion and full melee, who fights practically with her fists. She packs quite a punch and her basic attack combo launches enemies in the air. She is also physical tank and pretty weak in magic, so is her gear.
Sen Megumiba - second companion you meet, that is dual wielding. She got wide variety of attacks but leans toward physical melee. Gear you get would mostly favour magic aspect though. Her sword range is shorter that Rei, but still hits sides at least. She is rather strong, though there is a bit of a "lag" between her attacks, that sometimes makes her vulnerable.
Nanana (Nanami Ataraxia) - last one in your company. She is the only ranged character, that got a lot of spells, with some melee ones. Among all others, she is the most fragile one though, her physical defence is pretty low as is her hp. However, being ranged and highly mobile, she could avoid most of damage.
Boss Rush Tips (spoilers)
Boss rush is aftergame ordeal that unlocks after you get through your 4th and final playthough. It is there to get you to maximum level, as it is most effective way to level up your characters.

You get to fight all the bosses you met in game one by one. Their strength would increase each time you defeat them all, but so is experience you gain.

After you kill last boss Mephistopheles, if you choose to proceed start from first one, but every boss would be stronger. They scale up to 5 times.

If you choose to exit the ordeal and start again, you would begin once more from lowest difficulty first boss.

You do not level while in this ordeal, exp is gained by your characters only after you exit or lose. You could stop the ordeal before or after the boss is killed and exit getting all exp you gathered, however, as I saw, exiting after the boss, would not grant you exp for its defeat, so you should go to next one and quit there.

There is no shop in this ordeal, so make sure you are stocked on consumables beforehand.

If one of your characters die and not resurrected before you exit, it would get no exp. If your whole party is dead, you would get 0 exp.

Get soul drain modification on your gear - it would give you 1% of damage dealt lifesteal. With Nanana, well placed triple Nanana Beam spell could grant you more than 100 hp in one go.

Do not be hasty in disposing the bosses. If you are sure in yourself, know bosses moves and could guarantee that you would not be hit, take your time to use them to replenish tear gauge, mana bar and if you got soul drain - health.

Get rare all ailments resist accessory - it only drops endgame, but madly useful.

Doing character specific ordeals and killing boss there could net you that character specific best weapon or armour.

Optional Ordeal IV for Rei
Kokoro's Verdict for Kokoro
Confirmation of Justice for Sen
Nanana mystery! for Nanana

I do not play much with Kokoro and Sen, so could only say that from my point of view - almost all bosses are best done with Nanana. Her triple Nanana beam annihilates large bosses and her mobility greatly help with annoying ones that run from melee.

Now to bosses themselves:

Epicurean - punching bag
Carneades - runs from melee, got only mage revenant attacks
Hobbes - His attack power increases greatly with difficulty, but attacks are rather simple - seed throw, melee chomp and seed barrage. Seed barrage becomes deadly on further difficulties.
Nanana - runs from melee, while on the run, would not hit back. From what I saw got only Nanana's basic attacks, no abilities.
Epicurus - runs from melee, would hit back even while running away, got some of Nanana abilities.
Unknown a and Unknown b - punching bags
Therion - got big dogo chomp, aoe chains from the floor, chains from the front, and X like aoe with doge in the center.
Bouraki - a bunch of mages, could be annoying if they spam shots one after another
Parmenides - charger, that could use some lousy front abilities and knockback back legs. If you are not knocked back, would continue to spam knockback attack.
Anamnesis - till 50% of hp would try to get close to you and cast her melee aoe. After 50% would mostly try to run from melee and cast ranged attacks. Rarely hits back while on the run.
Plato - till 50% hp would either his with spinning spear in melee or in ranged. After 50% hp would start doing mage revenant attack with debufs one after another with homing effect and front cone aoe, that does not hit if you are fully in melee.
Aristotle - if you are ranged - would cast barrage following you or throw disks. If you are melee would either do body slam or cast tornado with boss in the center. Would mostly try to avoid melee with teleportation back. After 50% disks become homing.
Sen Megumiba - after difficulty raises becomes a total beast. Has all Sen attacks, so could both chainlock you in melee or spam ranged attacks. Best to either bait her in starting chain attack or keep her in midrange, not getting away for her to start spamming range attacks and knocking away so that she would not reach you in melee.
Kuon Hatada - being the true heroine, along with Nanana in story does not stop her from kicking behinds here. Got best of Rei attacks, so could throw feathers in ranged, start barrage of slashes, cast a moving tornado or do a knockback horizontal slash. Best to keep midrange, as with Sen.
Mephis/Pheles - run from melee and teleport away. Better focus Mephis first, as her barrage is mighty annoying and becomes very damaging on higher difficulties. Mephis casts barrage and triple mage revenant attack. Pheles casts aoe chains from the floor, that paralyze you, triple mage attack and 3 blades cone, same as Parmenides.
Mephistopheles - uses giants swords to do vertical or horizontal slash, does chains from the floor aoe, summons 6 blades cone attacks with homing effect. Sometimes gets away from platform and becomes untargetable and uses one of 3 attack types. Uses giant swords to do consecutive vertical and horizontal slashes, that could be avoided with dodges. Rains down swords that follow you dealing small splash damage or rain down swords in set locations dealing giant splash damage.
Story achievements (spoilers)
Those are story related achieves, that you cannot miss when completing the game:

Beyond the Mirror
Voluntarily go to Purgatory. All to save Mirai.
Get it after completing intro
Revenant Girl
Defeated the Revenant girl. The glimpse of her past revealed an innocent little girl.
Get it after defeating Epicurean
Bade farewell to the distorted past. But they weren't all bad memories.
Get it after defeating Carneades
Enforcing Justice
Defeated a starving Revenant. There were many that couldn't be saved. I must keep improving.
Get it after defeating Hobbes
Wild Hedonism
Played till the end. That was fun! Let’s play again!
Get it after defeating Epicurus
Feelings Connected
Received feelings from a beloved family member. Woof! Woof!
Get it after defeating Therion
The Blind Faithful
Defeated the subservient Revenants. It is an honour to be defeated in her stead.
Get it after defeating Bouraki
Sorry, but...
Released the soul of a broken friend. You're apologizing again. That's a bad habit, you know.
Get it after defeating Parmenides
Attempted Retribution
Defeated Anamnesis. This is the end of my revenge story.
Get it after defeating Plato
All’s well?
Saved Mirai. Have I...forgotten something important?
Get it after finishing first playthrough
The Revenant Princess
Defeated the Revenant Princess. That's strange. This isn't the future I wished for.
Get it after defeating Aristotle
Together forever?
Reaffirmed your sister's love. Forever and ever...even in death.
Get it after finishing 2nd playthrough
Good Living
Defeated the girl who lost sight of justice. I can’t go back either...
Get it after defeating Sen Megumiba
Happy Ending?
Received guidance from the Demons. Ahaha, too bad! We're happy though!
Get it after finishing 3rd playthrough
Sister Talk
Received my younger sister's feelings. ...Don’t lose to all these absurdities.
Get it after defeating Kuon Hatada
Panta Rhei
Received guidance of Alcea. All things flow. Night turned to dawn, tears turned to smiles, and sadness turned to happiness.
Get it after finishing the 4th playthrough
The Demise of Lies and Destruction
Defeated the root of all evil. That means the true fools were...
Get it after defeating Mephistopheles
Non story achievements - Combat (minor spoilers)
There are no missble achievements, so rest easy:

Purgatory Killer
Killed 100 enemies. Don't get in my way!
Self explanatory
Purgatory Crusher
Killed 1000 enemies. Now...who's next?
Self explanatory
Purgatory Reaper
Killed 5000 enemies. I am the Executor Princess!
You may not get it while completing story, but would definitely while collecting memories for Memoirs of the Dead, Complete
Achieved a 50 chain. I can keep going.
It should come naturally, but if you are struggling, just wait till ytou get Nanana, she shoots 3 projectiles at once with basic attack.
Unending Impulse
Achieved a 100 chain. I still want more.
Same as above.
Wild Impulse
Achieved a 200 chain. More... Tiny pieces..
In worst case, jsut give Nanana starting weapon, find fat boss and pellet it till you get 200
Mini Catharsis
Defeated 5 enemies at the same time. Round 'em up!
If you do not get it naturally, just use high level Rei spinning attack on group of 5 in some begginers ordeal.
Inflict Ailment
Gave an enemy a Status Ailment. Let it haunt you, to the root of your Soul.
Some skills inflict additional ailment when they hit enemy, each character got several of such. You would see small ailment icon near them, most common one is bleed.
Excellent Executor
Cleared an optional Ordeal for the first time. I do like a hard worker.
You would get your first optional Ordeal after completing Chapter one. You would get optional each time you complete chapter normally.
Purgatory Walker
Clear all Ordeals. I don't want to know any more about this tragic world.
That includes clearing Boss rush ordeal at least once, so after killing Mephistopheles in it for the first time, you could exit.
Flawless Return
Defeat a boss without taking damage. Hmhm! If you can’t hit me, there’s nothing to be scared of!
Should be pretty easy with a lot of bosses, if not, go on high level character, easiest would be Nanana, to low level ordeal.
Non story achievements - Non-combat (minor spoilers)
No missables here either:

Collected 10000 Essence. Now isn’t the time to use these yet.
Essense is currency in Crystar, it drops after defeating enemies
Revelling in Riches
Collected 100000 Essence. My purpose has become collecting Essence...
You will get it eventually, event without saving
Where the Tears Lead
Purified a Torment. This is so painful.
Torments drop from enemies with red halo, revenants, they also got red aura around them. Purification is done after ordeal is completing and would result in piece of gear, Sentiment.
Tears of Bitterness
Purified 30 Torments. I have to do I can achieve my...
You will get it after few first ordeals.
Tears of Requiem
Purified 100 Torments. Rest in peace...I’m sorry...
Naturaly comes after several ordeals
Reaching the Limit
Collected max amount of Torments. Please stop... this is too much...
Just getting maximum amount of torments from the ordeal (10). This would happen all the time, sometimes you would even encounter more than 10 revenants, so you would have no place for new torments.
Fuse Sentiment
Fused Sentiments for the first time. I need to gather more Sentiments and become stronger.
Fusing Sentiments is getting 2 pieces of gear with same name and fusing them together to get one with one level higher. Sentiments lvl 2 could only be fused with lvl 2 to get lvl 3 and so on. Fusion requires Sentiment and specific Broken Thoughts - a crafting reagent, that drops rather often from enemies or crystals and chests. Alternatively it could be bought from a Peddler at the start of most of Ordeals
Adept of Sentiment Fusion
Fused Sentiments 5 times. There is still power hidden within these Sentiments.
It is not mandatory to do fusion with one particular Sentiment. You could fuse different ones, just use Fusion 5 times.
Mother of Sentiment Fusion
Modified Sentiments 30 times. I can do this with that and...I know!
The rarest one I saw is probably Soul Drain that grants 1% of damage done lifesteal
Despite the description, it is for fusing stuff 30 times.
Fuse Limit
Fused a Sentiment to its limit. This Sentiment makes me feel at peace.
Maximum Fusion level is 5. However, maximum level varies depending on Sentiment, it may be from 3 to 5. Maximum one would have "End" suffix. So you could fuse lvl 1 and lvl 1, lvl 2 and lvl 2, lvl 3 and lvl 3, lvl 4 and lvl 4 and get lvl 5.
New to Sentiment Modification
Modified Sentiments 10 times. It’s hard to make a good one.
If your Sentiment got a socket or two, you could modify it, which essentialy enhances it with additional property. This could be done several time, rerolling till you find one you want or you are out of materials.
Sentiment Modification Addict
Transformed Sentiments 50 times. I have a feeling I’ll get it on the next one! My faith is unfounded though!
Same as before
Sugar Intake
Used 10 consumable items. I’m not too fond of sweets.
Consumables are not really a necessity till the very late in game. They recover hp, ailments, revive and increase your attack and defense. Could be dropped from enemies, crystals, chests or bought from Peddler.
Sugar Loading
Used 50 consumable items. That's a bit too much sugar...
This would come naturally
Sugar Overload
Used 100 consumable items. I think I'm starting to like it...
if you want to get it earlier, just save, go to ordeal, get damaged/cursed/K.O.ed/buffed, return to Peddler at start, buy new stuff, repeat and after geting achieve, load save.
Reached level 50. Obtain even greater heights of power.
If you do not skip a lot, you would get it before story ends
Growth Limit
Achieved MAX level. You work too hard...
Maximum level is 99. Well, I ended story at around lvl 80, so rest needs to be farmed in Boss Rush or while completing Memoirs of the Dead
Non story achievements - Specials (minor spoilers)
Dog Enthusiast
Pet Thelema 10 times. Good girl.
Pet the doge! There is an option in menu to pet Thelema. You need to pet her at least untill message "Time with Themlema warmed your heart" appears.
Dog Lover
Doted on Thelema 53 times. Good girl. The average height of a Samoyed is 53cm.
Yes, do it 53 times and you are good. If you are already on chapter 6, don't worry you would get your doge back in 4th playthrough.
Search for the Deceased
Completely unlocked one person’s Memoirs of the Dead. I know all about your past.
After you kill Revenant, enemy with red halo and red aura around it, it drops Torment, which gives you memory of that revenant. Collecting 3 memories for same revenant would net you this achievement. As some revenants could spawn in multiple Ordeals within one chapter or even in different chapters, you would meet some revenants several times without any need to replay ordeals.
Revenant Completion
All Revenants registered onto Memoirs of the Dead. I sympathize with their pasts, but I...
Getting one memory for each is enough.
Memoirs of the Dead, Complete
Completed the Memoirs of the Dead. Don’t forget. It's the very least I can do for killing them.
Well, this one would take some time. Even if you do not skip anything, some revenants are really rare spawns, so you may not meet them even once, and would need to get back to ordeals you completed in order to find them at least once. To get all memories, you need to kill each revenant and boss at least thrice.

I highly recommend to use hi44_[]'s list[] of all Revenants with their locations, as it really makes your life easier.

Don't be discouraged, if you do not see one you need after several runs. Just take note of where his type spawns on the map you are going through and check those specific locations. Among rarest for me were Giant Humanoids (Yes, I am talking about you, Hermarchus!).
Congratulations on collecting all the trophies. Congratulations, thank you. Don’t forget to smile.
That's what you get for all achievements.
Hope this helps, so get get busy crying (in game) or get busy crying (irl)!

16 ความเห็น
Juggler 16 พ.ย. 2024 @ 8: 42am 
Ok, thx i'll give another try in a few days
Gvi  [ผู้สร้าง] 16 พ.ย. 2024 @ 7: 51am 
Eh... well for completionist it does, storywise - if you were ok with story so far its worth it. Idk about fisgusting, but if is quite bothersome indeed
Juggler 16 พ.ย. 2024 @ 12: 33am 
It is worth to complete the game 4 times? I allready did 2 times but making 2 more times is a little disgusting
Gvi  [ผู้สร้าง] 20 ม.ค. 2023 @ 8: 53am 
No idea, stuff spawned for me cause I did same lvl several times. It might be that during that time morning became afternoon or smth. But I have not found any mention that monster spawns tied to that.
Gvi  [ผู้สร้าง] 20 ม.ค. 2023 @ 12: 25am 
eh... i'm not sure spawns are tied to time of the day... :ALshockemoji:
Gvi  [ผู้สร้าง] 27 มี.ค. 2021 @ 10: 34am 
Higher difficulty would make game longer, as monster hp increases and attacks would hit harder. The bonus for difficulty change is only more exp I think
vinster 27 มี.ค. 2021 @ 9: 30am 
Does easy, normal or hard difficulty make any difference? Especially in XP gained, drops and how quickly you can complete the game? Thanks.
Gvi  [ผู้สร้าง] 10 มี.ค. 2021 @ 6: 16am 
It should drop it if you farm him repeatedly, maybe after you get all other memoirs from him
ghostXDELTA6 10 มี.ค. 2021 @ 4: 44am 
I accidentally skipped killing Parmenides in the 1st playthrough 2 more times cuz I thought I'm going to kill her more times in the upcoming runs. Only then to find out that run 1 memoir and run 2 memoir are different....

Is there still a way to kill run 1 Parmenides for the achievement or it's an in the face rerun the only way to get the memoir completed?
Bucket 2 ต.ค. 2020 @ 2: 49pm 
Oh! Given the description "Modified sentiments 30 times," I thought I was supposed to modify, not fuse. Thanks for clearing it up!