

109 avaliações
Achievement Guide (English)
Por Wuko
How long each act of the game is and the name of all the parts inside. This also will include each achievement available in what act.
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
This guide helps you keep track of how far you are through the game and also helps you find out what achievements are available in what chapters. This way you can go back and get them. I hope this provides more info for English speakers and I am struggling to find info online.

By clicking load in the main menu you can start from any chapter of any act. Replaying from that point.

After Act 1, Chapter 30 you can fast travel to old zones

This is a work in progress and I am updating as I progress through the game and collect the achievements. If I do get something wrong please tell me so I can fix it!

This guide will continue being updated soon!

Until I complete an achievement and or learn more about it Im using the info from https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1913994041
Story Breakdown
Prologue - 9 chapters

Act 1 - 33 Chapters

Act 2 - ? (currently at Act 2 - Chapter 17)

Act 3 - ?

Act 4 - ?
Story Achievments
Songs of Old Time (旧如歌)
Complete the prologue.
~ Complete all 9 Chapters of the Prologue

Shadow of Yesterday (昨日影)
Complete Act 1.
~ Complete all 33 Chapters of Act 1

Flower of Illusion (幻中花)
Complete Act 2.

Frost of Eternity (眠霜雪)
Complete Act 3.

Dream of Centuries (梦千秋)
Complete Act 4.

Do You Like Flowers? (你喜欢花?)
Complete the side quests Buying Flowers and Thornheart.

Shadow of the Beast
Complete the side quest Shadow of the Giant Beast.

Wild Soul
Complete the quest Wild Souls.

Long-Awaited Reunion
Complete the side quest Long-Awaited Reunion

Complete the side quest Heartless.

Green Tung
Complete the side quest Green Tung.

A Fairy Tale
Complete the side quest Fairytales.

Complete the side quest Recruit! and hire all artisans.

Oh, Rats!
Complete the side quests Big Family, Cuddly Rats, and The Eclipse.

My Homeland
Complete the side quest Homeland.

Ancient Stone Tablets
Find and record all the stone tablets in Farnight Bay.

Love Remains
Have Yue Sanlang take away Yu Mengzhi to heal her.

Life of the Scholar (葛术)
Learn about Ge Shu's life and her past in the Undersea Palace.
~During Act 2, Chapter 17 after defeating the boss you will get given a quest called
Shu Ge. During this quest you will walk past 7 books. You simply have to interact on all 7 to listen to the stories.

Investigate Blackie's disappearance and tell his master the truth.

Yin Tieshan would die soon after waking up(If you did not try to heal him)

Young Wolf
Watch the illusion and learn about He'chong's youth in Yanling.

Jishuang in Peril
Rescue the villagers of Jishuang.

The Guilts
Investigate all inscriptions upon stone walls in Abyss of Guilt.

Let Ye'changeng disappear completely.(if you chose the cub in Beiluo's memories)

Dream Faded
Defeat the corrupted Yu Mengzhi. (If Yue Sanlang determined to give up her)

Blood Slave
Defeat Yin Tieshan who has been made into Wuzhao's blood slave. (If you tried to heal him)
General Achievements
Ambergrass (栎津草)
As Xuange, find all 20 Ambergrasses in the Amber Reach.
~You will find collectable Ambergrass all over the map. Collecting it in the first playthrough seems to remove them when you come back, so if you get some the first time you don't need to get them again.

Neglected Ruins (年久失修)
Don't slip and fall while searching Ancient Cloister with Yulin.
~ You need to go down to the bottom and then go through the portal, fight the boss, watch the cut scene then go back up and leave the cloister for the achievement.

So Fragile (太脆……)
Break 23 jars in the Ancient Cloister.
~ Available from Act 1, Chapter 2.Just break them as you progress through, some are on the other end of jumping puzzles and also remember you can throw knives using x when out of combat.

Darker Lurkers (不一样的喑浮)
Defeat 5 Darklurkers that have been enhanced by Heluo fishes.
~ In the Ancient Cloister available from Act1, Chapter 2. Make the orange squids shoot the lighting balls into a purple Wyrm. Then kill it while its got yellow electric around it to get the achievement.

Timid Pale Wyrm (胆小的苍虬)
Find the hidden Pale Wyrm.
~ Available from Act 1, Chapter 2. Finish the quest. Halfway down, jump out to the side and step onto the moving rock. When you get on the platform with the Wyrm you will get the achievement.

Fengshui Expert (阵术专家)
In the Lakeshore Trigrams, find the correct path without failing once.
~ Follow the instructions on the map below. Note: The portals aren't actually coloured in game.

Watch your Feet (小心脚下)
Do no fall into the abyss in the Nameless Depths
~ Available from Act 1 - 12 Nameless Depths.You cannot fall off the map once for the whole cavern which finishes at the end of the Catacomb

Not Sturdy Enough (不够坚固)
Destroy 10 Pillars in the Nameless Depths.
~ Available from Act 1 - 12 Nameless Depths. Across the entire cave are multiple stalagmites, destroy 10 of them to get the achievement. There is more than enough to finish it.

Agile Body
Don't get knocked away by cages before meeting Onyx Swallow Elder.
~ Available from Act 2, Chapter 8 onwards.

Unexpected Joy (意外之喜)
Obtain the treasure only obtainable after knocked away by a cage.
~This can be done in the Onyx Kingdom on the same level as the first viewpoint. After the viewpoint you have to platform on 2 moving cages, after which you have to get past 3 moving cages. Get hit by the first cage so you get thrown to the right and unseal the bell.

This REQUIRES a Sealing Paper.

Smooth Jumping
Do not slip and fall in the Weishui Swordforge.

Top Danger
Do not take any damage from falling rocks in the Abyss of Guilt.

Quick Crossing
Do not slip and fall while traversing the broken Jishuang bridge.

Lantern Smasher
Find the quickest route while chasing Ye'changeng in the Threshold.

Spirit "Nemesis"
Do not get hit by a Oculi of Order in the ruins of Xiling.

Borrowed Light
Use Oculi of Order in Xiling to defeat 10 blight Claws and Beholder Claws.

The Tale Teller
Defeat 20 opponents in the Lost Tales card game.

World Adventurer
Find all viewpoint on all maps.
~ Skyelk、Qixia、Yanling*2、Lake Ding、Farnight Bay、Celestial Wheel、
Onyx Kingdom*2、Stag Creek、Xuanyuan Hill、Wuzan、Abyss of Guilt、
Kongtong Mountains、Altar of Gods、Weishui Swordforge、Demonbones、Xiling)

Returning Star
Complete all achievements.
Combat Based Achievments
Quick Battle (速战速决)
Defeat Mutated Demon before it attacks the Shadowchase Gate 3 times.
~ Fight takes place at Prologue - 3. Fight through the first phase nromally then destory the core before he can attack the gate 3 times. I personally suggest spamming the 2 ability. It costs 1 bar and does a lot of damage and always makes you charge at it.

The King's Glory (王之霸道)
Defeat the Mutated Demon without failing once in Expert difficulty.

Windfall (天降横财)
Acquire 800 coins during the battle with Tao Kuan.
~ The fight with the rich kid takes place in Prologue - 7. You need to get hit by the money pouches he throws. I suggest you defeat his two friends without taking any damage. The stand there and take his hits until your almost dead then heal to full then do the same before defeating him.

Swift Defeat (酣畅淋漓)
Complete the battle against Yulin within 60 seconds.
~ Fight takes place in Prologue - 9. Got to get him down to around 15 - 20% HP in under 60 seconds. Try to block every attack possible, leaves him open to get countered easily.

Unfallable: Mirage (不够坚固)
Do not get knocked down by the Mirage.
~ Fight takes place in Act 1 - 3. Don't get knocked down by his kick attack or any of his other red hit marker attacks.

Demon Invasion (魔物入侵)
Complete Demon Horde Invasion Quest in the Skyelk.
~ Act 1 - 5 Last Wish. During the invasion you will recieve a side quest to take out extra groups of enemies. Doing so will reward the achievement. This may be under Skyearth Apex but will need to double check

Unfallable: Inner Demon (不倒·心魔)
Don't get knocked down by the Inner Demon in the early chapter.
~ Fight is in Act 1 - 7. Don't get knocked down by any of his abilities during all 3 phases. I just dodged everything. Didn't block anything and tanked some normal hits.

Relay Race (接力)
Hit an ice ball with an ice ball at Lake Ding.
~ This is available from Act 1, Chapter 19. Seems to be bugged and doesn't work most of the time.

One Stone Three Birds (一石三鸟)
Freeze three enemies with one ice ball at Lake Ding.
~ This is available from Act 1, Chapter 19. This achievement is extremely buggy. I can't seem to get it to pop but I did find this video.


False Truth (以假乱真)
Deceived by a Icecrawler who has disguised itself as a ice crystal
~ Will become available in Act 1 - 19 Winter Forestlook. Look around until you find purple/blue crystals and try to pick one. A Icecrawler will jump up and attack you.

Quick as Lightning (迅疾如电)
Defeat Phantasm of Jinyun without using any healing items.
~Fight takes place in Act 1 - 20 Explore the Unknown. This is a hard fight, try blocking most of the weak attacks as he can waste your stamina too fast if you just dodge.

Ice and Fire (冰中之火)
Defeat Phantasm of Jinyun on Expert.

Not Dyed (不染墨)
Defeat 4 octopus tentacles.
~This is available from Act 2, Chapter 17 (startable from chapter 6). During the fight with the Eight-Tentacles, you need to kill all of the tentacles before beating the boss. The first two tentacles are mandatory.

Do not get caught by Yin Tieshan's giant hand.
~ "this is gotten by defeating the boss battle in the Weishui Swordforge without getting grabbed by the boss, which is done by not failing the quicktime events that happen during the battle." - Minibeau

Do not get hit by Wanxi's grasp skill.

Demon Tide
Have more than 10 demons on Cetacea at any one time.

Aerial Demon Hunter
Defeat more than 30 demons while on Cetacea.

Free Falling Demon
Use Energy Skill to knock a dying Fogblade Demon off Cetacea.

Sharp Eyes
Do not get hit by the Tanglevine.

Use this
Use the Tanglevine to defeat 1 monster.

Another Block
Successfully block 15 attacks during the He'chong, Dreamsoul battle.

Claw for a Claw
Defeat He'chong, Dreamsoul while transformed.

Block Master
Successfully block 40 attacks during the Solwrath battle.

Darkchasing Might
Defeat Solwrath while transformed.

Demon Horde Invasion
Complete Demon Horde Invasion quest in the Skyelk.

Unfallable: Rongdong
Don't get knocked down by Rongdong.

Left & Right
Don't get hit by any arrow while climbing the mountain near Redwater.

Excuse me!
Defeat 20 demons as they are absorbing Demon Cores in Redwater.

Hundred Misses
Do not fail any pressing in QTE when battling the Nameless Youth.

Sneaky Surprise
Defeat a Deepgold as it is activating a Qiang'liang statue.

Do not get hit by Siwei's lifestealing attack.

Defeat Wuzhao in Expert difficulty.

Mini Combo (连击小成)
Reach a combo of over 50 attacks.
~ Land 50 hits on enemies in quick succession.

Mega Combo (连击大成)
Reach a combo of over 200 attacks.
~ I did this playing as Jinyun and the end of Act 1, Chapter 32. They keep spawning and if you stand in the middle on them and keep spamming 3 so they get knocked down its not too hard.

Art of Defense (防御心得)
Block 100 Attacks
~ Tracks between saves and deaths. Only yellow attack markers can be blocked.

One Hit Kill
End 50 Lesser Demons using finishers.

Demon Slayer
End 100 Lesser Demons using finishers.
Collection Achievements
Perseverance (锲而不舍)
Fail 10 researches.
~ Available from Act 1, Chapter 27 onwards. I did the one during the research tutorial 10 times as they supplied the materials then just reset my save. Achievement wont pop until you hand in the quest.

Great Mind (才思过人)
While researching, achieve Extraordinary Success 10 times.
~ Get over 100% on a research. I saved just before doing the basic Mining tools one and then would reload my save after completing as it always gave 100%+.

Speed Building
Upgrade your Workshop to the max level.

Make a pact with 20 different Pact Creatures.

Pole Master
Record 15 species in your Fishing Journal.

Acquire 15 types of fingerlings.

Unexpected Harvest
Fish up a Pale Wyrm in Lake Ding.(Use a special bait found in Ancient Cloister)

Bumper Harvest
Harvest 20 types of plants.

Research Center
Complete the research of 73 new objects.

Unmatched Craftsman
Follow crafting recipes and create 364 different items.

Upgrade Umbrage to max level.

Upgrade Intertwined to max level.

Upgrade Stoic to max level.

Dark Wail
Upgrade Dark Wail to max level.

Card Collector
Find and collect 30 special cards in the Lost Tales card game.

Ancient Swords Collector
Find and collect 125 entries.
Expert Mode Achievements
Trial Spearhead
Acquire 1 Gold Medal in Expert mode.

Minor Success
Acquire 3 Gold Medal in Expert mode.

All-out Display
Acquire 5 Gold Medal in Expert mode.

Perfect Execution
Acquire 10 Gold Medal in Expert mode.

Speedy Victory
Complete stage one in the Expert mode.

Ever Triumphant
Complete the final stage in the Expert mode.
17 comentários
Galanor 22 dez. 2021 às 9:58 
FYI, Challenge mode (referred to as expert mode above) is a mode unlocked only after completing the main game for the first time and is an arena-style mode (not a harder version of the main story). That's what the challenge mode gold medals refer to (completing the arena-stages within a set time-limit).
The other references to 'Expert mode' do seem to refer to the main story however (e.g. defeat mutated daemon)... as that enemy isn't in challenge mode. Just had a go at that and it looks really difficult as you're basically up against a time-limit as the m.daemon is attacking the shadowgate and you have to keep dodging giant tentacle things.
KyūGreywolf † 15 ago. 2020 às 11:16 
For the Ambergrass achievement, if you can't find all 20, use: https://www.gamersky.com/handbook/201811/1127344.shtml

There's two more in that last area right next to each other (where the ones in green are marked in this guide)
Minibeau 16 jul. 2020 às 11:20 
I got the unexpected joy achievement. This can be done in the Onyx Kingdom on the same level as the first viewpoint. After the viewpoint you have to platform on 2 moving cages, after which you have to get past 3 moving cages. get hit by the first cage so you get thrown to the right and unlock the chest. After completing the puzzle the achievement should unlock
Minibeau 16 jul. 2020 às 7:33 
I got the achievement Dexterous, this is gotten by defeating the boss battle in the Weishui Swordforge without getting grabbed by the boss, which is done by not failing the quicktime events that happen during the battle. I also got the Smooth Jumping achievement, which is in the same area as the Dexterous achievement. When you enter the Weishui Swordforge dream with Xiao Jin you will have to go through an area with a large lava pool at the bottom. I personally did this by saving before and after doing some platforming and if i fell i went back to the main menu and clicked continue. I also didn't fall during the bossbattle, but i don't know if this is needed. The achievement pops after exiting the area with lava.
Minibeau 16 jul. 2020 às 6:55 
I just unlocked the Blackie achievement. You unlock this by accepting the quest "blackie" that you can accept after talking to Xiao Jin in Detong by talking to the 2 childeren. After accepting the quest you have to continue through the main story until you need to go back to Detong and you have to talk to the 2 childeren again. (I don't see how you can miss this if you just teleport back to the entrance of Detong )
KyūGreywolf † 16 jul. 2020 às 4:26 
Thanks @Minibeau. Thank goodness I didn't start the game, otherwise I'd have had to start again lol
Wuko  [autor] 15 jul. 2020 às 23:26 
thanks for the tip Mini just updated everything to say expert mode instead!
Minibeau 15 jul. 2020 às 15:21 
I have been playing the game on expert mode and i can confirm that challenge difficulty is expert mode. I haven't gotten any of the "aquire X Gold Medal in Challenge mode", but i have gotten the achievement for defeating some bosses in challenge difficulty. I also read a bit about the gold medals and that seems to be a late game activity, which i am not even close to getting to(currently at Arc 2 chapter 18)
KyūGreywolf † 15 jul. 2020 às 7:41 
Thanks a lot! That's the only thing I'm waiting on really before I start the game. I don't want to begin the game on a lower difficulty, then discover I'm unable to get all the achievements
Wuko  [autor] 14 jul. 2020 às 21:52 
Kyu good question I'm not playing on challenge mode and that was part of the guide I borrowed from its possible it was a miss translation? I'm updating the guide as I get everything so if I do try "challenge mode" ill let you know.