Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

73 evaluări
大雄宝殿the Shakya Mani Hall
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14 mart. 2020 la 3:09
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大雄宝殿the Shakya Mani Hall

În 1 colecție creată de MC100
华风夏韵Ancient China
473 obiecte
此殿面阔八间,进深三间,重檐歇山顶,高约八丈。在佛教寺院中,大雄宝殿就是正殿,也有称为大殿的。大雄宝殿是整座寺院的核心建筑,也是僧众朝暮集中修持的地方。大雄宝殿中供奉本师释迦牟尼佛的佛像。大雄是佛的德号。大者,是包含万有的意思;雄者,是摄伏群魔的意思 。因为释迦牟尼佛具足圆觉智慧,能雄镇大千世界,因此佛弟子尊称他为大雄。宝殿的宝,是指佛法僧三宝。

This is a Chinese Buddhist building. In Buddhist temples, the shakya mani hall is the main hall, also known as the grand hall or the Daxiong hall. the shakya mani hall is the core building of the whole temple, and it is also the place where the monks concentrate their practice in the morning and evening. The Buddha statue of Shakya mani Buddha is enshrined in the hall. Daxiong is the virtue of Buddha. The "Da" means to contain all things; the "Xiong" means to subdue the demons. Because Shakya Mani Buddha has full wisdom of enlightenment and can control the world, his disciples call him Daxiong.
10 comentarii
MC100  [autor] 9 apr. 2020 la 19:28 
@X-minions :我古建筑一般都不加灯光,如果你想可以自己添加喜欢的灯光。而且我对灯光方面审美不是很好,怕做差了大家不喜欢
X-minions 9 apr. 2020 la 12:21 
MC100  [autor] 29 mart. 2020 la 9:00 
@PokerSmile :Thank you for your supporting!!! :D
PokerSmile 29 mart. 2020 la 7:44 
Great work! I'm following you now. Thanks for the video! That was great!
Thank you!
MC100  [autor] 15 mart. 2020 la 4:37 
@Kiddle :谢谢支持!!!
Kiddle 14 mart. 2020 la 21:39 
MC100  [autor] 14 mart. 2020 la 21:13 
@karltherbt :佛教建筑一直都有,只不过好像都是日本的
karltherbt 14 mart. 2020 la 20:43 
MC100  [autor] 14 mart. 2020 la 6:17 
@zhengshichuang :谢谢(: w :)
midori 14 mart. 2020 la 3:29 