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Aura's Capital Ships Pack CIS [SWRP][LFS]
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: ServerContent
Addon Tags: Roleplay, Realism
351.731 KB
8. mar. 2020 kl. 15:57
5. jan. 2021 kl. 22:04
5 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

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Aura's Capital Ships Pack CIS [SWRP][LFS]


--- LFS Capital Ships Pack [CIS] ---

Important: None of these ships can actually be flown, they are just compatible with LFS vehicles for targeting and other properties

Just as a kind of introduction, the videos are from past versions which only contained the Munificent and Acclamator ships, they are now changed, and more are added, but the concept is virtually the same.

You also MUST have the model packs and LFS base for these to work, other ship packs are optional, but I would recommend using the ones I have in the required items list

This pack contains 2 capital ships from the CIS era, the ships in this pack are as follows:

- Munificent
- Some weird CIS Dreadnought / Cruiser thing I can't remember the name of lol

All of these ships can be found in Entities > Aura's LFS Big Ships

This pack also contains a base for all the ships, if you wish to change the ships each one can spawn you need to extract the files for the addon and edit the config file in autorun, there are instructions to follow and it is vital that you follow them exactly to add ships or remove them

When you spawn in one of the capital ships you must hold C and edit its properties to enable ships and start spawning them, you have a number of settings you can set in each one as well

This item does require the LFS base to use, as well as the other required items for models if you don't have the packs already
You also need Gbombs 5 base / materials for the death bombs, otherwise they will not work, the gbombs and injury bombs can also be turned off in the config for performance

Important: You will not be able to see / spawn any of the ships that are default without having the correct addons for them, which I why if you are using this for a server, I recommend to extract the files for this and change the config to add ships your server does have, please do not spam me saying you cannot see the ships, or they won't spawn, or you cannot fly them, the info is in the description, PLEASE read it all.
35 kommentarer
Sir Morthos of the Knight Legion 7. mar. 2022 kl. 20:38 
I just needed GBombs 5 Can you make that mandatory so people dont get confused?
Sir Morthos of the Knight Legion 7. mar. 2022 kl. 20:13 
ive got 2 problems 1. When i put the HP to 0 it doesnt die and 2. I dont see the explosions? can you link the mod for the explosions?
NotTheSolaire 18. juli 2021 kl. 19:16 
ships stop spawning after a certain point does anyone have a fix?
Jim_Hawkins 8. juli 2021 kl. 11:46 
dude what is that map table from??? the one that shows the ai dots and all? love the addon tho!
bruhman 19. mar. 2021 kl. 0:33 
Can you fly these or are they ai only?
Lucas 29. jan. 2021 kl. 6:49 
the weird ship you dont remember the name of is called a providence cruiser btw
Hexon_Boi 10. jan. 2021 kl. 11:09 
[Aura's Capital Ships Pack CIS [SWRP][LFS]] lua/entities/aura_big_ship_base_cis/init.lua:154: attempt to compare number with nil
1. TurretAI - lua/entities/aura_big_ship_base_cis/init.lua:154
2. unknown - lua/entities/aura_big_ship_base_cis/init.lua:65
smolpenguingod 28. dec. 2020 kl. 12:13 
hey what happened to the ships exploding when they get destroyed I have gbombs enabled and it still doesnt happen
LiveforValor 10. dec. 2020 kl. 19:48 
Oooh okay, thank you.
Aura  [ophavsmand] 10. dec. 2020 kl. 19:44 
Use the website I sent then, take the URL of this addon, put it in there and download the folder, pop it into your addons folder and edit it