1,201 értékelés
Portal - 100% Achievement Guide
Készítő: Pandallax
This is a guide for getting all of the achievements in the game Portal. I have also made a video guide here to go along with this or as a standalone resource if that is more helpful.
This is a guide for getting all of the achievements in the game Portal. I have also made a video guide to go along with this and you can also find my written guide over on my website here[www.pandallax.com].

Before we begin, you'll need to go through the entire story and beat the game once. This is because in order to get the "Transmission Received" achievement you must have already beaten the game once. We'll go through the unmissable story achievements first, then the random story achievements, the collectables throughout the story, and then finally we'll go over the advanced and challenge maps.

With that out of the way let’s start going through how to get these achievements.

Achievement Stats
Number of Achievements - 15[completionist.me]
Astats Points Worth - 2[astats.astats.nl]
SteamHunters Points Worth - 7,429[steamhunters.com]
Meta Gamer Score Worth - 8,269[metagamerscore.com]
Average Completion Time - 28h 57m[completionist.me]
Average Completion Percentage - 52.71%[completionist.me]
Lab Rat
You'll get this achievement on Chamber 11 of the story once you pick up the orange portion of the Portal gun. The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

This achievement you'll get at the very end of Chamber 17. Once you throw your companion cube bud into the incinerator the achievement will pop up. The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

This achievement you'll get at the end of Chamber 19. Once you get to the giant fire pit and portal over to safety the achievement will pop up. The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

You'll get this achievement at the very end of the game after you have defeated GlaDos. The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

Friendly Fire
For this achievement you'll need to grab a turret and use it to physically knock another turret over. You can do this on Chamber 16 with any of the turrets on the level. (And there are a lot.) The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

Terminal Velocity
You can get this achievement on Chamber 15 and a few others, but this is the one that I did it on. You just need to put a portal on the ceiling above you and one on the floor directly beneath it so that you infinitely fall through. Eventually the achievement will pop up. The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

Long Jump
For this one you can get it done close to the very end of the game in the giant room with a muddy trench at the bottom. Once you get all the way up to the top you can put a portal on the slanted platform directly below you, and one on the top one across from you. If you line it up correctly you'll fly through a few times and get the achievement to pop up. The link to the portion of the video where this is covered is here.

Camera Shy
To get this one you have to go through the story mode and knock down all possible cameras in one go (33). If you get to the end of the game it will reset your counter so be sure to do all of them in one play through. In the video guide this is covered from 2:14 to 11:38.

Chamber 02
Camera 1/33
Camera 2/33
Camera 3/33

Chamber 03
Camera 4/33
Camera 5/33
Camera 6/33

Chamber 04
Camera 7/33
Camera 8/33

Chamber 05
Camera 9/33
Camera 10/33
Camera 11/33

Chamber 10
Camera 12/33

Chamber 11
Camera 13/33

Chamber 13
Camera 14/33
Camera 15/33
Camera 16/33

Chamber 15
Camera 17/33
Camera 18/33
Camera 19/33
Camera 20/33
Camera 21/33

Chamber 16
Camera 22/33
Camera 23/33
Camera 24/33
Camera 25/33
Camera 26/33

Chamber 17
Camera 27/33
Camera 28/33

Chamber 18
Camera 29/33
Camera 30/33

Chamber 19
Camera 31/33
Camera 32/33
Camera 33/33
Transmission Received
To get this one you'll need to find all 26 of the hidden radios and take them to catch a signal for a Morse code. Before we begin, you'll need to go through the entire story and beat the game once. This is because in order to get the "Transmission Received" achievement you must have already beaten the game once.In the video guide this is covered from 2:14 to 12:57.

Chamber 00 -
Radio 1/26

Chamber 01 -
Radio 2/26

Chamber 02 -
Radio 3/26

Chamber 03 -
Radio 4/26

Chamber 04 -
Radio 5/26

Chamber 05 -
Radio 6/26 (For this one be sure not to actually go through the door when getting the radio. Just use a portal to pull it over to your side.)

Chamber 06 -
Radio 7/26

Chamber 07 -
Radio 8/26

Chamber 08 -
Radio 9/26

Chamber 09 -
Radio 10/26

Chamber 10 -
Radio 11/26

Chamber 11 -
Radio 12/26

Chamber 12 -
Radio 13/26

Chamber 13 -
Radio 14/26

Chamber 14 -
Radio 15/26

Chamber 15 -
Radio 16/26
Radio 17/26

Chamber 16 -
Radio 18/26

Chamber 17 -
Radio 19/26

Chamber 18 -
Radio 20/26
Radio 21/26
Radio 22/26

Chamber 19/The Escape -
Radio 23/26
Radio 24/26
Radio 25/26
Radio 26/26
For this one you'll need to complete 2 of the advanced maps. For the purpose of this guide we'll assume you're doing them in order. For a video guide of maps 13 and 14 go here.
For this one you'll need to complete have completed 4 of the advanced maps. So the next 2 maps to go through would be map 15 and map 16. For a video guide of maps 15 and 16 go here.
Vanilla Crazy Cake
For this one you'll need to complete all 6 of the advanced maps. So you'll need to get through advanced maps 17 and 18. For a video guide of maps 17 and 18 go here.
Basic Science, Rocket Science, and Aperture Science
The most efficient way to get these is to go ahead and get gold medals on all of them so that you get all three of them at the same time. Below are the video guides for the challenges on each map.

Challenge Map 13

Challenge Map 14

Challenge Map 15

Challenge Map 16

Challenge Map 17

Challenge Map 18

There is also a way to get these very easily by using the developer console to give yourself no clip. In order to do this you'll need to go into the options, to keyboard, advanced, and enable developer console. For me the default to open the console was the ` key. When you open it you'll need to copy and paste the command below into the console and hit enter. You can also change the key that it's bound to for whatever you want to use. The video portion of the guide for this is here.

bind / "sv_cheats 1; god; noclip '; sv_cheats 0"
And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Portal. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.

I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, or Steam, check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!
56 megjegyzés
Paiovezam jan. 4., 11:17 
saved me on the radio achievement
anubi6 2024. dec. 29., 18:11 
some of these transmission received screenshots are impossible
coolman13355 2024. dec. 9., 7:22 
On Terminal Velocity I did cheese it this way and felt cheap after.
War4soccer 2024. dec. 8., 21:50 
uh the challenge maps didnt work for me. where you have to get a low number of portals, steps, and time, I used the commands and got 100% on the thing and the achievements say 18/18 but I did not get the achievements. Help?
Sohkka 2024. aug. 1., 10:31 
after all these years the guide isnt finished?
landoxin 2024. júl. 28., 8:04 
Coodu 2024. júl. 15., 0:23 
Awesome guide thanks 🙏
khrome 2024. jún. 26., 20:48 
ty papi o7
Rodri99PT 2024. jan. 11., 14:05 
If I do the sv_cheat trick on challenge maps to get the achievement will I get any penalty or soft ban-ish for doing so?
Karl Klammer 2023. szept. 25., 6:06 
Tanks for this!!