Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

118 人が評価
EXIM : Character Importer and Exporter
Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story, GM
2.973 MB
2020年2月24日 15時11分
2021年6月27日 10時10分
10 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

EXIM : Character Importer and Exporter

Luxen 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Luxen's GM Tools
14 アイテム
What is EXIM mod ?
This mod allow you to export and import character sheets with their inventory. Basically, it write stats, skills, hotbar and inventory of your character in a file that can be loaded in an another save file both in Adventure and Game Master modes. You want to decimate Fort Joy with an end-game character ? Sure, go on. You want to save characters and carry them across your campaigns in GM mode ? This is your ticket.
You can also directly edit the character sheets and load them again. It allows GMs to add bonuses to items or skills that aren’t possible to add in the game normally. It means that you can also manipulate inventories in Adventure mode. You want a helmet that increase your limit of summons ? You want 42 Source points ? This mod is what you need.
Main features
- Make you able to transfer characters through saves or GM campaigns
- Possibility to modify the character bonus and item bonus without the need of a dedicated mod
- Remove item folding in GM mode (see the video for more informations)

Please check the requirements of this mod below to make it run.
Discord server : https://discord.gg/AYpVFA4

EXIM limitations
This mod won’t allow you to carry quest specific stuff. It change stats, skills, inventory, hotbar and won’t change the current situation of your character in the story. If you want to keep quest specific stuff before loading a character, it is highly recommended that you drop those items before loading.
Item colors won’t be kept. Custom names, description and book content are kept in GM mode however.
In GM mode, stats can’t be loaded on NPCs, but their inventory can. A workaround is to use NPC control tools to make a NPC player, load it and turn it back to an NPC.
Saving characters visual customization will be included in a later update.

How does it work
Always make a backup of your savegame before using a new mod.
Adventure mode : each player receive a Saving and Loading stone in the currently controlled character.
GM mode : Use NPC Control Tools to select a character and use Export or Import options in the Item tabs.
1- The file is written into the host machine, in Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\Osiris Data\<character name>.charsave. It can be edited with any text editor.
2- The mod use the character name to recognize which file to take. If you want to load another character sheet into yours, then just rename the charsave file. For example if you hit the load button with Lohse, it will search for Lohse.charsave . Caution : in GM mode, the game won’t take the custom name of NPCs. So if you rename “Civilian” to “Imtheboss”, it will keep “Civilian” for file management. Note : never use special characters in names !
3- The charsave files are mode agnostic, so you can save a character in Adventure and load it into GM mode and vice-versa. However, keep in mind that some Adventure items are not available in GM mode, so be sure to use a mod that import Adventure assets into GM mode.
4- When saving or loading a character, everyone has to stay still and do nothing. It can lead to unexpected behaviour if someone do something during save or load, especially since large inventories take a lot of time (up to 15-20 seconds, maybe more on lower end systems)
5- Keep in mind that if you save a character while using mods providing custom items and skills, it might go wrong if you load the sheet in another game without those mods.
6- Lost your stones ? Just save and load the game.
7- Character files are also loaded from the host machine. Send your character sheet to the host and use the appropriate tools (stones or GM tools) in-game to load the character sheet.
Always save the game before loading a character sheet. Errors can take away the current character inventory.

This mod require Norbyte’s Osiris extender, a wonderful extension that multiply the modding capabilities of the engine.
You can install it using LaughingLeader’s mod manager and hit the extender download button :
Latest release[github.com]
You can also install it directly from here[github.com].
To install it, go to Tools = > Download and Install Osiris Extender.
In GM mode, it will also require NPC control tools

Known Issues
- Loading a large sheet can freeze the game for a short time.

Save File Editing
The charsave files have a defined JSON structure. A character is divided in 4 parts : stats, skills, hotbar and inventory. Stat names use the engine names, so they can be different from the game (e.g. Pyrokinetic => FireSpecialist). You can also set skills that are hidden in the engine !
See these tables[docs.google.com] to get all engine names.
Keep in mind that it could potentially lead to crash if you put some exotic values in some fields.

GM Mode particularities
This mod has few particularities in GM mode that you must be aware of :
- Attributes, Combat and Civil abilities and Talents can't be saved/loaded in NPCs unless you turn them into player characters with NPC control tools. However, their inventories will just work fine.
- This mod disable item folding. Technical explanations aside, it mean that all items in GM mode can get the same bonuses than in Adventure : additionnal damage type, generated skills, immunities and status chance. However, the 4 types of bonuses described just before can't be removed using the GM panel. You will need to edit those items in a charsave file if you want to remove those kind of bonus.

For mods creators: extension
As a mod creator you can store data in character sheets without needing to set this project as a dependency. All you need is to store the character data as a JSON serialised string with SetVarString(_Character, “LX_EXIM_Extension_Data”, _Data). Preferably append the data to the variable instead of replacing it, in case other mods also use it.
Once a character sheet have been loaded, the data will be back in LX_EXIM_Extension_Data variable. A StoryEvent is fired when the character sheet is being loaded, you can catch it with StoryEvent((CHARACTERGUID)_Character, “LX_EXIM_LoadExtData”). You can then use your parsing methods independently from EXIM ones.
!Caution! : If the variable gets too big, it will crash the game. Store only what is needed, and if by any means you still need to store something big, contact me and I will see for compatibility with your mod.

A huge thanks to Norbyte and the work he have done with the extender, as well as taking care of my requests to make this mod possible.
Special thanks to LaughingLeader for his numerous advices on the engine.
Many thanks to the modding community for their support.

Dedicated GM mode discord server : https://discord.gg/zBZ9bme

Support & Feedback
Do you like my work ? You can support me by tipping me a coffee :
Don’t hesitate to give your feedback in the comments or in the dedicated threads sections.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2021年1月17日 6時49分
Bug Reports
120 件のコメント
Z3R0 8月31日 3時43分 
The first time I used it, everything worked perfectly, but now that I'm trying to copy the character I had already copied to a new game, he appears without his items and naked. What could it be?
Forsaken 8月26日 23時05分 
Good idea to remove any notes/books and unidentified item from inventory. Otherwise those items become corrupted once you load it. Great mod. Thanks.
SocksualVixen 6月28日 17時38分 
thanks for the tip. cheers m8
Luxen  [作成者] 6月28日 17時23分 
If you want to do that you'd rather make your own mod and edit the localization files of the game. EXIM cannot achieve that in a practical way.
SocksualVixen 6月28日 14時19分 
is there any way to use this mod to just change the name of all instances of a specific loot item? I haven't been able to play solo because one item uses my PTSD trigger word. all i saw in the video was really complicated item stat editing etc and that's not really what i need.
Marcelo 2023年6月4日 19時09分 
Why is it that every time I use the save and load functions, the weapons lose the game's translation, while the rest of the items remain with translated names?
DeStroYeR 2023年5月7日 4時42分 
I'm sorry, Osiris Extender? That has got to be some weird auto-correct.
Kemui⊗52 2023年1月6日 12時22分 
Yeah, that's why l'm trying to stop them (and some armours l added) from appearing in loot. I think I finally tracked down that MinLevel and MaxLevel in the stats file is where to do so, but making them Empty didn't work. Setting level 99 there is the only chance left I can think of, and this is not the first time l've mulled over this.

Not that this has anything to do with EXIM. I just figured since I explained my initial mistake, I ought to wrap this up for closure.
Luxen  [作成者] 2023年1月6日 4時40分 
ItemProgressionVisual will crash if it's out of bounds which is the case here with your value (see the possible values in the stats editor in the engine).
Also concerning Arena weapons, they will spawn as long as you have a mod using Arena as a dependency. Beware though, if you deactivate it and you have equipment originating from Arena, they will become unusable.
Kemui⊗52 2023年1月4日 21時44分 
I posted a comment earlier, but it's gone now. I was crashing because l coincidentally had a sword from Arena mode on my imported character and l was running a Story test to see if I successfully stopped Arena weapons from appearing in Story loot. As is evident, my test did not work...even though all l did was set the ItemProgressionVisual to level 99, that somehow crashes when loading the model. Okay, fine, that interferes with the weapon's initial spawning... But, how else am l supposed to stop them from appearing in Story loot?