Days of War

Days of War

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Making bot-friendly maps.
By |$m0k!n|-Mr. 4HyDe-
This guide is a spot-on guide about what to consider when making maps bot-friendly with the UE4 Days of War Editor.

In short use "NavMeshBoundsVolume" to encapsulate the whole map.

If you have seen maps where bots get stuck in spawn or self-destruct or buzz around specific places like moths to a flame, then you have seen the problem. Bots can't go anywhere unless specified and it's actually pretty easy to fix.

Making maps bot-friendly
Making bot-friendly maps with the UE4 Days of War Editor:

In short use "NavMeshBoundsVolume" to cover the whole map.

If you have seen maps where bots get stuck in spawn or self-destruct or buzz around specific places like moths to a flame, then you have seen the problem. Bots can't go anywhere unless specified and it's actually pretty easy to fix.

Even though the Unreal DoW Editor is pretty easy to work with, it's not quite that obvious to work with bots.

Four things, that needs to be included or considered in regards to bots are:

  1. To add or expand the "NavMeshBoundsVolume" that control where bots can go in both, width, length and height. It's easy to spot which areas are available to bots, by selecting the NavMeshBoundsVolume and clicking "P" for Show Navigation. The NavMeshBoundsVolume can be added as a single box to the whole map or split up into a smaller parts if some areas should be bot-free.
  2. Bots don't drop off edges and they don't climb vertical stairs and apparently they don't really crawl through tunnels either. If the exit of a spawn requires any of these things they can easily get stuck.
  3. Flags have both upper and lower bounds that extend the range of the flag itself, therefore the flag should be resized or placed so that the range box doesn't extend to an adjacent room, above or below or next to, or bots will get stuck buzzing around like moths to a flame.
  4. If the map is too complicated or have too many roadblocks they will never get very far...