Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Nest skin series
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The Nest series will contain skins for almost all CSGO pistons soon! Also each pistol will receive several skins of different rarity.

And as always want to hear your thoughts on this work of my in comments below, critique is also welcome ;)

More works of my

Gjenstander (2)
Markert som inkompatibel ]  Nest
Skapt av MVP Arts
p2000 Nest will be part of the Nest skin series. The Nest series will contain skins for almost all CSGO pistons soon! Also each pistol will receive several skins of different rarity. And as always want to hear your thoughts on this work of my in comments b...
Markert som inkompatibel ]  Nest [Gunsmith]
Skapt av MVP Arts
This is a Gunsmith version of p2000 from the Nest skin series. The Nest series will contain skins for almost all CSGO pistons soon! Also each pistol will receive several skins of different rarity. And as always want to hear your thoughts on this work of my...