Dota 2
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7.28c Kaolin every lane (Immortal/Divine5)
By Klexe
11.11.2014 ES played by NAVI Vanskor in XMG CPTS Draft: Secret vs Navi using this guide!
I am way to old for this :D Still my most favorite hero and so much fun! #4 he is the best imo. Imo watching Crit is really nice to learn this hero!

Over 800 games with Earth: 63%winrate and 5.7+ MMR (former 6k)

Earth Spirit is a versatile hero. He excels in initiation, ganking and in counter-initiation.
His skillset is everything you need.
You have:
2000 range 2.25sek aoe stun
1100 range 4.5sek aoe silence
1800 range roll into 2sek 80% attackspeed and movementspeed slow
and an small aoe ulti which last 6sek and deal 50/75/100dmg/sek which can be refreshed.

Use ES as:
#3-5 position. His best position is roaming.

- Use the Fog Luke! Fog of war is a great tool to initate on enemies.
- Rush midas only if you have a good start or you see a late game coming
- Never ever Rush aghs! It is not worth it. After the nerf to the range it is also quite underwhelming
- The Xp Changes to the Range creep in 6.87 Is a HUGE Buff to ES. Pull your range creep into the woods at the start of the game and win the offlane for you!

1. Drop Stone, roll and kick enemy into your team OR use a new stone to for AoE stun with kick
2. Roll, Drop Stone behind enemy and pull this stone into your roll and kick enemy OR use a new stone to for AoE stun with kick
3. Drop Stone, Roll, Drop new stone on the way and kick it into enemies! Slow from roll will help the stun connect.

The best combo imo. (for teamfights)
Use veil when you have time
1. Drop stone and Roll (save way)
2. Use ulti
3. Use new stone + stun + spread ulti
4. Use Grip to silence and new stones to refresh

It is really hard to get the ONE item build for ES. Almost all items are viable on him.
I think going Force/Urn is still core. Also ether lense is now not so good anymore with recent nerfs! On the other hand Lotus Orb is awesome now imo! You can use it on yourself and roll in! Enemies DO NOT want to use spells :)

Even blademail is an option now.

Item build ups:
Most of the time I play #4 roaming support.
I get 1 tp and a ward and tp mid to place it without the enemy notcing it (roll over the river).

Then i go into Tranquill Null talisman Urn Veil Euls.
I generaly also buy Orb of venom and support stuff!

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Klexe  [author] 25 Jun, 2019 @ 4:21am 
Ah yes ...should rework i guess^^
жить чтобы жить 18 Jun, 2019 @ 12:28pm 
You didnt understand. New patches changes ES. Also,i tell about change 1-2 skill. Do you know that 2nd skill stunning enemy now?
Klexe  [author] 16 Jun, 2019 @ 10:43am 
Mmh i think it still has merit but yes i play him rarely
жить чтобы жить 15 Jun, 2019 @ 4:56am 
Useless guide for nowadays
Klexe  [author] 15 Feb, 2017 @ 9:59am 
Guide making is buggy :(
Klexe  [author] 18 Dec, 2016 @ 9:41am 
7.00 Changes. It is a Work in progress
Klexe  [author] 2 Oct, 2016 @ 11:36am 
Added 6.88 changes
Klexe  [author] 4 May, 2016 @ 2:11am 
Added some new changes for 6.87
I am still not 100% sure what items to get:
Urn, Drums, Veil, Force are all good items.
Klexe  [author] 11 Nov, 2014 @ 3:05pm 
11.11.2014 Played by NAVI Vanskor in his first Tournament (XMG CPTS Draft 2.0) and used this guide :)
Klexe  [author] 23 Jun, 2014 @ 12:14pm 
Thank you Stuffyvater. No i do not stream atm, perhaps i really should... :P if you want to watch me you can just add me