Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

101 lượt đánh giá
Walkthrough with the Unofficial Patch 10.5
Bởi Anderson và 1 cộng tác viên
This is the guide provided by the Unofficial Patch 10.5 from wesp5. I do not own any rights in relation to this text. I merely distribute it.
The text is available in the files of the installed patch here:

Over the years as there have been more fixes with each patch, new shortcuts have appeared. Previously unknown paths toward completing old quests are now available. They are marked with the + sign designating the added features in the Plus patch.
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After watching the intro, you receive your first quest, which is basically a
tutorial. Jack will provide information about your situation and advice on
your abilities and how to use them. Everything in the tutorial is very clear
and straightforward, so I'll not go into any details. Everything is explained
thoroughly til the end (2 XP). If you've played through the tutorial before
and want to skip it, just ask Jack, in your first conversation. If not,
don't forget to grab the LOCKPICK, the BASEBALL BAT and the TIRE IRON.
[+: You will get a HUMANITY LOSS if you let the guard go ahead.]

Note: If you want to max out your .38 ammo: When Jack gives you the .38, pick
up the ammo from the container and then shoot some bottles. After that
if you go near the door in front of you and come back, the container
will be full of ammo again. You can do this as many times as you need.
[+-: This exploit has been fixed.]





Welcome to Santa Monica!

You'll be taken to your first haven and be given the quest: [WHEREFORE ART
THOU, MERCURIO?]. Open the Fridge and take the 3 BLOOD PACKS, or BLUE BLOOD
PACKS if you are a Ventrue, if used they will restore your blood points. Read
Mercurio's note and log into your computer using the password "sunrise". Check
your emails. Read the card on the table to get the [THE REGENT'S RIDDLE] quest.
Also open your desk drawer and grab the $100. This will be your main base from
now on. Be sure to come back regularly and check your mails. You can turn the
TV on if you like or listen to the radio, they are both pretty funny. Also
don't forget to grab the PILL BOTTLE and the NORMAL WATCH from the bathroom.

Across from your flat there is another flat with a locked door. Bloodbuff to
pick the lock and enter it. Under the sink in the kitchen you'll find your
first skill book PEEPIN' - A VOYEUR FIELD GUIDE (Stealth +1, needs Research
2). Leave, go down the stairs and read the paper on the floor to get the
[CARNIVAL OF DEATH] quest. Just before you leave through the front door, look
to the right, it's your mailbox there. It's currently empty but later stuff
will be delivered to you and you can also send stuff with it.


Out on the streets you'll encounter many pedestrians you can feed on. You can
also find prostitutes scattered around the streets and pay them to come with
you into a dark alley and feed on them without violating the Masquerade, if
someone sees you. If you have a high Seduction feat (of 6) you can seduce them
into providing their services for free. It doesn't matter what your sex is, the
prostitutes will come with you regardless.

When it comes to feeding from other unwilling pedestrians things are more
difficult since you must not be seen by others. Fortunately many of them will
wander into dark alleys (mainly homeless people) where you can feed on them
with ease. Beware not to drain them dry and kill them because you'll loose

If you commit any illegal acts the police will hunt you down. If this happens,
you can hide somewhere until they give up pursuit, it doesn't take that long
for them to loose interest.

Just outside of your building you'll see a sewer access. If you're a Nosferatu
you should go down there. There are many exits from the sewers near every place
you need to go. There are also rats in the sewers that you can feed on. Sewers
are a good place for anyone to hide too.


In the same building as your apartment, in front of the street, is the pawn
shop. Go in and ask Trip about weapons and persuade him to show you his secret
stash. If you can't make him show you the weapons it's alright, later when
you'll talk to Mercurio or Knox you can learn that Trip sells weapons. Trip
also has two pretty good books, if you're into books that is, buy them twice
and read them: "COMPUTERS FOR GRANDMA" (Computers +1, needs Research 2) and "SO
YOU WANNA' SHOOT THINGS?" (Firearms +1, needs Research 3). You can also buy
weapons from him, but I wouldn't advise you to spend your money on them right
now. You'll soon have all weapons that Trip can offer and right now unarmed
you can probably do more damage. If you skipped the tutorial you can buy a
lockpick here. [+: Trip doesn't sell any books to spoil the book exploit above,
but baseball bats and tire irons instead. Also if you ask him about his name
before you know about his weapons you can start the TRIP TRAPPING quest.]


When you reach the street after leaving your apartment you'll see a man in
a suit to the right. Depending on your mental-feat stats you can do several
things with him. You can intimidate him to give you money ($20), his watch
[+: you get a HUMANITY LOSS] and all his money ($100). Mentioning a beating
or talking to him again after all of that, causes the upper-class victim to
attack. You can persuade him to give you cab fare ($20), and you can seduce/
dominate him to come with you in the dark alley to feed on him. I believe he
is one of the few male cases you can seduce even if you're a man. If you're
a Ventrue he is your best choice for feeding right now, just be sure no one
sees you. You need Persuasion and Seduction at 4 to make this work and an
Intimidate of 4. If you play as a Nosferatu you sadly can't do any of this.


On the other side of the road from your building, you'll see Knox. Talk to him
and learn that he is a ghoul and a rather happy one, I might add. You'll find
Knox later in The Asylum and he'll give you [THE HUNTED HUNTER] quest. Now that
you know about ghouls maybe it's time to get your own...


Right beside Knox you'll find the Santa Monica hospital. If you enter from the
front the receptionist will stop you if you try to move further into the
hospital. You can persuade/dementate/dominate her to let you inside. If you
can't do that then there is always the "back door". Go to the alley right from
the hospital and you'll see a door with a light on top, saying "blood bank".
Get in and to your left there is a locked door, open it (Bloodbuff if your
skill is not high enough).

Now time to get some dirty money. Open the door of the Dr. Malcolm's office
by picking it, or using the key in the security room at the floor above, and
check his mail. If you can't hack the computer go to the top floor and check
the restroom to the right, there you'll find his password is "panacea". After
reading his mail go to him and blackmail him. You can persuade him to give you
$75, or intimidate him for $150. You'll find the money in your mailbox latter
[+: or behind the potted plants in the corridor of the building of Mercurio].
Also in Malcolm's office you'll find 3 MORPHINE BOTTLES, sell two and keep
one for Mercurio. In another room you'll find a PILL BOTTLE.
If you go to the basement you'll find Vandal. He sells blood bags.



In one of the hospital rooms you'll come across a heavily injured girl. If you
know about ghouls already, you can give her your blood to save her life and
GAIN HUMANITY [+: (1 XP)]. Her name is Heather and if you want she can later be
your ghoul. You'll meet her again when you get downtown. Don't say you're a
vampire cause you'll freak her out and a security guard will appear outside.


If you go to the parking lot you'll see a sign saying "beach access", go down
the stairs and you'll reach the beach. There you'll be confronted by a woman.
She has the power of seeing fragments of the future, so listen to what she has
to say. If you want you can pay her $20 to tell you more. IMO it's worth it,
since she'll tell you some interesting things that will make sense later. She
will also point you to "E" to who will give you the [THINNED BLOOD] quest.



At the beach there is a thin-blood vampire that wants to reverse his vampiric
condition, fortunately he doesn't have a clue about his situation so with a
Persuasion of 3 you can con and take his money ($200). Tell him that he needs a
transfusion of unicorn blood and sell him 3 blood packs each ($120). Then sell
him the stake that lies on the beach to the left ($100) and tell him that he
needs to kill the "head vampire" with it to be totally free. Since killing
Nines or LaCroix would be impossible for him, better point him to the president
where at least he has a chance at succeeding ^_^. [+: You get a HUMANITY LOSS
for this and also a MASQUERADE VIOLATION for sending him after the president.
You can furthermore sell him a bubble gum found in the arcade on the pier to
"erode his fangs" ($100) and thus get a max of money (1 XP).] Alternatively to
everything above you can persuade him to live with it and GAIN HUMANITY.


At the beach if you go up the stairs to the right and to the pier, you'll
find a lone cop patrolling the area. Since the pier is considered a combat area
you can kill him without loosing Humanity and grab his weapon [+: but you will
get a HUMANITY LOSS then, because otherwise it's just too easy a kill].


Behind the hospital is 2nd street and it's main attraction, club The Asylum.
The club is run by the two sisters, Therese and Jeanette. Inside the club
you'll find your two first blood dolls. Blood dolls are women that you can
seduce to willingly give their blood to you. You'll need a Seduction of 3 to
seduce them and it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.

If you dance for about 5 minutes in the club, you'll get one point of
HUMANITY GAIN. You can do this, once, in all the clubs you'll find.


When you'll first enter The Asylum you'll meet Jeanette, a very sleazy and very
insane babe. If you want to get her to bed, you'll need to have Seduction of 3
[+-: and 1 blood point], say seductive lines whenever you have them and always
be nice to her. In her dispute with Therese you must choose her. From then on
every time you go to her, you can experience again forgotten, human pleasures.
[+: This can be done one time earlier with a Seduction of 4.]


Enter the diner and talk to the old lady at the counter. Pretend to be a health
inspector and she'll bribe you with $50. Also you can have a little chat with
the man standing alone in the corner, you'll meet again with him later...




When you first meet Mercurio and get his [SURF'S UP] quest, ask him if he is
in pain to receive this quest. Enter the Hospital and go into Dr. Malcolm's
office. There you'll find 3 MORPHINE BOTTLES. Give one to Mercurio (1 XP).

SIDE QUEST: DRUG TRIP (plus patch only)

OUTCOME: 1 XP, +1 Finance [1-5]

If you ask the pawnshop vendor Trip if he is doing drugs, you can get this
quest to look for something in the medical clinic. Take the DRUG BOX from the
medical safe to him (1 XP) to get a bonus to Finance.



On the beach talk to E, the naked from the waist and up, guy. He'll tell you
about Lily and the thin-bloods. Agree to help him and head for the diner. Ask
the old lady behind the counter about a pale girl and the phrase "thin-blood".
She'll tell you about Lily and give you some belongings that she forgot. You

Note: If you are a Nosferatu the lady behind the counter won't talk to you.
What you must do is go behind the counter and pick up LILY'S PURSE there.

Leave the diner, go further up the road and enter "Kilpatrick's Bail Bonds".
Talk to him to get the [A BOUNTY FOR THE HUNTER] quest. Open Arthur's computer
go to the "s-z" folder and check the name "Totten, R." that's in the bail bond.
It says he has a red car. Go to the parking lot and find the red car. Open the
trunk with Lily's key and take her DIARY (1 XP).

Read the diary and learn that she went to the blood bank. Go there and talk to
Vandal. Persuade or Intimidate him to open the back door if you can, or else
pick the lock to the left or enter from the other side through the vents one
floor up. Get inside and enter the first door to the left. Continue through the
next door and talk to the male nurse Phil. Use dialogue feats or disciplines to
get the code to the freezer (1 XP). Another way to learn the code is to hack
the computer in the next room, down the corridor.

Then go to the freezers, put the code in and talk to Lily. Set her free (1 XP,
HUMANITY GAIN). Vandal will confront you now and refuse to sell you any more
blood. To make him change his mind you can give him some extra cash ($200), use
Dementation or Dominate on him, or agree to do the [REPLANTING A LILY] quest.
If your Humanity is lower than five you can also persuade him by telling him a
story about how you've slaughtered innocent people. Intimidate might also
work in your advantage here. [+: 1 XP is granted for any way you convince
Vandal to sell you blood again.]

Go back to "E" and talk to him (1 XP) to finish the quest. [+: You can also
give Lily her stuff back when you meet her at the beach for a HUMANITY GAIN.]




If you don't wish to pay Vandal to get on his good side again, you can tell
him that you'll bring him a new blood "donor" (Unless you are a Nosferatu).
Enter The Asylum and persuade or seduce the girl that is up the stairs to go
to the blood bank, then report back to Vandal (2 XP). You'll get a HUMANITY
LOSS for that. [+: You can convince Patty at the Confession later on too,
which is the only way for Nosferatu to solve this quest. If you don't want
to get a HUMANITY LOSS, you can also persuade Gimble to visit Vandal.]



After the [SURF'S UP] quest if you check your emails you'll find a new one.
It's called "A favor" and it's from LaCroix. He wants you to snatch a pack of
werewolf blood that has been sent to the hospital for analysis. Go through the
blood bank door and up the stairs. There is a guard up here. You have three
options now. You can either pick the lock to the maintenance door to your right
and sneak through the vents trying to get unnoticed by the guard, you can
simply sneak-kill him or even drink him dry without Humanity loss, since this
area becomes a combat zone when he attacks you first [+: but this has been
changed] or you can continue the act of being the computer guy looking at the
network and he'll open the door to the security room for you. If you killed him
grab his CLINIC GUARD'S KEY and also the MAINTENANCE ROOM KEY from the security
room. Use the computers to disable the cameras, open the door and the safe
(Hacking skill must be 4) and take the WEREWOLF BLOOD from it (2 XP). You can
also ask the guard to open the CS door for you if you make it sound like an
emergency, but you'll still need to open the safe using the computer. Also
check the prescriptions room for a locked chest. Pick the lock and get some
PILL BOTTLES and a DRUG BOX for sale [+: or Trip's quest]. Go back to your flat
and put the blood in the mailbox. Leave, re-enter and check your mailbox for
$150 and your PC for a congratulatory email (1 XP).


OUTCOME: 3 XP, $200

Arthur Kilpatrick will give you this quest and the CARSON'S APARTMENT KEY. Go
to Carson's flat, which is right across Mercurio's and check the room. There is
a poster on the wall with his password "Imalia". Open the "mcgee" file (1 XP)
on his laptop and listen to the answering machine. Don't forget to pick-up the
TATTOO PARLOR KEY that’s on the TV and also the MONEY CLIP ($25) [+: or the
FIREARMS skill book instead] on the table and the SILVER RING below it. There
is a locked chest in his flat but probably your Lockpicking level, even with
Bloodbuff, isn't high enough yet.

Across from the pawn shop lies the Tattoo Parlor. Head to the basement and
answer the ringing phone. Agree to go to Gimble's Prosthetics and pose as a
model. To reach Gimble's Prosthetics travel all the way down the main street,
then turn right. Ring the buzzer and he'll let you in. After you talk, he will
leave and head for the basement [+: or he will go outside if you persuaded him
to visit Vandal in the REPLANTING A LILY quest, you get a HUMANITY LOSS for
this]. Move down too, take the BLOOD PACK from the fridge, and you eventually
reach his inner chamber. There you'll find Carson, talk to him and then kill
Gimble and free Carson [+: or free Carson, you GAIN HUMANITY for this if you
lost it for sending Gimble to Vandal] (1 XP). After rescuing Carson, go back
to Kilpatrick (1 XP) to report and get the reward money ($200). Now you can
receive the [JUMPIN' THE BAIL] quest from him.


OUTCOME: 2 XP, $150

After you've informed Arthur about his hunter quitting, he'll ask you to help
him with a bail-jumper. Go to the apartment across from yours, use the key that
can be found in the pot at the end of the hallway if you want, and listen to
the answering machine (1 XP). Get the STEALTH book from beneath the sink, then
inform Arthur that his man has fled downtown (1 XP) and ask for your money
($150). After that you get the [MUDD HUNT] quest that will be continued in the
next chapter, when you'll reach downtown.



Knox will give you this quest if you speak to him in The Asylum. He wants you
to uncover the Asian vampire that has been stalking him. His only clue is a
driver's licence. With a Inspection of 3 you can tell Knox that his story is
"a little off" and following up with some dialogue feats get an 2 XP bonus.

Now, check Kilpatrick's computer at Bail Bonds and search for the name "Crumb,
Virgil" that's on the licence, apparently he is in the morgue. Go to the blood
bank in the hospital and enter the room in the back with the laundry. There is
a hole on the wall, remove the wooden cover and enter the morgue. Hack the
computer if you want and then lockpick the box to find a keycard for the FOXY
BOXES shop (1 XP). It's across the road from The Asylum. Enter the building and
check the laptop if you want to find out more about the Asian vampire. Enter
through the door to the main storage area and you'll be confronted by him. It's
a rather tough battle since he is probably the first supernatural you face, but
with Bloodbuff things get easy. Kill him (1 XP) and report back to Knox (1 XP).
[+: The Asian vampire will drop a SHIN GUNTO or a PYRO CROSSBOW on death.]


You receive this quest when read the newspaper in your building or some
others elsewhere. Head over to the Santa Monica pier and check the murder
scene. It's obvious now that it was done by a supernatural being. This quest
will continue in chapter 3 after you've completed the [MUDD HUNT] quest in


You'll receive this quest when you read the card that's on your desk in your
haven. This quest can only be solved in chapter 2, when you gain access to



You get this one during the [THE GHOST HAUNTS AT MIDNIGHT] quest, when you
find the DIARY in the kitchen. You'll successfully complete this if you give
the pendant to Therese and not Jeanette (2 XP).



After you exit your building turn right and go into the first door you'll find,
the one with the bloodstain in front. There talk to Mercurio (1 XP) to get the



Head over to the beach and climb the iron stairs to the right. You can finish
this quest in many ways. You can assault the house and kill all enemies. You
can persuade/seduce the guard to let you in and then persuade the drug lord to
give you the ASTROLITE (2 XP), or seduce him and feed on him. There is a sneaky
way in, too. Move to the right of the fence and remove the board to get inside.
Enter, go to the back and shut off the electricity. Then sneak in. Open the
vent in the laundry room and crawl inside, there's a MONEY ENVELOPE there [+:
or a cigar box with an envelope in it], take it ($250). There is also a CAR
STEREO in the kitchen for you to sell for some cash. Go back to Mercurio and
he'll give you the [EXPLOSIVE BEGINNING] quest (1 XP). If you give him money
back you get 1 XP [if you didn't find his, you'll get a HUMANITY GAIN too].


You must now find Bertram Tung, the local Nosferatu. He is currently in a
feud with Therese Voerman and he is hiding. You need to go and talk to her.
Go into The Asylum and talk to the bartender, persuade him to let you see
Therese. Use the elevator and go to the 2nd floor, take the GOLD RING from the
ground and notice the conversation behind the door. After it ends enter and talk
to Therese, she'll give you the [THE GHOST HAUNTS AT MIDNIGHT] quest and
the OCEAN HOUSE SEWER KEY. Check Jeanette's emails too, if you want, by hacking
her laptop. This quest will continue after you've sorted out the sister's

Whatever you say to them from now on will affect how things might end with
them. I've mentioned before about how to score with Jeanette. If you want
them to forgive each other and coexist happily in the end, you'll have to be
extra nice to both of them during your conversations.



NOTE: This is one of the best crafted levels I've ever seen in a game.

Go down the sewers and find the locked iron door. Use the key Therese gave you
and climb up the ladder into the ocean's house yard. Enter the trailer and grab
the OCEAN HOUSE FRONT DOOR KEY. Use it to open the front door and get inside.
The house is haunted. Beware of the various stuff that the house throws at you,
they will hurt you. A few steps ahead you'll find an old newspaper on the
table. Try to go up the stairs and you'll fall though the breaking stairs.

You're now in the basement. Head forward, then turn right at the intersection
and go through the only unlocked door. It will lock behind you. Break the wall
and enter the next room. Read the old newspaper and now go to the laundry room.
Open the half-opened washing machine, to get the BOILER ROOM KEY. Go into the
boiler room and activate the generator, now you can use the elevator to go to
the 1st floor.

Head past the middle section and read the newspaper on the table. Continue,
enter the next room and check the child-drawing on the floor. Step into the
other room and take the UPSTAIRS KEY from the drawer. Go to the other side of
the 1st floor and you'll see an apparition pointing to a door, use your key
to unlock the door and enter the room. Smash the boards on the floor and jump
down into the bar. Read the newspaper and use the food-lift to go down to the
kitchen. Pick up the DIARY in front of you to get the [SPIRITUAL RELEASE]
quest, and hide in the corner until the ruckus calms down, then go through the
door and into the vent. The vent will take you to the elevator shaft, quickly
run forward to avoid the falling elevator and use the ladder to reach the 2nd
floor. [+: Look at the top of the elevator to find the murderer's FIRE AXE.]

Go right and behind the first door to the left is the WEEKAPAUG THISTLE [+: or
SCARLET TORKELSON: CIRCUS PERFORMER book (+1 Dodge [1/2], needs Research 2)]
from the drawer. Continue through the corridor and to your left, read the
newspaper. Now go back to the elevator and take the right corridor. Go to the
end of it and enter the last room to the left. Climb up to the next floor,
leave the room, jump over the gap and duck under the gas that comes out of the
walls. Go through the last door and reach a ruined area. When you proceed
you'll be taken to the past. Take the PENDANT (1 XP) from the table and things
will turn back to their present state. Drop down, go back to the elevator shaft
and finally leave the house.

Return to The Asylum and you'll find Jeanette there. She will ask you to give
her the pendant. If you want to get her to bed later, give it to her, but doing
Don't do it (1 XP). Whatever you do, she will then give you the [SLASHTERPIECE]
quest. Finish it and come back to The Asylum to find Therese mad at you. If you
haven't given the pendant to Jeanette give it to her and complete this quest
and the [SPIRITUAL RELEASE] quest. Whether you succeeded or failed the quest
you'll receive another quest from her, [BAD BLOOD].


OUTCOME: 3 XP, $0 or $250 or ($250 and HUMANITY LOSS) [+: 4 XP]

After the haunted hotel Jeanette will give you this quest. You must go the
Gallery Noir and destroy all the paintings. The gallery is right across from
Mercurio's place. There is a guard in front of the gallery and you must get
past him, you can do this using two ways. You can either persuade/seduce him to
let you in, or you can go to the parking lot behind the gallery, remove the
iron bars, Strength of 2 needed, and enter through the back entrance which you
can lockpick easily. I suggest to spare Chunk, he's one of the funniest guys in
the game [+: also you get a bonus (1 XP) if you don't kill anyone to enter.]

Once inside you must slash the paintings in a chronological order. Each
painting shows a part of Caine's legacy and you must slash it in chronological
order. The right order is: Caine slays Abel, Caine is cursed by god,
Caine meets Lilith, Caine spurns Lilith. Once you do this a blood guardian will
appear and you'll have to fight him. After you've killed him (3 XP) you can
also steal the charity box, if you want, and gain $250 and a HUMANITY
LOSS, unless Jeanette told you what it's really for. Head back to The Asylum.



Therese says that she threatened her sister and that Jeanette is now hiding
from her. She wants you to go to the local diner and reassure Jeanette that
everything is alright between them. Go to the diner and a pack of thugs will
attack you, kill them [+: or solve the conflict using dialogue] (2 XP) and
answer the phone. You'll now receive the [SIBLING RIVALRY] quest. Also don't
forget to take the shotgun from the thugs and some ammo for the .38.



Return to The Asylum to find Therese and Jeanette on each other necks. You
can take Jeanette's or Therese's side and make one kill the other (1 XP),
or persuade both of them to coexist (3 XP). In order to persuade both of them
you need to have a Persuasion feat of level 4 and during your previous
conversations with them be you'd have to as nice as possible to both.
This means that you must tell them exactly what they want to hear all the time. If
you're still having trouble there is a nice guide that explains this step by
step, by Jake Zahn in GameFAQ's. [+: If you succeed, you get a HUMANITY GAIN
and a .38 or .38 ammo.]



Now that the sister's rivalry is over, the word will be out that the dispute
with Bertram Tung is over too (3 XP). You can now go to him. His hiding place
is over at Sunco Gasoline, the gate is now unlocked. Talk to him (1 XP) and
he'll get you inside the warehouse.

Once inside, you can kill nobody there for a bonus (2 XP) [+: or you can try
to sneak unnoticed until you place the explosive for the same (2 XP).] You'll
most likely need Obfuscate, Dominate or Animalism to help you sneak through
this whole mission though. Even without the use of disciplines or killing
anyone, it is possible to sneak in and out with a sneaking (and lockpicking)
skill of only 4.

Once you're in you can stealth kill the first thug easily, and then enter the
next room. Grab the .38 ammo and continue to the next room stealth killing the
second thug too. Back to the previous room and move the board off the wall to
uncover an opening, kill the bum outside [+: with a HUMANITY LOSS] and then go
to the back yard to get some shotgun ammo.

From then on there are many ways into the main warehouse building:
1. Go through the main entrance which is heavily guarded.
2. Go to the train, climb the ladder and climb through the vent.
3. Go all the way around through the back door.

It's really up to you how you wanna do this, but I'll give you a way that is
probably the easiest and the most rewarding. Go past the train wagons and take
out the two thugs there. To the left between some wagons is a LOCKPICK, if you
still don't have one. Continue past the wagons and you'll see a train engine
in a bunker. Sneak attack the thug there, go up the ladder and take the SILVER
RING in the back of the attic. Then open the vent to reach the main warehouse.
You'll be high up, with a view over the various thugs. If you climb on the
ceiling bars you can make it undetected to the offices if that's your style,
or you can try to kill them all from afar with your .38. It doesn't do much
damage but it has a long range so it will be easy to kill every one on this
side of the warehouse.

Now go back down the ladder and start moving through the wagons. You'll spot
a lone thug there, kill him as fast as you can and then take out the other two
that will appear. In a wagon near you you'll find some .38 ammo if you need it.
Open the door and enter another area with a wagon in the middle. Beware that
there is a guard on the stairs. If you can take him out silently, and then move
on to the next area.

Here you'll find two thugs. You can kill them in a direct approach or you can
do things a bit more entertaining. Pick up the yellow soda can in front of
you and throw it over to the left of the tower. When the two thugs will go
there to investigate, shoot the gasoline under the tower to bring it down on
them and kill them with a bang. Also don't forget to lockpick the storage (if
you can) to grab some shotgun and .38 ammo. Continue onwards and find a lone
thug. Feed on him since you'll probably need some blood, and lockpick the
back-door of the warehouse.

Once you'll enter the warehouse you'll have a tough battle waiting for you.
Even if you killed some of them when you were high up before, there will still
be many thugs waiting. Use disciplines to kill them as quickly as possible,
you can also climb the ladder and use the switch to drop the hanging container
on some of them. What you need then is to go up the stairs inside the offices.
Kill everyone inside, grab all ammo you can find and arm the explosives near
the desk in the 2nd room.

Once you've armed the astrolite a countdown will begin. You'll have to leave
quickly the same way you came. If you were noticed on your way in, a Sabbat
vampire will attack you as you'll reach the door out of the warehouse. Use
Bloodbuff and any defensive disciplines you have. This will probably be your
most difficult battle up to now, and remember that you also have a time limit.
After you've showed him the final death continue moving until you'll be
confronted by another Sabbat. Kill him and move to the station to bump onto

Beckett is a vampire historian (of sorts). Once you meet him the timer ends and
the warehouse blows up (4 XP). Talk to him and if you're a Gangrel you'll have
some more conversation options. Afterwards you'll be transported back to Tung.
Ask anything you'd like to know and leave.

Now a taxi will be waiting outside The Asylum, take it and head downtown.
When you've reached downtown right across from where your taxi is standing, is
the Venture Tower, get in. Inside you'll meet your old buddy, "Chunk", get him
to call the elevator and head up to LaCroix. Tell him about the warehouse
(1 XP) and the quest will be completed. He'll then give you the [ELIZABETHAN
RENDEZVOUS] quest. If you want Mercurio to bring you special weapons for sale
later, don't tell LaCroix about his astrolite misfortune.





You've finally reached downtown!

Downtown is the heart of the social and political vampire struggle. Here you
will meet the three opposing parties of the Kindred: the Camarilla, the
Anarchs and even the Sabbat later on. You can choose sides and the choice you
make will have its consequences. It won't change things much for a while, but
it will affect the available paths you can take near the endgame.


All clans can get a haven in downtown. This haven is located in the Skyeline
Apartments on the 4th floor, except for the Tremere and the Nosferatu who
will get their own haven much later. In order to get the Skyeline haven you'll
need to be polite to LaCroix and try to finish the [ELIZABETHAN RENDEZVOUS]
without any killing, right after that quest LaCroix will offer you the haven.
If you can't do the quest without killing, then you must really sweet-talk
LaCroix into giving you the haven, but you have a second chance later on after
your brought him the sarcophagus. Once you've received your new haven, your
computer will be transported there along with your ghoul, if you have decided
to keep her. [+: Your laptop and mailbox will stay active in Santa Monica.]


After the [ELIZABETHAN RENDEZVOUS] you'll meet Heather outside the Venture
tower. If you are Nosferatu and using the sewers, you should go and look for
her [+: or she will wait for you in the sewers]. She'll say she wants to be
with you and help you any way she can. To start, she will always give you a
SILVER RING regardless of your first reaction. If you want you can tell her
to forget about you and continue with her life. But if you want to have your
own little ghoul to play with and also get the best armor in the game for
free, tell her that you want her to stay with you. If you do so, she will
go directly to wait for you in your haven, either in Santa Monica or in
downtown if you've acquired it.

Once you've got Heather you can do some things and certain events will occur:

1. If you tell her that you need money now, she'll give some to you ($20).

2. You can tell her to change her looks and she will change into a goth-chick.
If you tell her again to change her looks she will change into a more sexy
outfit. If you tell her again to change she'll turn back to her first look.

3. You can feed on her at certain times. Don't try to feed on her using the
feed command, do it only through dialogue options, or else you might kill
her or put her into a permanent trance.

4. She will ask you to feed her your blood two times more in the course of
the game. Each time you have the option of freeing her if you want. If you
do this you will GAIN HUMANITY.

5. She will bring you presents. Some time after you've decided to keep her with
you, she'll give you her school money ($500). Later, she'll lure a guy to
your apartment and lock him in the bathroom. You can either let him go and
persuade him not to tell a word about this, or you can feed on him. After
you've fed her your blood for the second time she'll give you the best
armor in the game, the body armor. You must go to her right after you return
from the Society of Leopold and BEFORE talking to Lacoix, if you want to get
the body armor. [+: You get another choice concerning Heather and the body
armor. See Chapter 5 for more info.]


Behind the van next to Venture Tower, you'll find Fat Larry selling his goods
[+: or in the dark alley besides the club Confession to fit his dialogue].
He'll sell the FIRE AXE, a very good melee weapon for you right now and also
your second armor, HEAVY CLOTHING, be sure to take those two. He also has the
BROKK pistol and the LASSITER sub-machinegun but unless you're a ranged
specialist they are not that important or easy to use right now. Fat Larry will
give you the [TRAFFIK] quest.


In the Last Round bar you'll find Nines. When you'll talk to him for the
first time you can ask him to show you some moves and you'll get +1 in Brawl
(if your brawling skill is not already 3 or more). Also after the [ELIZABETHAN
RENDEZVOUS] go talk to him again to get a +1 in Melee (if your melee is not
already maxed out). So to get the most out of him, without books it's best to
go to him the first time with Brawl at level 2 and the second time with Melee
at level 4. With books you are best to go to him with Brawl and Melee of 0 or
1 and have Nines save you 3 XP, twice. Level 3 and 4 you get from the books.
Level 5 in Brawl you pay 12 XP for, level 5 in Melee is from a book too.


There is another club in downtown called Confession. It's in the church-like
building. Inside you'll find another blood doll. You'll need a Seduction of 4
to make her want your dark kiss. The owner of the Confession, Venus, will give
you the [A CONFESSION] and the [AND HER NAME WAS VENUS] quests.


There are thugs scattered around in the streets that will attack pedestrians
and can even attack you (well it happened to me only once) or Larry. Try not
to kill any of them though, because it will result in HUMANITY LOSS. Just give
them a couple of hits and they will run away.


If you haven't told LaCroix about Mercurio messing up with the astrolite, when
you'll reach the Santa Monica beach for the [ELIZABETHAN RENDEZVOUS] quest
you'll find Mercurio waiting for you. He'll thank you then for keeping it a
secret and tells you that from now on he will have weapons to sell to you and
that he can even get you some special ones.

From that time on, you can visit him in his apartment and buy weapons. You can
also ask him about special weapons like the STEYR AUG and the FLAMETHROWER [+:
and the REMINGTON M24 SWS sniper rifle and the DRAGON'S BREATH shotgun]. Those
weapons will be available from him much later though. Try to check with him
frequently, especially after you've completed a main quest, to see what new he
has to offer.


You'll find the Skyeline Apartments right next to the Confession club. You'll
need to come here for the [MUDD HUNT], [FUN WITH PESTILENCE] AND [NECROMANTIC]
quests and also under certain circumstances you may get to use apartment 4 as a
haven. There is some more stuff you can do here though.

Go down to the basement and hack into the computer, it seems the guard has
set up hidden cameras all over the place. Check the apartment notes and learn
the apartment 3 code. You can check the monitor if you like. You can use the
vents to navigate through the apartments but now you need to take the elevator
to the 3rd floor. Use the code and enter. Hack the PC and unlock the safe. It's
located in the closet. Open it and take the GOLD RING, SILVER RING, FANCY
RING and FANCY WATCH. You need Hacking at level 6 to pull this off. [+: There
is a restored guard on the ground floor who will come after you for the theft.]


Next to the Skyeline Apartments is the Empire Arms hotel. You'll have to visit
the suites here for the [FUN WITH PESTILENCE] and [AND HER NAME WAS VENUS]
quests. You'll find a bar and a club area, there is nothing else of interest
except a locked door that you can pick and find a GOLD RING inside. If you want
to feed, wait for someone to go to the WC. If you want, you can also hack the
hotel PC and get some info about the residents. [+: The restored guard near the
entrance may force Nosferatu to use the vents.]


If you refuse to do any of the main quests LaCroix gives you, he will
eventually dominate you into doing them.




Remember about the sun mentioned in the riddle? While facing the Venture Tower
go right and continue until you see a violet light burning on top of a building
to your left. Enter through a green door, this is the Tremere Chantry. Inside
you'll find that the corridors are bound with magic. In order to reach the
Tremere regent, Mr. Strauss, you'll have to turn right at every intersection.
On your way to him don't forget to pick up the THAUMATURGICAL CREATURES book.
Converse with him (1 XP) and learn about the Tremere. If you have a Persuasion
of 5 you can get him to tell you what he thinks of LaCroix.

He will give you the [A PLAGUE FOR THE ANGELS] quest. Essentially it's the
same quest that Damsel will give you and you could have taken Damsel's quest
first if you liked, but if you are a Tremere and want to get the haven in the
Chantry you should first take the quest from Strauss and try not to anger him.


You get this from Strauss if you talk to him before talking with Damsel. In
order to complete this quest you must first finish the [FUN WITH PESTILENCE]
and [MORE FUN WITH PESTILENCE] quests that Damsel gave you and then come talk
to Strauss. As a reward you can choose between the BLOODSTAR which raises the
duration of Bloodbuff or some money ($250-350). Choose the item.

If you are a Tremere and want to get the Tremere haven in the Chantry later,
you must complete this quest. This means that you should talk first to Strauss
and then to Damsel.



Go to the Skyeline Apartments and use the vents from the basement to reach
apartment 5. You'll find Paul dead, listen to the answering machine and learn
that the code for apartment 6 is 1203. Use the elevator and enter apartment 6.
Pick up the SAFE KEY from behind the vase and enter the bedroom. Talk to Hannah
and learn about the plaguebearer (1 XP), if you don't tell her about Paul's
death you'll GAIN HUMANITY. Open the safe and pick up the $200.

Now you must go to the Empire Arms hotel to find Jezebel Locke. Talk to the
receptionist there and persuade/seduce him to give you Locke's key (1 XP). If
you can't do that you can go to the room behind the reception and print a
spare keycard at the desk. [+: You need to get the name of her suite from the
PC first to print the keycard.] Now go to the 5th floor, kill Locke (1 XP) and
gain a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION. Before you leave don't forget to take the FINANCE
MANUAL (+1 Finance [3/4], needs Research 6) from the table [+: or the BRAWLING
MANUAL (+1 Unarmed [3/4], needs Research 5)]. Now go back to Damsel and she'll
give you the [MORE FUN WITH PESTILENCE] quest.



Outside of the Last Round you'll find a homeless man that walks up and down the
road. Talk to him and persuade him to tell you about the disease. He'll sent
you to Tin Can Bill who is in the alley across from the Last Round. Talk to
Bill and as he takes his last breaths he'll tell you about a "monster from the
sewers" (1 XP). There is a sewer entrance right at the end of the alley, use
it. Now either lockpick the iron door to reach the inner sanctum of the second
plaguebearer,or go left, jump over the drain and climb over the planks and
barrels, turn right and pass through some vents. When you'll get close to the
crucified man in the main room, Brother Kanker will appear. Killing him is not
that hard (1 XP), after you do so, take the brotherhood flyer from the floor
(1 XP). Push the switch to raise the bars and leave the sewers.

Remember where you've seen the drawing on the flyer before? It's the graffiti
next to the Tremere Chantry. To the right of the graffiti you'll find a door,
enter it and show the flyer to the doorman there, he'll let you in (1 XP).

Now you'll have to fight a lot of plague victims, which are almost like
zombies. They are slow and can be killed with one or two fire axe slashes and
a shotgun or pistol hit to the head will smash them to pieces. Just don't let
them come very close or they will catch you and eat your brains or something,
also don't let many of them surround you or things will get tough. If you
try to feed on them you might get sick and vomit, so you better not. The
easiest way is to simply run past them until you reach the last door and find
Bishop Vick. Don't forget to take the SILVER RING when you drop down the hole
in the first floor, it's on a small table.

Vick can be a pretty tough opponent, he uses Celerity and blasts you with his
shotgun, so make sure you've bought the second armor and also use any defensive
disciplines you have. You could fight him from far away with a shotgun
yourself. If you use melee stay away from him until it's time to reload his
shotgun and then come close and hit him, continue doing this until he is dead
(2 XP).

Go to the Last Round, talk to Damsel (1 XP) and get a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION.

If you want you can side with the Anarchs now. It doesn't make any difference
in how the game continues, it's more of a role playing decision. If you side
with them you can come to Damsel from time to time and report about LaCroix's
dealings. If you side with the Anarchs LaCroix will find out eventually, but
this won't change things much.



After you defeated Bishop Vick, finished the [CARNIVAL OF DEATH] quest and met
Gary, Beckett sends you an email that there is trouble in the public library.

First you need to meet Gangrel Scott in the Santa Monica Smoke Shop. He isn't
there but you will find a note pointing you to the Santa Monica pier. Open the
gate where the murder scene used to be and move to the pier ending where you'll
find a piece of paper near a bench. Read it and be ready for a surprise, then
go and enter the Coffee Shop besides the Gallery Noir. Check the laptop in the
backroom, the password is "Ankara", and read the info about what is going on.

Enter the downtown sewers and find "Access Point E", move into it and then to
the right until you get to a hatch. Open it and enter the LA public library.

In the basement is a disabled elevator. Pick up the box of VACUUM TUBES across
from it and enter the small maintenance room. Try to activate the elevator and
the tube board will blow. Replace the vacuum tube and the elevator works again.
Ride it up into the atrium and climb the escalators towards the wooden double
doors at the end, while avoiding the lonely guard patrolling the huge area.

Now enter the famous rotunda, which is guarded by another security guy. Avoid
him if possible and read the note behind the counter, then enter the reading
room to the left and search it until you find a LIBRARY CARD in a fake book.
Take it, return to the rotunda and move across into the gallery and into it's
backroom. Use the computer and type "insert card", then the password "awaken".
You will get the message "Art is the key to below!" and the command to unlock
a switch, which you do. Now what is meant? There is a small painting nearby on
the floor, similar to one in the gallery. Go back there and the painting can
be used as a switch. Do it, and a secret passage has opened in the backroom.

Descend the passage until you enter a huge ritual chamber. Now a cutscene will
play in which you forcibly interrupt a sacrifice by getting the BROADSWORD and
killing the former brotherhood doorman. Listen to the Lasombra's speech, then
fight him to the death (2 XP). Return to the main library and finish off the
last creature waiting in the elevator before leaving. A little bit later you
will get an email from Beckett telling you that the survivor takes care of the
rest. If you avoided killing any of the two guards you'll get a bonus (1 XP).



Enter apartment 2 in the Skyeline building by using the vents. Pick up the two
CAR STEREOS and then listen to the answering machine. Also go to the bedroom
and take KENDO FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS (+1 Melee [3/4], needs Research 5) from
the floor. Hmm, the call mentioned "a warehouse across from the bar".

Head across the Last Round and enter the warehouse. You'll find another
gruesome murder scene in the style of [CARNIVAL OF DEATH]. Talk to the homeless
guy and he'll confess what he saw (1 XP). Persuade him to keep his mouth shut
and gain a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION. Go up by climbing the boxes and pick up the
LUCKEE STAR ROOM KEY and the CAR STEREO from the ground near the dead body.
You'll continue this in chapter 3 in Hollywood.

If you score a hoop with the head that's on the ground, you'll hear a crowd
applauding. (Deus Ex deja vu?)


OUTCOME: 2-4 XP, +1 Finance [1-5], $500

Fat Larry will give you this quest after you've bought a weapon from him [+: or
talked with him twice]. He wants you to go and steal a suitcase from an Asian
gang. There are two ways of doing this, either a full-front assault or the
sneaky way. Try to get the suitcase without anyone noticing for a bonus (2 XP).

For a full-front assault things are simple, go down the parking levels and kill
everyone until you reach the leaders, then grab the standing SUITCASE (1 XP).

If you want to take the covert path, you must use the vents in order to move
through the underground parking. There will be ladders on the walls that will
take you to the vents. If you don't have Obfuscate you must note the pattern in
which the guards move in order to avoid them. The last vent will land you right
beside the gang boss and next to the SUITCASE. Grab it and then you're free to
kill everyone if you want. In one of the parking levels you'll also find a CAR

Now go back to Fat Larry (1 XP), if you persuaded him before to get a discount
as reward you'll get +1 to Finance, and finally take your hard earned money
($500). If you haven't talked to Venus yet, or if you are a Nosferatu and Venus
won't talk to you, Larry will point you to her and put in a good word for you.



If you're a Nosferatu you can't talk to Venus until you've done Fat Larry's
quest. If you're not, you just need to enter the Confession club and talk to
the sexy bartender. She'll want you to deal with some Russian guys she owes
money. As you exit the club go right and reach the end of the road. In the
parking lot you'll find 3 men. You can persuade them to come back next month or
you can simply kill them (1 XP). If you're a Malkavian you can dementate them
to kill each other. Report back to Venus (2 XP) and receive the [AND HER NAME
WAS VENUS] quest.


OUTCOME: 3 XP, $250-500 plus several times $250

After you've dealt with the 3 Russians, Venus will want you to deal with their
leader, Boris. She'll give you the EMPIRE MAFIA KEY. On your way out pick up
the wallet ($50) from behind the reception. Now go to the 6th floor of the
Empire hotel.

Here you can either sneak you way to Boris or kill everyone. If you kill them
you can grab an INGRAM MAC-10 and some ammo for it. Whatever you do, get in
the first room and grab the BRAWLING MANUAL (+1 Unarmed [3/4], needs Research
5) [+: or FINANCE MANUAL (+1 Finance [3/4], needs Research 6)]. Boris's room
is the one with the guard outside. If you attack the guard you'll have to fight
Boris no matter what. If you persuade the guard to let you in or stealth kill
him, you will talk with Boris. There are many things that you can do now:

1. Dominate him [+: or use Presence] to leave Venus alone (2 XP). You can also
persuade him but only if you killed his guards before.
2. He can give you the [VENUCIDE] quest and send you to kill Venus instead.
3. Attack and kill him (2 XP).
4. Dementate him to attack his guard. He only has a .38 [+: or GLOCK] while
his guard has an Ingram so he'll probably die (2 XP).

Whatever you do, don't forget to pick up the $200 an the FANCY RING before
leaving. Now if you didn't take [VENUCIDE] go back to Venus, talk to her
(1 XP) and gain $250. From now on you'll be her partner in Confession. After
you've finished a part of the main quest come back here and she'll give you
some of the earnings. The same amount of money will be waiting for you whether
you come back a lot or just once, about $1500 total.



If you decide to take up Boris's offer and kill Venus instead then you'll
receive this quest. Go to the Confession and after Venus took you up to her
private chamber, kill her (2 XP, HUMANITY LOSS). Go back to Boris and he'll
give you $1000. This fails the [AND HER NAME WAS VENUS] quest.



To the left of the Venture Tower you'll find the abandoned hospital. Enter
through an opening at the fence and go through the door. A man will come
running at you, he is a reporter. Speak to him and then get a MORPHINE BOTTLE
from the right room, before opening the first left door and climbing through
the vent. Drop down, open the next door and break the wall under the stairs.
Then open the double doors, take the MORPHINE BOTTLE and crawl down using the
boards. In the room to the left room you'll find another MORPHINE BOTTLE.
Remove the rubble that blocks your path and eventually you'll reach Pisha.
If you decide to help her you'll receive this quest.

Go back to where Milligan was and you'll find him gone. Pick up his BUSINESS
CARD and learn that he resides at the Skyeline Apartments in apartment 1. Use
the vents to enter the apartment, he is hiding in the closet. If you tell him
to just leave, you'll fail the quest. You have other options though:

2. Persuade (level 3) him it was all a joke and send him to Pisha to be
3. Intimidate (level 6) him to keep him silent (2 XP, MASQUERADE REDEMPTION).
4. Dementate (level 3) him and drive him mad (2 XP, MASQUERADE REDEMPTION).
5. Dominate (level 3) him to forget everything (2 XP, MASQUERADE REDEMPTION)

Pick up the PHOTO from the desk and go back to Pisha (1 XP). You can now
receive the [OCCULTISH PERSONALITY] quest from her. [+: You can also sell
her A SEVERED ARM in case you have one in your possession.]



After taking care of the reporter, Pisha can give you this quest. She wants you
to find 2 occult items for her:

1. The FETISH STATUE, which can be obtained in the museum basement if you
break into the glass chamber where it's being kept. This can be done only
during the [PATRON OF THE ANCIENT ARTS] quest [+: or latter]. Give it to
Pisha and receive the ODIOUS CHALICE as a reward (1 XP).

2. The GIOVANNI BOOK "VOCE DELLA MORTE", which can be obtained in the embalming
chamber of the Giovanni mansion. This can be done only during the [ITALIAN
DINER] quest [+: or latter]. Return to Pisha and receive the KEY OF ALAMUT
as a reward (1 XP), and another reward (1 XP) if you found both her items.



Skelter will give you this quest if you talk with him about the Masquerade
when you'll meet him in the Last Round. You must go to the Confession club and
meet Patty. She is rather annoying. You can deal with her in several ways:

1. Persuade her that her master has gone to San Diego (1 XP).
2. Take her to the alley and kill her (1 XP, HUMANITY LOSS).
3. If you have already spoken to Pisha, you can tell her that her master is
having a rave party in the basement of the abandoned hospital and send her
as a snack to Pisha (1 XP, HUMANITY LOSS).
[+: To [REPLANT A LILY] you can send her to Vandal (1 XP, HUMANITY LOSS).]

Go back to Skelter and receive a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION (1 XP).



After you've spoken with LaCroix for the first time, he'll give you this
quest. First you must go to the Last Round (if you haven't already) and talk
to Nines. You can pick up the [FUN WITH PESTILENCE] quest from Damsel here and
the [ATTENTION ♥♥♥♥♥] quest from Skelter. Then go to the Santa Monica beach,
get in the boat and reach the Dane. On the ship you can do things the "bloody"
way, the "easy" way or the "hard" way. With the bloody way you'll piss off
LaCroix and you may not get the downtown haven. If you choose this way your
path will be like that of the hard way only instead of sneaking you'll be
slaughtering. You may even drop the hanging container from the crane on some
cops. But there are two ways to finish the quest without killing anyone:

The Easy Way:
When you reach the ship you'll see a policeman near you. If you approach him
he'll talk to you. It seems that he was bribed by someone to let a reporter on
the ship. You can persuade him (level 4) that you're that reporter and he'll
give you the POLICE REPORT (1 XP) and the password of the security computer.
He'll then distract some other guards so you can get inside the security
room. If any other policeman sees you he will attack you at the spot so you
must sneak from now on. Also remember that after a while the guard will return
to the security room. Descend down the stairs and enter the door to the right,
continue to the bloody corridor and lockpick the next door you'll face. Now you
are in a room with some stairs going up and a locked door. Lockpick the door
and get the SHIP MANIFEST (1 XP) from the table. Now go back to the previous
room and up the stairs. Enter the left door, you're now in the security room.
Use the computer, enter the folder "controls" and type "lighthouse". Then use
the command "ship cam on" to enable the cameras. Use the monitor next to the
computer and check out the sarcophagus (1 XP). Then sneak your way to the boat.

The Hard Way:
If you can't persuade the policeman, then you'll have to do it the hard way. If
you have Obfuscate though you'll find this very easy. Anyway, you now have to
get close to the sarcophagus. Your path will be the same as the easy way up to
where you get the SHIP MANIFEST (1 XP). If you have a high Hacking feat and
Dementation or Dominate, you can still go to the security room, incapacitate
the guard with one of those disciplines and then quickly hack into the computer
to watch the sarcophagus and surroundings from the monitor. If you can't do
this, things will get tough. From the room with the ship manifest open the
other door and you'll be on the outside of the ship. This whole area is full of
patrolling cops and huge containers. On the side of some of the containers
you'll see a little ladder. What you need to do now is to climb onto those
containers and try to avoid being seen by the cops. You can throw stuff you
find on the containers in order to distract the guards. A little further you'll
see a table with the POLICE REPORT, take it (1 XP). Continue sneaking forward
and you'll eventually reach the sarcophagus (1 XP). Now leave by taking the
opposite path, over the containers, from the one you took the first time. With
a little luck you'll be able to pull this off and reach the boat.

Take the boat back to Santa Monica beach and if you've avoided killing any cops
you'll get a bonus (2 XP). Go talk to LaCroix (2 XP) and receive the Skyeline
Apartments haven as a reward (if you've been polite to him and you're not a
Tremere or a Nosferatu). He'll then give you the [CALLING DR. GROUT] quest.


OUTCOME: 6 XP, $300-500

Take the cab and drive to Grout's mansion. On your way in, you'll find Nines
coming out of the mansion acting very strangely. Inside the mansion is filled
with Grouts "experiments" that have gone mad. The females are pretty easy to
kill, only the S&M males pose some threat. Just block their first attack and
then whack them. Have in mind that across the mansion you'll find many
recorders with Grouts thoughts taped, be sure to listen to them if you want
to find out more about Grout and the reasons behind his disappearance.

Now go right and enter the library, pick up the SCARLET TORKELSON: CIRCUS
PERFORMER book (+1 Dodge [1/2], needs Research 2) [+: or WEEKAPAUG THISTLE]
and read the note on the table, you'll have to solve a riddle now. The note
says that the mind effects the other two with various effects, so all you have
to do is to flip the mind candle until all candles are lit (since it's results
will be random eventually you'll get them all lit and solve the riddle)(1 XP).

Now the other door in the main hall will be unlocked, open it and enter the RED
hall. Flip the candle on the wall next to the stairs and a secret passage will
open above. Go up the stairs, then continue the path downwards until you reach
the GREEN hall. The doors to your right lead you back to the RED hall. Open the
door across from the one you entered and you'll be in a room with a fireplace.
Push the switch on the fireplace and a secret door will open, move on up the

You'll find yourself on the 2nd floor of the library and another riddle is
waiting for you. Read the note and try to solve it. If you can't seem to find
the solution there is an easier way. There is a book in one of the bookcases
that can be pulled which solves the riddle instantly (This is one the few
cases where inspection can prove useful). A new secret door will open
downstairs that leads to the basement.

Crouch to avoid the electricity beams (they'll kill you instantly) and flip the
various switches until all beams are gone. Pick up the TARULFANG from the
ground and on you way out of the generator room pull the big switch there. The
way into Grouts inner sanctum is now open (1 XP).

Go back to the RED hall and enter the previously locked door. You'll find
two laboratories. In the empty room there is a locked refrigerator door. If
you can't pick the lock you must go to the other room, kill the enemies and get
the LABORATORY REFRIGERATOR KEY. Open the refrigerator and grab the 3 BLOOD
PACKS, 2 ELDER VITAE and a MORPHINE BOTTLE. Now go down the stairs and reach
the detention area. To the left is a locked door with a chest containing ammo.
If you want to avoid some enemies you can open the secret door on the wall that
will lead you a bit further. If you choose to stay on the main route, in one of
the rooms you'll find a MORPHINE BOTTLE. Finally you'll reach a wooden door.
Open it and then climb the boards to reach the upper floor.
[+: If you want to avoid even more fighting open the door in the room with the
chest to enter the Malkavian maze. Follow the twisty passages until you are in
a bloody upside down corridor. Go through the door to the left and enter the
daylight mausoleum hall. Pull the lever at the back of the main mausoleum, but
do it quickly, because the light will burn you, and expect some enemies after
that. The lever opens up the spooky house behind the door to the left when you
leave with one more MORPHINE BOTTLE inside and when the house locks you in, the
phone will let you out. Continue again to the left after you exit into the RED
room and open a secret door using another phone. Follow the stairs up, make a
detour into the GREEN room to grab a MORPHINE BOTTLE and move up to the exit.]

Pick up another MORPHINE BOTTLE from a table and go up the stairs to the "wife
preservation" chamber. Turn on the gramophone and the door to Grouts bedroom
will be unlocked. Enter to find Grout's remains on the bed (1 XP). Afterwards
you'll meet with Grünfeld Bach for the first time, the crazed leader of the
vampire hunters. He has set the mansion on fire and you must now escape the

The fire will easily show you the way out of the mansion, since only one route
is possible. The tough part will be facing the burning madmen coming after you.
They will deal much more damage since they can burn you. A shotgun might do the
trick if you are good enough with ranged, else stick with your fire axe. Just
try to kill them as quickly as possible and watch your back since they'll be
also coming from behind. DON'T try to feed on them because you'll burn to
death. Finally when you'll reach the final room, jump out of the window.

Go back to LaCroix and report (3 XP). He'll then give you the [PATRON OF THE
ANCIENT ARTS] quest. Persuade him for $300 [$500 if you're Ventrue] and talk
to him to get some more info if you want.


OUTCOME: 6-8 XP, +1 Scholarship [1/2/3/+:4]

Take the cab to the museum. Here you can go into a killing streak if you like,
but you'll anger LaCroix. If you do this without killing anyone you'll get a
2 XP bonus in the end. If a guard notices you he'll attack you, so you need to
sneak by them if you want to avoid bloodshed. Watch the walking pattern of the
guards and make your moves when they don't see you.

[+: You will start out on the streets near the cab. Walk across the parking lot
to the museum main entrance and open it with the keys LaCroix gave you. Inside
you'll notice the inner door is still locked, so pick the fire exit door to the
right and move up the stairs until you are in the maintenance corridor.]

Anyway, read the note next to the raptor and go around the corridor, open the
half-opened display door and take the OFFICE KEY. Now you need to go down, but
you may want to jump onto the pterosaur first to find a MONEY CLIP ($100). Once
you're downstairs you'll see a set of doors on one side, these are the offices.
Enter the left door by using the key you found. Inside pick up the PRESCRIPTION
BOTTLE from one of the desks and then pick the door to reach the basement.

Go outside and enter the right door where the toilets are. Beware of a guard
that maybe in here and get into the maintenance room. Climb into the vents.
From there you can either open the vent of the security room and try to pickup
the BASEMENT KEY from high above, without being seen by the guard inside, or
you can get into the next room and use Obfuscate, Dementation or Dominate on
the guard to pick up the key.

Once you're down in the basement, things will get tough if you want to remain
unnoticed, and you don't have Obfuscate. There is a guard that patrols around
the area and you must time your movement according to his position. The
toughest part is that there are many cameras scattered around the corridors.
You should wait for the camera to turn and run under it, into it's "blind spot"
and then make your next move. You can also destroy the cameras to remove the
problem or disable them in the nearby security room.

Once you get down the stairs you'll see a security room in front of you, with a
guard inside. There is a computer in there that you can hack (level 6) to
disable the cameras and on the left desk you'll find the SECURITY MANUAL book
(+1 Security [3/4], needs Research 6). Sneaking in there is very hard without
Obfuscate but it can be done if you time your moves right.

Now go down the next corridor, turn right and enter the room. Read the note on
the desk and learn the door code (2358). Also open the drawer for a GOLD RING
and a NORMAL WATCH. Next, head across the corridor and into the lab to your
left. Pick up the MUSEUM WORKROOM KEY from the desk (1 XP) and hack the PC if
you want some info and another mentioning of the code.

If you've taken Pisha's quest, you'll need to obtain the statue before you move
on. Get out the room you're in and go left until you find a big glass window.
Break the window with your fists or shoot it, enter and grab the FETISH STATUE
(1 XP). Now leave, go to the door with the panel and put in the code.

Continue onward and you'll find another security room. If you're the killing
type smash the window and kill the guard. Then you can hack the PC to disable
the security beams in the next room and the alarm too. If you're sneaking, just
enter the next room and face the security beams. Smash the panel on your right
to make the beams flicker and thus enable you to move past them with the right
moves. Open the next door and you'll now be in the museum vaults. If you raised
the alarm the door will lock, but you can get the key from the guard nearby.

The final door leads you to a room where you'll meet Beckett again (3 XP). Ask
him about how many years he has studied vampire lore and you'll gain +1 to
Scholarship [1/2/3/+:4]. If you haven't killed anyone you get a bonus (2 XP).
Go back to LaCroix and report to him (1 XP). He'll give you the [THE EPIC OF


The prince now wants you to find Gary and learn the location of the stolen
sarcophagus. You'll have to go to Hollywood and talk to Isaac for that. This
quest will be continued in the next chapters and will be finished much later.





As soon as you reach Hollywood, a vampire will come and talk to you. He says
you must announce yourself to the Baron of Hollywood, Isaac. You should do
that. You already need to talk to him for the main quest and he'll also give
you some other quests. Isaac is located at the end of the street behind the
jewellery store, across from the abandoned Chinese Theatre.


Right across from the taxi you'll see the Red Spot convenience store. Once
you're inside go to the coolers to your right and pick up $25. Then talk to the
clerk and ask him about the special, he'll show you his secret stash of
weapons. He sells the COLT ANACONDA which is the best ranged weapon up to now,
the SLEDGEHAMMER a very nice melee weapon and the third armor, LIGHT LEATHER,
for you to wear, which you should buy. Anyway, talk to the guy a bit, he is

At some point you'll bump into a friend of yours from your old mortal life,
called Samantha. She'll recognise you and try to "help" you. You can persuade
her that you're not who she thinks you are and she'll leave you alone. If you
can't, she'll make a phone call that she found you. If you manage to persuade
Samantha that you're someone else, you'll receive a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION. If
you are a Ventrue you can dominate her before she has a chance to talk to you
and she'll stay in trance for the rest of the game. With a high Intimidate
you can prevent her from making the call, but if it's not high enough, then
the beast will take over, you'll immediately kill her, and the cops will be

- If you're a Malkavian you can use Dementation to make her think that you're
her pet turtle (best solution so far).
- If you're a Nosferatu, you wont meet Samantha at all.


There is an internet cafe in Hollywood called Ground Zero. You can hack the
computers and get some info about the locals. Inside you'll find another skill
book, THE COWBOY'S GUIDE TO CYBERSPACE BY CASE (+1 Computer [5], needs Research
9). Another interesting thing is that in an email someone mentions the secret
clan "Chockula". There is no such "secret" clan in the game but actually
there is a fan-made mod that adds a new clan with that name to the game.


Vesuvius is the strip club of Hollywood. It belongs to sexy VV who will give
you some quests. You can get a lap-dance from Misty for $100 here, a rather
steep price I may add. If you have a Seduction of 6 you can get the price down
to $60. If you decide to get the lap-dance, she'll take you to the private
rooms and there you can feed on her. After that when you talk to her, you can
say that you don't have any money and she'll still give you a private dance. So
from now on you'll have another blood doll. [+-: This exploit has been fixed,
+: but you can ask Misti for a real lap-dance if you don't want to feed.]


There is another club in Hollywood, the Asp Hole. Inside you find a blood doll
waiting for you to seduce her. With a Seduction of 6 she is yours. The club
belongs to a fledgeling called Ash, a former film star and now a Childe of
Isaac. He'll offer you the [HUNTERS HUNTING] quest if you talk to him. There
is also a NORMAL WATCH on the railing left from the entrance.


Right across from Asp Hole is a sex shop/peep show called Sin Bin. Go down the
stairs and either pay to enjoy a show, or simply get inside a booth that is
already being used and watch for free. Some quests will bring you here too.


The Luckee Star motel is found right next to the internet cafe. Apart from
some quests that involve it, there are a couple of valuables that you can
steal from the rooms. Go up the stairs and lockpick the first door to your
right. Inside you'll find a WALLET ($200) on the desk and two PRESCRIPTION
BOTTLES in the bathroom. [+: For an easter egg open the doors very often.]


Behind the peep show you'll find a crack in the wall that leads to the
Hollywood cemetery. The gravetaker is a ghoul by the name of Romero and he
deals with the zombie problem (a reference to director George Romero, the maker
of "Night of the Living Dead"). He'll give you a quest, but apart from that
there is not much more you can do here.


If you've helped VV with her quests and you've been seductive to her, she will
send you 3 love-mails ("Thank You", "The Muse's Muse" and "Your Bloody
Valentine"). She'll thank you for your help and write poems to you. Hmm, can't
help but wanting a little more from her though.



This quest can be obtained after you've located the Nosferatu hideout. If you
check your computer, you'll see that Gary has sent you an email titled "Prince
is promoting you!". He'll give you a poster of Jeanette if you find him a copy
of "Tap Hotel".

Go to the old Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, where the Gargoyle was/is. Enter
the main theatre hall and pick up the VIDEO TAPE that's right in front of the
screen, in the middle section. Now go back to your haven and put it in your
mailbox. The next time you'll enter your haven you'll see that there is a
poster of Jeanette on the wall.


[+-: This quest has been swapped with the VV one because you find the photo
earlier and the email text clearly refers to the movie you got Gary first.]
Check your emails again and you'll find "Rocket Launcher for Sale" from Gary.
Have in mind that his next quests require high level Hacking and Lockpicking
(level 8). So if you haven't got these maybe you should leave them for later.

In his second email Gary wants you get him a certain CD-ROM [+: or a wooden
pull toy] from a safe at Metalhead Industries. You can get inside Metalhead
Industries in Hollywood only if you have received the access card from the
[A TANGLED WEB] quest from Mitnick.

Anyway, once you're inside the "operations room" in Metalhead Industries use
the computer and enter the "safe" folder. Hack the password and unlock the
safe door. Take the CD-ROM [+: or the WOODEN PULL TOY] and put it in your
mailbox. The next time you'll enter your haven you'll find a poster of Damsel.


Check the email called "Want to Learn Vicissitude?" and learn that Gary wants
a naughty tape of Imalia from her former model days. Hmm, so who was one of her
bigger fans? Carson the bounty hunter comes to mind. Go to his apartment in
Santa Monica (the one across Mercurio's) and lockpick his chest. You'll need
a Lockpicking feat of 8 (you can use Bloobuff to raise your lockpicking skill).
If you don't have it yet maybe you should wait until to obtain the FAE
CHARM that will give you a +1 to Dexterity.

Take the VIDEO TAPE and put it in your mailbox. The next time you'll be in your
haven you'll notice a Ming-Xiao poster.


[+-: This quest has been swapped with the Damsel quest as explained above.]
If you haven't managed to get a poster from VV [+-: which you can't anymore],
Gary will sent you an email with the subject "Cheat codes". He wants a
Nosferatu photo from that reporter, Milligan.

You probably have the photo already, but if you don't then you should go to the
2nd floor of the Skyeline Apartments and you'll find the PHOTO in Milligan's
bedroom on his desk. Put it in your mailbox and Gary will get you VV's poster.


After that you'll get another email from Gary titled "Confidential Nigerian
Proposal" in which he asks for a special transponder NAME PLATE. You'll find
it in the Kamikaze Zen vault and after mailing it to him you'll receive an
poster of Imalia before her Nosferatu transformation.


Gary's next email quest "World of Darkness Gold fast!" asks you to mail him a
THROWING STAR. Find it stuck in a desk at the Red Dragon and send it to Gary
for an unspoiled poster of Tawni Sessions.


In his next email titled "Looking for dates?" Gary wants you to get him a
SQUASHED ODIOUS CHALICE that can be found in the last lab room inside the Fu
Syndicate. He will give you a poster of Claira Killenbach for it.


This last poster quest starts with an email titled "Replica Stakes" in which
Gary asks for a FLESHY BALL, which you can find in the oven at King's Way. As
reward you'll get a final poster of a girl without eyes for your haven (1 XP).




After finishing the [DEAD EX] quest, if you ask Isaac whether you can help him
with anything, he'll give you this quest. You have to deal with the Gargoyle
occupying the old theatre. Get the CHINESE THEATRE KEY from Isaac, then go
Downtown and visit Strauss. You'll learn that the Gargoyle is his making and
that he wants it destroyed [+: 2 XP]. He'll also give you the RUNE OF THE 3RD
EYE which will offer you some protection against the Gargoyle. Now you can do
two things regarding the Gargoyle:

1. You can attack and kill it. Try to use blunt weapons, the sledgehammer works
really well (3 XP).
2. You can convince it to ally with Isaac (3 XP).

Whatever you've chosen you can go back to Strauss and get some money ($500) as
reward [+: or the FAE CHARM]. Even if you chose 2., you can lie to him. If you
are a Tremere and you've done the [A PLAGUE FOR THE ANGELS] quest for him too,
he'll offer you a haven right there in the Chantry.

You can also go back to Isaac [+: for 1 XP and a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION] and
tell him about Strauss being the Gargoyle's creator (2 XP) [+: already got
them when talking to Strauss]. If you're a Tremere and want the downtown haven
DON'T do this because from then on the Tremere Chantry will be closed for you.


OUTCOME: 2 XP, $100

Go back to your haven and check your emails. LaCroix has send you another one,
asking you to ruin a Hollywood cafe's reputation. Go to the Cafe Caroletti in
Hollywood, which is right across from the Chinese Theatre. You'll find the
food critic waiting outside. Convince, or dominate, or dementate him to write a
bad review (2 XP). Go back to your haven, read LaCroix's congratulatory email
and pick up your reward money from your mailbox ($100).

Note: Sometimes the money won't show up in the mailbox, it's a random bug.


OUTCOME: 3-5 XP, $150

Go to the Vesuvius and talk to VV, you can't possibly miss her. She'll take you
up to the VIP room and tell you about a hunter-stripper she wants you to take
care of, for her.

Go to the Sin Bin and head down the stairs to the peep show. First you need to
make all peepers leave. Lockpick or break the ATM machine and steal its money
($150), one of the customers will come out to get some change and since there
is none, he'll leave. Then enter the last green door to your right, read the
note and remember the password (sinner). Now pick the lock of the managers
office and use the PC. Enter the "peepshow" directory, type the password
"sinner" and run the command "lockdown". All the customers will now leave.

Then lockpick the "employees only" door and talk to the stripper. Persuade or
dominate her to give you a private dance and she'll move into another room.
Now the only stripper left is the one you want, the blond one called Chastity.
Kill her (2 XP) [+: and get a SHIN GUNTO from her dead body]. If you didn't
kill anyone else you'll get a bonus (2 XP).

Go back to VV and report (1 XP). If you talk to her again she'll give you the



Go to the Luckee Star motel and talk to Hatter. Persuade, seduce, intimidate,
dominate or dementate him to give you his SCREENPLAY (2 XP). Then get him to
tell you about his collaborator (1 XP), it's Julius, the thin-blood on the
Santa Monica beach. Go there and talk to him, you can:

1. Let him leave L.A. (HUMANITY GAIN). [+: and 1 XP]
2. Let him leave L.A. and take his money ($100 and a double HUMANITY LOSS for
taking his money if your Humanity is 8 or more, while none is lost if it is 7
or less, no extra XP). [+: $100 and a HUMANITY LOSS for taking his money,
followed by a HUMANITY GAIN for letting him live and 1 XP].
3. Kill him (1 XP).

Then go talk to VV (1 XP) and receive a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION. She'll also give
you VV'S AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO and she'll send a poster of her in your Haven, if
you've been nice and seductive to her. [+-: She will not send you this poster
because otherwise you'll miss Gary's poster quest for it.]



Go to the Luckee Star motel and use the key you found at the downtown murder
scene. You'll watch Muddy being killed (2 XP). The killer flees and it seems
like this is another gruesome murder of the serial killer. This will come to a
closure in the [CARNIVAL OF DEATH] quest.



In Muddy's room in the Luckee Star motel pick up the BROTHERS SALVAGE business
card. Remember where you've seen this again? Go to Santa Monica and you'll find
Brothers Salvage right next to Tung's hideout. Enter it and reach the car
graveyard. [+: You will see a vampire teleport away whom you will meet later.]

The killer will start throwing cars at you, just try to avoid them. Eventually
he'll come to talk to you. Get him to tell you his story and try to end this
without bloodshed to GAIN HUMANITY, but if you don't have enough points in
Persuasion you'll have to fight him in the end. Persuade or kill him (2 XP)

If you have a Persuasion of at least 7 you can persuade the killer to stop his
rampage from now on and finish this nice and clean.


OUTCOME: 3 XP, $250-500 [+: HUMANITY LOSS]

You can talk to Isaac and learn about Ash, or you can simply go to the 1st
floor of his club (Asp Hole) and speak to him directly. He'll tell you about
the hunters stalking him. If you talk to Isaac about it he won't do anything
to help. But you can help Ash yourself in two ways:

1. Tell him to change clothes with someone that looks like him. Now go down and
near the stairs you'll find a guy that resembles him very much. Persuade/
Seduce/Intimidate him to change clothes with Ash. Go up to Ash and tell him
to visit the WC and do the exchange. Move down the stairs and watch the
cutscene. Mission accomplished (3 XP, $250) [+: with a HUMANITY LOSS].
2. If you're a sufficiently attractive female, Romero will make a move on you.
So you can give him the lovin' yourself if you want (2 XP). Afterwards you
can come back and feed on him any time you like, but you won't get his
Firearms bonus. Later you'll also get an email from Romero.

Both of these options are not available to you if you play a Nosferatu though.


OUTCOME: 3 XP, +1 Firearms [1/2/3/+:4]

If you decide to keep an eye on the cemetery and the zombies while Romero goes
to get laid, you'll receive this quest. As soon as Romero leaves, a 5 minute
counter will begin and zombies will start to rise from their graves. You have
to kill as many as you can and prevent them from smashing the gates and get
out. Have in mind that there are two gates that lead out of the cemetery, one
near Romero's place and the other near the opening you used to get inside.

This is probably the most annoying and hard quest of the game. If you have
Celerity, things will be relatively easy since you can run quickly from one
gate to the other and kill the zombies. Without Celerity though it's gonna be
really tough. Try to run directly from one gate to the other and don't waste
time dealing with the zombies in between. If the zombies kick a gate for
a time, eventually they will smash it and escape the cemetery. This will fail
the quest and will also lead to a MASQUERADE VIOLATION.

If you manage to keep the zombies inside for 5 minutes, Romero will come back
and you'll complete the quest (3 XP). You get to keep his rifle (Jamie Sue) or
you can ask him for a Firearms bonus (+1 Firearms [1/2/3/+:4]).


OUTCOME: [+-: 2 XP]

This quest can be obtained after you've located the Nosferatu hideout. Talk to
Imalia and if you make her mad you can ask her how to get back on her good
side. She wants you to get her a special copy of the Guy magazine. Go to the
Sin Bin and talk to Flynn. He'll sell you the copy you want for $500, but you
can get it for $400 too if you say you're a regular (needs a Haggle feat of 6).
Now take the GUY MAGAZINE SPRING EDITION to Imalia [+-: 2 XP]. There you can:

1. Ask her for $200 and not get her next quest.
2. Ask her to speak to you and get the [MODEL CITIZEN] quest.

[+: This quest will be available also after the [MODEL CITIZEN] quest and you
will be able to get the [MODEL CITIZEN] quest when you took her money too.]



This quest can be obtained after you've located the Nosferatu hideout. Imalia
wants to get revenge on Tawni Sessions and tells you to go to her apartment
and plant some cameras. She'll give you the TAWNI'S APARTMENT KEY and three
WEB CAMERAS. Make sure you have enough room in your inventory for the 3 cameras
or you'll get as many as you can carry and you'll not be able to complete the
quest. [+: This bug has been circumvented by making the cameras stackeable.]

Go and enter the building with the black door across from the Luckee Star motel
and then move up the stairs and enter Tawni's apartment.

This is a completely stealthy mission, you must not be seen by Tawni or her
boyfriend. If you have Obfuscate, things will be easy, if not you must be very,
very careful. Don't use any disciplines like Dominate or Dementation because
they will fail the quest.

Now you must place one camera on the kitchen floor, one under the bathroom sink
and one next to the bed. Afterwards sneak to Tawni's laptop, enter the "camera"
folder, use the password "cleopatra" and run the command "cam check". Now go
back to Imalia and talk to her (2 XP). You'll learn that Tawni killed herself
after Imalia circulated Tawni's sex habits in the tabloids. So if you ask for
money ($400), you'll also receive a HUMANITY LOSS.

A simple alternative is to just kill Tawni yourself (HUMANITY LOSS) and tell it
Imalia (1 XP), which will get you only $200.


OUTCOME: 2 XP, +1 Computer

This quest is only open for Nosferatu [+: unless you use the plus patch].
After you've located the Nosferatu base go back to your haven and you'll find
an email from Bertram saying he wants to talk to you. Go to his hideout in
Santa Monica and he'll give you this quest. Now travel back to the Nosferatu
warrens (through the entrance in the Hollywood cemetery mausoleum) and go all
the way back to the underground lake. Take the left path and there you'll find
the CD-ROM right next to the sofa (1 XP).

Take it back to Bertram (1 XP) and he'll help you increase your computer skills
(+1 Computer [1-5]).



This quest can be obtained after you've located the Nosferatu hideout. Mitnick
wants you to help him build a network in Los Angeles. You'll have to enable four
network hubs to do so. After you've taken this quest go to your haven and
read his email. Pick up the MEGAHURTZ ACCESS CARD from your mailbox and then
travel to Santa Monica.

Megahurtz Computing can be found behind The Asylum. Get in and use the vents
to enter the electrical room. Turn on the power and then go and use the
computer. Enter the "net security" folder, type the password "Gil Bates" and
run the "schrecknet" command (2 XP). Go back to your haven and check your mail
to find out about the 2nd hub.



The second hub is in the Nocturne Theatre, downtown. Pick up the WEB CAMERA
from your mailbox and then head over to the parking lot next to the Empire Arms
hotel. Enter the sewers from there and find "Access Point B". This leads into
the Nocturne Theatre.

Remember that you must not be seen by anyone or kill any guards. Now use the
ladder to reach the platform up high. Then climb the next small ladder to reach
the platform on top of the main theatre hall. You'll see a big red "X" on the
left side of the wall, go there and place the web camera.

Move back to the first platform and climb down the other ladder. You must
reach the last office to your right and find the computer. Open the "camera"
folder, use the password "break a leg" and run the "schrecknet" command
(2 XP). Now get out and go back to your haven to learn about the 3rd hub.



The third hub is in Metalhead Industries, Hollywood. Pick up the METALHEAD
ACCESS CARD from your mailbox and head over to Hollywood. Metalhead is right
next to the Red Spot. Use the card to enter and remember that this is another
completely stealthy mission, nobody must ever know you were there.
To your right you'll find a door, get inside and use the computer. Enter the
"operations" folder and hack the password. Then unlock the door of the
operations room on the second floor. Now head over there and enter the room.
Use the computer, open the folder "net security", hack the password and run
"schrecknet" (2 XP).

You can also hack the "safe" folder and unlock the safe door. Inside you'll
find a CD-ROM [+: or a WOODEN PULL TOY] that you'll need for one of Gary's
email quests.

Now travel back to your haven to learn about the 4th hub. This quest will be
covered in the next chapter.



When you reach Hollywood go and talk to Isaac to receive this quest. Head to
the Ground Zero internet cafe and use the last computer to the right. Enter
the email folder and use the password "kafka". Read the first email (1 XP).
On your way out don't forget to take the COMPUTER skill book, if you haven't

Now go behind the "Fast Buck" to meet with a guy in the alley. He'll tell you
something about "Ginger Swans" and then run away and "disappear" (1 XP). If
you enter the sewer there you will find a SEVERED ARM. Go back to Ground Zero
and check the PC next to that you used before. It has a "Celebrity Database"
enter the "s-z folder" and type "swan, ginger". Apparently she was an old
actress and she is buried at the Hollywood cemetery. (If you ask Issac, he'll
mention her)

Go behind the Sin Bin and remove the rubble from the hole in the wall. Crawl
into the cemetery and walk the path all the way to the other side. Enter the
big mausoleum. Turn left and then right to reach Swan's grave. Open it and get

Go back to Isaac and watch the tape (1 XP). He'll then give you the [SNUFF IS
ENOUGH] quest.



You can ask several people if they know anything about snuff films. Some of
them, like Ash, will point you to the Sin Bin. Go there and talk to Flynn and
persuade him to tell you everything he knows about "Death Mask Productions".
If you can't persuade him there is another way. Look behind his desk [+-: or his
store room] and there is a note with his PC password. Go to his PC downstairs,
open the folder "private", enter the password and then check out "dmp". Either
way you'll get the info (2 XP).

Now head over to the Red Spot and pick up the phone that's ringing outside. Say
the right line to the guy and he'll point you to room 2 in the Luckee Star
motel. Go there to find a bloody mess. Pick up the INTERNET CAFE KEY from the
desk and head over to Ground Zero.

Once inside the internet cafe enter the "employees only" door and use the key
on the previously locked door. Now you'll reach the movie settings of DMP. Be
ready to fight some of the snuff film monsters here. Pick up a MORPHINE BOTTLE
next to the red bed and one in the toilet area and then head down the stairs.
Enter the "DMP" door and talk to the guy hiding to get some info. Afterwards
climb over the boxes, into the vent. Take the HORROR TAPE (2 XP) and make your
way out through some more monsters.

Now, back to Isaac, watch the tape (2 XP) and receive a MASQUERADE REDEMPTION.
Next you'll get the [GOING THE WAY OF KINGS] quest.



Take the taxi and drive to 609 King's Way. Go around the back of the house and
use the vines at the side to climb up the wall to the balcony. Head to the 2nd
floor and enter the building. Inside the house you'll face many of the snuff
film monsters. Pick up the MUMMYWRAP FETISH from the table in the hall and head
downstairs. Open the fridge, take the BLOOD PACK and the BLUE BLOOD PACK and
also pick up the FANCY RING from the living room table. Go downstairs to the
basement and face the Tzimisce lord. Fight him until he vanishes (6 XP) and
then open the double doors to find the entrance to the sewers. Now this quest
is completed and the [EPIC OF THE ANKARAN SARCOPHAGUS] is continued. [+: If
your Humanity is lower than five and you talk the right way to him you may side
with the Sabbat later on to get the Sabbat ending.]



Welcome to the sewers. It's one of the most dreaded parts of the game, because
it's filled with annoying monsters. However, many people forget that you don't
have to kill them all, as you don't gain any XP anyway. Actually it's quite
easy to sneak past most of them if you like. Especially the big ones you'll
find further in, are almost blind, and you can sneak past them easily even
without Obfuscate. You'll also find vents you can use to avoid certain

Once you get inside the old sewer warrens you'll find a dead body. Pick up
the CLIPBOARD [+: and a GLOCK] from the body and gain some insight about the
situation. Then push the lever to open the iron door. Kill the monsters on
your way and feed on rats if you need blood. Turn left and enter the last
pipe on your left. In the next room pull the lever, move on and find two
doors to your left. You can lockpick one of them and grab some ammo. The other
one is an office of some sorts. Take the LEDGER from the desk and note the
other door. This door leads out into the sewers of Hollywood. If you want you
can leave to get blood or provisions. You can also go to Isaac and inform him
of your victory over the Tzimisce lord, he'll give you a reward for it later.

Anyway, get out of the office and continue searching the sewers, you'll find
that the warrens lead to a dead end, but there is a way out. On your way down
notice a pipe to your right, get inside and it will lead you to a big pool of
water. Turn the valve and it will suck you in. [+: In the small room between
the pipes there will be a door in the floor. Use the mobile computer nearby
to open it and enter the warrens shortcut which skips the rest of the original
sewer maps. Move ahead and kill or dodge the fat enemy to get into the room
to the right. Pull the lever there, exit and climb the stairs ahead. A door
at the left will be unlocked now and you can enter the lair of a mini-boss.
Deal with him, then pick the door with the red lamp outside, duck below the
door trap that is triggered on the stairs behind it and enter a huge cavern.
Climb the ladder to the platform, read the note and jump into the hideout.]

You'll be underwater now, swim to the opening and in the next room get out of
the water. Kill the monsters that are hiding in the pipes and go through the
pipes into a new room. Here pick up some barrels and throw them in the water,
this will stop the water-wheel, enabling you to climb over it through the small
pipe above into a generator room of some sort. Move on down the stairs into
the next room, drop down into the opening that's empty of water and then exit
the huge container.

You'll find yourself in the flood-control room. Move across the platform and
a part of it will crumble down. You need to disable the electricity. Either
lockpick the door to the electrical room and shut down the power, or hack the
computer and do it remotely (Hacking 7). The only way out of there is to swim
through the reservoirs, but if you try to do it now you will be stopped by
the current that's created by the pump. So what you must do is this:
1. Turn the pump off and wait until the reservoirs are completely empty.
2. Turn the pump on, then immediately run, jump into the water and swim as
fast as you can. If you do it quickly you'll be able to go past the pump and
into the reservoirs.

Just swim through the pipes and reach another part of the warrens, where you'll
face a new type of enemy, try to avoid the green energy balls that he throws
and you'll be fine. Turn right at the intersection and you'll find another
abandoned office. You can pick up the LEDGER for more info and you can again
exit the warrens through the other door and reach Hollywood if you need to.

Now go back and take the downward path. Then turn right and you'll find a door,
lockpick it and you'll be on a bridge. If you can't lockpick it, then move
on until you'll find an iron gate. Pull the switch, drop into the water and
afterwards climb the pipes to reach the bridge. Anyway, open the door and
you'll be in a big room facing a mini-boss.

The best way to deal with this guy is to use the ladder and climb up to the
platform. From there you can kill him easily with ranged attacks, just try to
avoid the stuff he throws at you. There is also a box which contains ammo. Now
you need to find the way out, look underneath the drain on the wall that's
spitting water and you'll see a vent, that's where you must go. Walk carefully
on the narrow ledge on the wall, smash the cover and get in. (Of course you
can always try dashing to the exit and avoid the fight altogether)

In the next area you'll find a huge shaft. Jump on the various pipes and ledges
and eventually you'll reach a big fan. Try to avoid being hit by the fan and
jump down into a big circular chamber. There is another new enemy nearby, if
you come too close it can hurt you a lot, so try to deal with it from afar. If
you want to go melee on him, give him a couple of hits and then parry. Anyway,
the Colt Anaconda or the Ingram can be very helpful.

Take the path that goes down and a bit further you'll find another path leading
up. Take it and you'll find a Nosferatu fighting some monsters. You can try to
save him but you must be quick [+: you'll get a HUMANITY GAIN for it]. Towards
the right of the fight there is a dead body, take the PASS KEY that's next to
it and move on all the way down. Eventually you'll reach another circular
chamber with some platforms and a control centre. Go to the controls, use the
pass key to open the door of the big shaft and drop down.

Congratulations! You've found the Nosferatu hideout. Swim to the shore and
take the left path. You'll find a sofa, right next to it is a CD-ROM, pick
it up, it's for a later quest. Now go back and take the right path, cross the
bridge (beware, the red water is acidic) and reach the Nosferatu inner caves.

First head to the left and through the door with the blue window. Here you'll
meet Mitnick the Nosferatu hacker and computer specialist. Talk to him and he
can give you the [A TANGLED WEB] quest. Then take the right path and enter the
white door to your left, where you'll meet Imalia. If you make her angry, in
order to get back to her good side she'll give you the [COVER GIRL] quest. If
you don't make her angry, or if you've completed the [COVER GIRL] quest, Imalia
will give you the [MODEL CITIZEN] quest.

Now move on, open the grey door and you'll find a storage room of some kind.
Inside you'll find the GALDJUM on the floor [+: or a BLUE BLOOD PACK].

Cross the next bridge and open the double green doors. Here you'll finally meet
with Gary (2 XP). He will give you the quest [+: and depending
on your clan if you ask him for support a normal BLOOD PACK, a BLUE BLOOD PACK
or an ELDER VITAE]. Gary's quest and the current quest will be continued in the
next chapter in Chinatown. Leave and you'll find yourself in the cemetery





Welcome to Chinatown!

Chinatown is controlled by the Kuei-jin and their priestess is Ming-Xiao. You
can find her at the Golden Temple which is all the way ahead from Chinatown's
entrance. Announce yourself and she will give you permission to operate in her
domain. You can also ask her for some info about her species and their customs.
You'll get some extra dialog options from her after finishing certain quests.


As you enter Chinatown the first building to your left is the Red Dragon
restaurant. Some quests will bring you there, but you'll also find another
blood doll here, of Chinese origin this time. If you have a Seduction of 7 you
can make her yours, she's waiting in the bar. Also inside the restroom
you'll find a NORMAL WATCH [+: and a THROWING STAR stuck in a desk upstairs].


As you enter Chinatown, to your right you'll find Tseng's. Talk to him and get
him to sell you his weapons. If you haven't got it yet, the katana is a pretty
good weapon and the Uzi is a good upgrade on that Ingram you probably have. He
also sells two occult items, the HEART OF ELIZA and the FAE CHARM [+: or not].


If you don't have enough Seduction to feed on the blood doll at the Red dragon,
don't try to feed in the alleys because they are crowded by people. The best
place to feed is outside the Fu Syndicate where you'll find a few upper-class
citizens scattered around.


Next to the Red Dragon you'll find The White Cloud, a shop that sells and buys
strange stuff and has a very bizarre owner, Mr. Ox. He will give you two quests
[+: with occult items as a reward]. If you attack him, he vanishes in a


Once you've finished the [GOING THE WAY OF KINGS] quest you can go back to
Isaac in Hollywood and he will give you the FAE CHARM as a reward [-: or $500
or +: the PEARL OF DUBAI] for getting rid of the Tzimisce for him. If you have
already bought the FAE CHARM from Tseng, you'll not get it from him again.


In front of the Golden Temple you'll find a fortune teller that's obviously a
scam. If you want to throw $5 away and hear his ridiculous fortune telling, you
can do that. He is also involved in a very entertaining quest that will be
available later.


OUTCOME: 4 XP, $0 or $200 or (FANCY WATCH and GOLD RING)

This is only possible at the Giovanni mansion. Tonight is the night that the
Giovanni will choose one of their family to "embrace" into the inner circle.
There are three main contesters that you'll meet, Mira, Chris, and Adam. Each
one of them has a dirty secret and they'll all ask you to dig up dirt on the
others for them, in order to gain the advantage in the contest. You can give
away each secret once (1 XP) until one of them has gotten two (1 XP).

1. In order to persuade Mira to tell you her secret you'll need a Persuasion of
9. Tell her that you've hit a jogger with your car once and she'll confide
in you. If you tell her about Adam and Chris you'll also get $100 for each

2. With a Persuasion of 8 you can make Adam tell you his secret. Just ask him
why he is so desperate to find an investor. If you tell him about Mira and
Adam he'll give you a FANCY WATCH and a GOLD RING.

3. You'll need a Persuasion of 9 to make Chris talk about his secret. Tell him
that you're an atheist and he'll confide in you. You get nothing extra from
him if you betray the others to him.



OUTCOME: 2 XP, $500 [+: 3 XP]

Before you start this quest have in mind that in order to finish this you'll
need Hacking at level 8 or at level 7 if you have the Auspex discipline.

The fourth network hub is located in Kamikazi Zen, Chinatown. Pick up the
KAMIKAZE ZEN ACCESS CARD from your mailbox and head to Chinatown. Kamikaze
Zen is the last building to your left. Get inside and kill the guard, it
doesn't matter since you're gonna make it look like burglary. Enter the first
office on your right and use the PC. Open the "power" folder, hack the password
and run the "hooligan" virus. You now have 10 minutes until the power shuts
down so you'll have to be quick. [+: Find the BRAID TALISMAN as reward nearby].

Move past the double doors. Get inside Scudmuffin's office, read his emails
and learn that the door access code is 4567. Then go to Buckfinster's office
and hack his "personal" folder. Read "manifesto 3" and learn that Larry spells
his last name backwards and uses it as the access code of the bank vault. The
only name with an "L" is L. Schleppin so the password is "nippelhcs".

So, open the code-door and enter the "network" room to your right. Use the
computer, enter "nippelhcs" as a password for the vault and unlock it. Then
enter "net security", hack it and run "schrecknet" (2 XP). Afterwards go and
pick up the MONEY CLIP ($500) [+: or the NAME PLATE (1 XP)] from the vault.
Now you must find a way out.

Go to R. Nesler's office and check the computer. Open the "mitnick!" folder and
run the "escape" command. Mitnick will unlock the nearby vent for you to leave.



Enter the Ramen noodle shop and you'll meet Yukie, a young Japanese demon
hunter. If you're nice to her and don't attack her she'll tell you about the
demon she's hunting, a Hengeyokai. Offer her your help and you'll get this

Walk to the Golden Temple and ask Ming-Xiao about the demon. You'll learn that
his name is Zygaena and that he can be found in the Red Dragon (2 XP). Go to
the Red Dragon, talk to the man sitting at the bar table and arrange a meeting
with the Hengeyokai in the fish market (2 XP). Then come back to Yukie and tell
her about the meeting. Now to get there, take the alleys all the way to the
back road and at the end of the road you'll find the "Golden Oceans" fish

Yukie is waiting for you in front, enter and face the demon. The best way to
deal with him is by using range weapons, if you get up close he will hit you
hard. To make things easier try to lure him near the big tanks on the wall and
shoot them, they will explode and hurt him. Make sure that Yukie survives the
fight and talk to her after the demon is dead (3 XP).


OUTCOME: 4 XP, $150 [+: or OCCULT ITEM]

Enter the white cloud and meet the owner, Mr. Ox. Talk to him and he'll give
you this quest. Go to the rear of the noodle shop and through the door with the
spotlight. Kill the two guards and open the freezer. Take the eyes from Lin's
corpse (2 XP) and report back to Mr.Ox (2 XP). You will get $150 as a reward
[+: or the HEART OF ELIZA].

Afterwards he'll offer you another quest named [BAD LUCK FARMER].


OUTCOME: 4-8 XP, $100-250 [+: or OCCULT ITEM]

This is the second quest you get from Mr. Ox. He gives you a BAD LUCK TALISMAN
and wants you to put it in a Lotus Blossom locker. In order to complete this
quest you must first have been given the [KIKINAPPED] quest that allows you
entrance to the Lotus Blossom.

Anyway, get to the basement of the massage parlour and locate the locker room.
Put the talisman inside the locker marked with a circle (2 XP) and you'll
face the angry locker owner. He will try to attack you, kill him or deal in
another way with him (3 XP). You can dominate him to sleep, dementate him to
make him think he is a frog, scare him as Nosferatu or avoid him altogether.

Now report back to Mr. Ox for either $100 (2 XP) if you avoided him or $250
(3 XP) if you killed him [+: or the ANTIQUE LOCKET].



Once you've finished the [KIKINAPPED] quest go and talk either to the phoney
fortune-teller or to the drunk that hangs out in the Red Dragon. Each one will
want you to kill the other to get his key to a safe that has the money they
stashed away. You can handle this in two ways:

1. Talk to each one, each time raising the percentage of your cut. Eventually
it will reach 80% and they won't go further. Now you'll have to kill one
of them and give the key to the other (4 XP, HUMANITY LOSS). You'll get
what you asked for (up to $960).

2. After you've talked to them a couple of times you can tell them to forget
their differences and be friends again. If you have enough Persuasion you
can pull this through (6 XP, HUMANITY GAIN). They will share the money, so
you won't get any.

3. There is a way in the "Hitman Impasse" quest to get 6 XP *and* $1000,-
(instead of 4 XP and $1000,- or just 6 XP). First, proceed as normal and get
both of them to 80%. Then convince the fortune-teller to become friends.
This will give you the 6 XP and HUMANITY GAIN and close the quest. Then kill
him (HUMANITY LOSS) and take his key. Visit the drunk guy in the Red Dragon
and give him the key. This re-opens the quest. Just talk to him again to get
$1000. You can just leave now or kill him in the toilet without penalty to
rid the world of both assassins. This doesn't work in reverse, since the
fortune teller doesn't initiate convo after becoming friends, so you do not
get the option to give him the key. [+-: This exploit has been fixed]



Go to the Golden Temple and talk to Ming-Xiao, she will grant you permission to
operate in her domain. Ask her about the missing Nosferatu and she will point
you to Wong Ho, the owner of the Red Dragon restaurant.

Head to the Red Dragon and talk to the receptionist. Tell her that Ming-Xiao
send you to see Wong Ho and she will open the elevator for you. If for some
reason the elevator door doesn't open, just look behind her desk and push the
button yourself.
Now go up and talk to Wong Ho. He wont help you with Barabus until you've saved
his daughter, so he gives you the [KIKINAPPED] quest.



Go to the Lotus Blossom massage parlour, you'll find it behind the noodle shop,
in the alleys. Once inside kill every Tong gangster who'll get in your way.
Find a GOLD RING on the floor behind the 2nd door to the right and a FANCY
WATCH at the bathroom sink behind the last door to the right, then take
the stairs up and reach the second floor.

Enter the last room to your left and take the MONEY ENVELOPE ($250). Make sure
you've killed every Tong in the area and then go into the kitchen (the last
room to your right) and grab the PADLOCK KEY from the wall behind the stove.

Now use this key on the locked door and free Kiki (4 XP). Escort her out and
then go and talk to Wong Ho (2 XP). With a bit of Persuasion you can make him
give you some insight about what's going on in Chinatown. Ask him about Barabus
and he'll point you to Zhao and give you the [ORIGINAL GANGSTER] quest.

Instead of fighting every Tong, you can also enter the massage parlour through
the back entrance into the basement and go up the stairs twice. You'll end up
at the door with the padlock and the thugs nearby can be dealt or obfuscated
past to get the key. After talking to Kiki you can leave the way you came, not
killing a single Tong and freeing Kiki.


OUTCOME: 5 XP [+: 6 XP]

Zhao's place is on the same road as the fish market, it has a huge sign that
says Zhao's Imports, so you can't miss it. Get in and talk to Zhao, he'll
mention the Glaze club (3 XP). As soon as you finish your conversation
some Tongs will attack. Beware, they are using Ingrams so it's better to snipe
them from afar. After you've killed them, pick up the MORPHINE BOTTLE from
Zhao's desk and grab 3 CAR STEREOS scattered around the warehouse. There is
one at the far-right corner, one close to the entrance and one on the ledge up
high. Exit the place and you've finished the quest (2 XP) [+: with a bonus if
you killed all Tongs and Zhao is still alive (1 XP)]. A new quest is in your
log called [DRAGON'S TAIL].


OUTCOME: 5 XP [+: 7 XP]

Glaze is the club with the keypad doors, behind the Lotus Blossom. Go to it,
enter the code 725 and get in. You can either attack the Tongs right away or
persuade/seduce/intimidate Johnny's "right-hand man" to let you up. You can
find him sitting behind the wooden wall, near the DJ.

Anyway, go upstairs, enter the office and speak with Johnny [+: or stealth kill
him (7 XP)]. Learn something about Barabus and then kill him if he is still
alive (5 XP). If you haven't killed them already [+: and if you haven't stealth
killed Johnny], his gang members will now attack you. They will drop Uzis and
katanas if you need them. Another character has appeared in the game, the
Mandarin, and a new quest: [COME INTO MY PARLOUR].



It's time to visit the mysterious Mandarin. Enter the Fu Syndicate, move into
the left hall and speak to him through the monitor. Whatever you say to him,
eventually you'll have to step inside the elevator.

You'll become his prisoner and he'll run some tests on you, play along for now.
The first room has many energy beams, step carefully and move on. Next you'll
find some dangerous moving blades. In order to disable them you must shoot at
the 3 black boxes behind the bars [+: find a GLOCK in case you have no gun].
Move to the next room, kill the "Van Helsing experiment" and the commandos that
will come in afterwards. Be aware that commandos have armored necks and can't
be fed upon. In the next room just shoot the electrical generators until you
destroy them. The next room is the final one. Break the fire canisters of the
flamethrowers, they will explode and shatter the reinforced windows (2 XP).
[+: In the next lab room you'll find a SQUASHED ODIOUS CHALICE for one of
Gary's new e-mail quests]

Now it's time for revenge, get out and kill the guards. Go down the stairs and
you'll find the Mandarin, show him who's the boss (2 XP). From his remains you
get the BARABUS' CELL KEY to free Barabus (2 XP). This quest ends here and the
quest continues.



After killing the Mandarin you finally find Barabus (3 XP). You can either
tell him to leave any computers to you (if you have a high Hacking skill) or
let him do all hacking. Open the double doors, kill the guards and pick up the

Now, before using the key see if you can lockpick the second door to the right,
you'll need Lockpicking at 10 to do so. Inside you'll find the BUSTIN' IT:
HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED skill book (+1 Melee [5], needs Research 9) on the table
[+: and a katana]. You can also hack the PC and read the emails from a certain
"priestess". You may later want to tell Wong Ho about this for a HUMANITY GAIN.
You can also confront Ming Xiao with this.

Anyway, now go and use the key on the other door and enter the network room.
Hack the "species-x data" folder and run "purge" to delete everything. After
that Barabus will smash the door. Kill all the remaining guards and get out.
[+-: If Barabus doesn't break the door search the computer for the door code.]

You'll notice the phone on the wall ringing, pick it up and talk to Gary
(2 XP). He'll tell you about the Giovanni and their location (2 XP). This
quest is finished and now you'll get the [ITALIAN DINNER] quest.



Take the cab to the Giovanni mansion. There are three ways you can get in:

1. Talk to the woman in front of the fountain, you'll figure that she's drunk.
Then talk to her husband and persuade him that his wife is going to
embarrass him. He'll take his wife home and they'll both drop their
invitations. Pick them up and use them with the guard in the front door to
get in.

2. Go all the way to the back and pick up one the tin-cans scattered around.
Throw it to distract the guard at the back door and sneak inside.

3. Kill everyone outside the mansion and enter it. Be aware that all the
interior guards are in an alert state then and the civilians gone.

Once you've infiltrated the Giovanni Stronghold (2 XP), you'll be in the main
hall of the mansion. If you want you can attack the Giovanni. By doing so Bruno
Giovanni, the clan's elder, will come after you along with his guards. If you
want, you can do this later after you've found the crypts below, since after
that the innocents (Mira, Adam, Chris) are gone and the Giovanni are on alert.

You can search the area you're in right now, if you wish, but there is nothing
of importance except from two locked doors and a secret corridor that goes
around the house and enables you to watch everything unnoticed.
The two doors
that I mentioned are level 10 and in one of them you'll find a man with a
prostitute and in the other 2 girls doing drugs and vomiting in the bathroom.
Nothing you can do with them, except feed.

Now, there are two ways to reach the crypts:

1. Talk to Nadia in the main hall and persuade/seduce her to show you the
secrets of the mansion. She'll take you to the library and pull the sword on
the wall to open a secret passage. Pick up the DODGE book (+1 Dodge [5],
needs Research 8) from the desk and follow her into the embalming room. If
you are male you can seduce and feed on her here. You can tell her to leave
or you can persuade her to show you the crypts below.

2. Open the door to your right in the main hall and then lockpick the door
in front of you. Make sure nobody sees you picking the lock and enter the
library. Take the DODGE book from the desk and then pull the sword on the
wall to open the secret passage. Here either lockpick the door, or use the
elevator to reach the crypts.

Whatever you choose don't forget to pick up the GIOVANNI BOOK from the
embalming room, for the [OCCULTISH PERSONALITY] quest.

Once you reach the first level of the crypts you'll find zombies. Enter a niche
to your right and pick up the SAULOCEPT (+1 experience modifier). Kill the
zombies until one breaks down the exit door, then move down to the next level.

Here the zombies are not respawning so feel free to kill them all, if nothing,
to improve the game performance. Move round the crypts, through the doors and
you'll find a way into the inner circle. Go all the way around and enter the
door. Kill the last three zombies and descend down the stairs.

Now you'll meet with two Kuei-jin agents, the Chang "blade and claw" brothers
(2 XP). You can persuade them into telling you about a secret alliance, but
you'll have to fight them eventually. Don't stay inside the arena because
they will teleport in high above you and you'll be an easy target for their
energy balls. The best place to fight the battle is at the arena entrance where
the stairs end. There use Bloodbuff and go melee on them. After you kill them
you finally obtain the sarcophagus (3 XP) and you'll deliver it to LaCroix.
[+: Pick up the KATANA and TIGER'S CLAWS, then use the sarcophagus.]





When you bring the sarcophagus into LaCroix's penthouse, you'll get to have a
talk with Beckett. There are some stat bonuses you can get from him if you use
the right dialogue options. Ask him to tell you about himself and he'll ask in
return to learn about you.

[+1 Scholarship (1-5)]
Tell him that you're a scholar like him.

[+1 Investigation (1-3)]
Tell him that there isn't a place you can't sneak into.

[+1 Humanity]
Tell him that you are tempted to give in to the beast [-: or refuse to].

[+1 Experience]
Tell him that you're fascinated by him (you'll need some Persuasion for this).

[+1 Gangrel discipline]
If you're a Gangrel you can ask him to help you with one of your disciplines as
long as its level is below 3.

[+: + Celerity]
As a Gangrel with all discplines above 2, tell him you have mastered them and
he will teach you Celerity. This has a max of three and is harder to raise.

[+: + Animalism or + Fortitude or + Protean]
As non-Gangrel if you tell him you refuse to give in to the beast he will teach
all clans that not already possess Animalism or Fortitude or Protean one of
the others as a new discipline. Again with a max of three and harder to raise.


Right now if you've followed the walkthrough there are probably no more side
quests left. Anyway, if there are it's time to tie loose ends and finish
anything you've left unfinished. From now on there will be only main quests.


If you want to get the best armor of the game, the body armor, from Heather for
free, you must go to her right after you return from the Society of Leopold and
BEFORE you go to LaCroix to report. This will have consequences later, though.
[+: You can avoid the consequences if you ask Heather to stay inside when she
tells you she's being followed, but you won't get the body armor from her for
free. You can buy the body armor from Mercurio during the blood hunt later.]


By now Mercurio will probably have gotten some of the weapons you've asked
him about. Go and check on him after main quests to see what he has. Also
don't forget to give the GIOVANNI BOOK to Pisha to get your reward. Finally
remember to check the various weapon shops, you'll find some pretty good
new weapons available like the BUSH HOOK, DESERT EAGLE and STEYR AUG.


OUTCOME: [+: 2 XP]

In the caves below the Society of Leopold you'll find a cavern where Ash is
held prisoner. If you offer him a blood bag you'll GAIN HUMANITY. If you have
Lockpicking at 10 you can free him now [+: (2 XP)], else you'll have to find
ASH'S CELL KEY, which will be dropped by one of the hunters in the big cavern
[+: or can be found on the small box at the end of the level].




So you've managed to deliver the sarcophagus to the prince, talk to him (2 XP)
and this quest is finally over. You can ask him about his alliance if you want
and you may also talk to Beckett. Beckett can give you some stat bonuses now
(check the point of interest above for more details) and he'll also give you
your next quest [SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF PROFESSORS]. It's possible to
squeeze some money out of LaCroixif his reaction to you is positive enough,
$500 with a Persuasion of 6 and $700 with a Persuasion of 8.


OUTCOME: 9-11 XP, $300

Take the cab and travel to the Society of Leopold. There will be many hunters
scattered around guarding the area, you can either sneak inside the monastery
or kill everyone. If you want some extra fun, you can sneak onto the top of the
hill and lower a big rock down on the heads of some hunters. Whatever you do,
the best way to enter is through the back door.

Once you're inside you can hack the computers and disable the beams or change
them to "human mode". The hunters are rather blind so you can stealth kill
them easily. Anyway, after you dispose of them check the rooms. Pick up the
JOURNAL from the room to your left and then open the last door to your right
to go upstairs.

Kill everyone here and pick up the ART OF QUICK-DRAW BY NED NEDERLANDER (+1
Firearms [5], needs Research 10/+: 9) from the ground of the main hall. Then
enter the other room and pick up the VAMPYR APOCRYPHA and the SOCIETY OF
LEOPOLD INTERIOR KEY. Now go back down, open the locked door and head to the
cellar. Dispose of all the hunters here and pull out the movable barrel to
uncover a secret entrance.

This will lead you to the underground caves. Descend down the stairs. You can
shoot the explosives if you like to eliminate the hunters. You'll end up in a
big cavern. Take note of the boat, it will be your way out later. Kill everyone.

Now move through the double doors and you'll find Bach waiting for you. He'll
shoot you from afar with a sniper rifle and will drop grenades down the stairs.
He also has two special abilities, he can cast a spell making him invulnerable
for a short period of time and if you get close to him he can temporary blind
you. Whatever kind of weapons you choose though, it's not gonna be that hard
to kill him at this point. [+: Bach will drop a katana or SWAT RIFLE on death.]

After you've dealt with Bach, climb up the stairs and enter the little house
on top. Inside you'll find Johansen, talk to him and you can learn much about
the sarcophagus. If you have an Inspection of 5 and a Persuasion of 9 you can
then make Johansen tell you the real story about how he found the sarcophagus.
If you are a Malkavian you'll have an insight that he's hiding something and
you can Dementate it out of him. Anyway, you'll get more info (2 XP).

As soon as you finish the discussion with Johansen and you leave the building,
Bach will detonate some explosives with his dying breath (how stereotypically
villainous of him) and you'll have to hurry to the boat (4 XP). If you saved
Johansen (2 XP) you'll GAIN HUMANITY and if you killed him you'll LOOSE
HUMANITY. You'll then find yourself back downtown.

Before reporting to LaCroix you should go to your haven and check on Heather,
she'll give you the best armor in the game, the BODY ARMOR. Give her a kiss and
go to LaCroix to report. Tell him about the key (2 XP) and then ask him for
some cash if you want ($300). Afterwards talk to Beckett and tell him what
Johansen told you about the sarcophagus (1 XP). Now you have the [HELL AT THE
HALLOWBROOK HOTEL] quest and it's time to deal with the Sabbat.


OUTCOME: 9 XP, $800 [+: 8-9]

Your next stop is the Hallowbrook hotel. You can't enter from the front so go
to the alley next to the hotel. You'll see that a window-cleaning lift has
landed on the ground conveniently for you to use. Take it and move up to the
top floor.

[+: You will end up on a balcony of the atrium. Move down to the ground floor
where you can see a tortured girl and the FLAMETHROWER. If you offered the
Sabbat leader to join his side at King's Way, he will be there too and you can
make a deal with him for the TAL'MAHE'RA BLADE and 6 XP. If you decline, he
will just vanish and if you weren't interested in joining him, he won't be
there at all. In those cases some Tzimisce creations and lots of Sabbat will
appear. Fight your way up to the top balcony and enter the hotel through the
door with the lit lantern and the exit sign. If you want to avoid fighting you
can leave directly through that door but you'll miss the FLAMETHROWER below.
If you want to skip the interior completely, kill the fat guy at the top, then
move down and through the door behind the tortured girl into the front area of
the Tzimisce lord's lair where you might witness a heart breaking cutscene.]

Inside you'll face many Sabbat vampires and lots of their hooded servants.
You can drink blood from the servants or from the many human blood dolls that
are scattered around. The good thing with the Sabbat vampires is that you can
stealth kill them if you want.

Now descend down the stairs and kill any Sabbat you'll come across. You'll soon
reach a corridor with some rooms on your left. You'll find the FLAMETHROWER and
the TAL'MAHE'RA BLADE conveniently placed in these rooms [+: or nothing at all]
At the end of the corridor, to the left you'll find one of your old pals from
the Hollywood warrens, he's an easy kill now. Afterwards drop down two floors
through the gap.

Beware of the enemies that break down the walls around you and make your way
through the rubble. Eventually you'll find another gap in the floor, drop down.
Dispose of any Sabbat on this floor and find the elevator shaft. Drop down
again and you might watch a heart breaking cutscene.

Now you're probably REALLY pissed with the Sabbat. Kill all of them and prepare
for a mini-boss. Stand behind the bar and kill the two Sabbat on top of the
stairs, to make thing easier for the next fight. Then jump over the bar and
you'll face the mini-boss. Just go through the flames and get near him, then
hack him from up-close and you'll finish him easily.

Descend further down the stairs and you'll face another pal from Hollywood, the
Tzimisce lord (3 XP). He'll change into a war form and do some tricks on you
but with the flamethrower he's not gonna be that hard. Even if you decide to
battle him with conventional weapons by now you'll be strong enough to take him
out. Just move around constantly and attack him immediately when he appears.
[+: You'll find the TAL'MAHE'RA BLADE there and you can use it against him.]

After you've had your revenge (4 XP) leave through the door you entered and
you'll find yourself outside. As soon as you exit Ming-Xiao will come and talk
to you. She has some interesting things to say about LaCroix, Nines and Grout.
After your little talk go back to LaCroix and report (2 XP, $800). LaCroix has
changed his alliances once again and he gives you the [ENEMY OF MY ENEMY]
quest. How you treat her may determine if you can side with her in the end.



On your way to the Last Round you'll be confronted by Beckett. He'll warn you
about the sarcophagus and then leave. Now go and talk to Damsel, eventually
she'll tell you where Nines is hiding (2 XP).

NOTE: Now it's time to do anything you've left unfinished since the game will
not let you visit the city hubs again. Any quests left should be
completed before you move on with this quest.

Take the cab and travel to Griffith Park. Once there, take the cablecar to
reach the Griffith Observatory. Here you'll finally find Nines (2 XP).
Unfortunately something else has found you too, werewolves. The cablecar has
gone back down and until it comes back you must try to stay alive. Weapons and
disciplines wont do anything against the werewolf [+: some weapons will damage
the werewolf], so you must deal with him otherwise. You have two options here:

1. Try to avoid the werewolf and hide until the cablecar comes back. You can't
sneak away from him but you can enter the building, exit to the back yard
and hide behind some trees there. If you stay at the right place the
werewolf won't be able to reach you because of his huge size. When the
cablecar comes back, make a run for it.

2. There is a way to kill the beast and get some bonus XP. First you must enter
the building and go left. Exit to the back yard and you'll see a small shed.
Pull the switch outside to turn the power on. Now go back into the building
and enter the main chamber with the telescope. Move up the stairs and open
the big iron doors by pushing the switch. Wait for the werewolf to approach
you and once he gets between the doors, use the switch to close them on him
and kill him (4 XP).

Whatever you do take the cablecar back down (4 XP). Once there you'll find Jack
waiting for you. You'll then end up back in your apartment in Santa Monica.
Talk to him and you'll get another quest called [OUT FOR BLOOD].


There is now a blood hunt on your head. Santa Monica is filled with vampires
looking for you. Don't worry about the Masquerade, the place is now a combat
zone. Exit your apartment and if you need blood feed on the bum that's right
outside your building. Many of the vampires can be stealth killed easily. Take
out the 3 vampires waiting for you outside and then kill the 2 vampires in the
alleys behind The Asylum.

All doors are locked in Santa Monica, except for Trip's shop and Mercurio's,
so you can go there for some supplies if you want. Now enter the parking lot
and kill the two vampires at the entrance. Once inside the parking lot, you
can feed from a human near the beach entrance. Move on and dispose of the 2
kindred that are waiting for you inside.

The last 3 vampires are in front of The Asylum, give them the final death and
feed on the homeless guy in the alley if you want. If you pissed off Knox or
Mercurio they will attack you too. The taxi is waiting for you outside Sunco
Gasoline. Talk to the Cabbie (8 XP). Now it's time to make some choices.





After you escape from the blood hunt in Santa Monica, you'll find yourself
inside the taxi, talking to the driver. He is a rather interesting character
who seems to know a great deal about things... Now it's time to choose who's
side you'll take:

In order to have this choice available you must have helped the Anarchs with
the plaguebearer quests. If you tell the driver that you want to side with
the Anarchs he'll drop you off at the Luckee Star motel [+: or the Chateau
Hotel]. Here you'll find Nines who survived the werewolf. He'll send you
to kill Ming-Xiao and LaCroix [+: and gives you a FRAGMENTATION GRENADE].

In order to have this choice available you must have not betrayed Strauss to
Isaac about the Gargoyle. If you tell the driver that you want to side with
the Camarilla but not LaCroix, he'll take you to Strauss. Tell Strauss about
LaCroix's alliance with the Kuei-jin and he'll send you to kill Ming-Xiao
and to confront the prince.

In order to have this choice available you must have always been nice to him
and finished the ship and the museum quests without killing (Or if you did
some killing there, afterwards you should have tried to sweet-talk LaCroix).
If you tell the driver you want to side with LaCroix he'll take you to
Venture Tower. Talk to the prince and he'll send you to kill Ming-Xiao and
take the key. If you ask him for money he'll give you $2000, if you have
enough Persuasion you can ask him for more and he'll give you another $2000.

In order to have this choice available you must have always been nice to
Ming-Xiao and said you believe her when you met her at the Hallowbrook
Hotel. If you tell the driver that you want to side with the Kuei-jin, he'll
take you to the Golden Temple. Talk to Ming-Xiao and she'll send you to kill

No matter what you do during the game, you'll always have this choice
available. If you decide that you don't want to side with any of the
factions and their leaders, you can choose to work for no one but yourself.
Tell the cabbie about your decision and he'll say that in order to take this
path you must first get rid of Ming-Xiao and the prince.

Each choice will give you a different ending. Once you've chosen, you can ask
the cabbie to take you back to your haven or to a shop to buy some supplies. If
you go back to your haven, check your emails for some advice from your
"friend". If you want weapons and ammo you can ask the cabbie to take you to
Trip's shop or to Mercurio's and if you want blood he'll take you to Vandal's
blood bank.Depending on what side you chose you may get to do both of the
following quests or just one of them.

Note that the following "endgame" quests don't always appear in your questlog.
If you side with the Anarchs or the prince or go solo you'll get [MING MUST
DIE!] that contains both of the following quests. If you take the other two
sides you'll not get a quest in your questlog [+-: unless you use the patch],
but you'll have to do the following (both or one of them), nevertheless.

Naoise seems to have found a way to get back to the city hubs:
I found a way to get back to the city hubs so long as you are
not a tremere or a nosferatu. If you leave the vent open in your
haven, then ask the cab driver in the end game to take you there,
you can go out through the vent, to another floor, and use the
elevator to go down to ground. From there you can leave the
skyline apartment building and find yourself back at downtown LA.
You can use the cab as usual to take you to the other locations,
including griffith park. To go back to the endgame, simply
re-enter your apartment from the vent, and exit through the
front door.




If the path you chose involved killing Ming-Xiao, then the taxi driver will
take you to the Golden Temple in Chinatown. Most enemies here are human, so
you can feed on them if you need to. As soon as you enter kill the 2 guards and
then pass through the reception hall to the next part of the yard. Sneak kills
work well here so use them if you like. [+: If you helped out Yukie and kept
her alive she will turn up and can help you fighting in the temple gardens. You
can afterwards even persuade her to open a teleport shortcut to Ming's lair.]

Take out the next 3 guards and search the two guard rooms. They both have
chests that you can lockpick to find some ammo. The next part of the yard has
a lot of guards, so sneaking up on them is the best choice. Enter the main
structure and kill everyone. If you need blood you can feed on the rats here.
Afterwards take the stairs down and reach the inner temple.

This part of the temple is filled with guards and traps, so be careful where
you step (though the traps won't do you much harm). Some of the assassins are
hidden in the walls and will suddenly attack you. There is a guardroom with
some chests to lockpick, if you need more ammo. Your main goal is to reach the
big room with the water-wheel. Once you're there drop down and face the barred
door. You must now move the plank away [+-: unless this has already been done].
If for some reason the door is stuck, use the noclip command to advance (check
the "cheats" section for more info).

In the next area kill the 2 guards and move on. The corridors will take you to
a room filled with hidden assassins, take care of them and you'll finally reach
a room with a big Buddha statue. To the left and right of the Buddha are two
pressure plates. You must push two of the movable statues onto them and a
secret passage will open. Enter it and reach the lower part.

Here you'll find a circular room with four pedestals. Around the area 4 small
rooms are scattered and each has a jade statue. You must take the statues and
put them onto the appropriate pedestal in the main room. Each statue must be
placed on a pedestal with the same design as the one it was on before. There
are 2 guards with PYRO CROSSBOWS in each room and they can hurt you really
good, so be careful.
Also stay crouched as you approach these rooms because
there is a trap there that can kill you if you're standing. In an empty room
you can find a secret room with a lever to deactivate the traps. The four
statues are the JADE DRAGON [], JADE ELEPHANT [||], JADE CRANE [\\] and the
JADE CAT [8]. Once you've placed them on the right pedestals a portal leading
to Ming-Xiao will open (5 XP).

This is most likely going to be your hardest battle up to now. Ming-Xiao has a
ton of hit points and some powerful attacks. If you have the flamethrower this
battle will become much easier. If not, you should use every discipline at your
disposal and attack with the type of weapon you're specialised on. The Steyr
AUG and the rifles are the best ranged weapon for this battle, but the Ra
Blade also works fine. A good strategy is to Bloodbuff, land a couple of hits
with the blade and then parry. If you have Thaumaturgy Blood Salvo, it works
wonders here. Don't be afraid to use any blood packs when you need them and
eventually you'll kill Ming-Xiao (10 XP). Pick up the SARCOPHAGUS KEY and step
into the portal.



If the path you chose involves killing the prince the taxi driver will take you
to the Venture Tower. Once you're inside, Chunk will try to stop you, persuade
him out of it. In the back of the lobby there are 5 armed guards waiting for
you, they're an easy kill. Take the elevator up to the penthouse, but as you
probably expected, LaCroix is not gonna be that easy to reach, so you'll end up
stuck on a lower floor. [+: If you have a Persuasion of 10 you can persuade
the original Chunk to let you up to the roof instead to LaCroix which skips
the whole interior of the Venture Tower and brings you right to the Sheriff.]

Get out, kill the guard in the hall and go through the left door. Continue
moving through the offices killing or avoiding any guards in your way until
you'll reach a kitchen of some sorts. There open the door to your left and take
the stairs up to the next floor.

Go along the corridor until you reach the tower cafeteria. Here as soon as
you step near the tables you'll be attacked by commandos that will rappel down
through the glass ceiling. They will continue to respawn forever so there is no
point to try and kill them all [+-: unless you use the patch], open the other
door and take the stairs up. If your lockpicking isn't good enough for it, you
can use the art installation to jump up to the roof. Be aware that commandos
have armored necks and can't be fed upon, but normal guards and officers can.

Now you'll be on the ceiling of the building, above the cafeteria. There are
some commandos here, kill them and then crouch and climb through the big pipe
on the side of the wall. This will take you to a floor that's still being

Open the door to your right and move on. Kill all guards and commandos in your
way and eventually you'll be confronted by a guy rigged with explosives. He's
possessed by LaCroix and he tries to perform a "suicide-bomber" attempt on you.
Kill him and take the ASTROLITE. Now there is a lift to your left. You could
just take it, go up and face a big number of foes, but there is a better way.
Plant the Astrolite on the lift and then push the "up" button, take cover in
the previous room and wait for the explosion. Everybody upstairs will blow up.
Now take the lift, reach the upper floor and take the elevator to the 7th

Well, by the look of the decoration you're getting closer to LaCroix. Go up the
stairs. If you can't lockpick the lock of the door nearby, you can walk the
other way, but the vampires in the offices will spot you, so prepare for a
fight. This floor is filled with Ventrue vampires that use Steyr AUGs and
katanas, so be careful. If you want, you can go to the right room, a security
room of some kind, hack the computer and turn the lights off, so that
you can sneak past the vampires more effectively. You'll also find a guard in
one of the rooms if you need to feed, but your goal is to get to the
"meeting room" that has another elevator. Take it to finally reach the

Of course you'll be confronted by the Sheriff, when you try to enter LaCroix's
room. He'll slash you with his big sword, then disappear when you attack him
and jump you from behind to perform this move again. So hit him and then defend
to block his surprise attack. Bloodbuff and melee work well here and of course
the flamethrower will make your work much easier. After you've hit him enough,
he will transform into a huge bat and throw you out on the tower's roof. [+: He
uses Bat's Communion against you too, but you can find his sword on the roof.]

Here he will perform some flying attacks, together with a "slow down"
discipline. Also on the roof you'll be attacked by many "lesser vampires", so
try to be on the move. Shooting the Sheriff while he's flying won't do you much
good. The trick is to turn the big spotlights on and blind him. Once he flies
into the beams he will fall to the ground and you can go and hit him with ease.
Do this a couple of times and he's dead meat.

Once the Sheriff is dead you'll see that LaCroix is nothing without his muscle.
Congratulations, you finished the game! Now sit back and watch the ending.

Trivia about alternative solutions - valid with the Unofficial Patch +

In the Hallowbrook Hotel, if you kill everything that spawns in the atrium area and then try opening the door at the bottom, you can skip almost directly to the confrontation with Andrei.

If you did Yukie's quest earlier in Chinatown and meet her at the Golden Temple, once she's done fighting (when everyone on the surface is cleared out), you can talk to her and ask her to open a portal to Ming Xiao. It's not obvious from dialogue, but she opens it in the courtyard just outside the temple.

If you've got a good reputation with Chunk and a good Persuasion (leveled to the maximum of 10), you can convince him to open the elevator and send you up, even though the Prince told him not to. You still have to defeat the Sheriff but you avoid everything below that. This will not work if Chunk was killed.

24 bình luận
Anderson  [tác giả] 12 Thg01 @ 1:12pm 
Wow, thanks. Did not know that.
BadToTheBone 10 Thg01 @ 8:26pm 
The Knox sidequest in Santa Monica, THE HUNTED HUNTER, requires you to have Perception 3 specifically. Your ranks in Investigation doesn't matter for this purpose.
Fomorian 6 Thg06, 2021 @ 11:07am 
Wow, I didn't know there were two patches. I'm afraid to reinstall it now because I don't want to lose my progress or break the game, but I will try on my second replay. Thanks for clarifying the Strauss thing, I haven't got to Hollywood yet, but he seems pleased with me and I made him laugh (after Persuading him) so there's that. Thanks!
Anderson  [tác giả] 5 Thg06, 2021 @ 10:32am 
Yeah, those features seem to work only in the plus patch.
JustAnotherSuicideBy2032 5 Thg06, 2021 @ 9:46am 
i had that issue with Lily and with the Asian vamp not dropping stuff, Could this be related to why i can't persuade Gimble to go to the blood bank? just wondering, in other words, i guess all 3 things failed for me because i'm on the basic Unofficial Patch too.
Anderson  [tác giả] 5 Thg06, 2021 @ 3:45am 
incurableflame - Do you play with the Basic patch? If so, all of the features you mention might not be present. They were added in the Plus patch. These are two versions of the Unofficial patch.

The idea is that many players did not agree to restoring old content. Therefore they insisted on a Basic version of a patch that only fixes the game itself, without bringing beta/alpha features.
Everything that you mention seems to be related to the Plus patch.

Try to reinstall the patch and tick everything related to the Plus version of the patch. That unlocks the things that you wrote.

Regarding being given a haven by Strauss when playing as Tremere. Getting a new place to live should work in basic patch as well, however you get it very late, after killing the gargoyle in Hollywood and not betraying Strauss if I'm not mistaken. You also should've done everything he asks and stay on his good side without offending him.
Fomorian 4 Thg06, 2021 @ 1:36pm 
Hey, so I'm playing with the Unofficial Patch but I'm finding a lot of things in this walthrough that don't happen in the game. For example, you say that the Asian vampire in Foxy Boxes will drop two items - a crossbow and something else. Mine didn't drop anything. I also did not have the option to return Lily's things after freeing her and reuniting her with with E. You also write that I can sell the severed arm to Pisha, which I did have in my possession, but there was no option to do so. I play as a Tremere and I correctly completed the quests and spoke to Strauss before Damsel both times. He said I may have a place but didn't give me the new Haven... I also connected the game to Steam to track my hours, maybe that's what's messing it up??? Help.
Anderson  [tác giả] 15 Thg05, 2021 @ 2:22am 
You need to have a rather high persuasion level to have the persuasion option available during the first face to face dialogue with Gimble. Like, approximately 6 or 7 into persuasion. You can try leaving this side-quest for later if you want to level up your persuasion first. Then you can return and finish it with leveled up persuasion.
JustAnotherSuicideBy2032 15 Thg05, 2021 @ 1:05am 
I have an issue, i dont know how to get Gimble to be the blood donor in the end of Chapter 2... I'm trying to do Replanting The Lily perfectly, i didnt hack to computer for the code to the freezer, i persuaded the guy, but after this quest i got gimble info and went to his shop, like i did this in 3 different ways, and i never seen an option to pursuade him to go to the blood bank, your guide says i need to agree to be his Model and i did, just now, and he still left, where and when do i get the option to tell him to go to the blood bank is my question? do i need to unlock/speak with him on the phone before or after the Thin Blood quest? because im doing it after.
Modern Punk 6 Thg05, 2021 @ 9:15am 
I do it in Unofficial Basic Patch. So far the seduction one is the easiest as I am able to finish the quest quick enough while the guard still dizzying.