Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Luomukset (12)
New Lunar Republic
Tekijä: Harald B
Adds the New Lunar Republic, led by Princess Luna. Trait: Tides Ever Favorable: Naval units get +2 Movement. Fishing Boats produce +1 Food. UB: Watchtower Observatory: Half the science bonus of a normal Observatory, but doesn't require a mountain. Small de...
Changeling Empire
Tekijä: Harald B
Adds the Changeling Empire, led by Queen Chrysalis. The Changelings both can and need to conquer a lot. Play peacefully for too long and you may starve from lack of love. City names are based on various broad categories of metamorphosing insects. Trait: Lo...
Thrall of Sirens
Tekijä: Storm Holder
Adds the Thrall of Sirens Civilization. Do you hear the Siren's Call? The Dazzlings have returned and will have their voices pass over all of Equestria. This is a Venice style civ to be used with Harald B's Pony Units Mod To help bring the Sirens to life t...
Rainbow Empire
Tekijä: heztwan
Adds Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, leading her Awesome Empire. This Civ draws some inspiration from a previous Rainbow Dash mod that has since been taken down from the workshop. I hope this civ does it justice. UA: Fanatical Fanbase Rainbow's fanbase l...
Heralds of Sunset
Tekijä: Storm Holder
Adds the Heralds of Sunset Civilization. Due to popular demand Sunset Shimmer has, (finally) returned home to Equestria. To help bring Sunset Shimmer to life the very talented Wubcake has provided her to voice speak for the Student of Celestia. Go check ou...
Cult of Equality
Tekijä: Storm Holder
Adds The Cult of Equality Civilization under its Founder: Starlight Glimmer. The Cult of Equality is back under Starlight's guidance. After certain setbacks the Founder has acquired a scroll which will let her come back to set the Cult on track to finally ...
Princess of the Forest
Tekijä: MiniMidget
Adds a new civilization "The Woodlands" led by Fluttershy ~~~Trait Princess of the Forest: Improved movement in forests. Forests also yield +1 more food than usual. ~~~Unique Unit Pegasi Archer: Replaces crossbowman. Has three range and ignores terrain cos...
Explorers' League
Tekijä: Raven
Adds the Explorers' League civ, led by Daring Do. The civ specializes in culture and tourism, with special emphasis on utilizing archaeology. Unique Ability: It Belongs In A Museum! -- Doubles all tourism output during golden ages as well as increases them...
Chaoticus Draconequus
Tekijä: StarMan_Dx
Long before the reign of Celestia or the banishment of Nightmare Moon, Equstria was a chaotic land ruled by a godlike being known only as Discord. He wielded complete control of reality and delighted in spreading chaos across the land. He was defeated by C...
Night Eternal
Tekijä: StarMan_Dx
In the magical land of Equestria, there lived two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Their subjects, the p...
The New Crystal Empire
Tekijä: StarMan_Dx
Long ago, the Crystal Empire was ruled by an evil unicorn named, King Sombra. He enslaved his subjects, forcing them to mine for his beloved crystals. He was defeated though by two sisters, Celestia and Luna. He was exiled by the two sisters, but before he...
Fallout Equestria Project Horizons Civs
Tekijä: decumos
Howdy! Do you feel like this game needs more ponies? Do you think that over 20 ponymods that are already in Steam Workshop are not enough? Well, I've got some good new for y'all! Now you can have more pony Civs, completed with Blackjack and hookers! (Actua...