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Recruit Captain Retinues (招募校尉部)
タグ: mod, campaign
543.359 KB
2020年1月4日 19時08分
2024年11月28日 15時27分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Recruit Captain Retinues (招募校尉部)

2024 Update
  • Quick and dirty update remaking the entire mod
  • Now modifies less tables, allows every faction across every time period to recruit captain retinues and also upgrades the retinues with faction rank just like how it is with base Yuan Shao
  • I was thinking about removing them from bandits/nanman but both have options to "modernise" so I left them in.
  • Yellow turbans were not included because they have their own entire system
  • Sun Ce can recruit both mercenaries and normal captains if he has built his special building
  • If you get the northern army colonel you can recruit northern army captains as well just like Yuan Shao

Allows all factions in the game to recruit captain retinues in all campaigns.

Personally I felt it was odd that other factions could not recruit captains as a base feature.

Gameplay Changes
  • All factions in both the Three Kingdoms and Eight Princes can recruit captains.
  • Borrows mechanics from Yuan Shao and Sima Jiong.
  • This includes all ai factions however I don't know if they will use them at all.
  • Adds the captain icon to the faction selection screen along with a slightly changed tool tip.

What I'm Currently Working On
  • Stand by for more bug fixes should they occur

Ready For Next Update
  • Nothing atm

Completed Tasks
  • All factions in 3K and 8P can recruit captains.
  • Slightly adjusted prices for captain retinues
  • Fixed Sun Jian not getting any heroism for battles.
  • Edited the mod to improve changes to functionality down the road.
  • Removed the icon for the captain retinues just to push this update out faster, I may add them back later.
  • Created my own group in the entry table to prevent pooled resources which was causing multiple issues.
  • Deleted duplicate entries or overwritten entries to avoid bricking certain faction mechanics

Future Plans
  • Go back into hibernation

  • If any issues arise just tell me in the comments and I will try to fix it.
77 件のコメント
ProPanda  [作成者] 2024年12月12日 20時03分 
对不起我玩这游戏的语言是英语 就是说我不知道怎么修这个问题
sam47125 2024年12月10日 1時24分 
ProPanda  [作成者] 2024年11月28日 13時48分 
And I did lol, not sure how I made it so complicated years ago but all of its been updated. As with my other mod I'll try to fix some issues for some weeks and then go back into hibernation
ProPanda  [作成者] 2024年11月27日 21時35分 
I might take a look at this again soon
Phantom Menace 2023年12月24日 21時54分 
jasonyang613 2023年3月5日 19時55分 
update please!
𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽 2022年7月4日 15時11分 
Does not work
neilios9999 2021年11月28日 5時13分 
Somehow the change to the Captain Retinues makes Yellow Turban Captains mission impossible to fulfill. Can you fix that ?
浅仓北 2021年4月23日 22時07分 
This is what I always wanted, thank you
DarthBaylen 2021年3月19日 8時21分 
Propanda wish you all the best :D