Garry's Mod
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Easy Entity Inspector
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Movie, Scenic
59.380 KB
2013年11月15日 0時52分
3月22日 17時04分
27 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Easy Entity Inspector

Rubat 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Rubat's Addon Pack
18 アイテム
A developer tool that lets you easily see most information about the selected entity.

To select previous Inspection Mode, use Right Click + Use
To select next Inspection Mode, use Right Click.
To select yourself, use Reload.
To select your view model, use Use + Reload.

Each text field in the context menu has a tool tip describing what that text field contains.
You can easily copy the contents of each text field to your clipboard by pressing the page icon on the right of the text field.

You can find this tool on GitHub:
99 件のコメント
Baby Wizard 9月21日 10時40分 
Is there a way to show the fonts BIGGER? so you can see the names of the attachments better?
and also the bones?
SALTsaltSaltsaltsaltsaltSalt 2023年9月21日 21時14分 
is it possible to turn a effect/prop into a ragdoll?
FuelcellSeth 2023年9月13日 20時43分 
How do i turn it off after pulling it out?
TheCarson116 2023年8月31日 10時10分 
For some reason this tool completely ceases to function when aiming at an LVS vehicle (don't know why since it works with all other entities, even those that are custom).
phoenixpnr 2023年8月27日 18時48分 
@ Rubat

can you make it so you can also see if an entity emits sounds similar to the "Entity Sub Materials - [id] path", but with the sound file the entity plays, and also tells you the pitch and volume of it as well? the reason behind this is because i also use Wiremod, and i'm getting sick and tired of playing needle in a haystack.
gamerfireheart 2023年1月25日 7時05分 
if its too long please link me a video
gamerfireheart 2023年1月25日 7時04分 
how do you do that
gamerfireheart 2023年1月25日 7時04分 
i have an effect and i want to make it a ragdoll
ilovepancakes1012 2021年12月4日 12時15分 
Thats most likely a trigger, RPGVeir
Veir 2021年11月23日 0時10分 
I have entity on the map that works like a button (opens up doors next to it), but its pretty much impossible to select it with this tool, do you recommend some other ways to select it? I need its vectors for gamemode