Garry's Mod
600 valoraciones
T-51B Power Armor Pack
Tipo de contenido: Extensión
Tipo de extensión: Modelo
Etiqueta de extensión: Juego de rol, Realismo
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10.661 MB
9 NOV 2013 a las 10:58
29 AGO 2017 a las 14:15
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T-51B Power Armor Pack

En 1 colección creada por Steven :D
Power Armor Pack
2 artículos
A pack filled with various reskins of s-low's T51B model from Fallout. The purpose of this pack is to give Fallout roleplaying servers several more options regarding Power Armor depending on their location/tastes.

There are 10 current variants in the pack:
- Clean
- Outcast
- U.S. Army
- Winterized
- Black
- Desert
- Splinter Brotherhood of Steel Faction
- White Brotherhood of Steel
- Ranger
- Vault-Tec

IF YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS/LINKS TO RESKINS, Put them in a comment below! Thanks!

These are MODELS, not NPCS/PLAYERMODELS. I may turn them into those later, but not now

Various authors on the Fallout Nexus for their reskins
Me for hexing said reskins.
117 comentarios
Francis, O Sobrevivente 13 AGO 2023 a las 12:17 
Me like tin man armor
grub 12 DIC 2022 a las 10:18 
B1NDEROUS 6 DIC 2022 a las 17:59 
Adrian Shephard 5 AGO 2022 a las 16:42 
ncr more like not creating revolutoins
TonyPepperoni 17 MAY 2022 a las 13:31 
new california republic more like not cool republic amiright
Gaper-Bingzoid 10 JUN 2021 a las 10:45 
i thought NPCS
Gaper-Bingzoid 10 JUN 2021 a las 10:44 
Green Lobster 19 JUL 2020 a las 14:52 
what about an ncr reskin?
Generic Slugcat 12 OCT 2019 a las 9:44 
douquake2 12 JUL 2019 a las 13:15 
Dis cool