38 évaluations
Saturn vs. HD Remaster - Sightseeing Tour
De gamer_7601
Warning: Opening this guide will use about 380 MB of data.
A little tour through the world of GRANDIA, showing you the nicest spots of the HD Remaster and comparing them with the Saturn version.
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Almost finished.
Spoiler warning
This tour includes things that you may or may not consider spoilers. It's sorted mostly chronologically, the further you scroll down the farther you see into the game.
If party members are a spoiler for you then click on "Prolog" on the right to skip "Character sprites". On mobile you have to click on the semicircle on the right first.

What to expect?
Mostly a lot of distorted textures, some missing textures and a few simplified or removed effects.
Pretty much all of it can be found on the PlayStation version as well, since the HD Remaster is just a PlayStation port and did nothing to improve it.

Not covered (with a few exceptions) are sound, performance, the countless texture seams, places that are dark red instead of black and instances where the transition from 4:3 to 16:9 revealed things that were not meant to be seen.

Things to note
Saturn is on the top or left, HD Remaster on the bottom or right.

When you click on an image, Steam will display a "stretched to fill screen" version of it. You have to click the link above it to display the actual image.

The images embedded in this guide are compressed and halved in resolution due to the 2 MB file size limit. Keep in mind that this makes the HD Remaster look better than it actually is.
Links to the original images can be found in each section.

The camera on PlayStation/HD Remaster is slightly shifted, so it shows more on the top and less on the bottom.

The Saturn version is running on Yaba Sanshiro 10.0.3 with the following video settings:
Character sprites
Original Images[]

These images were created from screenshots, so characters look exactly like they appear in game. Sprites were placed in front of a black background. This is also the reason why character height seems to be inconsistent in some cases.
The 3 missing sprites per character are absent from the HD Remaster and are replaced with mirrored sprites.

Notice how shoes on the HD Remaster always look cut off.








Original Images[]

The additional scenery to the sides also exists on Saturn. It's visible just a moment earlier. That's why it wasn't massively cropped. We won't be this lucky from now on.
Original Images[]
  • Simplified ground texture.
  • Missing shadows.
  • Missing skybox textures.

Distorted texture on the buildings.

The "night version" of this room is missing. At least Justin holds something that actually resembles the spirit stone.

The messed up windows are HD Remaster exclusive.
This fog is unique, on Saturn at least. Other fog changes its direction based on the camera. This fog however always moves north. It also doesn't move along with the character and scrolls instead.
Port of Parm
Original Images[]
  • Simplified ground texture.
  • Changed/removed colors on the roofs.
  • Missing shadows.
  • Simplified water effect.
Sult Ruins
Original Images[] (Image 12 is missing because IMGrPost claims it contains adult content)

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture on the archway.

Distorted texture.

The background is missing.

Distorted texture on and around the button.

Distorted texture on the ground.
The ring inside the orb is HD Remaster exclusive. This applies to other orbs of that kind as well.

All clouds in the foreground are missing. One cloud on the right is cut off.

Leck Mines
Original Images[]
  • Simplified ground texture.
  • Missing shadows.

Distorted texture on the water tower.

Distorted texture on the crate.

Distorted texture on the windows.

Distorted texture on the tracks.

Distorted texture on the skull.
Original Images[]

Take this as an example image for texture seams caused by the HD Remaster's filter. They are everywhere. I won't point out any further seams as this would require several hundred screenshots. View the original image at full size to properly see them.

Distorted texture on the roof.

Take this as an example of the missing "character lighting". Character sprites darken when they are standing in shadows.
Distorted texture on the crane.
Ghost Ship
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the deck.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture on the wall. The window on the door is cut in half.

Distorted texture on the pillar.

Distorted texture on the door.

Distorted texture on the door.

The water has a hard edge because the background is missing. Some water on the right isn't being rendered.
Port of New Parm
Original Images[]
  • Simplified ground texture.
  • Missing shadows.
  • Missing skybox texture.
  • Simplified water effect.

Distorted texture on the gable.

New Parm
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows.
  • Missing pavement.
  • Grass placement altered.
  • Dirt in the top left, bottom left and bottom right missing.

Distorted texture on the gable.

Distorted texture on the gable.

Distorted texture on the turticamel.

Distorted texture on the church.
Merrill Road
Original Images[]

Feena's House
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the roof.

Instead of sitting in front of her cup, Feena now sits inside it.
Also notice how some parts of the image are dark red instead of black. You will see this in other images further down too (Dom Ruins and Garlyle Base for example). It happens a lot in indoor places.
Underground Passage
Original Images[]

Rangle Mountains
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The background isn't black anymore, revealing cut off geometry.

Road to Dom Ruins
Original Images[]
  • Missing grass and dirt.

Ever wanted to see a tank strafe? The HD Remaster has you covered.
Dom Ruins
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows and vines.

Distorted texture on the statue.

Distorted texture on and around the face.

Distorted texture above the doorway.

Distorted texture above the doorway.

Distorted texture on the ground.

Garlyle Base
Original Images[]
  • Simplified floor texture.

West Misty Forest
Original Images[]
  • Missing grass.

It's darker on Saturn until the fog is dispersed.

Luc Village
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows.
  • Grass placement altered.
  • Wheel tracks removed.

Note that I removed the fog to get a better image.

Distorted texture on the roof and floor.
East Misty Forest
Original Images[]
  • Missing grass

Added vegetation.
End of the World
Original Images[]

Valley of the Flying Dragon
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows

Distorted window texture.
Dight Village
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows.
  • Missing path between two houses.
  • Vegetation added at lake.
  • Bright spots added.
  • Trees have shadows as they are not part of the ground texture on this map.

Distorted texture on the head.

Distorted texture on the head.

Distorted texture on the head.
Typhoon Tower
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the bridge.

Distorted texture on the throne.

Distorted texture on the throne.

Distorted texture on the pillar.
Mt. Typhoon
Original Images[]

Gumbo Village
Original Images[]
  • Ground texture changed.
  • Missing tree shadows.
  • Grass placement altered.
  • Bright spots added.
  • Some Saturn shadows are just flat colors.
  • Simplified wave effect.

Part of the balcony rail is missing, texture on balcony not transparent, distorted ground texture.

Distorted texture on the building.

Distorted ground texture on the left and right.

The shadow on Saturn doesn't darken the water, while the HD Remaster shadow doesn't darken the grass. The shape on Saturn makes more sense.

The texture goes from sand to teal much sooner.

There is no wet sand.

Grass actually fits better.

Original Images[]

Twin Towers
Original Images[]
  • Simplified ground texture.
  • Bollards have a different animation.

Sea Dragon
Original Images[]
  • The same water effect replacement as in Port of Parm.

Pirate Island
Original Images[]
  • Simplified water effect.

Distorted flower texture.

Virgin Forest
Original Images[]
  • Missing grass.
  • Missing shadows.

Shadows on walkable space are supposed to warn you of an environmental hazard in this area.

Distorted textures on plants and their shadows.

This is one of two instances I noticed that has an actual change to the map geometry. For the worse of course.

Cafu Village
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows.
  • Bright spots added.

Distorted texture on the building.

Distorted texture on the building.
Petrified Forest
Original Images[]
  • Missing grass.
  • Missing shadows.

Distorted textures on plants and their shadows.
Tower of Doom
Original Images[]
  • Simplified or replaced floor textures.

Distorted texture on the entrance.

Zil Desert
Original Images[]

Soldier's Graveyard
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the statue.
Castle of Dreams
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the castle.
Tower of Temptation
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the wall and whatever the thing on the wall is.

Distorted texture on the door.

Distorted texture on the button.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture on the thing.

Distorted texture on the wall.

Distorted texture on the floating thing.

An additional hallway has been added.
Image source:

Zil Padon
Original Images[]
  • Missing sand outside the city.
  • Some shadows are missing, some added.
  • Bright spots added.

Distorted texture on the building and tent.

Distorted texture on the building.

Distorted texture on and in the fountain.

Distorted texture on the fountain.

Distorted carrots.

Distorted texture on the side of the bridge.

Laine Village
Original Images[]
  • Missing shadows.
  • Missing water effect.
  • Lots of distorted textures, they are on every screenshot.

Warp Space
Original Images[]
  • Frozen fog effect.

Warp Space 1: Walls are transparent.

Distorted texture on the house.

Warp Space 2: The floor is transparent.

Warp Space 3: The walls are not transparent. It's hard to see but walls are transparent on Saturn (character sprites still get obstructed).
Underground Ruins
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the wall.

Distorted texture on the wall.

The camera is obstructed by some geometry.

Distorted texture on the ground.

Distorted texture on the golem.

Distorted texture on the ground.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Simplified texture.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture on the pedestal.
Original Images[] (Image 2 is missing because IMGrPost claims it contains adult content)
  • Distorted textures on the outside of the ship.
  • Missing skybox texture.

The second of two geometry changes I noticed.

Whatever this is, it's HD Remaster exclusive.

Distorted texture on the monitors.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Rainbow Mountain
Original Images[]

Original Images[]

Sometimes Justin won't show up at the start of this scene. This is probably HD Remaster exclusive.

Distorted texture on the statue.

Distorted texture on the fountain.
Shrine of Alent
Original Images[]
  • Simplified floor texture.
  • Missing shadows.

Distorted texture on the octagonal block.

Distorted texture on the gravestones.

Distorted texture on the rocket.
J Base
Original Images[]

The image scrolls from bottom to top on Saturn. The HD Remaster uses a static and awful looking image.

Patch 1.01 added textboxes to this scene. People who don't understand their selected voice language can now read what's being said.

I also saw HD Remaster footage were Gaia moved. Might have been a glitch on my end.
Underground Railway Ruins
Original Images[] (Image 2 is missing because IMGrPost claims it contains adult content)

Distorted texture.

Distorted texture on the floor.
Ovarian Chamber
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the floor.

Zil Padon - Revisit
Original Images[]
  • Missing sand outside the city.
  • No patches of soot (or whatever it is) on the ground.
  • Leen is visibly stored outside the city.

If you ever wondered what this light was that the NPCs were panicking about: This is it.
Both versions are flawed in their own ways. On Saturn the sphere isn't complete and obstructs buildings and sprites. On PlayStation you can see a huge gap in the map.
Spirit Sanctuary
Original Images[]
  • Almost everything is transparent.
  • Lighting effect missing.

Distorted texture on the pillar.

Icarian City
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the floor.
Original Images[]

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Distorted texture on whatever this is.

Distorted texture on the floor.

Nobody has shadows. Gadwin and Rapp have black outines. Patch 1.01.19 fixed the outlines.

Original Images[]
  • Simplified ground texture.
  • Missing shadows, including NPC shadows.

Sue's freckles have been filtered away. The other NPC seems to have some problems of his own.

Patch 1.01 added textboxes to this scene. People who don't understand their selected voice language can now read what's being said.
Unfortunately, this causes the scene to not work as intended. See video below.

Saturn: Fade to black. HD Remaster: Fail to black.
The added textboxes affect Sue's movement and delay a camera panning. Note that the Saturn screen transition has been cut by about 3 seconds to keep it in sync.
Original Images[]

Patch 1.01 added a worn-out look to the edges of the world map.

This video covers mostly noteworthy visual differences. Any weird lines in this video are just an emulation issue.

The order is as follows:
Dragon Cut
Meteor Strike
Demon Ball
Magic Art
Heaven&Earth Cut

This contains all moves and magic, no matter if there are differences or not. Feena's 3 special skills have some emulation problems.

The order is as follows:
Midair Cut
Lotus Cut
Ice Slash
Thor Cut
Immortal Aura
Zap! All
Puffy Kick
"Rah-Rah!" Cheer
Round Whacker
Fire Away
Puffy Fire
"Fight!" Cheer
Knife Hurl
Random Hurl
Paralyze Whip
Fire Whip
Zap! Whip
Flying Dragon Cut
Eruption Cut
Dragon Cut
Meteor Strike
Mist Hide
Demon Ball
Neo Demon Ball
Milda Kick
Milda Hit
Mogay Shot
Mogay Bomb
Mogay Hypo
Power Up
Mogay Pickpocket
Enchantment Dance
Magic Art
Star Symphony
Heaven&Earth Cut
Time Gate
Life Tree
End of the World

Special mention since it's easy to miss. Not only has Meteor Strike changed colors and is mirrored, it is also transparent. The battlefield is still visible.
Add me if you want a download with all images and videos, but leave a comment here or on my profile first.
28 commentaires
Pedro Lisboa 15 janv. à 10h51 
Voce foi fera demais!
Anon-Mist 1 sept. 2024 à 6h36 
Holy shit im glad i got an actual saturn lmao
Dungeon00X 21 avr. 2024 à 10h02 
I knew something was wrong when I noticed some distorted textures and some sprites were in chunks. I swear, it's like they used AI to remaster this game. Absolute disgrace to the classic game.
Mork661 30 juin 2023 à 21h31 
Thanks a million for such a detailed and in-depth comparison of each version. I'm still on the fence about buying this on sale just for the convenience of having it in my steam library, but I definitely won't buy at the full $20 price.
gamer_7601  [créateur] 20 mai 2023 à 8h21 
Almost everything from this comparison should still apply.
Jackfrozr 20 mai 2023 à 0h21 
Like @Sa1X, just wondering if anyone knows if the game have been updated since or has just been left to side; it's on sale but i won't feel to happy even supporting a quick cash grab.
Sa1X 19 mai 2023 à 23h53 
OMG, was this fixed by now? Thinking about getting the game, it's on sale right now. But looking at this I might as well just play my original on an emulator.
Bell end 19 mai 2023 à 23h02 
Wow, you've absolutely destroyed the devs :cozycastondeath: Such an amazing amount of care and effort put into this guide. Truly a level rarely seen. Certainly MUCH more than the devs put into the game.
I've never given out points before, but please, take the few I have :cozybethesda:

I've had this on my wishlist for years because I only ever played it via emulator. Time to take it off and wait until a dev worthy of my money ports it.
Gnomey the Grim 19 mai 2023 à 13h47 
Holy crap good job. wtf is wrong with these companies now a days?
Corvo_Ex 22 janv. 2023 à 3h25 
Your work is insane, congrats!
I can't say the same about the remaster work...:steamfacepalm: