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How to create a Demo
By Merim
Here in this short guide I will show you how to create a demo, a demo is a recording you find in the game when typing a command console. How it looks is literally where you are viewing. Whether through gameplay or through spectator. This is important whether as Admin or regular player to record when catching hackers. A reliable guide. Keep noted that as a regular player you are required to have an account for that clan server in order for you to provide evidence. You might need to also use certain website to make your demo downloadable for others to get and see, then from there provide the link for that demo. They'll usually help you out if you are new to it.

So, I'll explain how to make one.
Opening up a console command
By default you should be able to open up by pressing the `, which if you dont understand what that is its usually next to the 1. If you open up something in your game, you are doing it right, that would be the console command where you type stuff. Keep noted that you can ONLY record demos in the game. You can stop recording by either through command or disconnecting the server.
Typing the console command
This is where it starts, you type in the command. So heres the list and explanation when using it. You are free to try it out yourself so you can get use to it.

1. Type "record demoname", now you need to do this without the quote. You also need to put the name (replacing demoname). So in this case if you want to record me for my action, it'd be "record Merim". Remember that you can only record while in the game and I would recommend doing it on spectator so you can spectate me on my actions (if I were to be the troublemaker).

2. If you want to stop the recording, you either disconnect from the server, or access through the command again and type "stop".

3. When you are done and wish to view the recording, you must first leave the game. Then type "viewdemo Merim". You will see the recording from your view, and you can also rewind, fast forward, or stop the demo.
Last Step
Leave Counter Strike 1.6 and access through your files, you should be able to find the demo with the name you put on. So in this case the demo file you are looking for is the one you named. So if you recorded me and put my name in the demo, you should find a demo name called "Merim" or whatever you named your demo, when you do find it, thats the one you'll need in order to report people. Whether for Admin abuse or hacking. But remember you need to use some websites to make it downloadable for others to obtain and use it in their Counter Strike folder, and then use the command to view it.
Demo is a command that not many would pay attention to, at least some didnt bother because its too much work. Especially for reporting hackers or abusive Admins. Demos are not really explained in game either, since in game you just happen to jump right in and play without any explanation or tutorial. So that was my purpose of this guide, so people who are new to the demo can see and understand how it works, so if they wish to do something about it.

If you really want to stop them, this is your chance. Entirely up to you whether you want to do it or not. If you are just here to read, well I hope you enjoy it. I'd appreciate if you pass around those that do need the knowledge to help them progress through on stopping people from causing trouble, or those who are new to being Admin.

Anyways I hope this guide will come in use, if you are intending to do something about it, happy hunting on those troublemakers.