EverQuest II

EverQuest II

43 ratings
EQ2 Mob guide
By Typhon Plume
A general guide to mobs and how to know what might be able to handle, and what might get you killed in the world of EverQuest 2.
Introduction & Overview
Hello and welcome to this simple guide to mobs in the game of EverQuest 2.

First a little about the author.

I am a veteran player with over 4 years of playing Everquest 2 experince, and tend to be more hardcore in to it. Over the years I have supported both causal and hardcore gaming side of it, from Roleplay, Raids, and even Crafting. I have run my own small guild and work with others to help make the community of the game something everyone can be proud of.

What is this guide about?

This guide is about Mobs in the game, and what to look for as far as killing them for Quests, XP and more. It will cover basic mob types and what those quest icons by the names might mean. It is by no means a defenate guide, as I can not predict both your play style and who you will be grouping with on your adventures in your game. The guide is mostly geared for the new player that is likely going ot try soloing it first. As such I will define terms so they can have a better idea what they mean as I come to them.
What are Mobs? What kinds are there?
What is a mob?

In basic a mob is a computer controled creature or character in the game that may try to kill you. I say may try to kill you as there are different. They are called mobs as if your not careful they can and will try to gang up on you, like a riot mob trying to bring down a single person.

What kinds are there?

In short, as another section will go over this in detail, there are 3 basic types of mobs you will encounter.

  • Agro = Agro, or Agressive mobs are ones that are hostile to you on sight.
  • Non-Agro = Non-Agro mobs are ones you can kill or ignore as they will ignore you. They also normally appear as possible hostile mobs in the game.
  • NPC = NPC mobs have no level and are not attackable. They can just be zone fluff, like common citizens wandering around the cities of Qeynos or Freeport, to quest givers.
The MOB itself
The Mob itself

Lets get down in to it now. The mob itself is pretty simple. When you select your target you will see a few things. It's name, level, color and maybe a few icons, maybe even a subtype or faction assocation.

The mob name is the first thing you will likely notice when it comes to it. Alot of the mobs will hae say "A Briarstone Skeleton" or something like that for there name. These are generic mobs, all in all nothing to special.

However you will run in to mobs eventually that have specfic names like say in the commonlands there is one called "Bloodtalon". These named mobs are alot harder to kill then there level suggests, though if there a quest target they might not be that hard. While named mobs tend to drop better gear then the generic ones how tough they are should be taken in to consideration.


Next thing you will note is the color of the mob. Below is a basic chart so you can note this at a glance.

In general mind you this is on a 10 level slider.. grey mobs will generally be 10 levels below you, while red ones 10 levels over you. If your killing mobs for XP you want to target ones mostly in the Orange range as they will give you more XP and a nice challenge.


Next thing you are likely to notice is the level. This number will usually give you a idea as to how hard it might be compared to your current level. You will also notice it might have a notation after it saying either Heroic or even Epic. Heroics are harder to kill and Epics normally require a well geared (Equipped) group to kill it. Epics are normally raid targets to, so there a rather big deal and much harder to take down then there level suggests. In general here is what to expect, by example. Lets assume your level 45 for this reference.

  • level 45 - A normal mob, shouldn't be to difficult
  • Level 45 Heroic - A bit harder, the number of ^ (up arrows) by it will say how much harder, assume it is 25% harder then it looks for each arrow.
  • Level 45 Epic - Very hard bring a group to kill it, never go for these alone.
  • Level 45 Epic x2 or x4 - Hard then epics, a well geared group might be able to kill a x2, and x4 should only be attempted by a raid (more then one group working together). Even if your likely over it, a x4 can likely kill you very quickly. Never underestimate them.


By the names of the mobs, you might see a icon, like a bag or a sword. This means that you or someone in your group has a someting in there Quest window that involves the mob. Also yes the Quest must be active in the window on the main screen, not just in your journal as active for these icons to show.
  • Sword icon - Must be killed for the quest to update.
  • Bag icon -A item or something must be done to the mob for the quest update, do not kill it. If killed the quest will not update.

Subtypes and factions
Sometimes a mob will have a subtype noted on it, like <A city guard>, or <Far Seas Trader>. These mobs might be agro or not agro if you have a faction notation that affects them. For example. If your a evil character, good city guards might attack you while evil city guards ignore you.

Also say your the Fens section of Kunark, when you kill one mob of a rival faction, that faction might go down and others will increase. So one side that was not hostile to you at first might sudeenly become hostile due to this faction aspect mobs like this can adhere to. Same with using there cities services, like menders, banks, and other things you might need to use in the place (zone) your currently exploring.
Truegamer086 16 Jun, 2022 @ 4:07pm 
Thanks for adding this info.
It helps new players like me.
TheCr33pur 10 Mar, 2021 @ 7:09am 
Yeah i was wondering what those symbols mean, some with white arrow pointing up, white star, etc. Good to know and glad someone made this :)
Im Salt 18 Nov, 2014 @ 2:53pm 
thanks for the guide it was very helpful
robinlea70 15 Oct, 2014 @ 9:50am 
Thank you for the guide!
Setheris 8 Jun, 2014 @ 4:11am 
Nice guide, thanks for the info :cwat:
Afrospacey 26 Mar, 2014 @ 3:17am 
this was very helpgul thank you.